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2008 - Mika @ Guvernment Kool Haus in Toronto, Ontario, 29 Jan REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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just tiptoe around lol

are you saying that she is a slow typist???? :naughty: :naughty:

maybe she is multi tasking!!! :roftl: :roftl:


Heck no!! She is one of the fastest typers I have EVER seen!! I swear!!


And I know she is multitasking cuz I keep bugging her on MSN....:mf_rosetinted:

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Heck no!! She is one of the fastest typers I have EVER seen!! I swear!!


And I know she is multitasking cuz I keep bugging her on MSN....:mf_rosetinted:


haha so it's your fault!!!!! i'm waiting to hear the rest to go to bed!!!

leave her alone! :roftl:

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There was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people waiting for him outside... when I saw the crowd I felt so sorry for him cause I knew he was not well and SOOO sorry for my friends and fellow MFCers cause I knew there was no way he would talk to everybody and sign autographs and take pictures cause then he would have stayed there at least an hour ! It made me feel even more guilty that the girls missed him in Montréal because of me (soooo ssssssso sorry girls once again)


As a matter of fact, a security guard came out and told us he would not be taking pictures or signing any autographs. He would just come out, thank us, wave and go on the van. So there he came out of the venue and everyone just formed a mob around him and took pictures of him. He stayed a good five minutes at least to talk to the crowd but I could hardly say what he was saying. And I kinda hung out in the back cause I had already my time with him. Then he left.


After that we stayed a little and we got to see Mikey and Luke. Mikey saw me said to me : Well done ! It was fun having you at both shows ! So I thanked him and wished him happy bday. Suzy gave her gift to Luke, which he seemed to love ! We tried to convince Luke to release an album, unsuccesfully... lol. Then I asked Mikey if I could get a picture with him. I had a picture with Luke the day before but asked him if he would join in the picture again so he said : sure !


Then I saw Nadja coming out of the venue and going to the bus so I went to see her. I thanked her again and again and she just gave me this huge hug and she said : no thank YOU, it was a PLEASURE for us to have you and make sure you come and see me in New York ! Did I mentioned before that I love her ? cause I do... :wub2:


So then we walked back to our hotel with Christine and Sariflor. We got to the hotel and we were STARVING so we ordered pizza and we got ripped off big time... :mf_rosetinted:


It took me a while before I could go to sleep, so much emotions in such a short period of time...


(to be continued)

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There was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people waiting for him outside... when I saw the crowd I felt so sorry for him cause I knew he was not well and SOOO sorry for my friends and fellow MFCers cause I knew there was no way he would talk to everybody and sign autographs and take pictures cause then he would have stayed there at least an hour ! It made me feel even more guilty that the girls missed him in Montréal because of me (soooo ssssssso sorry girls once again)


As a matter of fact, a security guard came out and told us he would not be taking pictures or signing any autographs. He would just come out, thank us, wave and go on the van. So there he came out of the venue and everyone just formed a mob around him and took pictures of him. He stayed a good five minutes at least to talk to the crowd but I could hardly say what he was saying. And I kinda hung out in the back cause I had already my time with him. Then he left.


After that we stayed a little and we got to see Mikey and Luke. Mikey saw me said to me : Well done ! It was fun having you at both shows ! So I thanked him and wished him happy bday. Suzy gave her gift to Luke, which he seemed to love ! We tried to convince Luke to release an album, unsuccesfully... lol. Then I asked Mikey if I could get a picture with him. I had a picture with Luke the day before but asked him if he would join in the picture again so he said : sure !


Then I saw Nadja coming out of the venue and going to the bus so I went to see her. I thanked her again and again and she just gave me this huge hug and she said : no thank YOU, it was a PLEASURE for us to have you and make sure you come and see me in New York ! Did I mentioned before that I love her ? cause I do... :wub2:


So then we walked back to our hotel with Christine and Sariflor. We got to the hotel and we were STARVING so we ordered pizza and we got ripped off big time... :mf_rosetinted:


It took me a while before I could go to sleep, so much emotions in such a short period of time...


