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Mika's very secret diary


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you are so... i dunno. like NOT HUMAN see whatamean???

you cant possibly belong to this world with that ****ing talent of yours...

that's it, youre an ALIEN. FROM TALENTLAND!!!!!!!


i think im in love with you...:wub2: my beloved alien.


so when do we get married???????


luvya biatch (hope i could have that imagination too...)

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you are so... i dunno. like NOT HUMAN see whatamean???

you cant possibly belong to this world with that ****ing talent of yours...

that's it, youre an ALIEN. FROM TALENTLAND!!!!!!!


i think im in love with you...:wub2: my beloved alien.


so when do we get married???????


luvya biatch (hope i could have that imagination too...)


I have plenty of imagination!!:wink2:


Sometimes too much of it.

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Thanks to Elanorelle for the idea and to this site.





Day 1

Grace Kelly no. 1 in UK. Knew it all along. Nobody knows I'm GK's only son.


I'm fantastic


Day 2

Browsed around the web. Found the MFC.


I knew I was fantastic.


Day 3

Grace Kelly still going amazing, thanks mum.


Still fantastic.


Day 10

LICM is going great all around the world. No surprise.


Wow I'm so fantastic.


Day 11

MFC girls becoming more obsessed. Scares me.


They must think I'm fantastic.


Day 15

Heard some obsessed girls came to festivals. Cancelled them all. Told them I had ear infection, idiots.


Whaha I'm so fantastic.


Day 16

Perez wanted to touch my hair. Told him to f**k off. He's angry, whatever.


Geez I'm fantastic.


Day 17

I suspect Perez likes me. Got 356 mail from him apologising for touching my hair. Told him to f**k off again.


Day 25

Gosh, I think Patrick Wolf is more fantastic than me. He stole my braces. Thief.


Guess I'm fantastic.


Day 26

PW called me a tw*t. He's jealous because my performance at Somerset house was waaay better than his. I did cry a lot though. Mum made me cookies. Oh and I think Alan is crushing on me...he's kinda cute...but the hair...


Guess what? I'm fantastic!


Day 30

Perez keeps filing me under Gay Gay Gay. Told him to stop it or else I would cancel our date. He begged me not to. Send me flowers. I crashed his server anyways.


Day 35

Got this Birtday present from the MFC. Absolutely hated it. Gave Fortuné some money to type a message on MySpace. They're all so happy now.


I'm amazed by my fantasticness.


Day 36

PW apologised to me. Gave me very nice birthday present. We played monopoly in my basement. I won ofcourse. He then gave me a massage hmmm


He's so fantastic.


Day 40

Got a huge fight with PW. He totally raped Love Today. Made an awful remix. Pussy, he wasn't that good either. Hooked up with Perez and Alan again. Gosh I'm such a player.


Faaaantastic Me.


Day 41

Took a month off. Went to an island off the coast of Mexico with Perez. I found a really hot girlie there. Dumped Perez. He's angry again. I'm identity mad.


Day 42

Found out the girlie was really a morphed chicken. Grilled it. Went back to UK to shoot HE. It sucks, but it will be hit because I'm in it.




Day 50

Some Belgian woman tries to sue me. Biatch. Gonna throw a marshmellow to her head when I see her. Thinks she's just as fantastic as moi. Puh-leaze.


I'm the most fantastic one!


The rest of the diary hasn't been found yet, but we keep searching.



I think that this is what you are looking for. Received it from google. I get updates for Mika and Rufus. Enjoy.


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Mika's family reunion diary


Day 1

Mummy said we were gonna have a reunion with the family. I mean like wtf? Now I'm famous and hot, they all want something from me. I refused to come. Mum said if I didn't she would take away my tamagotchi. Crueeeel.


I'm so sweet.


Day 2

Packed my bags. Found out Fortuné stole my Chicken pajamas. I was very angry. Mum said I should grow up. I am f**king grown up. Geeez I'm 24!


I'm too sweet for this world.


Day 3

We all drove towards some park. Mummy and Daddy bought a new car. However they forgot that we're with 7 persons. I mean, that like didn't fit:



Don't ask me how, we did arrive there.


Mirror Mirror on the wall, I'm the sweetest one of all.


Day 4

Slept in this stinking hotel. Smelled like PW's feet. Woke up this morning with Fortuné hugging me. I was like, WTF and he was like, but there's a monster in the closet. I was like, no idiot monsters don't exist! So I opened the closet and who was there....right....Perez. I was like, what the hell and he was like, I missed you and I was like, go miss yourself.


Gosh I'm sweet.


