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Is Mika Suddenly Changing Now?


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*agrees completely* he's goning witht he flow, next thing we know he'll be on msn and facebook saying "heyy babee hoow aarree yoou hunn? </3333"


He already USED to do that, before fame scared him off facebook. :naughty:


Two things:


1) He's worn polo shirts before. He actually has several, so wearing this one is not at all a change.


2) His hair is shorter now, but it's not really a change either. Looks like he just wanted it out of his face. It'll grow out. I do miss his really-longer hair, like when it was almost to his shoulders, but I'm thinking he he thinks he's too old for that style now. Or he got tired of it.


3) I'm pretty sure he just got tired of the braces and the bright skinny jeans. It happens. It doesn't mean he's less weird, but we all go through phases in style. Five years ago I was into gothy black lace, four years ago I was into cute pastels, three years ago I was into rich fabrics and glam, two years ago I was really into gypsy skirts and bangles, a year ago I was into neat-and-tidy mod clothes and primary colors, and now I'm still into that but also into 50s and 40s dresses. My style changed, but the fact that I like to play with clothes has not. I'd say, same with Mika.


4) When he's not in the public eye, he always has (and still does!) just wear jeans with a random t-shirt and several layers of gray hoodies.



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He already USED to do that, before fame scared him off facebook. :naughty:


Two things:


1) He's worn polo shirts before. He actually has several, so wearing this one is not at all a change.


2) His hair is shorter now, but it's not really a change either. Looks like he just wanted it out of his face. It'll grow out. I do miss his really-longer hair, like when it was almost to his shoulders, but I'm thinking he he thinks he's too old for that style now. Or he got tired of it.


3) I'm pretty sure he just got tired of the braces and the bright skinny jeans. It happens. It doesn't mean he's less weird, but we all go through phases in style. Five years ago I was into gothy black lace, four years ago I was into cute pastels, three years ago I was into rich fabrics and glam, two years ago I was really into gypsy skirts and bangles, a year ago I was into neat-and-tidy mod clothes and primary colors, and now I'm still into that but also into 50s and 40s dresses. My style changed, but the fact that I like to play with clothes has not. I'd say, same with Mika.


4) When he's not in the public eye, he always has (and still does!) just wear jeans with a random t-shirt and several layers of gray hoodies.



Nicely put, Jack. :thumb_yello:

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the only thing I really miss is brace appeal!! seriously, when he straightened his hair I wasnt really that bothered, the polo shirt thing is kinda cute...personal opinion the short is hottt!!!...but I really miss watching him fiddle with his braces! :wub2:

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I do want to say that he's probably grown out of the turquoise jeans--which is sad for many of us, I know (sad for me too!), but it really was a younger style, and he can't stay the same age--or type--forever.


If I can relate a personal anecdote though, last week I met with an old college friend. I knew he liked 'smart' dress (he proudly showed off his tailored gray slacks and impeccable shoes to me, ha), and liked when women dressed 'pretty,' so I thought I'd dress up a little. When I took off my coat to reveal a 50s secretary type ensemble, complete with a hat with a mini-veil and matching satin gloves, he said "Oh, still dressing in costume I see!" and remarked that I was "so put together."


I thought that was funny because, well, I suppose it was costumey (I prefer to think of it as a "properly carried-through homage"), but I never dressed in 50s style outfits in college. My friend though, correctly saw the outfit as "the same" as my previous clothes in terms of how I treated dress--as a bit of roleplay for an audience--rather than as "different" in the details of it.


If he had seen me two days before, when I was studying by myself though, or even if he saw me now, he would never call me "so put together." Right now I'm sitting at home, and wearing faded jeans, beige ballerina slippers, a t-shirt with glittery cartoon characters on it, and a old red hoodie, and none of these things match.


The point is, we dress differently for different occasions and depending on whether anyone will see us or not, and who it will be. It's impossible to judge Mika's "change" on the basis of one--or even several--outfits.



