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Mika @ Heineken Music Hall, Netherlands: 11-11-2007 -- REVIEWS!


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wow, that's such a great picture!! i'm so happy for you!




but i should have been in it too :tears:


I'm so sorry for you. You should have all been in it. It's a pity that it took them so long to show up and let us in after the show. But it was worth the waiting.

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Sorry, i can´t get my eyes off the pandas purse/wallet :roftl:

Great pic!!!



this is def a totally new picture of mika!

not the usual one....oh this is precious!


thanks girls, thanks so much!!!


mika...........thank you!


lol, Haeschen, you posted the pic...it really is a pleasure to look at it :blush-anim-cl:


and I also love the gift! :punk:

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So, as I promised the full report of last night’s amazing gig by the Mikster.

I was ready waaay too early. They would pick me up at half past 2 and at 12 ‘o clock I was ready and steady to go.

That’s why I killed my time on the MFC, being very hyperactive and nervous. My mum kept asking me why the hell I was so nervous and I could only look at her in disbelief. “Mum! I’m going to see Mika! MIKA!” She just rolled her eyes. Whatever she doesn’t understand. When they finally arrived and I was in the car they asked me at what time the doors would open. When I said at half past 6 my cousin looked at me as if I had gone mental. She said: “We could’ve come later! Now we have to wait for so long!” I just shaked my head and concentrated on the night. I mean, if it was for me, I would’ve already stood there at 1. So, after a while we finally arrived. We were standing there gazing at the crowd when I all of a sudden heard: “Hey Ingie!” I waved back at everyone standing there but unfortunately I couldn’t join them. So, we just decided to stand somewhere else when a woman came up to me: “Can I ask you something?” I said yes and she said: “What’s going to happen here? I’ve been here at 3 o’clock and there were already people standing here.” So I said Mika was going to perform and she asked me who that was. I let her listen to Grace Kelly and Relax but she still didn’t notice. So she said she was going to ask her daughter and wished us a good night. 5 minutes later 2 men came up to me asking exactly the same thing. Again I said Mika was going to perform. They said: “Ooooh Mika! Okay, have a great time tonight” We thanked them and went back into the queue. Then Diana came up to us saying that they were going inside somewhere else and that we could take their places. We tried to get there but there was this man being a total jerk for not letting two innocent girls in. I did understand somehow though. Anyways, we said it was okay and went back to our original spot. My cousin kept complaining, said she was going to kill me blablabla. Well, time passed and the closer it got to the opening of the door, the more people came, the less space we had. Nathalie wanted to come to us but some people wouldn’t let them through. And all of a sudden we were stuck. Really stuck. People kept pushing and we couldn’t move. Seriously, for an hour I stood in a very uncomfortable position and my back and leg hurted like hell. It started raining but worst of all, the person in front of me farted! We could barely breath! Anyways, after the smell cooled down, we managed to joke around a bit, mostly stuck-jokes which you must hear in Dutch because otherwise they aren’t funny. Anyways, my cousin had to admit that it wasn’t cold anymore so close to everyone :biggrin2: After a looooong while they finally decided to open the doors. But they only opened one door! I mean, wtf? So many people and only one door! I told my cousin to hold my arm tightly and when the door opened, we actually got picked up by the crowd and carried inside. We didn’t have to walk. My cousin couldn’t breath and I had to say hold on! Hold on! When we finally got in we rushed to the gates, opened my bag, smiled at the man and ran inside. I actually managed to get my camera inside. How? Ah, I just put it in my *ahum* decoletté :naughty: So, we ran towards the entrance of the hall and my cousin said that she had to pee. My reaction: “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PEE NOW! GET INSIDE!” And I opened the door so she had to follow me and we ran towards the stage. It was all adrenaline and we made it! We stood front row! In front of us were Rockingbabzz and Starrats. Babz turned around while I got my camera out and she said: “So, you also got your camera in? I put mine in my underpants” I thought that was pretty funny. And creative:biggrin2: Starrats was such a sweetheart to give us glowsticks. Thanks a lot! And so we started the waiting. Soon the crowd came in and 2 girls stood behind us while one tapped me on the shoulder. She said that she didn’t take a camera with her and if I could send her the pics I made. I told her that was fine and she gave me her email. She then added: “Oh, and if he takes his shirt off, take LOADS of pics!” We laughed and the waiting could begin.