Day 7

Met all my family members. Geez, I have so many relatives, I mean like, if we'd live in Disneyland it would be like overcrowded. Met this cousin of mine, he called himself Bobo, I was like, wtf and he told me he loved the album. I told him to like tell me something I didn't know. He ran off crying then his dad Bilbo grabbed my ear and like pulled me to my mum who forced me to drink cold tea. I was like, you want me dead! She got all angry. Had to sleep under a bridge.



Day 15

Perez' been popping up all the time. I told him this was a f**king PENNIMAN family reunion. He was like, well then I change my name to PENNIMAN. I was like, noo we're not married. Then he was like, getting on his knees and asked me to. I screamed and Bobo came over to see what was happening. Perez and him got into a fight over me. Whatever, I didn't join. I mean like, bruises are so uuuugly


I'm too sweet for my own good.


Day 17

Perez keeps walking after me like a puppy. Even at the Penniman dance contest he really wanted to join. Mum said he could. Yasmine thought he was cute so she dressed him up as a lollipop girl. He was better than me, I mean like WTF. GODDAMMIT! EVEN WHILE I'M WRITING THIS PEREZ CAN'T STOP POKING ME WITH THE F**KING LOLLIPOP.


I'll put the sweet in his *ss if he keeps going on.


Day 24

Auntie John wanted to sleep at our hotel. She said Uncle Marvin smelt funny. Asked her why her name was John. She got all emo telling me she was a man and changed gender blablabla. I was like, oooh I didn't know that. If I did I would have made some nasty comments about that earlier.


Gosh, sweet sugar candyman.


Day 26

We went to this castle. Perez wanted to come to. As Chew Chew this time. I told Yasmine he's not a f**king dress up doll, but all my sisters were like, aawww he's cute, let's give him nicknames. F**k it, I should be the center of attention. Asked Perez to play Harry Potter with me. He was like Dumbledore and I was like Snape. We went to this tower and I got this stick. I was really getting into my role and I was like, Avada Kedavra and he was like, dead. But I didn't know I could do magic! I guess my Hogwarts letter was a bit...delayed.


I'm supah sweet.


Day 27

Perez isn't dead. Gosh, He just popped up once AGAIN. AAARG. Called Pattie. He came over. But PW fell in love with my other cousin Radzimierz. Everyone like, ignored me. I was like, whatever, but got all emo again and Uncle Martini gave me like a big hug. Now...my back's broken...


Day 34

I've been in the hospital now for one week. I'm getting better. There's like this nurse called Chilli Concarne. I mean like, yeah. My entire family came by. I won the prize for: Penniman Family Reunion's biggest loser. I was like, emotionally touched. I'm gonna dedicate an album to this. Hell yeah. PW and Radzimierz came by. They're like, getting married. I cried. Perez cried too. His tears made my sheets all dirty. He thought I was going to die. I wish I was on that moment.


Tsss....don't make me out to be, this sweet child of Perezito....


Day 40

Finally out of hospital. Went to PW's and cousin R's wedding. Very beautiful. PW was wearing a beautiful white dress. And f**king braces. I told him it was like a bad combination, but he was all fussy about it. Still miss him though. Sang Mariah Carey's We belong together but then Rad got all angry... Whatever, I'm hot and sweet.


Day 41

Finally back home. Good to sleep in my own bed. Cried because of PW. Got a call, they're expecting a baby. Don't ask me how they did it, but PW is pregnant! So, Mum just read me Bambi once again to make me forget about it. Sniffel...I think I will cry myself to sleep now :tears:


Omgs, i cried while reading this. It so freaking hilarious!!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


IngievV is probably another word for genius. :naughty:

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Here goes then my friends.

Here's my bit.


Clare’s Secret Diary (do you really want to know?)


Part One


Day 1

Heard a song on the radio that I really liked. Who sings that?


Day 2

Heard the song again. I do like that song very much.

The singer is called Mika and the song is called Grace Kelly. I was so high for the rest of the day. I didn’t sleep that night.:wink2:


Day 3

I am just so full of it. I cannot get that song off my mind. I like that bit at the end where he says “kerching!!” Do I like this Mika guy?


Day 4

Bought the single Grace Kelly. I do like this Mika guy. I have gotta know what he looks like.:shocked:


Day 5

Grace Kelly hits the charts at number three. Whoop! Whoop!:punk::mfr_omg:

I didn’t sleep that night, again.


Day 6

Went swimming. The song was on the radio at the pool. Didn’t sleep that night either. Oh Gawd am I going Mika mad.


Day 7

Grace Kelly hits the number one spot in the singles charts. Whoop! Whoop!

I have had the radio on all this week. I cannot get enough of the song. I have also seen his video. Now I know what this Mika looks like. I am going Mika mad.


