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Mika's very secret diary


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YES! Maybe she already has the whole series written and hides it in a cupboard until she sees fit to publish it in here! If you started selling the diary, you'd be rich, IngievV! Think of all the possibilities. :naughty:


Oh gosh, I have 20 parts already. All the plots come together in the end. I'm thinking about putting them all together and then give the diary back to his owner:naughty:

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that is SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU ARE F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C as well...

though I think he's not that arrogant... or at least I hope so!!!!!!!! XD


To speak in his own words: Are you worried to discover all the things about me you don't know?


We know Mika, we know:naughty:

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Thanks to Elanorelle for the idea and to this site.



Day 1

Grace Kelly no. 1 in UK. Knew it all along. Nobody knows I'm GK's only son.


I'm fantastic


Day 2

Browsed around the web. Found the MFC.


I knew I was fantastic.


Day 3

Grace Kelly still going amazing, thanks mum.


Still fantastic.


Day 10

LICM is going great all around the world. No surprise.


Wow I'm so fantastic.


Day 11

MFC girls becoming more obsessed. Scares me.


They must think I'm fantastic.


Day 15

Heard some obsessed girls came to festivals. Cancelled them all. Told them I had ear infection, idiots.


Whaha I'm so fantastic.


Day 16

Perez wanted to touch my hair. Told him to f**k off. He's angry, whatever.


Geez I'm fantastic.


Day 17

I suspect Perez likes me. Got 356 mail from him apologising for touching my hair. Told him to f**k off again.


Day 25

Gosh, I think Patrick Wolf is more fantastic than me. He stole my braces. Thief.


Guess I'm fantastic.


Day 26

PW called me a tw*t. He's jealous because my performance at Somerset house was waaay better than his. I did cry a lot though. Mum made me cookies. Oh and I think Alan is crushing on me...he's kinda cute...but the hair...


Guess what? I'm fantastic!


Day 30

Perez keeps filing me under Gay Gay Gay. Told him to stop it or else I would cancel our date. He begged me not to. Send me flowers. I crashed his server anyways.


Day 35

Got this Birtday present from the MFC. Absolutely hated it. Gave Fortuné some money to type a message on MySpace. They're all so happy now.


I'm amazed by my fantasticness.


Day 36

PW apologised to me. Gave me very nice birthday present. We played monopoly in my basement. I won ofcourse. He then gave me a massage hmmm


He's so fantastic.


Day 40

Got a huge fight with PW. He totally raped Love Today. Made an awful remix. Pussy, he wasn't that good either. Hooked up with Perez and Alan again. Gosh I'm such a player.


Faaaantastic Me.


Day 41

Took a month off. Went to an island off the coast of Mexico with Perez. I found a really hot girlie there. Dumped Perez. He's angry again. I'm identity mad.


Day 42

Found out the girlie was really a morphed chicken. Grilled it. Went back to UK to shoot HE. It sucks, but it will be hit because I'm in it.




Day 50

Some Belgian woman tries to sue me. Biatch. Gonna throw a marshmellow to her head when I see her. Thinks she's just as fantastic as moi. Puh-leaze.


I'm the most fantastic one!


The rest of the diary hasn't been found yet, but we keep searching.


Wooooah!!! That was cool.

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I might even do it:naughty: Let's see, if I keep on writing one entry every day, I will have an entire book when I'm going to the gig in November. Aww poor Mika:naughty:



I definitely think that you should do that!! What gig in November is that?

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Amsterdam. I really want to go to a UK gig but my mum...won't...let...me X(



That sux!

I would have loved to see M's face when you give that to him!!! Priceless.

Although he will probably not actually REALISE what it is (or the extent of it) until he has a few spare hours to actually read the whole lot, haha!!


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That sux!

I would have loved to see M's face when you give that to him!!! Priceless.

Although he will probably not actually REALISE what it is (or the extent of it) until he has a few spare hours to actually read the whole lot, haha!!



I'll try to get it on camera. Gosh I have a lot to carry with me:naughty: A huge poster and some other idea I'm working on and then the diary. I will put it on the cover: MIKA'S VERY SECRET DIARY

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Ingie, your diary-parts are unique..fabulous:thumb_yello:

I'm addicted to get more of them..:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


I ought to make a diary of when I first started liking Mika. But I haven't got the dates, just the memories. Like from January till now.

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