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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS: MIKA in Salt Lake City, UT -- In the Venue: 08-02-2008


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Everything was slimmed down. I wouldn't say totally acoustic, but still awesome. Not as long though, because of the fact all the band equipment was still in Wyoming. Only 45 min long, but better than canceling.


yes, indeed, it must have been fantastic just the same... not too many of us got to see him perform that way. did he talk alot?

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More of the Q and Finally entering the venue!


the coolest guys EVER came up and asked if they could help pass out hearts.

so, we gave them pretty much all that we had (Katey, i still have a bag full of them!) and they passed them down the loooooong line. this one guy was talking to us about some cool music, and he talked about how he LOVED the big girl video!!! agh, they were so funny. :D the people that won the contest went in, and we all were soooo jealous. saw jen go in, lucky her!

at around....6:30 we heard them doing sound check. Rachel and i FREAKED OUT!!!!!! we heard Love Today, Relax, Lollipop and Any Other World.

aaaagh, spectacular! i started freaking out, because he was actually here!!

6:35. they brought out big heaters! bless them!! the poor people further back weren't so fortunate. :boxed: then these stupid people came up stood by the heater, and we knew they were trying to cut us in line. :thumbdown: so this awesome security guy went and said "if you weren't here at 4 o'clock, go to the back of the line!' so most of them left, leaving the heater for us. :D

that guy was pretty cool. we talked to him about the MFC, and what he thought about Mika and such.


7:00. still nothing. i swear i was going to get hypothermia. they told us they'd let us in soon, so we just stood there, freezing still.

then Andy came out. :D

he filmed everyone screaming their heads off in line for a minute, then came and talked to us all. He interviewed Char a whole lot, then he turned the camera on me!!!!!! he asked me what i thought about the gig being acoustic, and if i was dissapointed, and i said NO!!!! he then proceeded to the rest of the crowd, and after about a half an hour, went back in.


some people came out, and one of them was John, the tour manager.

Natalie and i got a few pictures, but he was really grumpy and onery to us. (because we accidentally called him jerry! oops!)


FINALLY, at 7:45, John comes out followed by Andy filming. then LUKE came out and said hi to us!!!!! amazing man, i tell you!

John asked if anyone knew the lyrics to lollipop, and of course everyone up front did, and they picked Char!! she disappeard backstage, and then we FINALLY got to go in.


the line started moving, and Natalie and i grabbed onto each other!

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More of the Q and Finally entering the venue!


the coolest guys EVER came up and asked if they could help pass out hearts.

so, we gave them pretty much all that we had (Katey, i still have a bag full of them!) and they passed them down the loooooong line. this one guy was talking to us about some cool music, and he talked about how he LOVED the big girl video!!! agh, they were so funny. :D the people that won the contest went in, and we all were soooo jealous. saw jen go in, lucky her!

at around....6:30 we heard them doing sound check. Rachel and i FREAKED OUT!!!!!! we heard Love Today, Relax, Lollipop and Any Other World.

aaaagh, spectacular! i started freaking out, because he was actually here!!

6:35. they brought out big heaters! bless them!! the poor people further back weren't so fortunate. :boxed: then these stupid people came up stood by the heater, and we knew they were trying to cut us in line. :thumbdown: so this awesome security guy went and said "if you weren't here at 4 o'clock, go to the back of the line!' so most of them left, leaving the heater for us. :D

that guy was pretty cool. we talked to him about the MFC, and what he thought about Mika and such.


7:00. still nothing. i swear i was going to get hypothermia. they told us they'd let us in soon, so we just stood there, freezing still.

then Andy came out. :D

he filmed everyone screaming their heads off in line for a minute, then came and talked to us all. He interviewed Char a whole lot, then he turned the camera on me!!!!!! he asked me what i thought about the gig being acoustic, and if i was dissapointed, and i said NO!!!! he then proceeded to the rest of the crowd, and after about a half an hour, went back in.


some people came out, and one of them was John, the tour manager.

Natalie and i got a few pictures, but he was really grumpy and onery to us. (because we accidentally called him jerry! oops!)


