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Mika's Personal Life


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Also, every so often I see posts informing me that apparently I work for Mika, and/or am part of his entourage and/or know him through other ways. This is all very curious to me, and I am as interested as anyone in finding out whether any of it is true. So far, however, Mika has not enlightened me on whether or not I am secretly working for him. I wish he would, I would dearly like to stop working on my papers and start working on his.


I dunno what the big deal about Titania is. She's rather boring! :wink2:



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To be clear, I do not think that anyone deserves to be stalked by the paparazzi. Just that there are choices you can make in your life to avoid it and some of them don't make those choices and the consequences are predictable and inevitable.


Mika knows this and that is why his introduction to the world has been so controlled and he has avoided so much unwanted attention.


Paparazzi are like bees, and Britney Spears' nekkid crotch appears to be honey. I'm sure a hefty sum could be had for a picture of Mika in a passionate embrace with his hand down someone's pants - but since he's been so hush-hush, trying to catch Angelina's next baby bump is far more interesting.


Also, every so often I see posts informing me that apparently I work for Mika, and/or am part of his entourage and/or know him through other ways. This is all very curious to me, and I am as interested as anyone in finding out whether any of it is true. So far, however, Mika has not enlightened me on whether or not I am secretly working for him. I wish he would, I would dearly like to stop working on my papers and start working on his.


That's why you need to log in more often. Not to find out about boring old Mika, but to discover all the things you didn't know about yourself!



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Also, every so often I see posts informing me that apparently I work for Mika, and/or am part of his entourage and/or know him through other ways.


:roftl: I knew it! I knew it!:roftl:


This is all very curious to me, and I am as interested as anyone in finding out whether any of it is true. So far, however, Mika has not enlightened me on whether or not I am secretly working for him. I wish he would, I would dearly like to stop working on my papers and start working on his.


I hear that...I'm also waiting for the call...



I dunno what the big deal about Titania is. She's rather boring! :wink2:


She is a woman of... mystery...


I can't wait to read what she has to say for herself...



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I'm sure a hefty sum could be had for a picture of Mika in a passionate embrace with his hand down someone's pants - but since he's been so hush-hush, trying to catch Angelina's next baby bump is far more interesting.


This is why I cannot be a celebrity. There is nothing I like better than sticking my hands down someone's pants, and I resent society telling me I can't do it in public!


...I am not even kidding. I'm really awful.



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Paparazzi are like bees, and Britney Spears' nekkid crotch appears to be honey. I'm sure a hefty sum could be had for a picture of Mika in a passionate embrace with his hand down someone's pants - but since he's been so hush-hush, trying to catch Angelina's next baby bump is far more interesting.


Imagine if Mika went apesh*t one day and fired his publicist so he could jump on Oprah's couch declaring his love for someone he's been dating for 2 minutes, argue with Matt Lauer about psychopharmacology and pick public fights with Brooke Shields?

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This is why I cannot be a celebrity. There is nothing I like better than sticking my hands down someone's pants, and I resent society telling me I can't do it in public!


...I am not even kidding. I'm really awful.




:roftl: Oh I don't think they'd tell you you can't do it. In fact they'll pay money to watch. That's the whole problem.

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between Jack-Violet-without-specific-gender,

Titania the ghost of the MFC (we see her but we don't know who or where or what),

Rosedewitt, a mysterious person who I have a big respect to

and Caro and their strange six sense...


well, we could make this fanclub a novel of Stephen King :naughty:

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This is why I cannot be a celebrity. There is nothing I like better than sticking my hands down someone's pants, and I resent society telling me I can't do it in public!


...I am not even kidding. I'm really awful.




It's okay, Jack, - we understand.


Although, if you DO become famous, I'll become a paparazzo and follow you around just because I know you're an easy target. :mf_rosetinted:


Imagine if Mika went apesh*t one day and fired his publicist so he could jump on Oprah's couch declaring his love for someone he's been dating for 2 minutes, argue with Matt Lauer about psychopharmacology and pick public fights with Brooke Shields?


