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I want to remember him like this always...


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Many here have voiced their fears about the possibility of fame getting to mika's head... that sooner or later, the glitz and glamour of celebrity stardom would change him. This to me, is the scariest thought concerning Mika. I used to fear it, but I don't anymore.


and let me tell you why: I Met this man one month ago (yesterday was our anniversary lol) and I finally got to see what so many of you have seen. He has this glow about him, a radiance. He seems extremeley gounded and down to earth. I can't see him ever becoming a "Diva".


No, what I fear now is that his star is rising so rapidly (which is awesome) that soon it will be harder for us to meet with him after shows Or that he'll see us as just "fans" not friends anymore. He loves us all I think because we were the first... everyone here...we were the first to say..."He's our guy and we're proud of him!"

Do you think he'll ever change?

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Well first of all,, i wanna say that you said that very well. I think the exact same thing.

As for thinking he will change, I think he'll always see us, the first ones, as his friends. I'm not sure if its true, but thats what i think. Same for me, thats the only thing that fears me about mika. Of course, obviously, hes not gonna change personality wise. But, I think he might consider all of his fans his friends. I'm not sure if i made any sense here, but yeah. haha there you go. <33333 MUAH!

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mika, whomi havent had the chance to meet :(, seem very aware of what is happening to him and around him. if he does change, i think it will only be after a great fight with the force of conformity. as he said, "you have got to be mad to not want to belong"


i only hope that we can makehim feel asthough he does belong and that he never changes just because others want him to.

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all u guys said it very well. :thumb_yello:

i sometimes worry about whether he'll let fame change him, but then again mika is mika and won't change for anyone.

i also think he considers us "friends" as we were behind him from the start, but i don't know. lol like when ppl ask me who he is (as they see his pic on my phone) i find it hard to say a singer, cause he seems so much more than that, which is weird cause i haven't even met him!!! so i don't know.

i worry about the same issue of him being able to spend less time with fans after gigs, cause by the time he ever makes it to t'dad or if i ever get to see him, looking at the rate he's going at, i fear it'll become next to impossible to meet him afterwards. i look at earlier and even recent vids from fans who met him and i fear that as his fame grows, he'll spend less time with fans :( i hope not though, cause that is one aspect i really admire and like about him!

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I like your threads, they always have something... dunno...fairy-like :wink2:



I am a bit worried about him getting famous so quickly. No that I start having a hope to get to his gig I would extremely sad If I couldn't reach him and talk to him.:no: I wish I knew about him earlier, but let's just see what happens..

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Many here have voiced their fears about the possibility of fame getting to mika's head... that sooner or later, the glitz and glamour of celebrity stardom would change him. This to me, is the scariest thought concerning Mika. I used to fear it, but I don't anymore.


and let me tell you why: I Met this man one month ago (yesterday was our anniversary lol) and I finally got to see what so many of you have seen. He has this glow about him, a radiance. He seems extremeley gounded and down to earth. I can't see him ever becoming a "Diva".


No, what I fear now is that his star is rising so rapidly (which is awesome) that soon it will be harder for us to meet with him after shows Or that he'll see us as just "fans" not friends anymore. He loves us all I think because we were the first... everyone here...we were the first to say..."He's our guy and we're proud of him!"

Do you think he'll ever change?


I agree. That was one of my fears as well( the limelight changing him bit). And it still is actually. I think since I've been on the forum I've felt a little better about it. But its the MFC not Mika and reality has got to kick in. I'm not sure about how Mika will/has already changed but I'm with you when you say that this is how you want to remember him. Its the same for me.


About him seeing us as only fans............. i don't know,i think thats probably the think that i believe has changed already. I think we might just be ,just fans to him already. Come on, its hard not to be. His fans keep getting bigger and bigger everyday. if he could remember all of us as his first then where does that list end? I don't know. i guess for those who were truly here first then maybe you feel something different.

