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2008 - Mika @ Guvernment Kool Haus in Toronto, Ontario, 29 Jan REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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Brought a big plastic bag, stuffed our jackets, mitts, hats, scarves, etc. and put it on the ground by our feet during the concert. If you take the time to check your coat in, then you risk a dozen more fans passing you and beating you to a better spot in the venue. You don't want to regret that, especially when you waited out in the cold longer than they did....


gottcha ! Thanks for the tip. i might just do the same !

yeah i would never waste time to check my coat in !

hahah thanks


can't wait for tonight's concert :=]

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Just watched the video lana86 - love it! I love when Mika tried to do the "I want to talk to you" bit, but the audience had already started singing - lololol :bleh:


Ha, I don't know about the audience. It was probably just me and Sariflor. :roftl:

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Glad to see that someone posted the links to my videos! I will try to get

them turned around the right way but it takes alot of time because I will

have to upload them to mega upload. When that is done I will put the links

in the thread. The hiccup video is my friend Anns and we took turns doing

video-I always video at every concert I go to and as you know it's hard

to enjoy the concert and video at the same time! Plus my battery only last

so long so I could only get what I got anyways!


I make jewelery and I gave a bracelet to a security gaurd to give to Mika

I wonder if he ever got it and i would love if anyone one of you do see

him by the buses next time to ask him about it if you get the chance. It was

glass blue beads with MIKA in silver block letters with a happy face charm and

a heart! Well even if he didn't get it someone is walking around wearing a

MIKA bracelet that was meant for him!lol:thumb_yello:

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Becky and I are back in Montreal and about to go have lunch but I wanted to post my vid of the last part of Love Today with a good close-up on Mikey bass guitar solo and (of course) shirtless Mika...


I don't have much pic but Becky has a bit more and we should write a report together later today.


The genius Mikey : http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=zjRy2ajFRvc

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Just watched the video lana86 - love it! I love when Mika tried to do the "I want to talk to you" bit, but the audience had already started singing - lololol :bleh:


hahaha yeah the audience totally got ahead of themselves there... it was funny I was singing along too and then he had that look like ... nonono I WANNA TALK TO YOU!!!

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Becky and I are back in Montreal and about to go have lunch but I wanted to post my vid of the last part of Love Today with a good close-up on Mikey bass guitar solo and (of course) shirtless Mika...


I don't have much pic but Becky has a bit more and we should write a report together later today.


The genius Mikey : http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=zjRy2ajFRvc


yay you're back :punk:


have fun, can't wait for your pics :woot_jump:

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Ha, I don't know about the audience. It was probably just me and Sariflor.


You're probably quite right there

Listening to my vids, I must admit that I'm horrified to hear how loud AND HOW BADLY we were singing!! It really is horrific, you will all soon see.


At the moment I'm fighting with the videos to get them uploaded, as for some reason it's not proving very simple, but I promise to do my best.


I have quite good quality ones of most songs except for a couple (sadly, Happy Ending is one of the missing ones), as I had to pause at some point to recharge memory and also to really let go and just soak the M in.


Cause boy did we soak him in!!! We had Mika juice dripping all over us, haha!!! Oops did that sound bad? I meant the sweatiness, as he was so close to us.

Anyway, like others have said, it was an unbelievable experience, which I will try and report as well as I can.

Be warned anyone who doesn’t like long things, that this is very long!! Read at your own risk and all that.


It all started when I finally managed to drag Christine out of bed (ha just kidding) and we walked down to the venue. The first thing we noticed when we set foot outside was how "warm" it was compared to the night before, which was of course a big blessing to the little spanish moi who is NOT made for the cold and was already starting to wonder if coming over to Canada to queue outside for hours was really such a smart idea.


Anyway, so off we went feeling quite pleased about the weather (if I had ever been told that I'd consider 5 degrees and no sun "good", I would have thought that whoever said that was nuts), and after a very short walk we were there.


Of course we'd been chatting to Lucy errr I mean Suzy on the phone so we knew that they were already there, "setting camp".

And when I say setting camp, I kid you not.


ClosetMikafan had let the little camper in him lose, and had set up 4 nice deck chairs, had blankets ready, and even a table and cards!!

We never ended up getting the table out cause we thought we'd look like fools (HAHAHA, as if!!) but it was all very well planned and prepared.


