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Opinions about the DVD "Live in Cartoon Motion"


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Oh lord. His magnetism on stage!!! I had NOOOO idea.


By the time that he completed his slow, sensuous :shocked: introduction to Love Today, I would have gladly dropped everything, said goodbye to my life as I know it, and followed him anywhere!!



Now you know why some of us are crazy enough to fly half-way round the world. :biggrin2:


The real thing is more mind blowing than the DVD, let me assure you. That intro is fantastic though.

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Oh lord. His magnetism on stage!!! I had NOOOO idea.


By the time that he completed his slow, sensuous :shocked: introduction to Love Today, I would have gladly dropped everything, said goodbye to my life as I know it, and followed him anywhere!!


Floats away.....


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


I know. I haven't got the DVD yet, but I've seen that clip on Youtube...:wub2: I know exactly what you mean, lol.

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Now you know why some of us are crazy enough to fly half-way round the world. :biggrin2:


The real thing is more mind blowing than the DVD, let me assure you. That intro is fantastic though.


Oh god, you are so right. Until yesterday, I only knew youtube, your reviews and the dvd...


Yesterday I saw the real thing... How can anyone be SO addictive, so unbelievable live, SO mindblowing, he knows the poses, he knwo how to tease the audience, he knows what to say at which point in the gig... and he's still so young...


I'm head over heels...

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How can anyone be SO addictive, so unbelievable live, SO mindblowing, he knows the poses, he knwo how to tease the audience, he knows what to say at which point in the gig... and he's still so young...


I'm head over heels...


The subject of Michael Hutchence came up yesterday and someone pointed out that Mika is no Michael Hutchence but even Michael Hutchence wasn't Michael Hutchence at 24.


Mika is just a baby and his growth over the past year has been remarkable. If he keeps progressing at the same rate he's going to be a superstar in 5 years.

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The subject of Michael Hutchence came up yesterday and someone pointed out that Mika is no Michael Hutchence but even Michael Hutchence wasn't Michael Hutchence at 24.


Mika is just a baby and his growth over the past year has been remarkable. If he keeps progressing at the same rate he's going to be a superstar in 5 years.


It only makes me wonder about the future. Sometimes it even scares me, his success has been so fast. I know he always says 'it's an overnight success eleven years in the making' But I think the way he lives has changed dramatically. No, I say that wrong: his environment has changed dramatically. We can only hope that

a. his voice will cope

b. his songwriting will grow better and better

c. he never gets used to fame (and stays as down to earth as he is now)

d. he never loses his untempting enthousiasm on stage, cause it gives you chills...

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It only makes me wonder about the future. Sometimes it even scares me, his success has been so fast. I know he always says 'it's an overnight success eleven years in the making' But I think the way he lives has changed dramatically. No, I say that wrong: his environment has changed dramatically. We can only hope that

a. his voice will cope

b. his songwriting will grow better and better

c. he never gets used to fame (and stays as down to earth as he is now)

d. he never loses his untempting enthousiasm on stage, cause it gives you chills...


i have the same feeling with u :shocked:

coz his first cd is really a masterpiece, every songs are so fresh and catchy

how can he beat himself and getting better?

what other else can surprise us?

or if he would change other style of muisc ?

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I get to watch it tomorrow! I'm so excited!


I'm also surprised at the lack of quotability that I've read here. :blink: Usually, even after an interview, people are always talking about little specific parts and quoting him. Give me some! :D


It's just because there's so much! It's a lot easier with a 5 minute interview than a 50 minute one. I went over the first half or so this morning so I'll give you what I've got so far.


"You just have to pinch yourself and realize that they're only there because of your music and not because of how deep your personality is."

- talking about celebrities and people like Jean Paul Gaultier hanging around. I don't think he's right at all. I think it was clear that Alan Cumming was interested in him personally because he recognized his Mika's personality in his work - just as all his fans do.


"Who wants to be a Teletubby?"

- talking about not wanting to do what he does all for one single. He says it's too much hard work and he's really chuffed that even in the US where the album hadn't been released yet that people knew the words to every song.

"I'm getting all bitchy. Then I'm gonna have to put a big smile on and do my job in front of 1500 people."

This was filmed in the spring but he is already complaining of being sick and tired and having to take high doses of medication. I think people would be well advised to keep this quote in mind when they start believing that his relationship with his fans is more than it is. I don't think Mika is phony and I think his genuine personality comes through when he interacts with people, but ultimately he is just doing his job and if you encounter him when he's not "on" don't be surprised or take it personally if he's acting rather bitchy.


He tries to temper his complaints by adding that he's having fun at the end, but I'm not sure I believe him. Except for the moments on stage, he seems to be pretty dragged down by everything else about promo and touring.


"I don't have that sense of belonging...because of that I'm not chained down anywhere. I kind of look at everything from a very detached point of view and I think that's a really good place to approach things from."

We've all heard this before in the context of his family moving from place to place but I have to wonder what he's really talking about here. I think his talk about being constantly uprooted is an exaggeration and his family has been pretty settled since he was quite young. I wonder if the detachment he talks about is more of a social isolation than anything to do with moving from country to country.

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It only makes me wonder about the future. Sometimes it even scares me, his success has been so fast. I know he always says 'it's an overnight success eleven years in the making' But I think the way he lives has changed dramatically. No, I say that wrong: his environment has changed dramatically. We can only hope that

a. his voice will cope

b. his songwriting will grow better and better

c. he never gets used to fame (and stays as down to earth as he is now)

d. he never loses his untempting enthousiasm on stage, cause it gives you chills...


