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Second Album in September?


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What is it with everyone liking Andy?! I mean he seems nice and all...but I don't get it:blink:




If you met him you'd understand. He's AS charming as Mika.

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'Guess it's a saranyde thing, TL.



*still doesnt like saranayde* :roftl:

Aw, really? I do like Saranayde.


But maybe that's because she sings on stage and I can see her talent etc..


Andy is a friendly cameraman...I can't see the big deal :doh::naughty:


Sorry all :blush-anim-cl:



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#sariflor talk to me I've got a bunch of drunk boys trying to get in my house I've just called 999 I'm scared


Are you serious????:shocked: Is it really happening?




AY CARUMBA. :shocked:


I prefer the girl next to him :das::roftl:


Sorry, laydeez, he's just not my type, (look or...sexuality wise..)


I can't believe you, he's so cute! Are you trying to hit on me then? :naughty:

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What is it with everyone liking Andy?! I mean he seems nice and all...but I don't get it:blink:




If you met him you'd understand. He's AS charming as Mika.


But not as slightly good looking...yuck ;(

I'm sorry i know u fancy him Rosie, but, but, but.....lol

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Aw, really? I do like Saranayde.


But maybe that's because she sings on stage and I can see her talent etc..


Andy is a friendly cameraman...I can't see the big deal :doh::naughty:


Sorry all :blush-anim-cl:


"Andy the friendly cameraman" I see a new TV show coming out!

Are you serious????:shocked: Is it really happening?






I can't believe you, he's so cute! Are you trying to hit on me then?

Naaah, I'm into more rugby player-looking men, I guess. The kind that model American eagle. :naughty: and then there's mika...:blink:




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LOL I was just trying to make u say it again lol

u got gutts girl lol

thank you. :sneaky2::roftl:

:roftl: I would watch that!

It'd be like a mixture of Postman Pat/Mr.Bean and...MFC...:blink:



I've got to go now people, I'm so tired :thumbdown:

omg, it would be H I L A R I O U S. he'd deliver to MFCers Mika videos and we'd be like *judgeful glare*

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okay, excuse my french, but this is ridiculous.


I know music "takes time" but that will be over 3 years will it not???


he'll lose more fans then he will make.


I'm sorry, but I disagree. Is there something that says people can't be a fan of multiple artists all at once and get caught up with one "for a time" and then get caught up with another and so on and then come back to the first artist when he's doing something new? Mika is the artist I'm most interested in, but that doesn't mean there aren't other people that I like as well and when they put out something new I have a look. I just don't follow their careers as obsessively as Mika's, but I'd still say I'm a fan.


He has already lost more fans.


*looks at all of her uninterested lost friends*


I can name 10 MFCers off the top of my head i was close with and are now either here for their FRIENDS or gone.




Imagine by september...I don't know if I can hold out that long, :thumbdown:


Are these friends of yours lost forever or just for now? It may be that it's healthier for them to be off here having a real life somewhere and just reconnect when Mika puts out a new album and they feel excited again.


I have no idea how reliable that date now is and how to take it. I won't jump off a roof if it is true. The only thing that bothers me about it is, that in his blog he always makes it sound as if things were taking shape and a release date is in sight. Or maybe that's just my interpretation.

However, time flies, they say and maybe it'll be September and/or LICM Vol.2 release before we know it.


Like a few other people have said, that's how I'd interpreted it! And as you say... time flies. There was a stage when we thought the PdP DVD was going to be coming out sooner rather than later and when the real release date was announced we all groaned... but we got through it. The time will probably both drag and fly. It's a bit strange like that:bleh:


I agree!!




People here cared about him...2 years ago...when he was popular...and actually made music...


I sing Holy Johnny, people have noooo idea what that is.


Why would anybody know Holy Johnny unless they went to gigs or watched a lot of Mika on youtube?


I was talking to a friend on the phone last night and Mika came up and she was like "???" and I sang some of Grace Kelly for her and she was like "Oh! That song. I like that one. That's quite current isn't it?" After I stopped laughing I said "No, actually that's from his 2007 album, he's currently working on a new one!" For her that was still current, for two reasons. One, she's barely listening to the radio and she's got two little kids that take up all her time and attention... And two, she's not living in this little Mikaverse. She's not obsessed with every move he makes. But she likes the song and is coming to stay at my house tonight and is looking forward to hearing the album. I may make a fan of her yet! In which case, she still probably wouldn't join here, cos it's not her style and she would never have her life revolve around a pop star. But I imagine there are other people out there like her, who are quite content for the music to come when it comes.


:naughty: He said that in April 2007, not yesterday.


You know people generally don't work day and night 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. They are allowed to go out and take holidays.