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I hope he'll never change, either! :-)


I think as long as he has his family to keep him well-grounded, he'll probably stay the same as he is now. So, I really hope he keeps close to them, mostly Jasmine, because she seems to be the one who keeps him in check. :wink2:


My mom said, "That's how he is now, but look again in 10/20 years." As much as I hate to say it, she's always right about these things. She's practically a prophet! :shocked: It's creepy how her predictions always come true. But, she did say, "Look!" not necessarily that he would change, so... There's definitely a possibility he would remain the same. :biggrin2:

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I hope he will never change :bleh:


Tha's kind of impossible but I know what you mean. Of course Mika will change during his (hopefully)loooooooooooooooooooooong career. But I hope his personality doesn't change. I hope he doesn't get too big to speak to the fans and give out hugs,autographs, etc. after a show. I hope he still wears and keeps the things his fans make him. I also hope he doesn't forget them and doesn't go "o, them?those are just my crazy fans" .I hope he still defends us to interviewers who call us crazy and i hope he still views us as friends........this is kinda deppressing. :boxed:

I've said/written hope like a bajillion times.


hmmm..what's a synonym for "Hope"?

*heads over to the "thoughts" thread*


p.s (im sure mica will not change just because he gets more famous. He's said before he never wanted to be a pop star. He's also said "you'd be crazy not to want to fit in".

He won't get snobby. His family will make sure of that!):biggrin2:


i've written wayyyyyyy too much....:blush-anim-cl:

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I think change is inevitable, it all depends on HOW he changes really, I mean all of us change with different stages and experiences in our lives, it's not good to stay stagnant.

I only wish him to try hard to hang onto his inner beauty, that shines out of him like a big bright beacon when he looks you square in the eyes and magnetizes you with his gaze as his mouth broadens into that warming grin and he lets out that oh so infectious most beautiful of giggles, and hugs you tight and seems genuinely appreciative of all his gifts and messages from us. It saddens me to think I may NEVER get close enough to see and be turned into a jelly by it, so I am living in hope that maybe NEXT time....because his personality seems so wonderfully warm and genuine, this is what we hope he never loses grip of as this IS Mika.


(oh dear I think I went a tad poetic just then).:wub2: I've gone all dreamy over him again lol.

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I think change is inevitable, it all depends on HOW he changes really, I mean all of us change with different stages and experiences in our lives, it's not good to stay stagnant.

I only wish him to try hard to hang onto his inner beauty, that shines out of him like a big bright beacon when he looks you square in the eyes and magnetizes you with his gaze as his mouth broadens into that warming grin and he lets out that oh so infectious most beautiful of giggles, and hugs you tight and seems genuinely appreciative of all his gifts and messages from us. It saddens me to think I may NEVER get close enough to see and be turned into a jelly by it, so I am living in hope that maybe NEXT time....because his personality seems so wonderfully warm and genuine, this is what we hope he never loses grip of as this IS Mika.


(oh dear I think I went a tad poetic just then).:wub2: I've gone all dreamy over him again lol.



Actually you said it beautifully. If there was one way to worship Mika (aside from throwing ur underwear at him), it would be poetry, or a song, or something as prismatic and radiant and melodious as him.


Oh, & thank you, Bonjour, for posting this - really made me think.


As far as celebrities go, change is near inevitable. There are a few gems like Johnny Depp (the sexiest, most interesting & beautiful man in the world after Mika) who insist on remaining themselves and being removed from all that hype & jazz, making their craft the focus of all they do. Perhaps Mika is one such gem. Only time will tell. :)

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Many here have voiced their fears about the possibility of fame getting to mika's head... that sooner or later, the glitz and glamour of celebrity stardom would change him. This to me, is the scariest thought concerning Mika. I used to fear it, but I don't anymore.


and let me tell you why: I Met this man one month ago (yesterday was our anniversary lol) and I finally got to see what so many of you have seen. He has this glow about him, a radiance. He seems extremeley gounded and down to earth. I can't see him ever becoming a "Diva".


No, what I fear now is that his star is rising so rapidly (which is awesome) that soon it will be harder for us to meet with him after shows Or that he'll see us as just "fans" not friends anymore. He loves us all I think because we were the first... everyone here...we were the first to say..."He's our guy and we're proud of him!"