And then, for a change of pace, he'll drive the wrong way up a Los Angeles freeway, check himself into and immediately out of Promises Rehab Center, then father some children and dangle them off a balcony. :thumb_yello:

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Also, every so often I see posts informing me that apparently I work for Mika, and/or am part of his entourage and/or know him through other ways. This is all very curious to me, and I am as interested as anyone in finding out whether any of it is true. So far, however, Mika has not enlightened me on whether or not I am secretly working for him. I wish he would, I would dearly like to stop working on my papers and start working on his.


I dunno what the big deal about Titania is. She's rather boring! :wink2:




I'm suprised everybody seems to love u or appreciates what you said! I'm sorry I've never seen you (but I'm a december member)... Why?:biggrin2:

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Parce que tout le monde aime le mystère? :wink2:


But really, I think MFC is a close knot group of fans, and we'd miss anyone who went away. After a while, you just get used to everybody and become fond of everybody. I know I always like reading posts by all the regulars, and am sad when I notice they haven't been posting as much, and happy to see them return.



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Parce que tout le monde aime le mystère? :wink2:


But really, I think MFC is a close knot group of fans, and we'd miss anyone who went away. After a while, you just get used to everybody and become fond of everybody. I know I always like reading posts by all the regulars, and am sad when I notice they haven't been posting as much, and happy to see them return.




:naughty: ok fine!

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Parce que tout le monde aime le mystère? :wink2:


But really, I think MFC is a close knot group of fans, and we'd miss anyone who went away. After a while, you just get used to everybody and become fond of everybody. I know I always like reading posts by all the regulars, and am sad when I notice they haven't been posting as much, and happy to see them return.




:biggrin2: fine fine fine

you want us to say wow jack is amazing without wondering why :bleh:

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This is why I cannot be a celebrity. There is nothing I like better than sticking my hands down someone's pants, and I resent society telling me I can't do it in public!


...I am not even kidding. I'm really awful.




Jack, you remind me so much of a friend of mine. :naughty: We got kicked out of a restaurant because she was doing something not-so-nice to her boyfriend in a booth. :lmfao:

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Hey I'm actually online at the same time as you Jack!


I know everyone misses you and that you've got yourself a shiney new superdooper life but I just wanted to say I still look out for your posts even now.


There aren't many people on here who's opinions I take any notice of but you are one of the ones that I do!




Amen to that!!!!!!


Jack I missed reading your posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edit: I've posted 2-3 times on this thread and not once have I said anything about Mika's Personal life, I guess I don't care as much as Jack and titania returning...

Lol...Jack you're your own celebrity on this forum


titania I see that you're going to New York too...Can't wait to finally meet you if I can make it


I'll still never forget being utterly surprised when Jack introduced herself to me in D.C., I still thought she was a boy then...

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One thing I need to clarify ... the mods close the threads .. yup that is true .. buts its only the mods decision based on the history of the MFC ....


Weve been through this before and it was the MFC decision period that we should not talk about this , we dont make decisions based on what I or DC think .. we do what we feel is best for the MFC:thumb_yello:

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This is a long post but I feel that I need to set several things straight (ignore the pun).


I don't disagree with you but I'm more concerned with the arbitrary censorship issue on MFC which is why I will never agree with an MFC policy that bans discussion of Mika's sexuality.
I don't understand why it's perfectly acceptable to speculate ad nauseam about all the other irrelevant things we'll never know the answer to, but not this one particular topic. That's why the whole thing smacks of homophobia, whether that's what people intend or not.


I would be much more willing to steer everyone clear of discussion of Mika's sexuality if we're going to take the same approach to all the irrelevant things that crop up here and just focus on Mika's work.

That is my stance also. Let's not lose sight of the real issue here: it's not about whether Mika's sexuality is worth discussing or not, it's about why is Mika's sexuality a banned topic when many other equally if not more trivial matters are not banned. It's also a matter of freedom of speech vs. censorship how much of each do we need.