(to be continued)


sweeeeet :)

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So the next morning we woke up, had showers, and had a CRAPPY breakfast at the hotel. We packed our stuff and went to do the check out and give our luggage so they could keep it for us during the day.


The we had lunch at Casey's with Suzy, Christine, Closetmikafan and Sariflor which was SUPER FUN !!! I'm sooooooooooooooooo gonna miss you guys !!! Highlight of the meal : "chicken pecan lollipops" on the menu :naughty:


Then we went outside to freeeeze our arses off... good god it was SO COLD !!! good thing we didn't have that weather the day before !


Then we went to the CN tower, had fun on the glass floor... had MAJOR FUN in the souvenir store.... LOL !!!! we are the WORST tourists EVER it was hilarious !!!! Poor people working there !!!! :roftl: We even had a "wallet or purse" debate which I got on tape lol...


Then we came back to our hotel, tooke our luggage, went to the bus station and took the bus back to Montréal !!!


And that's the end !!!


Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:

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There was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people waiting for him outside... when I saw the crowd I felt so sorry for him cause I knew he was not well and SOOO sorry for my friends and fellow MFCers cause I knew there was no way he would talk to everybody and sign autographs and take pictures cause then he would have stayed there at least an hour ! It made me feel even more guilty that the girls missed him in Montréal because of me (soooo ssssssso sorry girls once again)


As a matter of fact, a security guard came out and told us he would not be taking pictures or signing any autographs. He would just come out, thank us, wave and go on the van. So there he came out of the venue and everyone just formed a mob around him and took pictures of him. He stayed a good five minutes at least to talk to the crowd but I could hardly say what he was saying. And I kinda hung out in the back cause I had already my time with him. Then he left.


After that we stayed a little and we got to see Mikey and Luke. Mikey saw me said to me : Well done ! It was fun having you at both shows ! So I thanked him and wished him happy bday. Suzy gave her gift to Luke, which he seemed to love ! We tried to convince Luke to release an album, unsuccesfully... lol. Then I asked Mikey if I could get a picture with him. I had a picture with Luke the day before but asked him if he would join in the picture again so he said : sure !


Then I saw Nadja coming out of the venue and going to the bus so I went to see her. I thanked her again and again and she just gave me this huge hug and she said : no thank YOU, it was a PLEASURE for us to have you and make sure you come and see me in New York ! Did I mentioned before that I love her ? cause I do... :wub2:


So then we walked back to our hotel with Christine and Sariflor. We got to the hotel and we were STARVING so we ordered pizza and we got ripped off big time... :mf_rosetinted:


It took me a while before I could go to sleep, so much emotions in such a short period of time...


(to be continued)


there's still more?:shocked::wink2:

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So the next morning we woke up, had showers, and had a CRAPPY breakfast at the hotel. We packed our stuff and went to do the check out and give our luggage so they could keep it for us during the day.


The we had lunch at Casey's with Suzy, Christine, Closetmikafan and Sariflor which was SUPER FUN !!! I'm sooooooooooooooooo gonna miss you guys !!! Highlight of the meal : "chicken pecan lollipops" on the menu :naughty:


Then we went outside to freeeeze our arses off... good god it was SO COLD !!! good thing we didn't have that weather the day before !


Then we went to the CN tower, had fun on the glass floor... had MAJOR FUN in the souvenir store.... LOL !!!! we are the WORST tourists EVER it was hilarious !!!! Poor people working there !!!! :roftl: We even had a "wallet or purse" debate which I got on tape lol...


Then we came back to our hotel, tooke our luggage, went to the bus station and took the bus back to Montréal !!!


And that's the end !!!


Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:

AHHH! that seems so fun! I'm so glad you had a good time!!

haha no dont be sorry for long reports! they're the best :naughty:

Goodnight! have fun in new york and can't wait for that review :das:


thank you for the reports!!! <33

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So the next morning we woke up, had showers, and had a CRAPPY breakfast at the hotel. We packed our stuff and went to do the check out and give our luggage so they could keep it for us during the day.


