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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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Ive just had the security people onto me ...how was the access to the gig ? better ?


They put more female security guards on to try and speed that queue up


It worked for some and not for others. I got through fairly quickly and ended up a couple of places from centre. Laura, on the other hand, who entered at exactly the same time, was several spots farther away from me. We both had people who were many places behind us in the queue closer to the stage than we were because they had been allowed to bypass us at security.


Kata was also thwarted by someone behind her in the queue while she was going through security and ended up relegated to second row in order to stand behind Yop and not be stuck on her own in no-man's land at the edge of the stage.


I'm not making a petty complaint that I wasn't 3 spots over or whatever. I had a fantastic view of the concert and since Mika worked the stage thoroughly that evening it didn't really matter where you were standing as long as you were in the front row.


But I don't understand why it's necessary for them to allow people into the venue in such a large swarm. We started going in row by row so all of us who entered at the same time should have been allowed to enjoy the concert together. Laura, Natalie and I couldn't even get to the same side of the stage as Jennie, Cynthia, Kata and Yop. And I was separated from Laura and Natalie by someone farther back in the queue getting in the way, which quite frankly, turned it from the concert of a lifetime into a bit of a drag because I felt like I was pretty much alone.


I know this sounds like a bit of whinging, but really, why is it necessary for them to let in 50 or 100 people at a time so that you've got all this competition, running, pushing and not being able to enjoy the concert because the chances of you landing up with the people you'd queued for 14 hours with is almost zero?


It just seems crazy to me. Not only from our perspective, but from security's perspective. They would have a lot less problems if they dealt with people in small groups before they let the next group pass through security.


I know it's time consuming, but they only need to do it for the first 100 or 200 people because once the first and second rows are filled people stop making a mad dash for the stage.

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It worked for some and not for others. I got through fairly quickly and ended up a couple of places from centre. Laura, on the other hand, who entered at exactly the same time, was several spots farther away from me. We both had people who were many places behind us in the queue closer to the stage than we were because they had been allowed to bypass us at security.


Kata was also thwarted by someone behind her in the queue while she was going through security and ended up relegated to second row in order to stand behind Yop and not be stuck on her own in no-man's land at the edge of the stage.


I'm not making a petty complaint that I wasn't 3 spots over or whatever. I had a fantastic view of the concert and since Mika worked the stage thoroughly that evening it didn't really matter where you were standing as long as you were in the front row.


But I don't understand why it's necessary for them to allow people into the venue in such a large swarm. We started going in row by row so all of us who entered at the same time should have been allowed to enjoy the concert together. Laura, Natalie and I couldn't even get to the same side of the stage as Jennie, Cynthia, Kata and Yop. And I was separated from Laura and Natalie by someone farther back in the queue getting in the way, which quite frankly, turned it from the concert of a lifetime into a bit of a drag because I felt like I was pretty much alone.


I know this sounds like a bit of whinging, but really, why is it necessary for them to let in 50 or 100 people at a time so that you've got all this competition, running, pushing and not being able to enjoy the concert because the chances of you landing up with the people you'd queued for 14 hours with is almost zero?


It just seems crazy to me. Not only from our perspective, but from security's perspective. They would have a lot less problems if they dealt with people in small groups before they let the next group pass through security.


I know it's time consuming, but they only need to do it for the first 100 or 200 people because once the first and second rows are filled people stop making a mad dash for the stage.


Completely agree with everything you said, unfortunately Brixton is always like this - I think it's a problem with the venue and the door staff they hire. I've been to Brixton loads of times and they always let in far too many at the beginning - it's just a free for all. Not really fair when you have been there all day. Don't think I've ever been to Brixton and the people at the front of the queue have got the spots that they wanted. It's something Brixton needs to address - because as a concert venue - once you're in there it's one of the best.


Not all venues are like this - The Astoria is a great venue if your queueing early on - they only let in a few at a time - and normally the venue staff know who's been there for ages. They'll let you in first and then stop the queue - and no amount of pushing will help. Shame Brixton's not like this - they need to change and soon - but i'm afraid I doubt they will :(

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I have clicked this link and there is no download button, and as its

over 300mb it says I have to pay for premium download.

Can anyone help?

it's coz megaupload sux:thumbdown:

recently that site permit to download only a file per day {for free}

you've to write the 3 letters in the blankspace, then wait for some minutes and click on [free download]

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I normally have a premium account on Megaupload but I can't be arsed at the moment to sign again for it


Can anyone direct me to that other petra link of missionary man - I thought it was that i'd downloaded and it wasn't it was grace kelly lol

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I have clicked this link and there is no download button, and as its

over 300mb it says I have to pay for premium download.

