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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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oh no... i said i was out... anyway :


i don't think when titania says that none of mika or mika's family were involved or aware of that, she means that he learned it when he got out of the stage ! of course it is a bit prepared... but i think she meant that if they had been given choice they would have said no... and by "given choice" i'm not only talking about management and stuffs... harassement from fans can lead to an idea of "i have no choice, if i don't give them what they want, i won't get rid of them". that's what i'm talking about.


so yes he was quite prepared with the microphone...

yes he was there and smiling, and so on, cuddling, taking pics, "paying attention" to what you said, etc.

yes his mum was there too, filming everything...


but do you think he would have left "alive" if he had come with a 10ft long face not smiling, if his family was hiding from people, etc. ?? not quite sure, and critics from fans would have been even harder than what we already have here...


i think it's more like a "i'm there, let's get rid of it" "not aware of" than a "really not aware of that"...


not sure i'm really clear :blink:


I know what you mean....but the backstage business was talked already on Monday...3 days before....but it was supossed to be a small thing


Who changed it to a bigger amount of ppl??? Have no clue :mf_rosetinted:


But on Monday after he left, things were talked with his mom...she "invited" some ppl to try and get them backstage (well, I say "invited" since my first language is Portuguese...but it seemed to me it came from her....it was just 5 ppl though)

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am glad you enjoyed your time as well... we speak about "our" experience.. and respect why others did not.. am sure they also respect the fact that "we" enjoyed "our" time and made the best out of it.. no matter how much chaos there was, I will always remember this as a very entertaining gig, and will not let "screamers" and chasers mess that memory


hear hear! or is it here here? I never know! Anyway! :wink2:

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Thank you...and yes, I agree I got more than I paid for and very thankfull and greatefull for it...just am a bit "scared" (:boxed:) of sometimes showing it because some ppl I loved meeting didn't had a good time


Grrrr.....woof :naughty: I hope it's not me you speak of! I'm delighted if you had a good time and it was a real pleasure to meet you!

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About Mika never doing anything he doesn't want to in terms of the afterparty--well, if what happened was that he arrived at the venue and was told that 70 passes had already been handed out and people were asking for more, what else could he do? He couldn't very well say "That's far too many people, I'm not going to go." He seemed shocked that even 70 were already handed out, but he wasn't going to go taking them back from people, was he?


Sara: I agree with most of what you said, so I won't even quote it. :thumb_yello: Although, I see you've gotten over the part where you said that Christine's earlier posts criticizing people's behavior were too harsh 'cause they made you feel bad... :naughty:


He stayed for 5 or 10 minutes, had a little chat, accepted some gifts, gave some high 5s and left. Everyone there who wasn't MFC was thrilled. This was more than they expected and they were just glad to get a chance to see Mika in the flesh, just chatting like a normal person.


It is only MFCers who whinge that he should be doing more because through shared experiences we know that other people have had more attention from him and think we're all entitled to the same.


Very, very, very much agreed. I've always said that we should never take Mika's coming out to see us after the show for granted or like something we are entitled to. The fact that he does it so often is lovely of him, but it does not make it required. I've been rather appalled at people complaining that Mika's team has the temerity to demand "no photos, no autographs"--no one is entitled to photos or autographs! Just be glad he's coming out at all! And then of course you have people saying, "well, even if they say that, it isn't true--if you ask Mika he'll still take a picture, or sign things!" Well yes, because you've put him on the spot where he can't easily refuse to. And then these people act like it's the big bad security (whom Mika hires) who are "forcing him" away and preventing him from signing their 20 copies of Grace Kelly.


MFC has already set the groundwork for disrespecting Mika's requests every time we ask "Mika, sign this!" or "Mika, can I have a pic?" whenever we've been told ahead of time that he would not be signing or doing pictures.


So let's not all act so shocked when something like this happens. It's just the same thing on a larger scale.


And let's not pretend that the entire problem lies with the 5-10 people who were clinging to Mika incessantly all night.


Anytime you choose to break the rules in terms of meeting Mika because "well, I'm just one person, surely he won't mind" or anytime you decide to push for something that you normally would not because "Well, Mika would say something if he really minded, wouldn't he?--as long as he doesn't tell me not to, it's ok," you are becoming part of the problem. And it's usually all right when there is in fact only one or two people asking for the pic or the autograph when it was said Mika would be in a hurry and wouldn't be doing that, but then you get 150 people in one room, and...


Well I never said that only a tiny proportion act that way, just that the "party" contained only a small cross section of fans... which included both the respectful and disrespectful types.


:naughty: Ah, Rilo.


It's interesting, since titania has posted an alternative view, how many people have now come out in agreement with it, whereas when the few complained last Friday/Saturday, we were rubbished.


Interesting indeed. :fisch:


Was that some sort of sarcasm that I missed? Again, without Mika's mobile number to ring him and ask him what his opinion truly is, I would - and this is my assumption - feel that he doesn't mind hugs/pics/autographs(that is, when he hasn't specifically asked people to give him space to move around and mingle). On days that he's tired, has other plans, etc, he has John lay down the law that there will be no pics, etc.


From the few minutes I spent with him, he struck me as a particularly touchy, open person. I'm no body language expert, but he certainly doesn't need to lean into fans and pull them in the way he does; the loose-arm-barely-around-the-shoulders hug would be more like what I'd expect from someone who is uncomfortable with the situation.


