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Blast from the Past


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Well guys, it's been over a year!


Mika's come so far...if there's another thread like this, I apologise, but how about we post our fave pics/interviews/TV appearances or whatever from early last year?


One thing I can that's changed in him: His dress sense and his hair! His hair is more natural now...last year it was like, curled all the time to perfection lol. aah you get me.


my fave tv appearances:


London Zoo:

Life in Two Minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgtbVWsOeOU

Everyday Objects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxxeKjKy2mY&feature=related



it's a shame, he seems more relaxed then, don't you think?

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I think this is a great idea.

I must say I miss the coloured skinny jeans really much:naughty:

The zoo interview is definately one of my favorites too.

Chubby bunny:http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=D3Z6lvBw2kU

Mexican interview: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=cZKXwrQdbWM

Roxercise: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=hLt6CiwGRL4

Japan interview: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=IUEnxv6UHD8

Finland interview: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=G_NhrdtRzdY

Hotseat Australia: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=yIpq32ihsPE


But I have many more:naughty:

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I miss the colorful skinny jeans too

These are my fav but i have more lol

Mika T4 on the Beach http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JxpMUV5bCsw



I like the T4 one too. But the one @ Jensen in Holland I don't like that much. Some bits were funny, but Mika seemed a bit uncomfortable or something. Or he was just very nervous beacuse that was his first time @ Holland:naughty:

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2007 has been an amazing year for Mika

your vids Caz are classics!! :wub2:

and you are right about the hair... :blink: it looks more natural now :mf_lustslow:


this is my favourite!!! hahha :roftl:


LOL this one is silly :D I found out lots of things I did not know....like he 'checks his boogers' after he blows his nose.


Oh, Mika.

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This is when i first saw Mika>




Friday night project - and i sat up and went :shocked: WHO IS THIS GUY???


At first i thought, how weird, but then a few days after, i had the urge to listen to that song over and over, again and again, and i was hooked.


That was the first time I saw Mika and then I had to wait AGES to get my hands on the LICM.


Great thread:mf_lustslow:

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it's a shame, he seems more relaxed then, don't you think?


You can't begin to estimate how many times I watched that video this time last year :naughty: I knew it verbatim, honestly.


Watching it now, I cannot believe how someone can 'grow up' so much in the space of a year, although maybe I'm forgetting that he is still so young, and you do change quickly even in your early 20s (the only changes you see at my age on the other hand are more grey hairs and more bloody wrinkles not to mention the boobs going South :blink: ).


I feel sooo nostalgic for those early days but at the same time, just very very recently, I've begun to feel really excited again about Mika's future and about the second album..


Honestly, it's like having a third child :naughty: : I hanker after the days when he was 'little' but feel so excited about what he'll be like when he 'grows up'..or am I just getting broody again LOL.

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You can't begin to estimate how many times I watched that video this time last year :naughty: I knew it verbatim, honestly.


Watching it now, I cannot believe how someone can 'grow up' so much in the space of a year, although maybe I'm forgetting that he is still so young, and you do change quickly even in your early 20s (the only changes you see at my age on the other hand are more grey hairs and more bloody wrinkles not to mention the boobs going South :blink: ).


I feel sooo nostalgic for those early days but at the same time, just very very recently, I've begun to feel really excited again about Mika's future and about the second album..


Honestly, it's like having a third child :naughty: : I hanker after the days when he was 'little' but feel so excited about what he'll be like when he 'grows up'..or am I just getting broody again LOL.


Oh Gata, you're so cute. I know exactly what you mean. When Mika first entered the Music World the buzz was exciting, and we followed Mika's every step to fame! I am also very excited about the second album, but also concerned. I love his first album to bits, but for some reason I am scared that I'll like the second album more and forget about the "old 'new' Mika" and I'm scared that I won't like the second album and fear for Mika's future.


It's weird. I don't know, I just want him to do well :)

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I am also very excited about the second album, but also concerned. I love his first album to bits, but for some reason I am scared that I'll like the second album more and forget about the "old 'new' Mika" and I'm scared that I won't like the second album and fear for Mika's future.


