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The Oldling Thread (PART 12!!!)


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I really cannot understand what has gone on and why there is an atmosphere. I can certainly tell there is an atmosphere, but it is obviously above my head.

Can I just say that I'm smiling and happy - even though I didn't get to see Mika last week! (still coughing tho)

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Hi Leona! Yay on the mid-terms! I always used to get sick after finals. Every year, with out fail.


I skipped my psychology club meeting today, couldn't sit still any longer!

The sun is out here, on news this morning they said Chicago had 91 days of snow this winter, would have been 55" if it had been all at once. 55" !!

It's so nice to see the sun again!

I got my hair trimmed, am going to dye it now.

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Hey Ruth. Boycott? I'm so out of the loop. Part of me is glad and the other part is like...Hey, what's the big idea? I'm missing something. LOL


Looks like he is doing a Festival on July 19th in Madrid, Spain. :blush-anim-cl:


Well, briefly - ha! - I think the trouble started on the Monday or Tuesday in London. Bad behaviour in the queue, insults traded and general unpleasantness. I was spooked because I was going on my own on the Thursday and I am so bad at confrontation. I want everybody to be nicey nice.


Anyway it all seemed OK in the queue until the wrist bands were given out, some to 'undeserving' fans who had only turned up at 4pm. And you may have heard that more wristbands were given out. But that meant that there were too many people at the after gig party. And plenty of people (about half of us perhaps) didn't meet Mika face to face because he was somewhat swamped by some of the others.


So afterwards people were crying and flinging accusations around.


I guess that came onto the board.


So the mods banned some famous names for a week (?) and a lot of other famous names have taken the huff and to show their support have left the board too.


Which is not good for a Fan Club that is supposed to be going official in the very near future.


And not good in the light of Mika's kindness and generosity, to have it all descend into bickering.


-did I say briefly? :naughty:

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Spain looks gorgeous! LMAO! I really have to do my taxes to see where I stand money wise before I even think about something like this. I'm just so ready to go again. I love to travel.


Oh, fun...about the dryer repairman...let's see he'll be there between the hours of 1pm and 5pm..right? LOL!! YAY, new nail polish! What color?


So, how is Spain looking? Possible?


I am waiting for the dryer repairman. Had to clean up the area so he can get to it. I'm also excited because I am going to get new nail polish tomorrow!!!:bleh:


Hey VLM!! How are you doing? Yes, It is quiet in here. I don't know what is going on. Out of the loop. :blink:



goodness, very quiet here ! loads of folk not about ! :thumbdown:

means i can get on with my work i guess :blink:

Hope everyone is ok!!

Hello to everyone who is here !:thumb_yello:


I can't remember my own name around Mika. Anyways, he does all the talking. :mf_rosetinted:


Hi Vicky!


I guess no one remembered to ask Mika about the chicken/ticket thing?


Hey Leonita! Guess I'm not the only one out of the loop.


Hello, Christina & Charlotte & everyone else!


I take it no Big News yet, huh?

what's this boycott thing/

sorry, haven't read back, just got home. I survived mid-terms!

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Hi Vicky!


I guess no one remembered to ask Mika about the chicken/ticket thing?

I don't think anyone did ... i certainly never got the chance to:thumbdown:


Hello, Christina & Charlotte & everyone else!


I take it no Big News yet, huh?

what's this boycott thing/

sorry, haven't read back, just got home. I survived mid-terms!


It's because some folk have been banned i think and the ill will after the after party a week ago etc .... probably other things going on too, i can't be bothered with all the little cliques going on so just staying out of it i guess !

no time to get too involved really, just like chatting here when i can and keeping up to date on news. i think there was a lot of tension last week in London, it's shame.:thumbdown:

I really cannot understand what has gone on and why there is an atmosphere. I can certainly tell there is an atmosphere, but it is obviously above my head.

Can I just say that I'm smiling and happy - even though I didn't get to see Mika last week! (still coughing tho)


Well done Shari ! Best way my magnet chum :wink2:

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Hey Shari, Yeah...I'm glad the Oldlings are still smiling. :thumb_yello: You had is worse that all of them..you didn't even get to see him. :thumbdown:


I really cannot understand what has gone on and why there is an atmosphere. I can certainly tell there is an atmosphere, but it is obviously above my head.

