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New album ready?


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Alors qu’il y a quelques mois, le chanteur Mika annonçait qu’il prendrait du temps pour publier la suite au carton de son premier album Life In A Cartoon Motion, il vient de déclarait que son deuxième opus serait prêt et pourrait être publié cette année !



Plus d’un million d’albums vendus rien qu’en France, soit le plus grand succès de l’année 2007, on comprend aisément pourquoi le label de Mika lui mettait la pression pour qu’il propose son deuxième album...

"La suite de Life In A Cartoon Motion prendra le temps qu’il faut", avait déclaré le chanteur il y a quelques mois, refusant de devenir la poule aux œufs d’or de sa maison de disques. Et bien il semblerait que l’interprète de Relax, Take It Easy, se soit depuis activement mis au travail car ce disque est prêt !

"Je viens de terminer toutes les chansons de mon prochain album qui risque d’être très fun ! C’est tout ce dont je peux vous dire pour le moment. Sa sortie serait probable avant la fin de l’année 2008", confie Mika.


Quid de sa participation au Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson 2009 afin de représenter son pays d’origine, le Liban ?

"J’avais soumis l’idée il y a quelques temps et je serai très fier de pouvoir le faire. Mais tout ceci ne se décidera pas avant le début de l’année prochaine".


Alors, après 2007... 2009 sera-t-elle, elle aussi, l’année Mika ?


They wrote that Mica said that the album was ready and that it would be released before the end of the year. Strange! :blink:


But they also wrote that he'd like to do the Eurovision next year. Wait and see! :wink2:

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I think they dreamed about it. :naughty:


He denied the fact that he would do the Eurovision. The story about the album must be wrong too. I wrote a message on their website to tell them they must have written a mistake.

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I think they dreamed about it. :naughty:


He denied the fact that he would do the Eurovision. The story about the album must be wrong too. I wrote a message on their website to tell them they must have written a mistake.


he's said before that he's not interested in eurovision, so if they're wrong about that they're propably wrong about the album.

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i very much doubt that the album is ready. i mean, i know he's been working on it since the dodgy holiday tour, but LiCM took a little over a year to make, right? so this shouldn't be any less. I guess.


as for eurovision, i thought last year he said he wanted to represent Lebanon?

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i very much doubt that the album is ready. i mean, i know he's been working on it since the dodgy holiday tour, but LiCM took a little over a year to make, right? so this shouldn't be any less. I guess.


as for eurovision, i thought last year he said he wanted to represent Lebanon?

I've always said that I'd love to see him HOST Eurovision. He's fluent in French, and seems quite good with some other languages too, so imagine how awesome it would be for him to show his talent at languages, to people who don't realise how clever he is at them. Plus, he'd be a great host and a popular one, since he's so well known around the world.

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I've always said that I'd love to see him HOST Eurovision. He's fluent in French, and seems quite good with some other languages too, so imagine how awesome it would be for him to show his talent at languages, to people who don't realise how clever he is at them. Plus, he'd be a great host and a popular one, since he's so well known around the world.


Prehaps he could take over from Terry, that would be interseting :naughty:



as for eurovision, i thought last year he said he wanted to represent Lebanon?


"Have you considered singing in Eurovision, for example?”


“Oh no,” Mika says. “Before, Eurovision was quite interesting. But in the past few years it’s been completely horrible.” He struggles on, elaborating as best he can (“I want nothing to do with politics… the only attention Lebanon gets is for its problems… many amazing things come out of there…”), then retreats to the lifts.


“That was terrible,” he says. “They should have a rule: when you’re tired, don’t even bother trying to answer political questions.”


Case closed :mf_rosetinted:


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it's a translation of the other article we had a few days ago. but they changed it a little and IMO they are getting further and further away from the truth :naughty:

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I've always said that I'd love to see him HOST Eurovision. He's fluent in French, and seems quite good with some other languages too, so imagine how awesome it would be for him to show his talent at languages, to people who don't realise how clever he is at them. Plus, he'd be a great host and a popular one, since he's so well known around the world.


Great idea! :thumb_yello: We must convince him despite the fact that i agree with him. The Eurovision is horrible! But with a host like Mica, it can be improved a lot. :biggrin2:

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So if anybody happens to be bored at the moment, they could translate that to english, i bet it would be loads of fun=]



the first time i heard that his album was done, i didn't believe it at all because it just didn't make sense, but now it's coming from two sources?? too good to be true...

i wish mika would give us an update or blog on the real story.

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Great idea! :thumb_yello: We must convince him despite the fact that i agree with him. The Eurovision is horrible! But with a host like Mica, it can be improved a lot. :biggrin2:

It would be awesome for him to host it. Let's face it, if he entered with a song, no other country need enter, coz he'd win for sure, and Mika's songs are too good for that contest. But so many people around the world would tune in to Eurovision to see him host the event and show his linguistic ability with languages

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Translation (don't shoot the messenger):


It has been some months back that the Singer Mika has announced that he would take some time off to finish his next album after "Life in Cartoon Motion". It seems that his next album will be ready by end of this year.


With more than a million albums sold in France alone, he seems to be the biggest success of 2007. We understand why his record label has put pressure on him to finish his second album.


"The second album after Life in cartoon motion will take all the time it needs" Mika explained months ago. He refuses to be the golden goose of his record label. and it looks like the man behind "Relax, take it easy" has been active and working hard because his album is ready!


"I have just finished all the songs in my second album, which will be a lot of fun! That's all I am going to say for the time being. It will be probably released before the end of 2008" confirms Mika.


On his participation in Eurovision Song of 2009 and representing his country of origin, Lebanon?


"I have thought of the idea before, and I would be very proud if I can do it, but this will only be confirmed by early next year"

Thanks for the translation Racha. It makes more sense now. It would be great to have his album released before the end of the year, so I hope the article is right.

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Maybe he means he's decided on the songs on the album; they've just twisted the words. That wouldn't mean it was ready - far from it. Or they could be totally wrong, and I could be too :naughty:

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