It's weird. I don't know, I just want him to do well :)


Really, it IS like having a child! The unconditional love and the affection and the inherent belief, but also the worry and the protectiveness, and the defensiveness too if I'm being honest.


I know Mika doesn't need any mothering (he already has at least seven) but that's how I feel about him - except of course that I fancy the pants off him and so it gets a bit weird then :blink: :blink: Hey let's just not go there!!!!! :naughty:


Edit: I was also going to say (but got carried away with the mother thing :naughty: ) that I also worry i won't like the second album, even though I know i will. Does that make sense?? No. So much of what I think about Mika makes no sense at all though so it doesn't matter.

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Oh Gata, you're so cute. I know exactly what you mean. When Mika first entered the Music World the buzz was exciting, and we followed Mika's every step to fame! I am also very excited about the second album, but also concerned. I love his first album to bits, but for some reason I am scared that I'll like the second album more and forget about the "old 'new' Mika" and I'm scared that I won't like the second album and fear for Mika's future.

It's weird. I don't know, I just want him to do well :)


OMG your both so right, Gata you made me realize that the way I feel about Mika HAS to be "like having a 3rd child" (:blink: unfortunately I am too old for anything else lol), and having said that, then what Caz describes is exactly how you feel when you thinking about having another baby, you watch the first one growing up and it's all very exciting, and you wonder if you will ever have enough love for a 2nd one, and when it comes along you still love the first one the same, but you now find another love inside you for the 2nd one...and so it goes on for every child/album that comes along thereafter. Love is expanding and different for many things, parents/children/pets/friends/spouses/crushes.....and yeah even pop stars and albums. :wub2:

So yeah, just like we want to see our family do well, we want to see Mika do well, be well, be healthy, and happy, so maybe he feels like an extended extended family member to some of us, guess that is why we sometimes feel so fiercely protective of him.

I think that is kinda cute of us, MIka fans are so cute love ya guys lol.

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I love his first album to bits, but for some reason I am scared that I'll like the second album more and forget about the "old 'new' Mika" and I'm scared that I won't like the second album and fear for Mika's future.


It's weird. I don't know, I just want him to do well :)


I have developed an almost unconditional faith that Mika knows what he's doing and that he's going to continue to move forward in the right direction.


And it doesn't just stem from my irrational mothering tendency. I am a natural skeptic and no matter how much I fret or second guess his decisions he keeps proving himself time and time again.


I was never crazy about LICM and thought Mika was awkward and geeky at first but I embraced him because of his potential. A potential I didn't think would materialize for 3 or 4, maybe even 5-10 years. But he has already surpassed many of my expectations and his next year will be phenomenal if he keeps progressing at the same rate.


I realize that his second album could go relatively unnoticed in the industry and not get the attention and airplay that LICM did because he's 2007's news. But if that's what happens because he doesn't make a spectacle of himself in the tabloids or because he goes into the studio to make the album he wants instead of churning out Grace Kelly II to sell some records, then so be it.


I am excited to see where things could go for him in 2008 and no matter what happens it's almost impossible for me to imagine it's going to be a bad result for his long term career. He should still be shooting for the 5-10 year mark and as long as he maintains his artistic integrity and the boundaries he's set with the media, he'll get there in the end.


I know Mika doesn't need any mothering (he already has at least seven) but that's how I feel about him - except of course that I fancy the pants off him and so it gets a bit weird then :blink: :blink: Hey let's just not go there!!!!! :naughty:


:naughty: He probably doesn't need anyone fancying the pants off him either, but who cares? Is your ratio still 20% mothering, 80%...?

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I have developed an almost unconditional faith that Mika knows what he's doing and that he's going to continue to move forward in the right direction.


(...) I am a natural skeptic and no matter how much I fret or second guess his decisions he keeps proving himself time and time again.


This is how I feel too. I have big moments when I catch myself thinking, is he really all that good? have I been taken in by the hype? why do I like him so much, I wouldn't normally like his sort of music, what's wrong with me?. And then he goes and does or says or sings or performs something that totally confirms my belief in him and in my judgment of him and then I feel bad for even questioning it!