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I do want to say that he's probably grown out of the turquoise jeans--which is sad for many of us, I know (sad for me too!), but it really was a younger style, and he can't stay the same age--or type--forever.


If I can relate a personal anecdote though, last week I met with an old college friend. I knew he liked 'smart' dress (he proudly showed off his tailored gray slacks and impeccable shoes to me, ha), and liked when women dressed 'pretty,' so I thought I'd dress up a little. When I took off my coat to reveal a 50s secretary type ensemble, complete with a hat with a mini-veil and matching satin gloves, he said "Oh, still dressing in costume I see!" and remarked that I was "so put together."


I thought that was funny because, well, I suppose it was costumey (I prefer to think of it as a "properly carried-through homage"), but I never dressed in 50s style outfits in college. My friend though, correctly saw the outfit as "the same" as my previous clothes in terms of how I treated dress--as a bit of roleplay for an audience--rather than as "different" in the details of it.


If he had seen me two days before, when I was studying by myself though, or even if he saw me now, he would never call me "so put together." Right now I'm sitting at home, and wearing faded jeans, beige ballerina slippers, a t-shirt with glittery cartoon characters on it, and a old red hoodie, and none of these things match.


The point is, we dress differently for different occasions and depending on whether anyone will see us or not, and who it will be. It's impossible to judge Mika's "change" on the basis of one--or even several--outfits.




I totally get that though....I guess mika also sorta dresses up on stage as if hes playing that character!


I do that too which is why I hated it when my Boyfriend (pre going out phase) would "pop round" without prior knowlege he would be at my doorstep, me in my "its cleaning day" clothes that are all wripped an tattered and still he gave me hug...*even I wouldnt have given me a hug* but from that day I felt ok him seeing me in those "cleaning day clothes" as apposed to my other character "going out clothes" or "special clothes"


perhaps mikas ready to show (or thinks we are ready to see) his "just mika" self as apposed to "onstage mika" or "for the people mika"

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I do want to say that he's probably grown out of the turquoise jeans--which is sad for many of us, I know (sad for me too!), but it really was a younger style, and he can't stay the same age--or type--forever.


If I can relate a personal anecdote though, last week I met with an old college friend. I knew he liked 'smart' dress (he proudly showed off his tailored gray slacks and impeccable shoes to me, ha), and liked when women dressed 'pretty,' so I thought I'd dress up a little. When I took off my coat to reveal a 50s secretary type ensemble, complete with a hat with a mini-veil and matching satin gloves, he said "Oh, still dressing in costume I see!" and remarked that I was "so put together."


I thought that was funny because, well, I suppose it was costumey (I prefer to think of it as a "properly carried-through homage"), but I never dressed in 50s style outfits in college. My friend though, correctly saw the outfit as "the same" as my previous clothes in terms of how I treated dress--as a bit of roleplay for an audience--rather than as "different" in the details of it.


If he had seen me two days before, when I was studying by myself though, or even if he saw me now, he would never call me "so put together." Right now I'm sitting at home, and wearing faded jeans, beige ballerina slippers, a t-shirt with glittery cartoon characters on it, and a old red hoodie, and none of these things match.


The point is, we dress differently for different occasions and depending on whether anyone will see us or not, and who it will be. It's impossible to judge Mika's "change" on the basis of one--or even several--outfits.




i agree with you Jack

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I think we over-analyze Mika's actions too much. The guy is a human being...he is bound to go through changes like anyone of us.


Yes, I totally agree with that!

The guy can't do anything without it becoming a "statement" of some sort about how he has changed, or how he's selling out, etc...



Oh and if we're talking about his hair....that hardly defines a person, does it? It'll grow back if you don't like it.


I should hope so.

I hate the idea of some dodgy haircuts/do's that I've sported in the past, defining me:naughty: .

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To be honest, I can't see that he's changed at all.

So he wore a polo shirt and jeans to an interview, did you notice the colour of the polo shirt? Very Mikaish I thought especially wth the little heart motif.