Oh, Mana, Titania meant what Christine said--not that you should never ask Mika for hugs (although personally, I think it's more polite to let him hug you or not as he pleases--he is in fact quite a huggy person)--but that she thought it was ridiculous that the same people treating him in a manner she found disrespectful on-forum then wanted to come up and get hugs in real life.


Basically, she was remarking on the same "disconnect" between proclaiming yourself his fan and actually treating him with a modicum of consideration that we've been discussing here.



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Grrrr.....woof :naughty: I hope it's not me you speak of! I'm delighted if you had a good time and it was a real pleasure to meet you!


I loved meeting you too, am just sorry it was in the end of everything, for like 5m :huglove:


Heck, I even cheered for you on Monday having no ideia who you were :naughty:


It just bugs me that ppl in the MFC make me feel "guilty" for having had a great time and a pic :boxed:

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It's a bit frustrating for me (and many others, I'm sure) who weren't there and are trying to understand everything based on a bunch of second and third hand accounts. I certainly can't speak for everyone who wasn't there, but personally I'm thinking it might be best for me to step back and stop even trying to understand what went on, when all I have to rely is a bunch of conflicting he said/she said information. :blink:


And then of course you have people saying, "well, even if they say that, it isn't true--if you ask Mika he'll still take a picture, or sign things!" Well yes, because you've put him on the spot where he can't easily refuse to.


Not quite true - I saw at least two instances where John had said "Mika will NOT be posing for pictures" and people went ahead and asked anyway. Mika's response was something like "Sorry, I really, can't," with a gesture toward security. So he's learned how to shift the "blame" onto security in that regard.


Oh, Mana, Titania meant what Christine said--not that you should never ask Mika for hugs (although personally, I think it's more polite to let him hug you or not as he pleases--he is in fact quite a huggy person)--but that she thought it was ridiculous that the same people treating him in a manner she found disrespectful on-forum then wanted to come up and get hugs in real life. Basically, she was remarking on the same "disconnect" between proclaiming yourself his fan and actually treating him with a modicum of consideration that we've been discussing here.


Okay, that makes sense. :thumb_yello: I suppose there's also a disconnect between the whole "I Respect Mika" movement, and then people disregarding his explicit request to be free to move around and mingle.


Let's be careful, though, to make sure that we don't make everyone who got a picture or an autograph that night (or any other night, for that matter) feel like a complete asshat for doing so. From the sounds of it, Mika initiated some of the photos that night, before things got more chaotic.


I'm sitting here feeling like some sort of hypocritical douchebag for getting a photo and signature in North America, and am second guessing everything I said and did. Although, I suppose that's the point of this whole exercise - to make everyone examine their behaviour for future reference. :boxed:

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Its most probably NOT sarcastic - Bere does not speak English very

well, and so finds it difficult to post in here!! :thumb_yello:


Sorry Wendi - it wasnt her(?) remarkks I was referring to... xxxx


sorry just checked she is a she so question mark to be ignored!! xxx

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Could someone explain to me where this figure o f 150 people came from, 'cause as far as I was aware there were only 100 passes given out.


Oh, sorry, it came up before in the thread and then was corrected to 103 passes, right? I was mis-remembering the number.


All right then, change it to 100. :thumb_yello: It doesn't really matter for the main point of my post, I think.



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Not quite true - I saw at least two instances where John had said "Mika will NOT be posing for pictures" and people went ahead and asked anyway. Mika's response was something like "Sorry, I really, can't," with a gesture toward security. So he's learned how to shift the "blame" onto security in that regard.


Oh yes, I know he sometimes does this--but sometimes he does not. And sometimes, I'm sure, he really doesn't mind the one or two requests, especially if he's in a generally good mood, or has just received a gift that really amuses him, etc. I'm not saying that if you asked him for a pic and he said "sure!" he was silently cursing you the entire time. I'm sure he's totally fine with it when it's just the couple requests.


What I'm saying is, though, that even if he doesn't mind in these one or two cases, it is still going against what has been asked of us as fans respecting Mika's time and space. And that if more than one or two people decide to take advantage of this (as at the afterparty), then we get, well... the afterparty.


Let's be careful, though, to make sure that we don't make everyone who got a picture or an autograph that night (or any other night, for that matter) feel like a complete asshat for doing so. From the sounds of it, Mika initiated some of the photos that night, before things got more chaotic.


Well, I'm not. I mean, my remarks are not aimed at anyone that Mika initiated the encounter with, or who treated him in a polite, respectful manner (like Rak1 and Sariflor). It looked like he was enjoying those encounters.


If anyone decides to take offense or feel guilty because of something I didn't even say, that's hardly my responsibility.


I'm sitting here feeling like some sort of hypocritical douchebag for getting a photo and signature in North America, and am second guessing everything I said and did. Although, I suppose that's the point of this whole exercise - to make everyone examine their behaviour for future reference. :boxed:


Er... only if you pushed up into his face? Honey, you were a lollipop girl. You basically provided Mika with free work. :-P When he takes you on as part of the crew, I think it's ok to ask for a pic as long as you don't hold him from his own work, which you did not. In fact, I'd say the whole lollipop/big girl thing is the only time that you are perhaps entitled to a pic/autograph, since you are actually providing a service for his show, and you even lose your ticket price in the process (although you may think it worth it to be on stage).


I'm also--obviously--not directing my comments at any people who ask Mika for pics and autographs in those times when the security doesn't say anything about not doing so.



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