Mika spent years putting the first album together and he did all kinds of stuff in between writing the first verses and the album hitting the shelves. I am betting a lot more time transpired than most people realize and it's not realistic to expect him to churn out an equally good album in less than 24 months.


You need to experience life in order to feed your imagination and your creativity. You can't just lock yourself in a windowless room until a great album comes out.


I just quoted this cos I think what you've said here is so true and very well put.

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How do you know it took so long? :naughty: and if it did, oh well. That's his first CD not his second CD which is important if you want to be famous and have a good career. His fans right now, are fans that have been fans for a long time. He isn't getting any new ones. What he's doing could be a potential career suicide, and I'm telling you this as a teenager who quickly moved off of Spice girls because of they're 1 CD for a lengthly period of time, and Michael Buble who's yet to have another CD. I don't want mika to lose more fans because of this, it is suicide. My friend (I'm not going to name names) was on the edge of losing fan-hood due to the lack of concerts and CDs a while back, that broke my heart, and if Mika did care about every little fan individually, he would have done something to make it up to that targeted group of fans, because as it turns out, she wasn't the only one.


I realise that teenagers drive a lot of the music market, but they are not the only people who buy albums, otherwise a huge number of older artists would not still be making a living like they are. I'm constantly amazed at what a wide world of music there is out there that other people are making and listening to, that is so much broader than just what gets played on the "top 20" type radio stations.


If Mika's second album's good, people will get all enthusiastic again.


Hear, hear!


It's only natural that people will drift away looking for something new,

but I'm guessing that as soon as people hear, "Mika's got a new album,"

or "Mika's touring" that they'll make sure to have a listen and seek him

out again -- if they were truly that interested in him the first time 'round.




Honestly. I COULD write something every day, but unless it's something

that I've really spent some time on and thought through, it's usually

not anything very good. But I can churn it out if I have to. I suspect

that Mika's like that as well -- the material you produce that has had time

to... what's the right word? Marinate... simmer a bit... that's the tasty

stuff, the stuff that you've thought about and worked on and REworked

on... It takes time, but is so worth it in the end.


Again, I agree with you Deb. And is it possible the word you were looking for was percolating? That's the one that came to my mind.


If they crank up the hype machine and he's got a good album to back it up, everyone will forget that they've forgotten. :naughty:




I've never lost interest to be honest!


But you have to think about the KEY music audience these days, everyone's targeting to teenagers. Riri comes out with a CD every blimey second, and she's the most chart topping Singer here at the mo.


I mean, no one really likes those guy's from the '80's who made a comeback this year, that's MY age, if they continually made music throughout the years, they'd probably be more of a .. success than an "old foggy memory moms and dad's want to forget." :thumb_yello::roftl:


Does it matter that no-one your age likes them? I'm sure they would be happy to have a new audience, but I suspect that a lot of the older bands of the 80's aren't necessarily marketing to your age group. They can still have plenty of success with their older market. As I said before, it's not just teenagers who buy albums.


Just one thing.

Consider the source




Sister paper to THE SUN!!!


I rest my case.





It's so much easier to wait for an album of someone that your not a huge fan of, but this is Mika :naughty:


Amen. And I think this really is the crux of our problem. It's just that we are sooooo into Mika that it's hard. For most of the rest of the world, he puts out the album when he does and that will be good enough for them. They'll still have a listen. It's just difficult when you're Mika obsessed.

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I forgot to post this when I first saw it, and have kept saying I would. But now I can't find the paper, but I remember the article well.

It was in the News of the World the weekend before last, in the music gossip section, in a little square in the corner.

Basically, it said something along the lines of

'Good news if your a Mika fan, like me. Mika's finally back in the studio, in LA, working on the 2nd album! We can expect it on the shelves in September.'


I think it was a little bit longer than that, but that was the important stuff. I remember thinking 'He's been in the studio for weeks!' and then 'September?!'


But it's the very first, unproven rough date. Even if it is later than I expected :thumb_yello:



september?????:shocked: I hope not:sad:

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omg, it would be H I L A R I O U S. he'd deliver to MFCers Mika videos and we'd be like *judgeful glare*




Why would we give him a jugeful glare if he is a friendly cameraman delivering Mika videos?!

If we did that it would be more like a mixture of Postman Pat and..............

Silent Witness



( I don't even watch that show, but it sounds like there'd be a lot of judgeful glares in it):naughty:

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They must be f**king kidding. September is NOT beginning of 2009. *Throws a tantrum* If he does that, no champagne will make it up, we've tolerated being Mikaless for so long but I assure you that if we're not getting a new album and tourdates in March, people are gonna get hurt:sneaky2::naughty:


As in... you're going to hurt them? :shocked:


I'm steering well clear of Queen Ingie!