Can anyone help?


wendi i have grace kelly on dailymotion if youve not seen it yet

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Completely agree with everything you said, unfortunately Brixton is always like this.


Yes, we realized that and that's why Freddie was working with Mika's management and security team in order to minimize some of the problems we experienced on Tuesday.


They added extra women in security because the demographics of a Mika audience mean that men 100 places back in the queue are going to bypass everyone because the women are held up at security in a different queue.


John and Mika's security stood at the front of the queue to do their best to ensure the people in front were allowed into the venue in more or less the proper order.


We also personally pleaded with the security guard at the front of the barrier to make sure that we were only let in 5 at a time.


The problems goings from the front of the queue into the front doors were sorted and I'm sure it helped that there were extra women doing security. But there are still too many people - dozens - allowed into the front doors and passing through security at the same time. This means that someone who is #40 in the queue can pass #1 while #1 is being delayed at security or having their tickets scanned.


This should just *never* be allowed to happen. People who have been queuing up for 14 hours should not have to rely on blind luck in having their bags searched or their tickets accepted faster than someone 40 places back in the queue.


If they separated people into groups of 10 or 20 and allowed all those people to pass through security before they let the next group in then everyone would get a place that they reasonably deserved without knocking people over and disobeying the rules by running. They would be able to easily stick with their friends without a lot of pushing and shoving at the stage.


It seems to me like the Brixton security team is just trying to justify their own existence by created all this unnecessary chaos. I noticed on Tuesday before the doors open that they looked as if they were preparing for some kind of commando operation. There is no need for all that security and all their strong arm tactics if they don't let hundreds of people swarm through the doors at exactly the same time. I've never witnessed that many security at the doors of a venue in my life - even in venues 4 times the size.

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Agree Christine - I think they should only let a certain amount in at a time too. That would stop/prevent all the running and would even help guarentee places. Sure, it might take longer, but at least everyone will be safer and the hype wouldnt be so....hyped up if you get me.

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We went to a standing concert at the O2 arena last summer and we're front of the queue. Their security technique was flawless. We were all laughing at how seemingly ridiculous it was at the time but it worked and we got front row centre no problem.

They made us stand in rows of 5 in the queue and a row or 5 security men faced us with their arms locked. They then took the first 25 of us and walked us in our formation, one step at a time for the full length of the arena until we got to the front row. Yes it did take a long time but it was definitely worth it. Everyone ended up where they should have been. They opened the doors at 6:30 and it took them about an hour and a half to get everyone in.

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That sounds a great idea Jennie - benefits those who bother to turn up early - those who don't have no right to the front row in my view.


Not been to the O2 yet - sounds a great venue and great staff. Thinks Brixton should hire them.


Am glad things were alittle easier on Thursday for you guys - nice to see Mika's management and that were aware of everything. Hopefully next time we go to Brixton it will be better.

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I'm not sure if they still go to the same lengths at the O2 now...this was one of the first few gigs since it opened.

They also checked our bags about half an hour before the doors opened and let us into a different area once we'd been checked to save time later.

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it's coz megaupload sux:thumbdown:

recently that site permit to download only a file per day {for free}

you've to write the 3 letters in the blankspace, then wait for some minutes and click on [free download]


I tried that - but would not work!! :thumbdown:


wendi i have grace kelly on dailymotion if youve not seen it yet


Thanks Sheena - I must have missed that!!! :thumb_yello:

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Why do we keep rehashing this? It was a bad/good (whichever you'd prefer) experience that shouldn't be revisited. Mistakes were made, but now it's all in the past. I say we just forget about it and move on.


You could say the same of around 90% of the threads on this forum.

Perhaps people just don't like hearing things they don't want to hear.:mf_rosetinted:

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You know funnily enough that's what a forum is for - to talk about things - If people still want to talk about this subject, then they have that right - I have the right to keep reading this thread and sometimes commenting on things.


People also have the right not to read this thread if they choose too, but don't tell people they should stop posting here as we keep going round in circles - when this thread dies it's because people are ready to let it go. I don't think people are yet. It still wasn't that long ago that it happened - let people still vent if they need to or to suggest things to not make it happen again.


Just my two cents ..... ignore me if you wish lol

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Alright these were the suggestions up to this point (correct me if I missed something).


Originally Posted by Scut Monkey

Diana, did you want suggestions? Here's my suggestion: at an event Mika's management or security should clearly state what's allowed and not allowed to take place. I know that they shouldn't have to order a group of adults in such an authoritarian manner but in my view they forfeited that right when they decided to act like demanding children with no consideration for the needs and desires of others.


