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You know you're a Mika fan when you're almost more upset about not getting to see Mika than you are about breaking up with your boyfriend...:teehee:


I reccommend sitting in bed in your PJs all day with a tub of chocolate ice-cream and watch soppy romace movies if your really upset about it...


You might want to allocate some time to getting over your bf too if you need it.


That response sounded so much better in my head...:boxed: Sorry! My standard of humour dramatically decreases at night.


Soz to hear about the break up. I know how it feels... hope you're not too upset.

Edited by Austerulous
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YKYAMFW you're having a boring day at school and you start thinking about the day/moment when you met Mika and suddenly you start acting all so cocky because you feel special/different/superior than the rest of the morrons around you. :lol3:


Seriously now, I feel special when I think about it in a public place, you know. :blink:

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YKYAMF when during the movie Avatar, when the Na'vi say "I see you" you can't help but think of Mika's song.

(I swear, when that movie is out on DVD, or even probably now, there will be a navid/Mika's song crossover)


:naughty: I did that :teehee:

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YKYAMFW you're having a boring day at school and you start thinking about the day/moment when you met Mika and suddenly you start acting all so cocky because you feel special/different/superior than the rest of the morrons around you. :lol3:


Seriously now, I feel special when I think about it in a public place, you know. :blink:


:lmfao::lmfao: you can't imagine how loud I laughed when I read it!:roftl:

It happened the same to me, but in my case, it was when he accepted my friendship's request on myspace!!:naughty: ...I used to think to myself: "oh people, you don't even imagine who is my "friend" on myspace...":teehee:


I hope I can feel the same,when I have my chance to meet MIKA:wub2:....just in case,I'm still waiting!!:mf_rosetinted::sneaky2:

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I'm sorry to hear that. :emot-sad: (unless, of course, you're happy to be breaking up with him)


Oh, dear.. are you OK? Or am I been uneccesarily annoying?


I reccommend sitting in bed in your PJs all day with a tub of chocolate ice-cream and watch soppy romace movies if your really upset about it...


You might want to allocate some time to getting over your bf too if you need it.


That response sounded so much better in my head...:boxed: Sorry! My standard of humour dramatically decreases at night.


Soz to hear about the break up. I know how it feels... hope you're not too upset.


Thanks, guys :huglove: I'm OK, really. We were trying to maintain long-distance and, in retrospect, I saw it coming. Life goes on, I guess.

But, seriously...I spent a week crying in bed after my ex broke up with me and then life resumed as normal. I'm *still* bitching about not seeing Mika in October. I think there's something to be said about that. :naughty:

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Haha, that did make sense. My friends and family already know I'm odd, so my Mika devotion doesn't really surprise them. :aah:


YKYAMFW your brothers, who don't even like Mika, start doing things like this, whether it be consciously or subconsciously.






You have awesome brothers! It's a shame one of those DVD's isn't Mika. XD (because that would make it even better)

:naughty: I did that :teehee:


I think every Mika fan did.



And Englishrose, I'm sorry about your boyfriend.

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Thanks, guys :huglove: I'm OK, really. We were trying to maintain long-distance and, in retrospect, I saw it coming. Life goes on, I guess.

But, seriously...I spent a week crying in bed after my ex broke up with me and then life resumed as normal. I'm *still* bitching about not seeing Mika in October. I think there's something to be said about that. :naughty:


Ugh. Long distance is always tricky.


Well is just proves the age-old saying, 'Boyfriends may come and go but Mika is forever.' :wink2:

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Ahh, little brothers. I assumed they where older. I have two little sisters, so I get you.


They're not really little (they're 13 and 11) but they're littler than me.


:naughty: or the sand at the beach, if you don't get snow where you live. :aah:


I'm with you there. *gets annoyed at the Aussie weather*

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YKYAMF when you listen to GGG to cheer up when you're sad :emot-sad:


I'm doing that now! It is making me feel better now that you mention it.


YKYAMF when your friends stop checking out links you send them to good YouTube vids coz they're sick of getting the links to Mika ones.:blink:

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They're not really little (they're 13 and 11) but they're littler than me.




I'm with you there. *gets annoyed at the Aussie weather*

Stupid South Carolina weather :naughty: it's cold here, but no snow.. :tears:


YKYAMFW you're supposed to be getting ready for school, then 5 minutes before leaving.. you realize you're not even dressed yet :lmfao: I'm supposed to be getting dressed.. :aah:

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First time not replyin' in the Hungarian thread:


YKYAMFW you start reading this thread and get so excited about it you completely forget lunchtime, which was three hours ago, but after a while you're just not hungry anymore. Your body thinks: "Damn, she's MFCing, no nutrition today.":biggrin2:

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First time not replyin' in the Hungarian thread:


YKYAMFW you start reading this thread and get so excited about it you completely forget lunchtime, which was three hours ago, but after a while you're just not hungry anymore. Your body thinks: "Damn, she's MFCing, no nutrition today.":biggrin2:



YKYAMFW Everything on this thread relates to you!! :naughty:

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First time not replyin' in the Hungarian thread:


YKYAMFW you start reading this thread and get so excited about it you completely forget lunchtime, which was three hours ago, but after a while you're just not hungry anymore. Your body thinks: "Damn, she's MFCing, no nutrition today.":biggrin2:


Haha. :roftl:

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First time not replyin' in the Hungarian thread:


YKYAMFW you start reading this thread and get so excited about it you completely forget lunchtime, which was three hours ago, but after a while you're just not hungry anymore. Your body thinks: "Damn, she's MFCing, no nutrition today.":biggrin2:


YKYAMFW your friend tries to get you on the phone, but can't get through because you're on the internet on MFC/Twitter, talking about anything Mika related.

Also when he come back to his house and finds you on the other laptop, deeply engrossed:roftl::roftl::roftl:

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