Day 8

I have bought Life in Cartoon Motion. It is brilliant.

Blimey, I sound like a teenager here!


Day 9

Grace Kelly has been number one now for five weeks. Fantastic. I do sound like a teenager here. I am going swimming once a week. But the swimming keeps me awake. I don’t know why?


Day 10

I have to order a new Life in Cartoon Motion CD. It got stuck on track nine. Uncanny really as the song was called “Stuck in the Middle”. Weird or what?

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Wanted to post this yesterday, but MFC started bitching so I couldn't get on. Luckily, I saved it before it was loft:blink:


Mika's official album recording diary


Day 1

F**k, manager called. Have to record a f**king new album. I mean. LICM sold 3,000,000 copies! I don't NEED to work anymore. I don't WANT to work anymore. I mean, geez. What do you mean, fans...fans? Those obsessed monkeys that drool all over my clothes...eating marshmellows right now. My fingers get all sticky...hell I ain't got fingers to get sticky. Whatev'


I'm like a chocolate bar....


Day 2

Big meeting with big Universal bosses. Thought one of them looked like PW. Been sucking up with him...gosh he was so freaking hot. They were talking about...I don't know...I remember I jumped up all of a sudden and began singing; I'll take you to the candy shop, I'll let you lick the lollipop and PW-wannabe was all scared and ran away. WTF?


I'm a melting chocolate bar...


Day 7

Been writing songs for the f**king album. PW-wannabe doesn't want to come close to me. That's why I decided to make an angrier album. I mean...come on....refusing to come to big M's candy shop! That's like...yeah...french kissing a camel. It's Wrrroooong. That's why one of the songs on my album will be called: How a wolf breaks a heart


Day 14

Been thinking about changing my image. F**k, I seriously need to change my image. I'm too preppy. I'm not a cheerleader goddammit. So, I want to try a Jared Leto look. With a Tokio Hotel haircut. Yeah like a bomb exploded in my hair. Beth told me it wasn't a good idea. She said it didn't suit me. Whatever. Might aswell do a Marilyn Manson then. Wrote a new song: Marilyn Manson


The chocolate's getting hotter.


Day 21

*&(%&%^$^_)_) Wanted to get my brand new image up and ready. And what do you think? Right, I poked the f**king eyeliner in my eye! I need a hug...and a kissy maybe (MFC girls....BACK OFF!). A new song on my album...Make-up is misery


Day 26

Perez been a naughty boy. It was sleepy time and I opened the door to my room and there he was, chained on my bed with handcuffs. He said he wanted to play. I threw my Monopoly game to him and ran away screaming. Gosh I still have nightmares. Guess what, a new song: Nightmare in my bed


Gosh, this chocolate is so eatable.


Day 30

Manager wanted me to do a Britney, I was like...WTF? I looked in the mirror and OOOH NOOO I WAS BAAAALD!!!!!!! HE SHAVED MY F**KING HEAD!!!! I'm crying! *Unreadable because it's all wet here* ...ew song: Cold & Bald


This chocolate must go back into the freezer.


Day 37

YES I HAVE 1 HAIR BACK! *CELEBRATES* Been wearing a wig though. PW came over to show me his new baby, called Patika. I was like...what an ugly name. He didn't hear me. Said he liked my hair....said I liked his chesthair...he didn't respond....ran away very fast.....another song I wrote: How chesthair can make a man run away


Day 43

Been sick all day....had a terrible belly button infection. Mum made me chili concorne. Hated it....it tasted like chili.....whatever. Perez' been blogging nasty things about me....saying I like leather.....HELLLLOOOOO:blink: Excuse me, who was the one with the handcuffs? Not me....:blink: I think I'm getting emo....I start to like Britney Spears though...Gimme gimme.....:punk: CHOCOLATE. I actually miss Perrie


Ahum...When a man loves a blogger


Day 49

Recorded several songs. My hair kinda grew back...PW called me a dirty male shovenist pig. I was like....I'm not...just when I was getting happier he ruined it all! GOSH I HATE HIM! But I love him...but Perez too....and Brian May is smexy too....oooh and Alan is hot stuff!


Dum dum dum Confessions of a male shovenist pig


Day 53

Been watching Hollyoaks all day. Couldn't help myself..kept thinking about.......George W. Bush...he's so hot right now.......I think I'm going mad....recorded a new song though....Hollyoaks can't stop the lovin'


Day 57

Album is still not done....manager getting pissed....everyone getting pissed...I even need to pee..............................back, anyways, I decided to drop an EP, those drooling pirana's are happy then...and I can sort out my feelings for....tapdancing....The chocolate has officially melted....:mf_rosetinted:

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