Do you think he'll ever change?



you said that wonderfully! but to answer you question, i dont think he will, or i just dont wanna believe it. but one day he is going to have a wife and kids and is going to change. or not. no one knows but him.

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I like your threads, they always have something... dunno...fairy-like :wink2:



I am a bit worried about him getting famous so quickly. No that I start having a hope to get to his gig I would extremely sad If I couldn't reach him and talk to him.:no: I wish I knew about him earlier, but let's just see what happens..


Yeah lol my threads are a bit poetic I guess :blush-anim-cl:

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I think yes, Mika WILL change, and he IS changing during his career and his life. Just like all of us. Just like everybody else. Changing is absolutely normal and a human thing, there's nothing wrong about it. You don't remain the same all thruogh your life: you change your opinions, tastes, sometimes you regret things from your past, you have new goals and wishes... It would be really boring and disappointing to think that Mika is standing somewhere, and he will never step foreward (even if it seems for the first sight that he steps backwards). He is not perfect, but he don't have to be perfect, because he is a human. Besides I consider him as one of the most intelligent and talented artists :thumb_yello::punk: in a long time, I'm sure he will have his mistakes, but I like how he dares to be a normal human being so far besides the whole stardom.


Anyway, I think I could already realize a few, very slight changes about him in the past few months. He changed in a good way, but he's clearly much more self-confident :cool: More confident in his interviews, during his concerts, while posing for the camera... He always says that it happened to him way too quickly, and I believe him that he really feels so, but I have the feeling that he is starting to be familiar with his new, faster, crazy life; and kind of starting to feel himself home in this new world. Good for him! :thumb_yello:

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Everybody changes during their lifetime. As we grow and mature, we get to know ourselves better, or "come into our own" (as Oprah would say :naughty: ). What we may perceive as changes might actually be Mika revealing more of his "true self."

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I really think this is only the beginning for him.. the best is yet to come. Although that is hard to imagine since he is so amazing right now! But yes, i do worry about him getting all crazy famous and forgetting about his true fans! I hope he still continues to do small gigs in more intimate clubs and stuff like how i saw him, cause it wouldn't be the same at all seeing him in a huge stadium with thousands and thousands of people. I'm so excited right now about that EP he was talking about a couple weeks ago!!

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I believe that he will be the same person who he is now and who he was before! I haven't met him yet (I hope someday I will) but I can't even imagen that fame could change him in the wrong way....no way:biggrin2:

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I really do hope he never changes..

Although, i think he wont..

He's not that sorta person.

Remember..simon coweell and record companies tried to change him...

He didnt change..

So..i dont think fame would change him..

Well..I hope not :] xxxx

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I totally agreed with you. I haven't been lucky to meet him yet and I am afraid that by the time I get to him, he will be diferrent. I became his admirer in 2/07 and since then I have not stop any day and think about how wonderful this man is. A lot of you met him and have awesome experiences with him. I hope he doesn't become a man who can not be touched or approached. MIka seems like he will never change but you never know.

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I really think this is only the beginning for him.. the best is yet to come. Although that is hard to imagine since he is so amazing right now! But yes, i do worry about him getting all crazy famous and forgetting about his true fans! I hope he still continues to do small gigs in more intimate clubs and stuff like how i saw him, cause it wouldn't be the same at all seeing him in a huge stadium with thousands and thousands of people. I'm so excited right now about that EP he was talking about a couple weeks ago!!


What EP?:shocked: Where? :shocked: When?:shocked:


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Thank you so much for starting this thread. I couldn't have found better words to say this. I feel exactly the same. But i think he's grounded enough to stick to his great, sweet down-to-earth personality. And hopefully he'll always see us fans as his friends, because he needs his fans to keep his star rising. And if he's reading the boards he might see that his fans are a little worried for this to happen and that might show him a little how important it is that he wont change into somekinda diva.

I'm seeing Mika in November and i'm sooo scared that i wont get the chance to meet him which would be sad cause i'm coming such a long way to see him. I got tickets for both of his Manchester shows just to be more secure. lol!

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