It's hardly the first time he's worn jeans either, can't remember where, but there are pics of him wearing them to some function he's been to, so it's not really new.

He is going to to change to some extent, as he brings out new material. All the things he did for LICM isn't what he's going to do for subsequent albums, and all the stuff he wears on stage obviously isn't what he's going to wear going shopping. Naturally he's going to dress differently for different aspects of his life.

I don't go round dressed as a penguin when I'm working, so I wouldn't expect Mika to walk around M&S in his lovely jackets. It wouldn't look right taken out of the context of the show.

I'm not saying Mika wouldn't feel comfortable wearing the style of clothes off stage, he just chooses to keep the show style and his at home style separate, and fair play to him for that. Whatever he feels comfortable in.

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Hehe, no worries. :bleh:


I wouldn't care if grew a mustache and wore leiderhosen, he's still him....

and I just want that second album sometime soon, dangit! :naughty:


omg, I just imagined what would be happening here if we were Brandon Flowers' fans when he went from Hot Fuss to Sam's Town. Now THAT is a change.







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Okay, this actually started in the thread about Mika's hair and it was a bit off topic so I decided to make a thread. Well, as we know, Mika has made a llot of changes since 2007, (sara, his hair, his songs.) and of coarse, change can be good. But is he changing too much? I just dont think Mika seems like himself lately, I mean when i saw those pictures of him with a polo shirt on i was thinking "Who the hell is this and where did he put Mika?":shocked: It seems like everyone has different oppinions on this, but lack for a better phrase, Mika seems...well....less "weird." Mika has always been my inspiration, not so much his music, although i obviously love it, but more his clothing and his "I do what I want" attitude made me love him. Every day when someone would post a new picture of Meeks, I would just be like "wow, he is SOOOO brilliant" But now he seems well.....almost too "normal." say that I am overreacting to this, but I can't help expressing my oppinion (as you all know) So who agrees with me?

I think, the fact that Mika changes his rair slightly, or wears different clothes, doesn't mean he's changed. In fact judging by the last few days on this site, he's played a blinder! Everyone's talking about his hair, his makeup, his clothes, and whether he's the same old Mika!

Of course he is the same Mika! He's keeping everyone here on their toes, and talking about him! That can't be bad.

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I think, the fact that Mika changes his Hair slightly, or wears different clothes, doesn't mean he's changed. In fact judging by the last few days on this site, he's played a blinder! Everyone's talking about his hair, his makeup, his clothes, and whether he's the same old Mika!

Of course he is the same Mika! He's keeping everyone here on their toes, and talking about him! That can't be bad.


AMEN!! mikas just keeping it fresh...there has to be some gossip about him even when hes away....he knows the mfc goes mad without him! need I remind you what happened LAST time there was nothing to talk about when mika was taking a break? utter chaos!


Mika Has Changed Things Slightly, But Not In A Devastating Way


But There Is No Harm In This, At The End Of The Day, Mika Is Still Mika And We All Love Him For Who He Is!


Love Love Me




well said........change could be worse...he could have pulled a frankie stevens (or equally bald star) and shaved it fresh! aaand he could have decided to dress in drag, then yall be talkin! but It really doesnt matter...his hair...his looks...his dress...it all doesnt matter...what will he look like in 20-40 years time? DIFFERENT change in inevitable

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I think it's often overlooked that "Mika" is a result of quite a few different people's imput.

For instance I think Lollipop girl is very much Lorna's thing.....I think he'll have just let her run with it once the song was written.........the paintings done by Yasmine probably evolved along side Lorna's incarnation as Lollipop girl.

Same with Big Girl.......the paintings to illustrate the song then his mum makes two costumes and the record company employ two girls to wear them. I suspect it all went on along side him recording the album.

In the same way Paloma (and to a lesser extent Yasmine & his mum) has invented his public image. The skinny jeans/braces combo was very styled and I also think that the reference made to having pants made for him in that phone interview in the states referred to his mum making the skinny jeans in an array of colours-not to underpants!