What is it with everyone liking Andy?! I mean he seems nice and all...but I don't get it:blink:


If you met him you'd understand. He's AS charming as Mika.


That's what I would have said, Rose. He's very sweet, very personable.

I've met him twice and both times he couldn't have been nicer -- and

didn't he make all the waiting at Glasgow so much fun? No, he's

not Mika, but who else can be? He's very different but just as adorable

in his own way. :wub2:

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I realise that teenagers drive a lot of the music market, but they are not the only people who buy albums, otherwise a huge number of older artists would not still be making a living like they are. I'm constantly amazed at what a wide world of music there is out there that other people are making and listening to, that is so much broader than just what gets played on the "top 20" type radio stations.


I watched this report about the music industry 3 weeks ago and they actually said teenagers didn't matter so much in terms of market shares because their tastes change too fast and they're not the ones spending a lot of money on cds and gig tickets. In fact they're the ones who usually download music for free and stuff ;) It always amazed me to see that Mika's public was much older than I expected, so I don't think he'll lose that many fans, even if it takes him a bit longer to release his album. What matters is the quality of that second album, nothing else.

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I watched this report about the music industry 3 weeks ago and they actually said teenagers didn't matter so much in terms of market shares because their tastes change too fast and they're not the ones spending a lot of money on cds and gig tickets. In fact they're the ones who usually download music for free and stuff ;) It always amazed me to see that Mika's public was much older than I expected, so I don't think he'll lose that many fans, even if it takes him a bit longer to release his album. What matters is the quality of that second album, nothing else.


I'm just gonna giggle quietly to myself... I guess the thing is, there's teenagers and there's teenagers.


Teenagers at the younger end of the spectrum without the financial means possibly do download a lot etc... But a 17yr old is still a teenager... And I remember talking to a friend of mine a couple of years ago who had a part-time job and still lived at home and was trying to save money for a car but not getting very far and I said "What are you spending your money on?" and most of it was albums, gigs and clothes. (It was a guy.)

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I'm sorry, but I disagree. Is there something that says people can't be a fan of multiple artists all at once and get caught up with one "for a time" and then get caught up with another and so on and then come back to the first artist when he's doing something new? Mika is the artist I'm most interested in, but that doesn't mean there aren't other people that I like as well and when they put out something new I have a look. I just don't follow their careers as obsessively as Mika's, but I'd still say I'm a fan.


Of course you can, and it's healthy to do so, and just plain necessary sometimes..and then when you 'come back' your appreciation is heightened. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, a change is as good as a rest *insert a third cliche of your choice* :boxed: It's all true!


I watched the latest dvd today for the first time after quite a long break from listening to /watching Mika and I enjoyed it so much. If I have to wait till September for the album then so be it, time DOES fly, especially at my age :shocked:..September will be here in no time for me..I'm sorry for the younglings though for whom eight months is forever!! IF the rumour is true..which is very debatable.

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Of course you can, and it's healthy to do so, and just plain necessary sometimes..and then when you 'come back' your appreciation is heightened. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, a change is as good as a rest *insert a third cliche of your choice* :boxed: It's all true!


I watched the latest dvd today for the first time after quite a long break from listening to /watching Mika and I enjoyed it so much. If I have to wait till September for the album then so be it, time DOES fly, especially at my age :shocked:..September will be here in no time for me..I'm sorry for the younglings though for whom eight months is forever!! IF the rumour is true..which is very debatable.


Variety is the spice of life!

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Gawd it seems far! but remember over the summer when we were all saying..."2009! I can't wait that far it's like 6 monthes!" Well now look where we are...i'm sure it'll go by quicker than we think.....



but i'm not trusting until Mika says something:thumb_yello:

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I'm just gonna giggle quietly to myself... I guess the thing is, there's teenagers and there's teenagers.


Teenagers at the younger end of the spectrum without the financial means possibly do download a lot etc... But a 17yr old is still a teenager... And I remember talking to a friend of mine a couple of years ago who had a part-time job and still lived at home and was trying to save money for a car but not getting very far and I said "What are you spending your money on?" and most of it was albums, gigs and clothes. (It was a guy.)


Well I don't know in your part of the world but here, at 17, you certainly don't drive, and you usually don't work, even part time, so you're still at the end of the spectrum without the financial means to buy a lot of cds :wink2: But I get what you mean, teenagers as in young adults are the ones who buy stuff.


But my point is that it's not because he's unactive that Mika will lose so many fans, especially among younglings. WHen I was 14-15, I would have a different obsession every 3 months, but in fact, I somehow remained loyal to all of them, but in sort of cycles. Know what I mean? And I still listen to a lot of the bands I used to listen to at that age.

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