Originally Posted by Christine

IMO it's time to modify those expectations and our sense of entitlement and stop making these ridiculous demands on Mika. We pay for a concert ticket and he delivers by busting his ass on stage. It is not part of his job to subject himself to an hour or two of mobbing every night. He should never feel like he has to do that to keep fans happy.


Originally Posted by babspanky

I hate to say 'I told you so' but I have been saying this since last summer. Some people have had amazing good fortune in terms of meeting and talking to Mika - but it is not, and should not be expected.


Maybe this is something that could be included in the FAQ for everyone to read? Diana, here's another suggestion: I feel that the MFC really needs to find some way get this message across. I know that the MFC represents only a fraction of Mika's fanbase but informing some, especially since we do represent a portion of those who most frequently attend his shows, is a good starting point.


Originally Posted by CazGirl

why don't we write a list of what we call a good conduct? Not "rules" like I suggested earlier. We've got the "queue conduct" thread, maybe it's time to open another one about this kind of thing, so people can talk about it, share ideas, and hopefully get something done about it.


I don't know how much a "how to behave in the queue" thread would work.

I mean, I'm fairly sure queue jumpers know that what they're doing is not very nice and won't change their behaviour just because they see it written down on a message board.


Scut, I agree with you that we should get clear guidelines from the security people and I think there should be consequences for breaking the rules. In example, deny them access to venue. I'm sure Mika's management is aware of the queue issues as they witnessed it first hand but maybe we could send them

a letter on behalf of the entire MFC explaining what's been going on so they're aware of it and maybe give them suggestions on how to prevent this stuff from happening in the future. I think it will be easier to give feedback once we're official.

Maybe we could even get our MFC representatives to help out with the organisation of the queue?


With entering the venue.. I don't know if it's possible to let people in in small groups.. it would take forever.

At the Amsterdam gig the security guys were harsh but good, they made us put all our arms up in the air, we weren't allowed to hold onto eachother and that really helped with the flow of people, we didn't get stuck.


Now about the aftershow conduct.. I've never waited after a gig in my life so I haven't witnessed people's behaviour first hand but from what I've read here I think it's necessary to apply the same strict rules to the meet & greet that apply to queue.

I think - ideally - they could put up barriers, have people stand in line behind them and wait their turn. It seems to me Mika, his management and the security people are trying to please everyone.

There need to be consequences for bad behaviour otherwise it'll just keep happening and keep getting worse.

In my opinion, people who are pushy or disrespectful in any way should be taken out by security, period.


Just thinking out loud here..

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It bugs me that Mika had a "brain breaking experience" after being gracious enough to invite fans to his party.


No one is making you feel guilty. We're just discussing what happened that night. If you did nothing wrong and your conscience is clear then you have nothing to feel guilty about.




Just to be perfectly clear, my problems with that night are:


  1. There were people who did not respect Mika's request to stand away from him while he made his way around the room
  2. There were people who ignored Mika's request to take a break and continued to make demands on him
  3. There were people who crowded around him to eavesdrop and to seek his attention to the point where he was completely immobilized

None of this necessarily has to do with getting photos or autographs. It is clear from Blue's and Sariflor's photos that he wasn't being crowded at that time. I am not blaming them or anyone in particular because I don't know which people are responsible for these things I found disturbing and unacceptable.




Actually she didn't lose her ticket price. :naughty:


But I totally agree about lollipop girls being entitled. In fact, I thought the reports of Mana and Vero getting kicked out onto the street while there were parties going on inside the venue to be ridiculous.


It seems kind of ass-backwards to me that people who were effectively part of his crew were treated like out-of-control fangirls, and yet in London the out-of-control fangirls were invited to a VIP party. :blink:


This reminds me of the Big Girl shoot.


There seemed to be three groups of people at the shoot.


There were "big girls" sent there by a casting agent, many of whom didn't even know what they were coming to do or who Mika was, fans taken from the MFC (mostly average/skinny women, kids and guys) and random people who came along to see what was going on and got roped into the video!


I didn't even get my camera out of my bag as I considered I was "working" (although unpaid) with Mika that day and I thought it inapropriate to be snapping away. Don't get me wrong I would have loved to have recorded every moment on video and in pictures.


I spoke to him on several occasions (that I have gone on about previously so won't bore you with again!) but these conversations were all initiated by him and were very natural and easy.


I made a concious effort not to stare at him (even though I wanted to) but I did watch everyone around him do it and felt very sorry for him that he was under constant scrutany for what turned out to be a very long day at a time that he was quite unwell (again, I've said before that he coughed very badly and yawned all day).