Ok so we dont talk about it , that was the answer :biggrin2: .. or was it :wink2:

No, that's not the answer. We as as a group need to review the (now outdated in my opinion) official "don't talk about Mika's sexuality" policy and the unofficial "don't talk about the meaning of SITM" policy and reach a compromise that pleases the majority if not everyone.


We also need to make it clear that homophobia in any form direct or even implied (e.g. banning the discussion of Mika's sexuality when other trivial topics are not banned) is unacceptable here. And that besides homophobia, everyone here can freely speak their mind in a respectful manner. This is a public forum and as long as we are not insulting/offending each other then there is no reason to not raise any topic.


If in the end the MFC as a group decides that the censorship should remain, we will need clear guidelines for newbies about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and why. And those why's need to be clear and logical reasons that the majority accept as valid enough to merit limiting our freedom of speech.


I'm not asking for much, I'm simply asking that if our freedom of speech is going to be limited that at least we get the chance to be a part of the decision-making process and that if the final decision is that our freedom of speech should be limited at least we will know that it's with valid reason.


i have written so many posts on mfc that i have never posted because of fear of being criticized, so sometimes i read and dont post at all and thats a shame if a forum makes u feel like that.

I think that's a complete and utter shame. That's why I'm strongly against censorship in this matter.


Who cares , christ the last thing we need is a billion threads on his sexuality ppfftttttttt , but thats just my point of view

No one asked for a billion threads, Freddie, only that the topic shouldn't be banned for no real valid reason as it currently is. And if the MFC truly still doesn't care as you claim (which I believe is not true) then that would never be the case anyway.


I agree, largely, and particularly on the subject of discussing Mika's lyrics.

They are part of his work, they are in the public domain, and I think it is perfectly fair and reasonable to be able to discuss interpretations, some of which may be sexuality based.

I agree 100%. The contrary opinion is silly in my opinion.


This is the strangest fan forum I've ever seen in that no one seems to be interested in discussing his music! Most forums have a specific board for songs, videos and any other projects.


Do you envision a whole separate section, at the same level as "Chat About Mika" and "General Chin Wagging" called "Mika's work" or something? Which would then have a thread for each song, perhaps a thread for each video, etc?


Some might think that's overkill, but thinking about it, that would be an ideal way to dedicate a portion of the site to the music.


I think that could work well in conjunction with some of the fluffy stuff that appears in the Chat About Mika section - there's nothing to say someone can't analyze the lyrics or chord progression in Billy Brown, then hop to another thread and stare at a ginormous picture of Mika to see if he has contacts or not.


Do y'all think such a section would get much attention?

I'm glad that someone raised this topic! When I first joined I found it quite odd that there wasn't such a sub-forum. I am strongly for this idea, it's not overkill at all, it's what's expected out of a fan forum. That's not to say that the trivial topics should disappear, only that they can now be balanced out with deeper discussion too. Count me in!


I love the fact that I come across so many like minded people on a forum about a new curly haired musician that I have become totally smitten with!


I don't think I've ever come across such a large gathering of my fellow thinkers in one place ever.


Oh, and I personally haven't been into the Gay thread as I'm not gay.......could we not rename it the Sexuality thread?? I will pop in now that I know it is a discussion thread of a more general nature!

It started off as a place for gay people to hang out and it's still mostly gay- and bi-themed but it has often moved on to slightly more general discussions about sexuality. I wouldn't mind it being renamed to be more inclusive and include more general discussion of sexuality, but I don't know if that's what other people in the thread would want too.


There's an intelligence that come with being bi........saying you're gay or straight is such an easily identifiable concept for others to understand but to say that it's a lifestyle choice made after giving serious consideration and thought to the whole concept of sexuality is a hard idea for people to grasp.


I make all sorts of complex and unusual lifestyles choices (that don't relate to my sexuality) that set me apart from the majority....those concerning my sexuality get dealt with in the same way.


I find that people react quite oddly to the fact when they know......and feel that they can question me about it insessantly (again, I've spoken about this before on other threads) in a way they would not do with gay/straight folk.