The we had lunch at Casey's with Suzy, Christine, Closetmikafan and Sariflor which was SUPER FUN !!! I'm sooooooooooooooooo gonna miss you guys !!! Highlight of the meal : "chicken pecan lollipops" on the menu :naughty:


Then we went outside to freeeeze our arses off... good god it was SO COLD !!! good thing we didn't have that weather the day before !


Then we went to the CN tower, had fun on the glass floor... had MAJOR FUN in the souvenir store.... LOL !!!! we are the WORST tourists EVER it was hilarious !!!! Poor people working there !!!! :roftl: We even had a "wallet or purse" debate which I got on tape lol...


Then we came back to our hotel, tooke our luggage, went to the bus station and took the bus back to Montréal !!!


And that's the end !!!


Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:


great report! loved every word! YAY FOR U GUYS!!!!

:punk: and :roftl: about the wallet purse debate :roftl:

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So the next morning we woke up, had showers, and had a CRAPPY breakfast at the hotel. We packed our stuff and went to do the check out and give our luggage so they could keep it for us during the day.


The we had lunch at Casey's with Suzy, Christine, Closetmikafan and Sariflor which was SUPER FUN !!! I'm sooooooooooooooooo gonna miss you guys !!! Highlight of the meal : "chicken pecan lollipops" on the menu :naughty:


Then we went outside to freeeeze our arses off... good god it was SO COLD !!! good thing we didn't have that weather the day before !


Then we went to the CN tower, had fun on the glass floor... had MAJOR FUN in the souvenir store.... LOL !!!! we are the WORST tourists EVER it was hilarious !!!! Poor people working there !!!! :roftl: We even had a "wallet or purse" debate which I got on tape lol...


Then we came back to our hotel, tooke our luggage, went to the bus station and took the bus back to Montréal !!!


And that's the end !!!


Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:



thank you vero! i'm so happy for you! it's almost as good as reading cendrillon for the first time ;o) hope you guys have good travelling weather tomorrow!

off to bed before hubby sleeps on my side of the bed

enjoy the gig in NY! will be waiting to hear all the details ;o)

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Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng mega detailed reports, it seems I just can't help it lol !!! :naughty:


Sorry....sorry??? That was one of the best reviews ever. I loved your review from Montreal also. It was almost like being there too, backstage and everything. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that and share it. It is very wonderful. Also love the pics and the videos. You were a great Lollipop Girl. Thanks again!!!!:flowers2:

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Ahhhh! I am in love with the incredibly detailed reports! THANK YOU GUYS!

Wahh, Mika and the band are so lovely!!


I checked on his Myspace but couldn't see the call for Lollipop girls - can someone help me out where to find it?


Their posted as bulletins, so it's on your homepage-y place. :original:


At around 6ish, I was at the Loblaws


Can I just ask - what is Loblaws? Everyone has been mentioning it and I feel like a complete dill :bleh:


Hey everybody, just letting you know that I posted my review on my myspace (I just got one, so i need some friends! My sites kind of lonely right now!) So anybody who wants to read it can go to the my space (the link is on the left below my pic, obviously) Unless you really want me to post here,but i figure it will take less room this way, right?


No - we want to see it here too! :naughty: And we can't add you :crybaby:


Funny random memory : Mika walking up and down the hallway yelling : "the toilet in my room is blocked !"


(plus you get to see Mika change outfits, which isn't bad either... )


Oh and I forgot to mention in my previous part that I got to hear Mika sing a part of Missionary Man while we were backstage before the show... and his voice... I mean like his real voice live, without a microphone, is JAWDROPPING....


LOL! :roftl:




Wow, you are so frigging lucky. And we are so frigging lucky we have you to give such detailed reports!