They had even set the chairs up in a nice little "square" right at the front of the queue.


Anyway so then the wait began...we just waited and chatted, and took numerous trips to the really cool Loblaws, the store, where we forgot all our inhibitions and took a few really stupid pics with the fruit.

Basically the 3 that were there at the time (Christine, Lana and I) picked a fruit, and got a silly pic with it.

I got the bananas, Christine the apples, and Lana the melons I think that those pics pretty much sum up the mood of the day. It was pointless and silly and fantastically fun.


Seriously guys, I had SUCH A great time!! It was really nice. Like we said, time passed and we didn't even realise.

Besides the usual suspects I got to meet and spend a lot of time with the lovely Lana, which was great.

Lana, should I mention what you did in the bathroom? LOL That was funny.

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What else....Well, the day was pretty much that, until the band arrived and Luke the sweetie came out to chat a bit, he is just such a nice guy, seriously! He was all worried speaking to Suzy about the tickets, asking if she’d sorted it all out, etc… Very nice.


Later on Mika arrived, and gave us a little wave and smiled. His sis and mom and John also got off the car and they all went inside.


A short while later Andy came out and started to innocently walk around taking a few shots of the entrance door- I think that he didn’t think for a second that he had a few trained eyes on him who were watching his every move, and hence the surprise in his face when we started shouting: “Andy! Hi!!”

Nevertheless, surprised or not, he came up to us and was very nice and chatty.


He asked the usual things, and also said that Mika thought we’d been camping there all night when he saw the chairs and the “setup” that we had, hahaha!!! We said nooooooooooo but I’m not sure if Andy believed it, so who knows what the story that Mika got back was. He probably still thinks that we spent the night there,ahahha!!


Mika please give us some credit- we’re mad but not THAT mad!


Andy was great and he filmed us a bit, asking our name, etc…When it was my turn I said I am Sara, aka Sariflor, and then I remembered my tshirt where I had my username printed, so I opened my coat and showed him.

He seemed to like that so I held the coat open while he filmed the top up close and laughed.

He was saying “oh, to make sure that Mika doesn’t forget, right?”


It was really funny- And I only realised a bit later that I was having my chest be filmed for a very close close-up on the Mika vid, and that neither Andy or myself found it strange in the slightest. Or any of the others that were standing right there!!

Oh well…


Ah and he also filmed us when he was asking us why there wasn’t any fancy dress and we just jumped on him saying “ermm…hello?? Have you seen this weather??

As if we’d be worrying about fancy dress now!”


I also said (and didn’t notice that it was being filmed until I had finished saying it) that it was actually Mika’s fault as he had started saying he was sick of it so now he had to suffer the consequences and make his mind up, lol!


Andy told us that tonight would be a good show, very fun, that Mika would even possibly do some crowd surfing (LOL) and that he thought he would probably come out at the end. As you can imagine we were keen when we heard the crowd surfing being mentioned, haha!! Christine seemed particularly excited about it, lol.

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What else…..Lots of other people/girls started arriving, a few MFC’ers and others that weren’t, but we all suffered in companionship when it was getting colder and when it started raining, and it was really nice to meet the Montreal girls who had been travelling all night and must have been so knackered.

Well done girls!!

You were all lovely and I’m SO glad that I met you.

We listened with excitement to Vero’s account of the night before being a Lollipop girl, and it was really fun and exciting.

Ah at some point Andy told us that it was Mikey’s birthday so we decided to go and get him a little present. Obviously the choice was very limited as the store is a supermarket type thing, so we got him a silly little “pretend” shaving kit which I have taken a picture of in my gig pics with some bright colours and made of plastic with superheroes pictures on it.

Very sweet, I wonder what he thought of it!!

We also got him a really cute card but we forgot to give it to him later on as it fell out of the bag, so he never got that which is a shame. Maybe Christine can take it to London and we can give him part 2 of his present a month later.

At this stage it was nearly time to go in, and some cheeky buggers (I’d call them stronger things) tried to jump the queue, aided by the most bullyish and dumb security guard I’ve probably seen.

Basically they forced these people in front of us (who had arrived at 5 or 6) and told us to bear it or be prepared to be kicked out.