If Holy Johnny and How Much Do You Love Me? are anything to go by I'm going to like the second album better than the first so I'm not concerned about his progressing songwriting skills. Grace Kelly is perfection and it's going to be hard to top, but it's only one song. I can easily imagine him doing as well or better than Life in Cartoon Motion as a whole.


I do worry about his voice but hopefully if he keeps selling enough albums he'll be able to take more time while he's touring and not strain himself so much. Also as his live show gets bigger he can allow himself more breaks while he's on stage. I would imagine that's one of the reasons he hired Saranayde and he encourages audience participation.

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I did not have time to watch ALL of it last night! I watched the entire concert, and I thought that it was fabulous! I am dying because I have yet to see Mika live and it is just killing me, I cannot WAIT until he comes back to the U.S.


I watched probably half of the documentary......

OMG, that is my fave part. It is SO good! I just want to reach out and hug him! Despite everything.... all the success and blah.... there is a sadness to Mika........

does anyone else feel this 'sadness' *for lack of a better word* about him as he is wandering around? :blink:

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It's just because there's so much! It's a lot easier with a 5 minute interview than a 50 minute one. I went over the first half or so this morning so I'll give you what I've got so far.


"You just have to pinch yourself and realize that they're only there because of your music and not because of how deep your personality is."

- talking about celebrities and people like Jean Paul Gaultier hanging around. I don't think he's right at all. I think it was clear that Alan Cumming was interested in him personally because he recognized his Mika's personality in his work - just as all his fans do.


"Who wants to be a Teletubby?"

- talking about not wanting to do what he does all for one single. He says it's too much hard work and he's really chuffed that even in the US where the album hadn't been released yet that people knew the words to every song.

"I'm getting all bitchy. Then I'm gonna have to put a big smile on and do my job in front of 1500 people."

This was filmed in the spring but he is already complaining of being sick and tired and having to take high doses of medication. I think people would be well advised to keep this quote in mind when they start believing that his relationship with his fans is more than it is. I don't think Mika is phony and I think his genuine personality comes through when he interacts with people, but ultimately he is just doing his job and if you encounter him when he's not "on" don't be surprised or take it personally if he's acting rather bitchy.


He tries to temper his complaints by adding that he's having fun at the end, but I'm not sure I believe him. Except for the moments on stage, he seems to be pretty dragged down by everything else about promo and touring.


"I don't have that sense of belonging...because of that I'm not chained down anywhere. I kind of look at everything from a very detached point of view and I think that's a really good place to approach things from."

We've all heard this before in the context of his family moving from place to place but I have to wonder what he's really talking about here. I think his talk about being constantly uprooted is an exaggeration and his family has been pretty settled since he was quite young. I wonder if the detachment he talks about is more of a social isolation than anything to do with moving from country to country.


Wow, I loved this post! Especially that one part. I think you could be soooo right... I think there's very much behind what we get to see on stage. And the dvd shows a bit of the "bitchy"-side of him. Although he tries to be positive 'it's fun' but you can see that he only says that because there's a camera.

It makes me realise even more how much this is a job for him. One of the best jobs anyone can ever get, but still a job.

About the isolation: he has indeed a distant view, being rejected so much... I tell you: so much that we will never know!

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Last sunday i came where and find out about the Mika DVD.

I search everywhere to find the information. Ifnid it on the web site of HMV.


So tomorrow mornig i will get my copy and i can't wait to watch it.


I will have to wait all the day cause i will be back at my loft only near 9PM.


So bye bye everybody from Veronica

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I just want to reach out and hug him! Despite everything.... all the success and blah.... there is a sadness to Mika........

does anyone else feel this 'sadness' *for lack of a better word* about him as he is wandering around? :blink:


Yes. You can see the spark of joy in him when he talks about songwriting and when he's on stage. He also seemed to have fun sightseeing. But he appears to be rather beaten down by everything else he has to deal with.


It was filmed a long time ago so I hope he is in a better frame of mind now even though his body seems to be taking the same beating. Sometimes I wonder if being a songwriter and producer wouldn't be a better career choice for him, no matter how good he is at performing.

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Yes. You can see the spark of joy in him when he talks about songwriting and when he's on stage. He also seemed to have fun sightseeing. But he appears to be rather beaten down by everything else he has to deal with.


It was filmed a long time ago so I hope he is in a better frame of mind now even though his body seems to be taking the same beating. Sometimes I wonder if being a songwriter and producer wouldn't be a better career choice for him, no matter how good he is at performing.


I do feel a little sorry for him, I am sure we are all beaten down by life in some way or another, and he does seem to have a close family. But we have MFC. :naughty: It's not for him, it's about him.



Perhaps when he has established himself a bit more, he will concentrate more on producing and writing, it's still early days, I guess at the very least he has to get the performing out of his system.

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My opinion about the dvd: the concert sucks. Seriously, in Amsterdam it was MUCH better. In Paris it seems like he's totally overexcited and cannot control his voice anymore. He's using his high pitched voice way too much, that's a shame. I mean I like his high pitched voice but not whole songs long. And the act with the animals isn't as funny as it was in Amsterdam. He doesn't say anything funny either (in Amsterdam some things were very funny like when he said that the band thought he got booehoed off stage because they didn't understand what he said in dutch). And he did all the songs where he plays the piano in a row, I like it more when he switches as he did in Amsterdam.


The extra's are great though. The documentary is cool, although there wasn't much new for me, he tells the same stuff again (about growing up and grace kelly etc). God, it would drive me insane to answer the same questions OVER and OVER again.


The acoustic live songs are absolutely fantastic!!!! I really liked the song Everybody's Talking. It was new for me, haven't seen that on youtube .


Another thing: longer hais looks better on him!!!!!

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