Can I just say that I'm smiling and happy - even though I didn't get to see Mika last week! (still coughing tho)


I'm still not sure about the apt....however, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't helping any. But, good news....after 6 years, most of the scaffolding is finally down. YAY!!!


Shari, I'm glad you're feeling better.

Charlotte, you also- and, did you determine if your apt. was making you sick?

and why do you want to go to Spain in particular?


Hi Carri...you snuck in here while I was posting. How are you doing?


I am here :)


Yikes....it was about that? I thought that blew over after a couple of days. Sheesh, yeah..doesn't look too good for the Official Fan club. But, it happens in all fan clubs. :thumbdown:


Well, briefly - ha! - I think the trouble started on the Monday or Tuesday in London. Bad behaviour in the queue, insults traded and general unpleasantness. I was spooked because I was going on my own on the Thursday and I am so bad at confrontation. I want everybody to be nicey nice.


Anyway it all seemed OK in the queue until the wrist bands were given out, some to 'undeserving' fans who had only turned up at 4pm. And you may have heard that more wristbands were given out. But that meant that there were too many people at the after gig party. And plenty of people (about half of us perhaps) didn't meet Mika face to face because he was somewhat swamped by some of the others.


So afterwards people were crying and flinging accusations around.


I guess that came onto the board.


So the mods banned some famous names for a week (?) and a lot of other famous names have taken the huff and to show their support have left the board too.


Which is not good for a Fan Club that is supposed to be going official in the very near future.


And not good in the light of Mika's kindness and generosity, to have it all descend into bickering.


-did I say briefly? :naughty:

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Thanks for explaining that so well, Ruth.:thumb_yello:


I am getting ALL of the new OPI India colours.:punk: Very excited! My other obsession is nail polish. shh...


Hi Shari! You're on the mend! Yay!


Have you got the Russian Navy OPI C?? its fab!

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...I want names Ruth ;)


Hi Leona, yes much better thanks. What colour are you dying your hair?


L'Oreal Feria "Flaming Red # R75 ! My signature color.

Today the lady who trimmed it said, dear, why not gradually do shades darker , so its more closer to your natural color? (dark auburn)

I said, hey- I've got a lot of grey & white to cover up, if I'm going thru all this trouble, I want a smashing outstanding ridiculously red color!

which it is, only it continually fades, it's impossible to keep really intense.


Hello Christina, too- how much snow did you get?

Hi Carrie!

I don't know how you all keep track of who's here at the moment!

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L'Oreal Feria "Flaming Red # R75 ! My signature color.

Today the lady who trimmed it said, dear, why not gradually do shades darker , so its more closer to your natural color? (dark auburn)

I said, hey- I've got a lot of grey & white to cover up, if I'm going thru all this trouble, I want a smashing outstanding ridiculously red color!

which it is, only it continually fades, it's impossible to keep really intense.


Hello Christina, too- how much snow did you get?

Hi Carrie!

I don't know how you all keep track of who's here at the moment!


I hope you gave her a good bitch slap and a truely withering look!!


My hair is blonde - ish - the colour i was born with = but not how it would be naturally now!!:naughty:

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OPI is the best. I need to go get a pedicure and manicure. It's almost sandal season here...need the toes painted with cute little flowers. LOL


I am getting ALL of the new OPI India colours.:punk: Very excited! My other obsession is nail polish. shh...


Hi Shari! You're on the mend! Yay!


Wow, they must've been heated...those are some big names here. Well, at least they are only grounded for a week. I guess a cooling off period could be good for them.


Names - Yopappop, Cynthia Mulat & Kata banned for a week - as far as I am aware!
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L'Oreal Feria "Flaming Red # R75 ! My signature color.

Today the lady who trimmed it said, dear, why not gradually do shades darker , so its more closer to your natural color? (dark auburn)

I said, hey- I've got a lot of grey & white to cover up, if I'm going thru all this trouble, I want a smashing outstanding ridiculously red color!

which it is, only it continually fades, it's impossible to keep really intense.


Hello Christina, too- how much snow did you get?

Hi Carrie!

I don't know how you all keep track of who's here at the moment!


So far, I think we have had 77.5 inches this winter. We are a flurry away from having the snowiest winter in recent recorded history. We are expecting more snow next week. I hope we break the record because I don't have a snow blower and all that shoveling should be remembered!


I desperately need a haircut!


Hi Carri!

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