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The Oldlings Part 16


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Hey Weely,MamaC and CB.Good to see you all.

I haven't been to a planetarium since I was a kid, loved it. Must take my niece and nephew one day, that'll be great.


I remember going to a Planetarium while visiting Holland. So cool it was with the model planets moving around the sun ever so slowwwllllllyyyyy!:thumb_yello:

You must take your niece and nephew!

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afternoon everyone!!!





had a very nice thing written up in the paper and it was do with my profession!

my name was mentioned! yay!!


My three erm "Jobs" are starting to go in strides!


ie: My Pharmacy Job

My PR (MIKA fan club and choir advertising....I like to call it a job because I take pride!)

and Composer!


life is Grand wooot!



how is everyone today???


Hey there!

New series of Dr Who started on Saturday, with Catherine Tate as the new assistant.

She's not too bad, but as usual The Tennant is awesome!

CUTE little aliens, the Andipose.

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LOL!! It's so not fair when I'm called away to work...I can't keep up with y'all. :sneaky2:


Ruth and Silver, Yes, I'm leaving Thursday night for Vegas. I was invited to celebrate a B-day with one of our Mika fans. I met them at the Salt Lake City show and became instant friends with them. So, going to celebrate her B-day in style. Going to go to the Thunder From Down Under show and the Jefferson Starship show. Now, if only Mika was going to be there. LOL


What are you doing? Social life?


What are you doing this Friday?


ALLEGRA!!! How are you my Glasgow roomie? Long time no see. Miss you! :huglove:

Sorry, i'm not here for a real conversation... i'm quite tired for chatting in foreign languages, but...

i was a little "log of" last month so i would like say hello to the oldlings knowed by me and online tonight...


so my dear

bab, charlottechristy, rak1, robi, ruth, sarahlou, vickylovesmika


HELLO :thumb_yello:


and ciao also kath and wendy... where are you?


Awe, good one. :naughty:


Me 6 months ago came the reply
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Hey there!

New series of Dr Who started on Saturday, with Catherine Tate as the new assistant.

She's not too bad, but as usual The Tennant is awesome!

CUTE little aliens, the Andipose.




are they like adipose????


tribbles with out hair??? ( saw a pic)


yay! how do I see this episode if I am in Canada?

I wish I could down load it from BBC but can't because I am in Canada and isp is rejected .pfft


that's funny! The Tennant.


**conversation at an apartment complex**


**May I speak to the Tenant of this apartment**

**There is no one by that name here!***

**I mean are you the Tenant? "

**no I am Suzanne***

**How many tenants are there? ***

***none! ***

**than who are you ?***

**I am the tenant!***


***door to door salesman gives up and leaves!***

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goodnight all you lovely ladies


You and Charly are confusing me with your font colour.

I thought Jemma was back on.LOL!

Nighty night Weeaxl, sweet dreams.

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Hey Weely,MamaC and CB.Good to see you all.

I haven't been to a planetarium since I was a kid, loved it. Must take my niece and nephew one day, that'll be great.


I used to go to the one in Vancouver and watch the Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin

laser shows ! they were so much fun!!!

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Hello, Elanorelle!

I've had quite a Monday!

Was nervous about dr. appt. today, but it went ok.

I do need to have surgery on my neck, but at least I have a PLAN. For the past 6 months it's been pills, physical therapy, wait-and-see- noone -want s-to-give-you-a-real-answer.

I was hoping for a magic pill or a shot or a laser or something, but it looks like good old fashioned incision in my throat & drilling off bits of bone.... gruesome!

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Hi Leona! I am cooking dinner at the moment. How are you?


hi Christina!

remember a few months ago when I was kind of out of it from pain killers-, well, I finally have a solution- anterior cervical fusion, to be done in May as soon as this semester is over.

I'll have to wear a collar for 3 months! in the SUMMER!

that will be the worst part!

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Ha ha! I love messing with salesmen like that. Good one!


When the phone rings, I usually get asked if my Mommy or Daddy are home. Here's my conversations:


*Is your Mommy or Daddy home?*

Me: No, I'm sorry.

*Do you know when they'll be home?*

No, I'm sorry.

