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Wonderful and Wacky Words


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and as a curiosity the biggest word on the portuguese alphabet...


inconstitucionalissimamente (even more than unconstitutionally)


I'm going to use that somehow - I don't know how, but I will :naughty:


On the subject of long words - this is the longest in English (and used to come up on a daytime word quiz a lot )



an estimation of something as worthless.

"This is the longest word in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Interestingly the most common letter in English, E, does not appear in this word at all, whilst I occurs a total of nine times. The word dates back to 1741. The 1992 Guinness Book of World Records calls flocci*nauci*nihili*pilification the longest real word in the Oxford English Dictionary, and refers to pneumono*ultra*micro*scopic*silico*volcano*koniosis as the longest made-up one."


I don't know how one word is "real" and the other is "made up" :shocked:


Oh - another favourite of mine - moribund :original: It's a nice round word :blush-anim-cl:


PS - I don't know where those asterisks come from. I didn't put them in:sneaky2:

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PS - I don't know where those asterisks come from. I didn't put them in:sneaky2:


Do you think the MFC server recognizes a good long word when it sees it, and realises we need help with the syllables??:roftl:


Edit: one of my faves is thesaurus, but then say it as if you have a lisp. A thethauruth...with a lithp...

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I'm going to use that somehow - I don't know how, but I will :naughty:


On the subject of long words - this is the longest in English (and used to come up on a daytime word quiz a lot )



an estimation of something as worthless.

"This is the longest word in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Interestingly the most common letter in English, E, does not appear in this word at all, whilst I occurs a total of nine times. The word dates back to 1741. The 1992 Guinness Book of World Records calls flocci*nauci*nihili*pilification the longest real word in the Oxford English Dictionary, and refers to pneumono*ultra*micro*scopic*silico*volcano*koniosis as the longest made-up one."


I don't know how one word is "real" and the other is "made up" :shocked:


Oh - another favourite of mine - moribund :original: It's a nice round word :blush-anim-cl:


PS - I don't know where those asterisks come from. I didn't put them in:sneaky2:


And no E's whatsoever...curious as it is the most used in Portuguese...

weird ****...

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:shocked: Another delicious Latin Derivative! (I'm sorry, derivatives make me way too happy when I see them, especially from one of my favorite words like "Voluptas"!:blush-anim-cl:). That's an amazing word, but I had to get my friend to tell me how to pronounce it:naughty:.










That's a great one! Persnickety!

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I have a few words I really like





demented (especially when Mika says it, I don't know why!)



I'm sure there are more but it's late and I'm tired.

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Yeah I know, same here. I was using the word "fantastical" (which I still think is a real word) but my mom said it wasn't real so she told me to use "phantasmagoria" :naughty:


I always thought fantastical was a real word. How strange!


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! :)


Ha! I knew someone would put this!


I think fantastical is a real word, too. I used to use it all the time! But I like phantasmagoria a lot, too.


another of mine:


it means - a gentle murmer


Ummm, isn't it suSurrus? Thank Terry Pratchett for me knowing that word. He makes such a big deal out of it in his book Wee Free Men and then when I went and read back through other Discworld books, I found that he uses it at least once in almost every book.





Hmmm, words that I like....


uvula is a word I have a love/hate relationship with, because I find it weird to pronounce.


rubicund is another intruiging one.








and a little phrase.... anthropomorphic personification! Love that one!!


I'm sure I'll be back but that's it for the moment. My brain has dried up.

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I love this thread SO MUCH! Everybody keeps coming up with the best words!


And there are so many of them around this place! Yes, pedantic is a good word.


I can't say 'cheek' without thinking of Mika's teeth anymore!


Cheeks and teeth are good words. I love double vowels! :punk:


That reminds me of the game "Aunt Hetty". We played it in primary school on a hiking camp. It helped me to not become too bored whilst walking, cos my brain was busy trying to work out the puzzle.


Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes.... trees, but she doesn't like leaves.

Me: ????

Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes rooms but she doesn't like houses.

Me ????

Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes food but she doesn't like drink.



A couple of days pass in this fashion.........


Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes swimming but she doesn't like to swim.

Me: (light finally dawning) OH! Aunt Hetty likes things with double letters!!!



It was fun and really kept me occupied for a while. I was about 11, I think.

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And there are so many of them around this place! Yes, pedantic is a good word.




That reminds me of the game "Aunt Hetty". We played it in primary school on a hiking camp. It helped me to not become too bored whilst walking, cos my brain was busy trying to work out the puzzle.


Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes.... trees, but she doesn't like leaves.

Me: ????

Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes rooms but she doesn't like houses.

Me ????

Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes food but she doesn't like drink.



A couple of days pass in this fashion.........


Teacher: Aunt Hetty likes swimming but she doesn't like to swim.

Me: (light finally dawning) OH! Aunt Hetty likes things with double letters!!!



It was fun and really kept me occupied for a while. I was about 11, I think.

ooo! I've played a variation of that game! It was something like:

I'm going on a picnic and I'm taking_______


but in this one you could choose your own quirk



Quirk! I love that word too!

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The only joke I've ever written would not exist without all of my quirks.


What does an odd duck say?



(I swear, I'm the only person on the planet who thinks my joke is funny, but I still love it!)

I thought it was funny. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in right now, but I laughed loud enough for my sister to say, "What's so funny?"

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