I agree with the bolded points, except that I don't see it as much of a choice and it didn't take that much deliberation as I always knew but just had to admit it; it's the decisions that you make post-accepting and people's reactions to it that are complicated. Many people think that they know what it means to be straight and many people think that they know what it means to be gay (isn't the mass media a wonderful thing? *sarcasm*) but I find that many people don't often think about what it means to be bisexual and when they find out they are curious about it and like to ask lots of questions. That lack of understanding also translates to people falling back on stereotypes to fill in the gaps in their knowledge, which irks me to no end but when people ask questions you get the chance to correct things.


Vixen great to hear your opinions! And Scut_Monkey you amaze me!


Clever people on this forum!

And I'm loving all of you!

Back at ya, CM. :thumb_yello:






Yes, and that's why everyone should ignore her posts.


Jack, Titania and R-dawg all in the same thread at the same time... :shocked::biggrin2:

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This is a long post but I feel that I need to set several things straight (ignore the pun).




That is my stance also. Let's not lose sight of the real issue here: it's not about whether Mika's sexuality is worth discussing or not, it's about why is Mika's sexuality a banned topic when many other equally if not more trivial matters are not banned. It's also a matter of freedom of speech vs. censorship how much of each do we need.



No, that's not the answer. We as as a group need to review the (now outdated in my opinion) official "don't talk about Mika's sexuality" policy and the unofficial "don't talk about the meaning of SITM" policy and reach a compromise that pleases the majority if not everyone.


We also need to make it clear that homophobia in any form direct or even implied (e.g. banning the discussion of Mika's sexuality when other trivial topics are not banned) is unacceptable here. And that besides homophobia, everyone here can freely speak their mind in a respectful manner. This is a public forum and as long as we are not insulting/offending each other then there is no reason to not raise any topic.


If in the end the MFC as a group decides that the censorship should remain, we will need clear guidelines for newbies about what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and why. And those why's need to be clear and logical reasons that the majority accept as valid enough to merit limiting our freedom of speech.


I'm not asking for much, I'm simply asking that if our freedom of speech is going to be limited that at least we get the chance to be a part of the decision-making process and that if the final decision is that our freedom of speech should be limited at least we will know that it's with valid reason.



I think that's a complete and utter shame. That's why I'm strongly against censorship in this matter.



No one asked for a billion threads, Freddie, only that the topic shouldn't be banned for no real valid reason as it currently is. And if the MFC truly still doesn't care as you claim (which I believe is not true) then that would never be the case anyway.



I agree 100%. The contrary opinion is silly in my opinion.





I'm glad that someone raised this topic! When I first joined I found it quite odd that there wasn't such a sub-forum. I am strongly for this idea, it's not overkill at all, it's what's expected out of a fan forum. That's not to say that the trivial topics should disappear, only that they can now be balanced out with deeper discussion too. Count me in!



It started off as a place for gay people to hang out and it's still mostly gay- and bi-themed but it has often moved on to slightly more general discussions about sexuality. I wouldn't mind it being renamed to be more inclusive and include more general discussion of sexuality, but I don't know if that's what other people in the thread would want too.



I agree with the bolded points, except that I don't see it as much of a choice and it didn't take that much deliberation as I always knew but just had to admit it; it's the decisions that you make post-accepting and people's reactions to it that are complicated. Many people think that they know what it means to be straight and many people think that they know what it means to be gay (isn't the mass media a wonderful thing? *sarcasm*) but I find that many people don't often think about what it means to be bisexual and when they find out they are curious about it and like to ask lots of questions. That lack of understanding also translates to people falling back on stereotypes to fill in the gaps in their knowledge, which irks me to no end but when people ask questions you get the chance to correct things.



Back at ya, CM. :thumb_yello:






Jack, Titania and R-dawg all in the same thread at the same time... :shocked::biggrin2:


Your still missing the point .. it has nothing at alll in any way shame or form to do with homophobia ......


Maybe the MFC views are outdated , but until threads like this are discussed openly and frankly thats all we have .....

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