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I can't BELIEVE I was this close to Mika, and that I gave him a high five!!!!!!! :wub2:


Those faces...Mr Oh So Happy and Mr Oh So Grumpy...


Most of my vids are quite good, with the exception of 2 things: our singing (which is utterly atrocious) and the girl next to me who Lana already mentioned, who kept shouting “YOU’RE SO HOT!!!” like she had taurette’s, seriously, it was so out of the blue, and you never knew when it was coming, LOL!!


I cackled my way through this report, thankyou for such immense detail Sara, I loved reading it all. It made me fel like I was there with all of you! You can just imagine this "Youre so hot" girl will soon join MFC...:roftl:oops


Finally, my sister called me and said she’d be right out. She started to tell me everything that had happened (and I'll let her tell you this--it's amazing!) but she didn’t think I’d be allowed backstage. I was so disappointed, and asked how I’d be able to meet Mika. She asked Vero what she thought, and Vero said that maybe we’d meet him if we waited outside by the tour buses. Then she asked me, “Do you want me to see if I can find Mika and ask him if you can come back really quick?” I said yes (!!!), that I would be so grateful, so she ran backstage.


What happened next totally threw me off-guard. I was expecting my sister to come back on her own and say either yes, I could walk backstage, or no, I couldn’t, but I was standing by my mom, when Mika appeared in the doorway to the backstage area with my sister beside him. I was so surprised to see him there that I actually stood there with my mouth open for a few seconds while he looked at me probably wondering what the heck I was doing. Then I snapped out of it, and I kind of ran over to him, stuck my hand out and said, “Thank you for the best show EVER!” He shook my hand and said, “You’re welcome.” I asked him, “Could I get a picture with you, or is this not a good time?” He looked at me and said, “Well, I don’t think so, I’m not really feeling very well right now.”


So after he said no to the picture I said, “Oh, okay". I didn’t want to push it, but I was sad that he wasn’t feeling well. Then my mom walked up to him and handed him some art she had drawn and made into bookmarks. He asked her some questions about them, and thanked her, and then said something like "Okay, who has the camera?” I looked up at him and said “Really?” And he said something to the affect of, “Yes, but real quick; I’m really not feeling well.” So he put his arm around me and I put my arm around him, and my sister snapped the picture. When my sister was getting the camera ready I remember saying “Thank you so much, thank you,” over and over again. Yeah, eloquence was gone by this point.


After the picture was taken, I said thank you again, and he said you’re welcome, and I told him, “Thank you so much, and take care of yourself,” and he “Bye, take care,” and I said “You, too,” and probably said thank you again. Then he went to the backstage area, and we left out the other way through the main entrance.


And that's that. Again, my sister has more to say, but that's her story and you'll love reading it!


I just wish I could tell Mika thank you so so much for meeting me. I really appreciated that he took the time to say hi when he didn't have to. I'm so lucky to be a fan. (And a big thank you to my sister!)


THat was one helluva report, and you weren't even the LG!! OMG that was amazing that she brought him out!!



And Vero, dear Vero, you had me totally overcome with emotion in your report...what has come over me....:tears:

Never ever shorten anything in these reports. It is totally wonderful to be reading them on the other side of the world in another time zone, and FEELING just like we are there with you.


I love MFC.:wub2:


Wish I could see Laura's report, but it won't let me add you on myspace because you don't know me.... I'm Blue Sky on myspace too if you want to add me via my link under my avatar.

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Blue Sky, yeah...I know it was a detailed report, but I was excited. :blush-anim-cl: I figured if anyone would enjoy reading my review, it'll be you guys.


LadyGodiva, I think you should just post your review here. There's no such thing as a Mika report that's too detailed. :wink2:

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Blue Sky, yeah...I know it was a detailed report, but I was excited. :blush-anim-cl: I figured if anyone would enjoy reading my review, it'll be you guys.


LadyGodiva, I think you should just post your review here. There's no such thing as a Mika report that's too detailed. :wink2:


Too true.




Love it.

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