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Luke Juby is no longer a band member Part 2


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A bit of shameless spamming to show my new Tshirt that will see the light on Friday for the Paris gig...:roftl:


Yes, I am dropping it in a few threads to give it coverage :naughty:





:roftl: ooh she's wearing it!! Lovely :punk:

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:roftl: ooh she's wearing it!! Lovely :punk:


Of course "she's" wearing it, what do you think the Tshirt was for then if not to wear it?:roftl:


oh sari....Lookie will b proud of ya! :lmfao:


I love it! the colours are awesome! that blue :wub2:


HAhaha thanks! I hope she/he/it sees me. The colours turned out really nice, the first line is silver, then red and then blue. Very nice colours.

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Of course "she's" wearing it, what do you think the Tshirt was for then if not to wear it?:roftl:


Well, when you showed the first pic a few days ago I thought you used photoshop and was making a joke.. obviously not :naughty:

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A bit of shameless spamming to show my new Tshirt that will see the light on Friday for the Paris gig...:roftl:


Yes, I am dropping it in a few threads to give it coverage :naughty:





Your shirt is priceless:lmfao:


I can't wait till the band gets a look at that!:naughty:

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I can't wait till the band gets a look at that!:naughty:


I bet the half will like it :naughty:




this is what happens when i go to camp.


i miss something like this..


he's seriously just like.. not coming back?


no more luke?!


i'm like.. in shock.


well he would if he'd get called


But that's another issue

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I will call him and pretend to be Mika's management. But then luke will believe me and go to the hotel where they are staying (this is a good hotel because meeks needs his beauty sleep. no tour bus for him) and walks in on Mikey and Mika in the hot tub together and he is like "oh...jeez...i just needed to use the..." and Mikey is like "I thought we told you to scram! Go back where you came from!" and then luke is all confused. and mika is like all drunk so he is like "Luuuuukkkkeeee. Come join the party maaattttteeee. *licks bubbles from Mikey's face*" So luke runs out to go and find cherisse. So he asks the hotel person where she is staying and he says 'in room 664" then luke goes up to the door and sees a 'do not disturb' sign on the door but ignores it. so when he walks in he finds Cherisse drumming on Sara's arse and he is like "OMG. What the hell is happening when i am not here to straighten people out?" and cherisse is all embarassed (considering she used to have a secret crush on luke) and is like "oh...um..." but its too late and luke moves to the next room. he opens the door to find Martin alone with his guitar practicing and he is like "Hey luuuuukkkkeeee.....this is all a dream" so luke is like "Martin, have any polish beer?" but Martin sprinkles magic dust on luke and the next thing luke knows he awakes in a forest, alone.

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I will call him and pretend to be Mika's management. But then luke will believe me and go to the hotel where they are staying (this is a good hotel because meeks needs his beauty sleep. no tour bus for him) and walks in on Mikey and Mika in the hot tub together and he is like "oh...jeez...i just needed to use the..." and Mikey is like "I thought we told you to scram! Go back where you came from!" and then luke is all confused. and mika is like all drunk so he is like "Luuuuukkkkeeee. Come join the party maaattttteeee. *licks bubbles from Mikey's face*" So luke runs out to go and find cherisse. So he asks the hotel person where she is staying and he says 'in room 664" then luke goes up to the door and sees a 'do not disturb' sign on the door but ignores it. so when he walks in he finds Cherisse drumming on Sara's arse and he is like "OMG. What the hell is happening when i am not here to straighten people out?" and cherisse is all embarassed (considering she used to have a secret crush on luke) and is like "oh...um..." but its too late and luke moves to the next room. he opens the door to find Martin alone with his guitar practicing and he is like "Hey luuuuukkkkeeee.....this is all a dream" so luke is like "Martin, have any polish beer?" but Martin sprinkles magic dust on luke and the next thing luke knows he awakes in a forest, alone.



goodness me, you just killed me with that!!:roftl::roftl:

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Yeah, I'm sick of all of this "sunshine" ****.