As the perfomances became bigger so the stage clothes became more "made" for him.........the skinny jeans were only ever in black or white, each with a slightly different glittery strip sewn down the sides.........the braces sown onto the shirts.....the jazzy jackets.........there's not much shop bought stuff there!!

The point being none of these looks were "Mica".......it was the "Mika" image being put forward by a group of people to promote him for general publicity work and for stage shows. On the rare occasion we see a candid photo of him he's always tended to wear "normal" loose fit blue jeans, lots of layers, and mostly drab colours (browns, etc). He said of himself that he often gets mistaken for a shoplifter because he always looks so scruffy when he's out!

I'm not suggesting that he doesn't like the colourful clothes Paloma picks for him or that he doesn't have over all say about them but I doubt that he would dress that way away from the circus of MIKA! As he said - having your sister as your stylist means that she won't let you go out looking like a tw*t! I think he knows that she'll do a good job and lets her get on with it.

He must feel really strange just now having stepped off the rollercoaster that was touring and becoming so sought after.....a kind of "what do I do with my day to day life now?" feeling.......pottering around at home, doing normal stuff...wearing his scruffs..........it must feel like a lifetime away from the glitz of the live shows and celeb events he'd dressed up for.............so maybe during his little trip over to China he's remained in his "normal" mode and just been himself.

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Mika probably is changing. I hope he is. We all change/evolve. The things we experience in life affect us. And to me that is what makes people interesting.


And things have changed a lot for Mika this last year. But it's not like his entire personality will be changing. Things will just shift a little. (Don't know if that's the proper way to say it, but I think you will catch my drift.)



But hey, I'm a social worker, so I love seeing people change :wink2:

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I think it's often overlooked that "Mika" is a result of quite a few different people's imput.

For instance I think Lollipop girl is very much Lorna's thing.....I think he'll have just let her run with it once the song was written.........the paintings done by Yasmine probably evolved along side Lorna's incarnation as Lollipop girl.

Same with Big Girl.......the paintings to illustrate the song then his mum makes two costumes and the record company employ two girls to wear them. I suspect it all went on along side him recording the album.

In the same way Paloma (and to a lesser extent Yasmine & his mum) has invented his public image. The skinny jeans/braces combo was very styled and I also think that the reference made to having pants made for him in that phone interview in the states referred to his mum making the skinny jeans in an array of colours-not to underpants!

As the perfomances became bigger so the stage clothes became more "made" for him.........the skinny jeans were only ever in black or white, each with a slightly different glittery strip sewn down the sides.........the braces sown onto the shirts.....the jazzy jackets.........there's not much shop bought stuff there!!

The point being none of these looks were "Mica".......it was the "Mika" image being put forward by a group of people to promote him for general publicity work and for stage shows. On the rare occasion we see a candid photo of him he's always tended to wear "normal" loose fit blue jeans, lots of layers, and mostly drab colours (browns, etc). He said of himself that he often gets mistaken for a shoplifter because he always looks so scruffy when he's out!

I'm not suggesting that he doesn't like the colourful clothes Paloma picks for him or that he doesn't have over all say about them but I doubt that he would dress that way away from the circus of MIKA! As he said - having your sister as your stylist means that she won't let you go out looking like a tw*t! I think he knows that she'll do a good job and lets her get on with it.

He must feel really strange just now having stepped off the rollercoaster that was touring and becoming so sought after.....a kind of "what do I do with my day to day life now?" feeling.......pottering around at home, doing normal stuff...wearing his scruffs..........it must feel like a lifetime away from the glitz of the live shows and celeb events he'd dressed up for.............so maybe during his little trip over to China he's remained in his "normal" mode and just been himself.




