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It's about time we made a Japanese thread on MFC. Agree?:punk:

All Japanese MIKA fans come here and say hi! MIKAファン、集まれ!!Your welcome to join if you're a foreigner living in Japan, studying Japanese, or a Japanofile!

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Hitomi Abe

はじめまして! ひとみと申します。 以前からこちらのMIKA FCで登録はしていたんですが、英語の難易度の高さに幽霊部員となっていました。   元々は2013年辺りの新木場公演に行って益々MIKAワールドに引き込まれ、それ以前のライブに行かなかった事にとても後悔して それまでを取り戻すかのように笑 2015年のライブでは大阪、東京2公演を見て、ライブ後のMIKAがファンの方達の前に来て


こんにちは、NaoMikaです。日本語スレは、はじめましてです。よろしくお願いいたします。 今ごろになってしまいましたが、欧州Heavenツアー4公演に参加してきました。(Limoges,Caen,Paris,London)   今日は10月13日Limogesのライブのレポートをさせていただきます。   まだMIKAファンになって半年のひよっこなので、内容の浅いものですがご容赦くださいませ。

Hitomi Abe

こんにちは!コメント沢山ありがとうございます!   英語力だけでなく、コメントのつけ方とか、色々とハードルが高いです(;^_^A コメントの下のとこにチェックを入れるとレスが出来るんですかね? サイトの使い方、難しいですね。 MIKAの大阪公演後に海外のファンの方が話しかけてくれて、私たちは色んな国から来たMIKAファンクラブなのよって教えてくれたのが印象的でした。 日本のファンも色ん

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konnichiwa! watashi wa caroline desu! demo ne, watashi wa nihonjin ja nai!



LMAO my japanese is so incredibly bad. Gomen nasai! I try to pick up as much as I can.


Like I said, I don't live in Japan but I wish I could visit! I am a massive fan of Japanese music.


That ideas sounds great! everyone must attend who can!

Although, I have bring this thread down a bit, it should really be in the chinwag section lol, but I was wondering when a japanese thread would come up! :D

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Although, I have bring this thread down a bit, it should really be in the chinwag section lol, but I was wondering when a japanese thread would come up! :D



I know, I know, I noticed I posted it in the wrong section, and with the "d" missing but can't erase the original post. How can I do that? I'd happily move this to the "general chin wagging" section. (I've sent a message to the forum asking for help!)

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I know, I know, I noticed I posted it in the wrong section, and with the "d" missing but can't erase the original post. How can I do that? I'd happily move this to the "general chin wagging" section. (I've sent a message to the forum asking for help!)


Think I took care of both things for you! :thumb_yello:


And if I could, I'd be there for your karaoke event -- I love it! Even

though I'm terrible! :wink2:



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Yeah, my Japanese is still very simple (and probably error-ridden), and I always use the -masu form, because I haven't learnt much colloquial Japanese, LOL... but yeah! XD どうぞよろしくおねがいします!m(__)m

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wasabi_tea、初めまして!きっと、このtreadでcolloquial Japaneseたくさん覚わるよ!:thumb_yello:


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Hi Wasabi tea,


It's always nice when someone from outside of Japan says they love our language, culture, peaple, food etc. :-)



好きなら、きっとうまくなるよ~。ここでいろんな人と交流して、MIKA LOVEをシェアするだけじゃなくて、日本語も上手になると良いね♪

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Mika said on stage in Japan, "See you next year!" (Blue Sky, Is it true he said 正月?) I hope the experience at Liquid was truly enjoyable for MIKA that he'd wanna come back here VERY OFTEN! :-D

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I wish I could read the japanese language. I know some forms of Hiragana and katakana, but no Kanji. For now I shall stick to Romaji...i dont even know that many Japanese words but hopefully sometimes I'll get the drift if I recognise one or two! :naughty:

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ok next time im gonna try to write in both languages


well in my previous post i was basically saying hi to everyone :original:


im the one whos organizing the mixi karaoke meeting in osaka but i live in kyoto and dont know much about osaka so if any of you living there have ideas about a nice restaurant to have lunch plz let me know


gonna go check other threads in this forum... (might take a whole month to read them all !!!)