FINALLY, at 7:45, John comes out followed by Andy filming. then LUKE came out and said hi to us!!!!! amazing man, i tell you!

John asked if anyone knew the lyrics to lollipop, and of course everyone up front did, and they picked Char!! she disappeard backstage, and then we FINALLY got to go in.


the line started moving, and Natalie and i grabbed onto each other!

:woot_jump: thats amazing!!

waiting for more! :wink2:

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Hi everyone!!!


Wow - They say you get depressed when it is over and I had no idea! I actually cried on the way home. :( The concert was just unbelievable. :wub2:


Ok, I'll start at the beginning too. I woke up not feeling well so I didn't get ready until later and then it took forever to get my son out of the house for various reasons I won't go into. I was dying to get down to the venue and got out the door and then - you KNOW how ANTSY I was - got stuck in this huge line of traffic and there was a big car accident so I was finally able to get out of that mess and go a different way, got on the freeway and got downtown and just when I went to turn left to get to the venue I was so close and there was another big accident!! The weather wasn't even bad today so who knows what was up?? i was just lucky I guess! ..:boxed:


I tried calling Char and couldn't get her so I was so glad when I got a hold of Hilary who is a total sweetheart! She was like It's OK we've got you covered - just get here! So I finally did get there and got to meet Char, Hilary, Humpfree, and CarlaSue. Everyone was awesome!!!!! Char was SO lucky she saw Mikey and Luke earlier as you all have already heard - so that was so fun to see her picture and hear about that. And to hear about Scotland! I'm so glad she came to SLC!


Then because of the equipment issues I guess, everything ended up being way later. We waited and waited out in line but they were nice enough to bring heaters out! :thumb_yello: That was after a long time of waiting, and all the other MFC'ers had been there longer than I was! So it was cold but so fun to be there. My stomach had butterflies all day!


Oh yeah, I almost forgot... John came out and I am such a dork and got him and Jerry mixed up and was yelling Jerry and then even yelled Jerry can we get a picture of you. I think he was annoyed. He said "well I'm John but I'll smile anyway." I felt TERRIBLE!:mf_rosetinted: Oh well! We passed out the hearts so the entire line had them. Some guy kept coming up for more because he thought they were awesome. I was surprised - there were actually lots of guys there. Ok, I'll write more in a minute.

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Aww that's great to hear! Can't wait to see pictures of his uncurled hair :naughty:




Uncurled hair AND acoustic, wow! I can't wait to see pictures. Thanks hillary, for the report I may not be up for your next post.


This concert sounds awesome........whoever went to this, you're very lucky!!

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Why would they need someone who knew the lyrics to Lollipop?:blink:


Charlotte said they wanted someone to sing the backups for Lollipop --

that's why they took her in early, she was going to do it. In the end,

it didn't happen, but...



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Charlotte said they wanted someone to sing the backups for Lollipop --

that's why they took her in early, she was going to do it. In the end,

it didn't happen, but...




OH my god that would've been awesome!!!

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My wonderful, awesome husband took the pictures, mostly, today/tonight. And he is in bed :( sorry! So, tomorrow he will post. Video for us was hard because we weren't front row and it was LOUD! He even remarked how loud we all were and kept plugging his ears when we cheered.

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Entering, Waiting, then Finally.....STARTING!


Natalie and i were one of the first ones into the place. as we waited to get our tickets and $10 refund, Andy was filming us again, and got me flashing a huge ol' grin and peace sign. when Natalie got in, we rushed up to the stage, and we were about...oh, second row by then. Katey and Rachel found us, and then Jen did! we were only missing Carla and Char (wherever she went) these really cool girls we had met in line came and stood by us, and we talked until we started getting pushed. NOT FUN. i was soo close to the front, i could practically touch the barricade. eventually, after everyone was stuffed in, i actually elbowed my way to the very front, and was right smack dab in front!! exciting!! i was hyperventilating by this time. there was no opening act, so they played some weird music while we waited. we waited another HOUR. finally, after getting our hopes up 5 times, 3 rounds of shouting "MIKA! MIKA! MIKA!" and 2 seemingly false starts, a voice came on and apologized for everything taking so long. another 30 minutes later, the lights dimmed, for real, and Martin started walking on stage. i SCREAMED. no one else knew who he was, and then Luke, Cherisse, Saranayde, Mikey and finally Mika came on stage. i was going crazy by this time. everyone in the crowd raised up their hearts, and went nuts. the girls in front of me had a sharpie (which i accidentally stole) and we were writing stuff on the back of the hearts. i wrote "no chicken tonight" on the back of mine. :naughty:

they started with Grace Kelly, and it went WONDERFULLY!

the crowd was great, they responded to everything!! after the song, he told us he was impressed, and that he thought the concert was going to be sh*t, but that this was the most fun he'd had in a loooooooong time!! since there weren't a lot of options for him to sing, he sang Holy Johnny next. i was the only one on the front row who knew every word to the song, and Martin kept looking down and smiling at me. :D Mikey was right smack dab in front of me, i could have reached out and touched him if i wanted to. everyone once in a while, he'd look down and smile and nod at me too. relax came next, i think, and it was BEAUTIFULLY sung. OH MY GOSH that song is wonderful acoustic!!

haha, here's the fun part...then came SITM.....:roftl:

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OK, I am typing while Hilary is typing so we will probably type some of the same things!!


She and Char got to talk on camera! (like she already told you) They were great!!! I was standing there too and when Andy put the camera on me I just smiled and didn't say anything - at least anything that made sense 'cause it freaked me out! haha so he kind of kept on going. I hope Char and Hillary are on some official DVD or something!!


Oh and then Luke popped out for a minute. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was like a taste of what was coming... proof that we really were going to get to see Mika! And after a while Jerry came out and asked who knew all the words to Lollipop and we're like I DO! And he picked Char to come in - probably because I got his name wrong lol. J/K


When they finally told us we could start coming in, Hilary and I stuck together and were some of the first people in. All the people that had won tickets on the radio were taking up the front but we got to be about 3rd row. Then we got to meet Jennifer B. That was awesome and she is totally great! And so are her husband and her sister! :) People kept pushing like crazy to get up front - it was out of control and I literally spent the entire concert trying to not get pushed over or out of the way. There was a group of people behind me that was really bad but a few of us kept just pushing back to keep our spots.


So we waited once we were in, for I think a little over an hour? Oh! And Midway State didn't make it there! But finally at 9:00 Mika came out and I thought I was going to faint that I really actually got to see him in person. He is beautiful. You've heard that his hair wasn't really done. He was wearing his Cute blue pants and a white tuxedo shirt with a blue tie. Yum.

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Charlotte said they wanted someone to sing the backups for Lollipop --

that's why they took her in early, she was going to do it. In the end,

it didn't happen, but...




Aww, that would've been really cool.


Hilary, love the report. Relax acoustic.:wub2:

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And he picked Char to come in - probably because I got his name wrong lol. J/K


He is beautiful. You've heard that his hair wasn't really done... and he was wearing his Cute blue pants and a white tuxedo shirt with a blue tie. Yum.

I was thinking the same thing.:naughty:


Ah, I have to see pictures of this!:wub2:

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more more more!!!




OK, oh and I'm Natalie in case you're wondering!


So the set was really cool. All the mics were wrapped with lights and they had some big huge funky hands and some throne-like chairs and a spooky candleabra thing. We all held up our hearts when Mika came out and he said this has been quite a f****ing day! We've only ever done acoustic when it was just me and Mikey but we're going to improvise here. The crowd was absolutely wild for him so I think he started to realize we were just so glad he was there!


He didn't do Relax first.. he did Grace Kelly! Everyone sang along and loved it. It was SO incredibly amazing to hear it live. I was on such a high! Then, I can't remember the exact order but he did My Interpretation, Billy Brown, Relax, and I thought I was going to die... he said well, this is such a different gig we're going to do somethings differently here and sang Everybody's Talkin' I wanted to melt into the ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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