I realize that his second album could go relatively unnoticed in the industry and not get the attention and airplay that LICM did because he's 2007's news.


I don't know. I can't make my mind up on whether it'll be deliberately ignored or intensely scrutinized. You can just never tell what the industry reaction will be, in this country at least, they are a law unto themselves :sneaky2:



:naughty: He probably doesn't need anyone fancying the pants off him either, but who cares? Is your ratio still 20% mothering, 80%...?


It varies from day to day, possibly in direct correlation to my hormonal cycle :naughty:. Hmmm, I think I'll start keeping a diary :wink2: .

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OMG your both so right, Gata you made me realize that the way I feel about Mika HAS to be "like having a 3rd child" (:blink: unfortunately I am too old for anything else lol), and having said that, then what Caz describes is exactly how you feel when you thinking about having another baby, you watch the first one growing up and it's all very exciting, and you wonder if you will ever have enough love for a 2nd one, and when it comes along you still love the first one the same, but you now find another love inside you for the 2nd one...and so it goes on for every child/album that comes along thereafter. Love is expanding and different for many things, parents/children/pets/friends/spouses/crushes.....and yeah even pop stars and albums. :wub2:

So yeah, just like we want to see our family do well, we want to see Mika do well, be well, be healthy, and happy, so maybe he feels like an extended extended family member to some of us, guess that is why we sometimes feel so fiercely protective of him.

I think that is kinda cute of us, MIka fans are so cute love ya guys lol.



oh Viv that was beautiful, and explains everything we feel!

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Well guys, it's been over a year!


Mika's come so far...if there's another thread like this, I apologise, but how about we post our fave pics/interviews/TV appearances or whatever from early last year?


One thing I can that's changed in him: His dress sense and his hair! His hair is more natural now...last year it was like, curled all the time to perfection lol. aah you get me.


my fave tv appearances:


London Zoo:

Life in Two Minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgtbVWsOeOU

Everyday Objects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxxeKjKy2mY&feature=related



it's a shame, he seems more relaxed then, don't you think?

Yeaa! Now he's more..strip tease-y and more things on stage with him. Before it was just him *points to taratata*

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OMG your both so right, Gata you made me realize that the way I feel about Mika HAS to be "like having a 3rd child" (:blink: unfortunately I am too old for anything else lol), and having said that, then what Caz describes is exactly how you feel when you thinking about having another baby, you watch the first one growing up and it's all very exciting, and you wonder if you will ever have enough love for a 2nd one, and when it comes along you still love the first one the same, but you now find another love inside you for the 2nd one...and so it goes on for every child/album that comes along thereafter. Love is expanding and different for many things, parents/children/pets/friends/spouses/crushes.....and yeah even pop stars and albums. :wub2:

So yeah, just like we want to see our family do well, we want to see Mika do well, be well, be healthy, and happy, so maybe he feels like an extended extended family member to some of us, guess that is why we sometimes feel so fiercely protective of him.

I think that is kinda cute of us, MIka fans are so cute love ya guys lol.


I'm glad someone else understands :blush-anim-cl:


You know about a year ago I was really broody for another child - even my hub doesn't know this (well maybe he does now as he probably secretly lurks on here :naughty: ) - two kids at school, me approaching 40 etc. But I've found that this urge has completely gone now, and I blame - or should that be thank? - yes who else but Mika!!


Mika is my third child, my 'adopted' one :naughty: And the good thing is, I don't even have to change his dirty nappy. (Although the breastfeeding and staying up all night could be arranged :mf_rosetinted:) yuck forget I said that!!! :naughty:

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I'm glad someone else understands :blush-anim-cl:


You know about a year ago I was really broody for another child - even my hub doesn't know this (well maybe he does now as he probably secretly lurks on here :naughty: ) - two kids at school, me approaching 40 etc. But I've found that this urge has completely gone now, and I blame - or should that be thank? - yes who else but Mika!!


Mika is my third child, my 'adopted' one :naughty: And the good thing is, I don't even have to change his dirty nappy. (Although the breastfeeding and staying up all night could be arranged :mf_rosetinted:) yuck forget I said that!!! :naughty:




I cannot believe you just said that

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