I agree completely..Who knows what Mika wears at home?? He's my age and pretty much figures he wears clothes pretty much the same to what other guys our age wears abeilt a little more colourful. I find his style quite studenty in terms of his hoodys etc... At the end of the day what Mika wears doesn't interest me at all really, he's only human and the same human as he has always been so nothing has really changed there...and you never know when his mum makes his stage outfits he could be like "oh mum do I HAVE to wear this" :roftl: :roftl:

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But now really...he cant wear all those skinny jeans over and over again! it gets a little...over-done! (i guess)

he's a regular guy outside...weird one, i agree but that doesn't mean he should always wear those stuff, he can keep it cool sometimes!

i'd like to see him in the both styles in right places! and that polo shirt was not that normal with that little heart thingy on it...:naughty: neither was the his suit and that tie around his neck!


On hair, i think when you do you're hair a lot (especially when you perm) it gets a bit damaged, after all you need to cut it a bit...


but i do agree about the braces ....get them back Mika! :sneaky2:

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I agree that MIka has changed over the past year. And I am certain he still will be changing and reinventing himself, growing in terms of his musical influences, hairstyle or clothes his wearing.

Then again, I did not expect anything less. He is a very creative person and we "met" him at the very beginning of his journey:thumb_yello:

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I think it's often overlooked that "Mika" is a result of quite a few different people's imput.

For instance I think Lollipop girl is very much Lorna's thing.....I think he'll have just let her run with it once the song was written.........the paintings done by Yasmine probably evolved along side Lorna's incarnation as Lollipop girl.

Same with Big Girl.......the paintings to illustrate the song then his mum makes two costumes and the record company employ two girls to wear them. I suspect it all went on along side him recording the album.

In the same way Paloma (and to a lesser extent Yasmine & his mum) has invented his public image. The skinny jeans/braces combo was very styled and I also think that the reference made to having pants made for him in that phone interview in the states referred to his mum making the skinny jeans in an array of colours-not to underpants!

As the perfomances became bigger so the stage clothes became more "made" for him.........the skinny jeans were only ever in black or white, each with a slightly different glittery strip sewn down the sides.........the braces sown onto the shirts.....the jazzy jackets.........there's not much shop bought stuff there!!

The point being none of these looks were "Mica".......it was the "Mika" image being put forward by a group of people to promote him for general publicity work and for stage shows. On the rare occasion we see a candid photo of him he's always tended to wear "normal" loose fit blue jeans, lots of layers, and mostly drab colours (browns, etc). He said of himself that he often gets mistaken for a shoplifter because he always looks so scruffy when he's out!

I'm not suggesting that he doesn't like the colourful clothes Paloma picks for him or that he doesn't have over all say about them but I doubt that he would dress that way away from the circus of MIKA! As he said - having your sister as your stylist means that she won't let you go out looking like a tw*t! I think he knows that she'll do a good job and lets her get on with it.

He must feel really strange just now having stepped off the rollercoaster that was touring and becoming so sought after.....a kind of "what do I do with my day to day life now?" feeling.......pottering around at home, doing normal stuff...wearing his scruffs..........it must feel like a lifetime away from the glitz of the live shows and celeb events he'd dressed up for.............so maybe during his little trip over to China he's remained in his "normal" mode and just been himself.

That's very well put. I just think that while he's having a break from the touring etc, he's just wearing what feels comfortable. When I'm at home, I mostly wear my dressing gown. When I go out for the evening, I wear glittery tops and shiny jewellery. When I'm at church, and if I'm preaching especially, I wear less conspicuous jewellery and smart blouses and jackets.

It's the same for Mika. When he's doing concerts again, he'll probably have his hair a bit longer (or maybe not, but it doesn't matter) and he'll probably wear the bright colours and the glittery stuff again. Or, he might surprise us with something else.

But Mika is maturing. No one would want him to end up like Disco Stu from The Simpsons, stuck in a time warp. Some change is healthy, and necessary, to keep his image fresh.

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To be honest,

I don't go round dressed as a penguin when I'm working, .[/quote]

:no::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! but....:shocked:but.....ruin everything why don't you Rose.... to me you will ALWAYS be Mika's little penguin...ALWAYS!!!