The one guy got particularly mouthy with me threatening me with kicking me out when I confronted one of the “queue jumpers” and I thought it was all lost, but the lovely Omar (the head security guy over there) luckily had far more principles than the other guys and told them in no uncertain terms that WE were going first as we had been there all day, and he could not care less who the owner wanted at the front, he was doing what was fair and right.

God, how much love I felt for this man! I am a firm believer in justice and also all the hopes that we had pinned on this show, so this meant a lot.

Sooo, we ran inside, and took the front row CENTER SUPER CENTER!! It was SOO close to the stage, unbelievable. Such a small stage too!!

We had to endure quite a bit of pushing and shoving, and some morons being totally obnoxious, not to mention another security guy who when we complained to (as some of the Montreal girls were being viciously squashed) just looked all bored and said “well this is what you get at concerts, I can’t do anything” and just buggered off.

Seriously, what a d!ckhead. Why is he there then????? Someone should really report these people, what goes on in that venue is imo terrible.

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Aaaaaaaaaanyway back to the good stuff. We waited, all excited, waving our flashing wands like mad, and Andy came out again and said that it was good to see familiar faces, he said that he’d told Mika that there were “regulars” and he was happy, and then the support band came out.

I quite enjoyed them, they were fun and had a great time on stage, and I think that we all had a good time.

That Cowbella was seriously funny, she was so mad, but really cool. She had a very nice fun vibe, and like Christine mentioned, some Yellesque moves.

Then…………….Time for THE WIZ………….I seriously thought that the floor was going to cave when he came out with Relax and everyone went so mad!! We jumped and screamed and just WOW! The energy!!

He was on fire!

Now on a very serious note, I think that this is his best gig so far that I’ve been in. I mean it was AMAZING!!

He was right there in front of us, spent 90 per cent of his time there, without moving, and looking at us most of the time.

Seriously, the amount of eye contact that I got in this gig was unbelievable. When you see the vids you’ll know what I mean!!

I found that so often when he wasn’t looking at the camera he was looking at me, but he looked at me SO much that I was in a cloud.

Many times I was filming and totally lost the plot when he stared at me so I didn’t notice that I’d cut his head off the video,hahaha!! Funny.

He went all out and sang like he’d never done it before, he was in top form. His voice was incredible, so good, and he was so happy and relaxed, and having fun…The Stuck in The Middle hiccup was funny as hell, he seemed quite shocked that it happened, and we all laughed so much!

Most of my vids are quite good, with the exception of 2 things: our singing (which is utterly atrocious) and the girl next to me who Lana already mentioned, who kept shouting “YOU’RE SO HOT!!!” like she had taurette’s, seriously, it was so out of the blue, and you never knew when it was coming, LOL!!

Oh and while she shouted she tried to wedge herself between Lana and me to get to the front, so I ended up with her hip firmly squashed onto mine for the whole night. Lovely (NOT!!!)

She was a nightmare,that one!!

Oh and did I mention Suzy’s funny moment?? At one point she looks at the stage and shouts at the top of her lungs: “I SAW YOU AT THE MOD CLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB!!!!”

It was hilarious, hahaha!!! So random and unexpected,LOL!

I think that a lot has been said about the gig already, but in short:it was incredible.

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Mika was having a great time , and so were we. The fact that the stage was so tiny really worked for us, as he stayed in front of us and looked at us for such long periods of time!!


I also found it very funny when at one point Luke came out from behind the keyboard and started prancing around playing some sort of guitar. It was quite funny, as he seemed very pleased with himself.

Sadly we never get to see much of him or Cherisse, as they are buried behind their instruments.

I found that Cherisse was particularly hard to see on this one. I would imagine that the lighting didn’t help either, as it wasn’t fantastic….


Oh and like someone mentioned, the sound “incident” in Love Today was a bit weird…But he did well and it hardly affected anything.


Oh and Missionary Man was great!!! I got a fantastic video of it, it was really really good. Saranayde was in good form too, although I don’t get why she now needs to parade in a bikini. Sigh. I obviously don’t “get” it. I mean, how many straight men go to these gigs?

It’s mainly women, and a few gay guys. The few straight guys are there with their other halves so they’d probably get in trouble if they ogled her anyway.


If it’s REALLY necessary to flash some flesh, get Mika to strip more, or give us Luke in swimming trunks, but Saranayde in a bikini just doesn’t do it for me, lol!!


