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a "serious" intro


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Hi guys. The world of pop is full of cute faces and great voices, but Mika has an extra special quality, and that is the ability to inspire people. So rather than rambling on about how I "found" him (grace kelly on the radio, what else... ) I'll just say that he inspired me to, in ascending order: add color to my clothes - his dress sense is fantastic. Think positive: he actually turned the personal suffering he went through as a schoolboy into energetic joy for thousands of people. And the biggest feat of all, considering I'm not a spring chicken: actually take up music lessons.

Just as Rudolf Nureyev's charisma swept the ballet world in the 70's, Mika's creativity could do just the same for pop music. Now I wonder whether he realizes this power he has. I had my chance to tell him at a recent meet&greet but of course I blew it... too bad. So what did Mika do to you?

love you all


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Well we like serious here - its just hard to find - nice to have an intro that doesnt go along the lines of 'i love mica, hes so hot, awww' :P

Welcome to the crew.

thanks pinks! i hope I get the hang of this forum fast enough!

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thanks pinks! i hope I get the hang of this forum fast enough!


its pretty easy so dont worry, and remarkabley addictive too if you have no life like me :P

basic rules are that there arent any, just be yourself, say what you think even if it sounds stupid because no doubt half of this lot will agree wholeheartedly, and try not to swear since we have a huge age group from 9 to 60s

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Loved your "intro" - you've summed it up well. Your thoughts on Mika and how you "found" him are very similar to mine and probably many others here. Glad you joined us! :thumb_yello:

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Hi guys. The world of pop is full of cute faces and great voices, but Mika has an extra special quality, and that is the ability to inspire people. So rather than rambling on about how I "found" him (grace kelly on the radio, what else... ) I'll just say that he inspired me to, in ascending order: add color to my clothes - his dress sense is fantastic. Think positive: he actually turned the personal suffering he went through as a schoolboy into energetic joy for thousands of people. And the biggest feat of all, considering I'm not a spring chicken: actually take up music lessons.

Just as Rudolf Nureyev's charisma swept the ballet world in the 70's, Mika's creativity could do just the same for pop music. Now I wonder whether he realizes this power he has. I had my chance to tell him at a recent meet&greet but of course I blew it... too bad. So what did Mika do to you?

love you all



I'm very happy you're here with us :)

Welcome on board :)

The same it happened in my life when I met Mika :wub2:

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I had my chance to tell him at a recent meet&greet but of course I blew it... too bad. So what did Mika do to you?

love you all



Aw, that's too bad. Where was it? Did you speak to him at all?


Discovering Mika has really improved my French comprehension skills and I'm taking the time to learn more. I'd also like to take music lessons although that has been in the back of my mind for years.


Are you learning piano?

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hello, welcome!

mika makes me want to take up music lessons to, i want to learn the piano so bad, all i can do is pick at it.


need some help??????????????????


let me know!!!

where are you ??


And welcome :biggrin2:

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Welcome alcatraz...are you in jail after meeting mika? :naughty:


so.....have we ever met before??? :wink2:

oh yes, we HAVE!


you perfectly know i share yr feelings, let me say you can contact me whenever you want to share more!:thumb_yello:



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:welcomeani: Alcatraz!


Certainly don't mind a serious introduction -- I think many of us have

found that Mika's music has had an influence on our daily lives... and

being here on the forums *definitely* has! Mostly in good ways! :thumb_yello:


Hope you'll have fun here, too!



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Hello Alcatraz,


I think many of us started with a serious intro here or on other sites, trying to express how exceptionally talented we think he is....

but then we all turn rather silly after a while:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:



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