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omg, I just imagined what would be happening here if we were Brandon Flowers' fans when he went from Hot Fuss to Sam's Town. Now THAT is a change.








Oooooh, I love The Killers!!:wub2: :wub2:

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I do want to say that he's probably grown out of the turquoise jeans--which is sad for many of us, I know (sad for me too!), but it really was a younger style, and he can't stay the same age--or type--forever.


If I can relate a personal anecdote though, last week I met with an old college friend. I knew he liked 'smart' dress (he proudly showed off his tailored gray slacks and impeccable shoes to me, ha), and liked when women dressed 'pretty,' so I thought I'd dress up a little. When I took off my coat to reveal a 50s secretary type ensemble, complete with a hat with a mini-veil and matching satin gloves, he said "Oh, still dressing in costume I see!" and remarked that I was "so put together."


I thought that was funny because, well, I suppose it was costumey (I prefer to think of it as a "properly carried-through homage"), but I never dressed in 50s style outfits in college. My friend though, correctly saw the outfit as "the same" as my previous clothes in terms of how I treated dress--as a bit of roleplay for an audience--rather than as "different" in the details of it.


If he had seen me two days before, when I was studying by myself though, or even if he saw me now, he would never call me "so put together." Right now I'm sitting at home, and wearing faded jeans, beige ballerina slippers, a t-shirt with glittery cartoon characters on it, and a old red hoodie, and none of these things match.


The point is, we dress differently for different occasions and depending on whether anyone will see us or not, and who it will be. It's impossible to judge Mika's "change" on the basis of one--or even several--outfits.




yep this is the point I was trying to make earlier too.

about the tie thing too, he has one round his neck on this rather old and now famous I guess, pic, so just cos we don't always notice things doesn't mean it's new, or a changing style.


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I think it's often overlooked that "Mika" is a result of quite a few different people's imput.

For instance I think Lollipop girl is very much Lorna's thing.....I think he'll have just let her run with it once the song was written.........the paintings done by Yasmine probably evolved along side Lorna's incarnation as Lollipop girl.

Same with Big Girl.......the paintings to illustrate the song then his mum makes two costumes and the record company employ two girls to wear them. I suspect it all went on along side him recording the album.

In the same way Paloma (and to a lesser extent Yasmine & his mum) has invented his public image. The skinny jeans/braces combo was very styled and I also think that the reference made to having pants made for him in that phone interview in the states referred to his mum making the skinny jeans in an array of colours-not to underpants!

As the perfomances became bigger so the stage clothes became more "made" for him.........the skinny jeans were only ever in black or white, each with a slightly different glittery strip sewn down the sides.........the braces sown onto the shirts.....the jazzy jackets.........there's not much shop bought stuff there!!

The point being none of these looks were "Mica".......it was the "Mika" image being put forward by a group of people to promote him for general publicity work and for stage shows. On the rare occasion we see a candid photo of him he's always tended to wear "normal" loose fit blue jeans, lots of layers, and mostly drab colours (browns, etc). He said of himself that he often gets mistaken for a shoplifter because he always looks so scruffy when he's out!

I'm not suggesting that he doesn't like the colourful clothes Paloma picks for him or that he doesn't have over all say about them but I doubt that he would dress that way away from the circus of MIKA! As he said - having your sister as your stylist means that she won't let you go out looking like a tw*t! I think he knows that she'll do a good job and lets her get on with it.

He must feel really strange just now having stepped off the rollercoaster that was touring and becoming so sought after.....a kind of "what do I do with my day to day life now?" feeling.......pottering around at home, doing normal stuff...wearing his scruffs..........it must feel like a lifetime away from the glitz of the live shows and celeb events he'd dressed up for.............so maybe during his little trip over to China he's remained in his "normal" mode and just been himself.


Very interesting point of view, thank you vixenbbw!:thumb_yello:

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