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ok next time im gonna try to write in both languages


well in my previous post i was basically saying hi to everyone :original:


im the one whos organizing the mixi karaoke meeting in osaka but i live in kyoto and dont know much about osaka so if any of you living there have ideas about a nice restaurant to have lunch plz let me know


gonna go check other threads in this forum... (might take a whole month to read them all !!!)


oh wow! gosh i need to get my arse to japan. So are you Japanese or are you from somewhere else and just live there?

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Yup, this forum is full of info. A month won't do! By the time you finish reading the old stuff, there would be that much more new stuff posted. But it's a great forum with lots of MIKA info! Better find thread you like and stick to them. Also check "new posts."

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o ge n ki desu ka ?

I say that to our sushiman everyday!! So I can have lots of nigiri and maki for free


My dearest colleague Hanawa ku, he told me how to introduce myself in Japanese, he said my surname is Momoko in Japanese !! And......also I can sing that Beebala theme tune of Chibi Makuro-chan cos im a massive Chibi Makuro-chan fan !!


I did tokyo this May but I really want to visit Osaka ! alright, I've got to be honest, I think people from Osaka or around Osaka are more interesting and open than people from Tokyo, to me at least ! your dialect is funny !!

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o ge n ki desu ka ?

I say that to our sushiman everyday!! So I can have lots of nigiri and maki for free


My dearest colleague Hanawa ku, he told me how to introduce myself in Japanese, he said my surname is Momoko in Japanese !! And......also I can sing that Beebala theme tune of Chibi Makuro-chan cos im a massive Chibi Makuro-chan fan !!


I did tokyo this May but I really want to visit Osaka ! alright, I've got to be honest, I think people from Osaka or around Osaka are more interesting and open than people from Tokyo, to me at least ! your dialect is funny !!


genki desu arigatou :) anata wa?

i should really start to brush up on my japanese. saying the same things over and over is...well...hazukashii :blush-anim-cl: lol!

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Hi miori-mary and all.


Japanese Thread tachiage omedeto!


I saw Mika at Fuji Rock Fes and he was awesome!


Just joined this forum, but it's quite hard to follow up

loads of info here and those already posted on mixi:shocked:

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Hi miori-mary and all.


Japanese Thread tachiage omedeto!


I saw Mika at Fuji Rock Fes and he was awesome!


Just joined this forum, but it's quite hard to follow up

loads of info here and those already posted on mixi:shocked:


Welcom saema!! Irasshai!いらっしゃい!


I know. This place is full of info. You'll have fun:thumb_yello:

Most of the MIKA info I put up on mixi comes from here. Thanks to MFC, MIKA fans in Japan are able to know what's happening.


mixiのWE LOVE MIKAからいらっしゃいました?



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Hi, thanks for quick reply.


Actually my friend told me about this site, then

I came to know about We LOVE MIKA community@mixi.





WE LOVE MIKAコミュもチェックしてますよ



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Hi, thanks for quick reply.


Actually my friend told me about this site, then

I came to know about We LOVE MIKA community@mixi.





WE LOVE MIKAコミュもチェックしてますよ




Thanks saema! I saw the picture of MIKA without his top and his pants nearly falling off at Fuji. :blush-anim-cl: The fact that he couldn't stop giggling at the sight of the Lollipop "Boy" is kind of funny, too. :biggrin2:





Karaoke event - 8月12日 ランチ&カラオケ大会になりそうです




Let's get together and sing and dance with/to MIKA, chat about his music/talent/gorgeous face, and just...have fun!!!

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Hi there Minasan konnichi ha!

I guess it would be better to write in roma-ji, right? Ok if I mix up English and Japanese?


Minasan nihongo ga jozu desu ne! Subara-shii! Muzukashii no ni, ureshii na! Arigato----! Dokode benkyo shima****a ka?


( Wow you guys write Japanese so well, how wonderful! It is a tough language to learn, I am so happy to meet people who took efforts to learn it! Thank you very much! Where did you learn Japanese (inc. Sushi bar, lol!))


Mika ha subarashi katta ne! So****e, minna ga Mika wo ai****e ru yo!

Mika was amazing! And everybody at the gig loved his performance.


Tokorode, minasan, official Fan Club no sign-up ha shima****a ka?

Freddie's thread de sign up shiyo-ne! We do not want to lose MFC.


Mata kimasu. See you!

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sorry if i jump in here...but i've got a question. can someone explain what -san does it mean? and when you use it? i mean, i see it with names (jenny-san, for example :lol3:) but i can't get the rule behind it...can someone explain it??

oh and i love your culture! :blush-anim-cl:

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