Anyway, back to the review…Lollipop was great, as they changed a couple of costumes (Luke and Mika) and Mika was playing with his tail in quite a funny way. I think he likes having a costume with a tail, he always seems particularly amused by it, haha.


“Our” girls were fantastic on stage, and they both seemed to love every second, and they were very much in unison, and looked very comfortable on stage. I was impressed at how well they did!! It was very nice to see them up there.


At the end of the gig Mika’s mum came out and started picking up balloons that had gotten stuck between the barrier and the stage, and threw them at people. That woman seems so nice! She has a very sweet expression on her face.


We then loitered inside the venue until we were forced to leave, though we managed to prolong it as much as possible by following Suzy’s clever idea of pretending that we were picking our coats up from the cloackroom.

Luckily those security guards were also quite dumb on top of aggressive, as most of us were standing in the queue “to get coats” with our big coats on already LMAO!!

How sweet.

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Then we waited outside for a short while and Mika came out very briefly, smiled tons, graciously accepted a few gifts, and went off into the night in the van……

We then stayed a little more chatting to Luke and Mickey, who were very sweet, and we gave them their presents.

Luke obviously liked his scarf from Suzy and Ryan, as he had already gone into the bus when he suddenly jumped out again all excited wearing the scarf around his neck and started chatting quite happily! It was funny.

Mickey was surprised to get a gift and I really hope that he gets the humour of the present that we gave him….

Oh and we spoke a little to John, who was very sweet, but despite saying he could do with water declined my offer of my bottle, so he obviously had an issue with drinking from the same bottle as I, hehe! He was really nice though.

Once all that was done, it was the end and we went home (well, to Christine’s, whose home I hijacked for the stay).

We stayed up for ages chatting and watching videos, and then when I decided to finally go to bed, she seemed relieved, as I think it was when she started posting, LOL!

So that was it, I hope that “some” will make it to the end of this super long review…but you know me, things just get long when I write them, and because this was such a special time and show and everything, I just felt like writing it all up!! As a bit of a memory for me too.

I will go to try and get those videos up now so that you see what I mean by “looking straight at me”, you’ll see! It was INCREDIBLE!!!

In the meantime, here some pics of the day:


And just to finish this off, I want to thank again for the millionth time how much Christine and Suzy did for me, and of course Closetmikafan too.

You guys are all amazing and made this experience possible, for which I can’t thank you enough!!!

BTW Suzy check Luke’s new blog out!!! :punk:

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Anyway so then the wait began...we just waited and chatted, and took numerous trips to the really cool Loblaws, the store, where we forgot all our inhibitions and took a few really stupid pics with the fruit.

Basically the 3 that were there at the time (Christine, Lana and I) picked a fruit, and got a silly pic with it.

I got the bananas, Christine the apples, and Lana the melons I think that those pics pretty much sum up the mood of the day. It was pointless and silly and fantastically fun.


Seriously guys, I had SUCH A great time!! It was really nice. Like we said, time passed and we didn't even realise.

Besides the usual suspects I got to meet and spend a lot of time with the lovely Lana, which was great.

Lana, should I mention what you did in the bathroom? LOL That was funny.


where are those pics?? :naughty:


EDIT: I was too impatient, didn't see you put the link in the last post lol

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Anyway so then the wait began...we just waited and chatted, and took numerous trips to the really cool Loblaws, the store, where we forgot all our inhibitions and took a few really stupid pics with the fruit.

Basically the 3 that were there at the time (Christine, Lana and I) picked a fruit, and got a silly pic with it.

I got the bananas, Christine the apples, and Lana the melons I think that those pics pretty much sum up the mood of the day. It was pointless and silly and fantastically fun.


Seriously guys, I had SUCH A great time!! It was really nice. Like we said, time passed and we didn't even realise.

Besides the usual suspects I got to meet and spend a lot of time with the lovely Lana, which was great.

Lana, should I mention what you did in the bathroom? LOL That was funny.


where are those pics?? :naughty:


EDIT: I was too impatient, didn't see you put the link in the last post lol


They are all there in the link I posted:




I didn't take many of Mika, as he always looks similar and I knew that others would have better ones, so I focused on the videos instead :naughty:

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