*Do you usually stay home alone?*


*Oh, my.....*

Me: May I give them a message when I see them?

*Yes, when do you thing you'll see them?*

Me: Beats me, they have their own house. I live alone. :naughty:


Child services actually stopped by one day and asked for the child of the house.. I said that it was me. LMAO!! :naughty: They were so embarassed.






are they like adipose????


tribbles with out hair??? ( saw a pic)


yay! how do I see this episode if I am in Canada?

I wish I could down load it from BBC but can't because I am in Canada and isp is rejected .pfft


that's funny! The Tennant.


**conversation at an apartment complex**


**May I speak to the Tenant of this apartment**

**There is no one by that name here!***

**I mean are you the Tenant? "

**no I am Suzanne***

**How many tenants are there? ***

***none! ***

**than who are you ?***

**I am the tenant!***


***door to door salesman gives up and leaves!***

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are they like adipose????


tribbles with out hair??? ( saw a pic)


yay! how do I see this episode if I am in Canada?

I wish I could down load it from BBC but can't because I am in Canada and isp is rejected .pfft


that's funny! The Tennant.


**conversation at an apartment complex**


**May I speak to the Tenant of this apartment**

**There is no one by that name here!***

**I mean are you the Tenant? "

**no I am Suzanne***

**How many tenants are there? ***

***none! ***

**than who are you ?***

**I am the tenant!***


***door to door salesman gives up and leaves!***


You are absolutely right it is the adipose. My boo boo.LOL!

Ha ha , I love your little script, you're giving Caz a run for her money. Although her on going story of Jerry, John, Mika and Jerrys mum is hilarious.

I hope they can see the humour in it. It's just a little levity while we wait for the announcement.

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You are absolutely right it is the adipose. My boo boo.LOL!

Ha ha , I love your little script, you're giving Caz a run for her money. Although her on going story of Jerry, John, Mika and Jerrys mum is hilarious.

I hope they can see the humour in it. It's just a little levity while we wait for the announcement.


Holy Smokes is Caz good! Her scripts are side splitting funny! She has stared a thread for them at http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14337

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Ha ha! I love messing with salesmen like that. Good one!


When the phone rings, I usually get asked if my Mommy or Daddy are home. Here's my conversations:


*Is your Mommy or Daddy home?*

Me: No, I'm sorry.

*Do you know when they'll be home?*

No, I'm sorry.

*Do you usually stay home alone?*


*Oh, my.....*

Me: May I give them a message when I see them?

*Yes, when do you thing you'll see them?*

Me: Beats me, they have their own house. I live alone. :naughty:


Child services actually stopped by one day and asked for the child of the house.. I said that it was me. LMAO!! :naughty: They were so embarassed.


Oh Char - I can just imagine! :mfr_lol::lol3: So funny!

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Hi Rose! Sorry for the confusion. Although, I think Jemma's is more like this.



That's okay, it's easy to confuse a stupid person,LOL!

I like your story, made me laugh, heh heh.

I love winding up sales people on the phone, my favourite thing to do is pretend I'm not me, and ask if I can give me a message. How I do it without laughing I have no idea.Ha ha!

Leona, your surgery sounds like something out of a horror film! I hope it goes okay. I'm nervous for you.

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hi Christina!

remember a few months ago when I was kind of out of it from pain killers-, well, I finally have a solution- anterior cervical fusion, to be done in May as soon as this semester is over.

I'll have to wear a collar for 3 months! in the SUMMER!

that will be the worst part!


Are you still on the pain killers? It's nice to have a definitive answer, isn't it? :thumb_yello: Wow, a collar for 3 months over the summer, bummer...But, will you then be pain free?

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hi Christina!

remember a few months ago when I was kind of out of it from pain killers-, well, I finally have a solution- anterior cervical fusion, to be done in May as soon as this semester is over.

I'll have to wear a collar for 3 months! in the SUMMER!

that will be the worst part!



I hope all goes well for you - the sooner the surgery is done,the sooner you will be able to heal and feel better again. :thumb_yello:

I guess you will end up with a bit of a funny tan line, though.:naughty: having to wear the neck collar in the summer.

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