After the support act, which was quite cool actually, we had to wait for another half hour. While we were waiting, 3 people with trays with beer asked if they could pass. We thought they only needed to pass so we let them through. Then they just stopped right behind us, in front of the 2 other girls. They both weren’t afraid and asked them if they could go back to where they actually stood before. Instead, they moved a few inches, blocking the view of some little girls. We told them that they were standing in the way and if they could please go back. It was so sad and one girl almost had to cry. The man just said: “Yeah, well that happens at concerts” We thought it was quite rude, I mean, if you want to stand front row, come earlier! We, but especially the two girls and some other people around got very very annoyed by them and after a while they decided they weren’t really wanted and they went back. We cheered, made sure the little girls had a good view now and we were back in the party mood! After every song we hoped the lights would go out but it didn’t happen and didn’t happen until all of a sudden the lights went out and Martin and Mikey came on stage. We screamed very very loud. Then there was this big bubble and Saranayde came out doing her angel scene. I must say I thought she totally kicked ass! I loved her song on the M and Missionary man was amazing! And after that....there he was! The subject of many of my creations, he just stood there! He moved, breathed and he ran towards us. We knew we were close but this close was so hard to imagine! For one moment I just looked ar him in amazement, remembering every facial expression. It seemed unreal, it seemed like I was just looking at a YouTube video again, but it wasn’t. It was real! It was Mika and he was so close to me! I screamed like a fangirl should. Sorry to Babz, Starrats and everyone else in front of me for my loud screaming and bad singing XD After I while I could relax again and I started making pics and videos. When he talked Dutch that was the cutest thing ever. It’s very cute when a foreigner tries to speak Dutch but he was actually quite good at it! I wonder how long he practised :D From the look on his face you could tell he was quite amazed that we knew the lyrics that well. It was so sweet to see. And then Holy Johnny, which was incredibly funny. He sang a bit and then said that nobody knew what the song was about. Starrats and Babz replied to that with WE DO! And Mika grinned and just said: Okay well they do :D That was very funny! The drum part on the dustbins was really great. He took off his shirt and immediately after that the girls behind me slammed on my shoulder screaming: TAKE PICTURES! TAKE PICTURES! But my battery was being a total bitch and refused to work. I had to warm them up, put them back and it would work for a few seconds so I couldn’t take many pics of that. They did the usual things, the bear picknick (Including a chicken scandal XD) It was just great to see it in real life instead on film. After Lollipop was done they went off stage and the whole crowd started yelling: MIKA! MIKA! MIKA! MIKA! And so they came back to do Relax once again. And then it was really over. I wanted to look for the other MFCers, put my name on the flag and chat a bit but my cousin dragged me over to the toilet and my dad called me and told me to come. I said I wanted to wait for him but he insisted I came. So, I bought 2 posters, at the shirts it was too busy and my dad was quite annoyed and so we went back to the car. It was the best experience of my life. Next time I will take someone who either is willing to come early or I’ll come alone because I was actually really sad that I couldn’t really catch up with all of you guys. That was one thing I really looked forward to. So, no signature and people from the MFC in cartoon motion project, I couldn’t give it to him neither to someone else so we have to find another way. But right now it really doesn’t matter. Because I’ve seen Mika, I’ve seen him from very close and I will never forget this. Mika, if you read this, next tour you better come back again because we loved you and you gave me one of the best nights ever. I might not have met him this time, but my time will come. I’m already saving money for the next gig! And I will always cherish the memory of last night. Forever!

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Really?? OMG! What did you look like? Blonde hair? Dark?


Black and green hair. And I had a flashing heart in my ear. :naughty:


Thanks for your review and piccies IngievV! Amazing!

What's with all these guys being jerks though? First outside in the queue (you should've just pushed through) and then the guys inside the venue. What the hell?!

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Black and green hair. And I had a flashing heart in my ear. :naughty:


Thanks for your review and piccies IngievV! Amazing!

What's with all these guys being jerks though? First outside in the queue (you should've just pushed through) and then the guys inside the venue. What the hell?!


The pushing in the queue was terrible. There were some really annoying guys next to me who came at about 5 and pushed their way all through.

At least there was no pushing during the show. That was quite nice.

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The pushing in the queue was terrible. There were some really annoying guys next to me who came at about 5 and pushed their way all through.

At least there was no pushing during the show. That was quite nice.


Again, guys! Pffft!

We got back into the queue at 18.00 and there was no pushing at all where we were standing. Even when the doors opened it wasn't that bad.

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Hey great report! Can relate to a lot you said, getting crushed when it's not even time for the doors to open, and actually being lifted off the ground once they have been opened...the running, the uncomfortable positions, the pushing...sigh. Most important thing is to stay calm and hope that you get nice people around you, it can set the gig experience.


Thanks again, can feel the front row excitement ^_^.

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Black and green hair. And I had a flashing heart in my ear. :naughty:


Thanks for your review and piccies IngievV! Amazing!

What's with all these guys being jerks though? First outside in the queue (you should've just pushed through) and then the guys inside the venue. What the hell?!


Yeah, but I'm not a pusher and I just thought whatever:thumbdown: There was also a guy next to me at a sudden point who thought he was funny while repeating everything I said:sneaky2:

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It was ABSOLUTELY rocking :punk: serious, i love mika even more now! :mf_lustslow: When i have time i'll put a report online - with pics from before the concert ^^ Waiting outside is worth it :biggrin2: But my pics from the concert it self aren't that good (:naughty: stupid cam!), i think a big part is blurry, but my cousin has some really nice pics :biggrin2:

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