I felt that I treated him, the situation and myself with respect and still feel very proud and privilaged to have been in the video.


The down side was that during a five minute break people started flocking round him until he was swamped with people wanting photos and chats.......so the quick break turned into an hour before a member of the crew insisted that we get back to "work".


He didn't get a break at all which must have made his day feel even longer.


I felt really sad that I didn't get chance to have a picture taken with him on that day as I feel that it would have been the right occasion for it to have happened. However, I would never want it at the expense of his down time.


I also "mingled" for the entire day with his family and the band but didn't approach them either.


I do find it odd that people seem to "befriend" anyone linked to him just to get something from them and/or to boast to others about it. It must be rather unpleasant (even if anticipated) for them too.


I would never dream of "asking" or should I say "pestering" anyone for passes etc............even if that meant that I never got to do anything other than simply see the gig that I'd paid for.


If I get a few nice pictures I'm delighted.


So the afterparty just seemed like a re run of the Big Girl shoot when it came to how people behaved.


I remember saying at the afterparty to Sariflor that I was upset to have met with Mika yet again and still not gotten a photo with him and she said that those who are polite don't get them and it is so true..........the only way to do it (other than those pictures he's wanted taken himself) is to stoop to the level of the impolite and disrespectful and I will never ever do that.


I only hope that Mika can spot the difference.

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I'm sure he knows the difference. He must know that not all fans are in his face types. I hope he does anyway cos' I'm like that too.


That vid in your sig - do you have a link to it - it looks good - did you do it yourself - sorry for all the questions lol


I'd like to watch it though

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There were many reasons that could have made me feel disappointed..

After all, I did not get to talk to him either, or take a personal picture with him, or hear him interact with others in a real conversation… I did come in very early and yet others ended up with a better view/location although they showed up late afternoon. I was pushed around in the Q when the doors opened, I was pushed around when Mika came over next to the bar where I was standing with other MFCiers (and yes I believe that was rude of them). This gig did cost me much more than the ticket price… (...)


A wonderful post, Racha :tears: *sniffs*


I'm sure he knows the difference. He must know that not all fans are in his face types. I hope he does anyway cos' I'm like that too.


I hope he does. I am SURE he does. He is a human being like you and me with similar thoughts. I still hope that he knows that there were people around that didn't even dare getting closer because they did not want to be associated with those that behaved so awfully.


I haven't read all pages of this thread and I haven't posted in here although I definitely have a lot to say about the "party" and the queueing-behaviour as well :thumbdown: Anyway - I think that people like Christine or Sariflor displayed what I would have liked to say as well. :thumb_yello:



Something else:

When I PM links with videos to other MFCers, it would be great if these MFCers kept these links to themselves. I did PM them for a reason and the reason was NOT to make you the one to post them openly. (It might be a good idea to ask me first.)

This is not meant as an offence but as a statement. Thank you.

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I remember saying at the afterparty to Sariflor that I was upset to have met with Mika yet again and still not gotten a photo with him and she said that those who are polite don't get them and it is so true..........the only way to do it (other than those pictures he's wanted taken himself) is to stoop to the level of the impolite and disrespectful and I will never ever do that.


:thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:

Very well put! I'm happy there are so many people around living such high moral standards.


I only hope that Mika can spot the difference.


Maybe he can't and life is not always fair.

Sometimes it is, though.

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I've totally hogged this page today but I just realised that there isn't a seperate thread for the gig itself?? (I don't think!) so I just want to thank Emmylou, Nikibella and Freddiesdouble for looking after a very nervous me in the queue on Thursday night!


I had seroius doubts about coming at all after how upset I'd been from Tuesday night but Emmylou persuaded me I should go and that if I stuck with them I'd have a great night.


They were so right!!!


I do think the ghettoblaster helped (as did the cherry lambrini and fosters!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:) I of course stuck to water both in the queue and at the after party due to having to catch a train back to Chester at 6.45am the next morning and having to be at work for 9am! :shocked:


I managed it but boy, was I shattered! :thumbdown:



Aww thankyou too..it's a shame because problems arose earlier in the day as when we were on our train down to london you'd already almost called it a day when emmylou convinced you otherwise!

Thankyou for taking the time out to speak to me and stuff as i felt a bit of a spare part being there really and i hope to meet up with you another time we need a new ghetto blaster though as freddie left it outside..LOL note to freddie..Compile a better tape next time..LOL


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:thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:

Very well put! I'm happy there are so many people around living such high moral standards.



Maybe he can't and life is not always fair.

Sometimes it is, though.


Oh Violet!!! OMG!!!:roftl::roftl: :roftl:


"Sometimes it is": We can hope! I sure do

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