I missed Luke.

I'm not interested in David Whitmey.

Relax just sounded awful espec at the beginning, where it used to be a highlight.

Get Luke back - we don't need a psuedo boy-band member, thanks very much.

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Please don't kill me, but... :boxed:...


i think it's okay to miss Luke but couldn't we give this David a chance ?

Seems like the guy didn't have that much time to rehearse, and i think he was ok, he didn't ruin the show... ok, he might look like a 90's boys band member, but wtf ? Since when do mfcers judge people by the way they look ?? :wink2:


Remember how things started with Saraynade ?? Everyone missed Mika's original backup singer and there were some nasty things said about this poor girl, who turned out to be a very sweet person, in addition of a good backup singer...


Let's see what David's made of before judging him... shouldn't we ??

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missing LeLuque


they can't even play How Much Do You Love Me without the Jubylicious...






I won't have payed for one ticket If I would have known in time that my fav band member got fired...and worst thing is, it seems that he was somewhat cheated aswell




I will personally attack Choi for you if you want. :lmao: I am still young, I will only go to Juvy. (haha, pun, Juby, Juvy)

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Please don't kill me, but... :boxed:...


i think it's okay to miss Luke but couldn't we give this David a chance ?

Seems like the guy didn't have that much time to rehearse, and i think he was ok, he didn't ruin the show... ok, he might look like a 90's boys band member, but wtf ? Since when do mfcers judge people by the way they look ?? :wink2:


Remember how things started with Saraynade ?? Everyone missed Mika's original backup singer and there were some nasty things said about this poor girl, who turned out to be a very sweet person, in addition of a good backup singer...


Let's see what David's made of before judging him... shouldn't we ??


I didn't actually say anything nasty about Sara, myself. I didn't judge her because I wanted to see her for myself and knew nothing about her at the time.

I have seen David Whitmey, didn't like Relax, know a little about his background.

As I said, he doesn't interest me at all.

I would much rather have Luke. I don't like underhand dealings.

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Yeah, I'm sick of all of this "sunshine" ****.

I missed Luke.

I'm not interested in David Whitmey.

Relax just sounded awful espec at the beginning, where it used to be a highlight.

Get Luke back - we don't need a psuedo boy-band member, thanks very much.


Haha, maybe he can just be temporary? I mean, I dont think we will get Lukas back (after this, i dont think luke would want to come back) So maybe Mika will hire a good keyboardist soon??

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Please don't kill me, but... :boxed:...


i think it's okay to miss Luke but couldn't we give this David a chance ?

Seems like the guy didn't have that much time to rehearse, and i think he was ok, he didn't ruin the show... ok, he might look like a 90's boys band member, but wtf ? Since when do mfcers judge people by the way they look ?? :wink2:


Remember how things started with Saraynade ?? Everyone missed Mika's original backup singer and there were some nasty things said about this poor girl, who turned out to be a very sweet person, in addition of a good backup singer...


Let's see what David's made of before judging him... shouldn't we ??


Haha, I never liked Sara honestly. When I saw her on Youtube, I thought she was obnoxious, and when she was in Boston she was the same for me. Nothing to offend her, I like her solo music, but I just don't like her next to Mika. Now the new keyboardist, I havent even seen on youtube, so when i do, I can see if my initial judgment is good or not.

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i can understand what you all feel... but i was just saying : what if, in the end, it turns out that David did nothing wrong and that he actually fills Luke's shoes ? ( which i think he could do if given a chance and a little time to adapt.. and i'm saying this having actually heard him play in Paris )


i'm sorry if people are upset by what i'm gonna say.. I very rarely express personal feelings on this forum, but this whole bullying thing against this new musician makes feel very uneasy... After all - correct me if i'm wrong - nobody knows exactly what happened with Luke, neither exactly when and how David got the job. And now there are nasty things being said about him in various threads, about Michael Choi and about Mika too, about almost all the other band members in fact... i don't like that... that's just my opinion and it's not only related to this "Luke topic" but i never understood how people could say nasty things and still ask for hugs after the gigs... :shocked:


Ok, now you can shoot me.. i'm done ! :bleh:

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i can understand what you all feel... but i was just saying : what if, in the end, it turns out that David did nothing wrong and that he actually fills Luke's shoes ? ( which i think he could do if given a chance and a little time to adapt.. and i'm saying this having actually heard him play in Paris )


i'm sorry if people are upset by what i'm gonna say.. I very rarely express personal feelings on this forum, but this whole bullying thing against this new musician makes feel very uneasy... After all - correct me if i'm wrong - nobody knows exactly what happened with Luke, neither exactly when and how David got the job. And now there are nasty things being said about him in various threads, about Michael Choi and about Mika too, about almost all the other band members in fact... i don't like that... that's just my opinion and it's not only related to this "Luke topic" but i never understood how people could say nasty things and still ask for hugs after the gigs... :shocked:


Ok, now you can shoot me.. i'm done ! :bleh:


I won't shoot you, I agree with you completely. :biggrin2:


I cannot judge whether Luke's a better keyboard player than David, simply because I've never heard either of them play live. (I'll see David tomorrow though, but I won't be able to compare them.)

Whatever happened with Luke is not David's fault. He's just a keyboard player who got a new job. It's a bit harsh to dismiss him right away. He deserves a fair chance to prove his keyboard skills, and as far as his looks go, come on people! We know better than to judge him on his looks! ^^

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i can understand what you all feel... but i was just saying : what if, in the end, it turns out that David did nothing wrong and that he actually fills Luke's shoes ? ( which i think he could do if given a chance and a little time to adapt.. and i'm saying this having actually heard him play in Paris )


i'm sorry if people are upset by what i'm gonna say.. I very rarely express personal feelings on this forum, but this whole bullying thing against this new musician makes feel very uneasy... After all - correct me if i'm wrong - nobody knows exactly what happened with Luke, neither exactly when and how David got the job. And now there are nasty things being said about him in various threads, about Michael Choi and about Mika too, about almost all the other band members in fact... i don't like that... that's just my opinion and it's not only related to this "Luke topic" but i never understood how people could say nasty things and still ask for hugs after the gigs... :shocked:


Ok, now you can shoot me.. i'm done ! :bleh:


Why would we want to shoot you? We might be accused of murder then as well as bullying. :wink2:

I actually heard him in Paris and in Arras.

Relax just wasn't the same. And not in a good way. Now you can say that Mika wanted it like that, and that may be so, but I didn't like it.

Just my opinion.


I also think that people perceive bullying in different ways ant the word is being bandied about far to frequently on this forum.


As for saying nasty things, do we all have to think everything is wonderful?

Sometimes the papers and reviews say nasty things, usually the opinion of the reporter. They never get accused of bullying.

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I won't shoot you, I agree with you completely. :biggrin2:


I cannot judge whether Luke's a better keyboard player than David, simply because I've never heard either of them play live. (I'll see David tomorrow though, but I won't be able to compare them.)

Whatever happened with Luke is not David's fault. He's just a keyboard player who got a new job. It's a bit harsh to dismiss him right away. He deserves a fair chance to prove his keyboard skills, and as far as his looks go, come on people! We know better than to judge him on his looks! ^^


Well you say that, but he is Mikey's business partner. He certainly wasn't just plucked out of nowhere. He was obviously in the right place at the right time, conveniently.

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Well you say that, but he is Mikey's business partner. He certainly wasn't just plucked out of nowhere. He was obviously in the right place at the right time, conveniently.


Hmmm... If he was in the right place at the right time, he's a lucky guy. He's got a nice new job. I don't think he personally kicked Luke out, and even if he got the job only because he's Mikey's business partner, I still say good for him. As a keyboard player it must be nice to get a job with a popular artist.

We don't know exactly what went on there, and until it's proven that he's responsible for Luke's departure (and if there wasn't a good reason for it), I think it's fair to give him te benefit of the doubt.

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