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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA LA Surprise Show 04-15-09

Blue Sky

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Mana, it was a pleasure sharing the magic with you. :tears::huglove:


I can't wait to do it many more times to come. Once again, lovely report.


I was the same way when I saw Mika come out to talk to us. I thought I was the only one who didn't feel a surge of excitement! I didn't get all nervous like I thought I would! Maybe I was still high off of the performance, who knows? "A warm feeling" was a good way to describe it. I remember just saying to Vanessa, "Oh, here comes Mika. :original:"


Big improvement from last year when I was considering getting out of line to meet him due to nerves. :naughty:

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Awe, I Ioved every minute of reading this. I was so proud of our orderly, respectful MFC group. I hope I can do that with y'all again. It was so amazing. Y'all are amazing and yes, some great friendships were formed. I'm very Happy to know y'all. :wub2:


Part 5 - Meet and Greet continued


When Mika came to me I reminded him of what Andrew said: that we’d flown in for the show. I mentioned that I had a job interview back home the next afternoon; he looked slightly shocked and said “oh, in Calgary?!” Andrew had told him where we live, but the fact he remembered made me smile, as did the way he pronounced “Calgary” in that lovely airport accent. I then said something like “Mika, there’s something I wanted to show you. After I was a lollipop girl in Vancouver, I went and had this done.” I then leaned over, pulled up the leg of my jeans and showed him my Lollipop Girl tattoo. I honestly believed he’d say something like “oh, that’s cool” or whatever and just be on his way. But you can see his reaction in Sara’s video – it was priceless! It totally surprised me. He let out this loud, deep giggle/laugh, and kind of spun around for a moment. He then leaned in for a closer look, even grabbing my ankle to take a better look. He told me that it was amazing – I can’t remember exactly, but I think his words were along the lines of “that’s mad, that’s amazing!” It was freakin’ hilarious. He might think I’m slightly nuts, but hey, I’m alright with that. I’m thinking he hasn’t seen many people with tattoos related to his music. So BangBangLou, if you read this, you have to make a point of showing him your Billy Brown ink if you ever get the chance. :wink2:


Mika continued his way around the circle, and by that point Cherisse had also stopped by to say hi. She was talking with people on the other end of the circle, saying hello and giving hugs. I’ve never really had much of a chance to speak to her – first I was talking with Mika, and then when she was nearby I was talking to John. I’m happy, though, that she’s still part of the team – I love watching her play. There’s an energy to her drumming that matches Mika’s energy whether he’s at the microphone or on keys, and visually I think that works well. John was also in good spirits, and we thanked him for the hot chocolate/coffee/cappuccinos and various donuts and other pastries. I could feel a sense of buoyancy in the air then, that Mika, Allison, John, pretty much everyone was feeling the electricity and the excitement of being back on board the Mika train, with things picking up as though they’d never stopped. Especially since the show went so well; I think everyone involved with Team Mika was feeling pretty good there after the gig.


Mika went around and talked to each MFCer, and then asked if we’d like pictures. He asked if we wanted a group picture or individual ones, hesitated for a moment, then said “ahh, let’s do both.” Mika got Yasmine and Allison to grab our cameras, and we posed for the group pic that’s on the front page of MFC. We then formed a line, gave Sara’s camera to Allison, and then cycled through getting the one-on-one pics with Mika. That part, too was really orderly and organized, and we managed to get through everyone’s picture in very little time. I love the pic of me with Mika – right before Allison snapped the shot he ran his fingers up through his hair, so it’s kind of sticking up all over. It’s great. His floofy hair totally epitomizes the fun, breezy low-key nature of the whole two days.


We finished with the pictures and started saying our goodbyes. As Mika left, he told us that new dates would be announced very soon – so, fingers crossed! He and Allison walked back through the doors to the backstage area, and the rest of us went the opposite direction and filed out the front doors of the Roxy into the Los Angeles air.


We were all pretty much walking on air at this point, and spent some time looking at the pictures of ourselves with Mika, and watching back the videos from the show. At that point I was just elated that the night had gone so well. For the most part, the queue was orderly. The majority of people respected the order of the queue, and the security staff at the Roxy were firm without being obnoxious. Mika was on fire, totally bubbling with energy and in top form, vocally. All these things worked together to make for a really great, really enjoyable gig experience.


And when we were fortunate enough to get a meet and greet it turned out really well because everyone there kept sight of some basic notions of respect.


*dons stern moderator hat*


When Mika came into the room no one crowded him – he was able to move freely around the area, taking time to talk to each and every MFCer there without having others crowd him physically or interrupt when he was speaking to another person. I totally understand that it’s easy to lose sight of reality when Mika walks into the room – I know that starstruck state of mind makes people go a little loopy. But if we can ALL stay in that state of mind where we respect our fellow MFCers, and Mika, then with any luck we can have some really great future meet and greets where everyone walks away feeling mellow and happy – Mika included. But, it takes all of us. As soon as two or three people get worried that they won’t get his attention and start pushing ahead and demanding things, everyone else gets freaked out and suddenly you have a situation where it’s a mob scene instead of a mellow meet-and-greet comprised of the most dedicated fans. We don’t want that. No one wants that. And going forward, sure there will be dates where things just don’t work out. Mika might be tired or feeling ill, and it might not be possible to have any sort of meet and greet whatsoever. Or Mika and his people might be rushing to get out of the venue and onto a tour bus in time to get to another city for another show. And often in the entertainment industry, things change rapidly. This LA meet and greet almost didn’t happen - not for any reason to do with us or with Mika, but simply because the venue had another act coming in and was in a hurry to clear the space for that show. But in the future when anyone reading this is fortunate enough to get such an opportunity, I hope you can all remember the LA show and remember what a great meet and greet it was. Let’s play that forward - let’s make this tour the best tour yet.


We stood outside the venue for a while longer, talking and reminiscing, still in a daze about how amazing the night had been. That’s another really great thing about this Mika magic: the friendships that we make as a result. When you sit on a sidewalk with someone for 10 hours, some really great friendships can be formed. I love that. In fact, I’m grateful for that.


*sappiness warning*


Often our friends and family in “real life” don’t quite get what all the fuss is about. Your fellow MFCers, however, totally understand. They know what it’s like to see a new video blog with 15-second snippets of new songs, and to have it make your week. They know what it’s like to stand outside a venue before a show, and to have that feeling of excited energy knowing you’re about to see something amazing. They know what it’s like to see Mika somehow manage to show off that million-kilowatt smile while singing at the same time, his eyes literally sparkling when a crowd full of people sings his lyrics back at him. And they know why all this matters so much. They know why you hang on to little details of his career, why the music touches you, why it resonates so deeply.


To put it simply, your fellow MFCers feel the magic.


And that’s one of the reasons why so many of us feel that post-gig hole. Apart from the harshness of coming back to earth after the highs of these shows, it’s also tough to say “until next time” to friends you’ve made who are on the same level of understanding about something so great. So to all my MFCers in LA, thank you for everything. It really, truly wouldn’t have been the same without you all. And to everyone who sat at their computers around the world waiting for all the details, thank you. Thank you for contributing to the sense that all across the world, we’re a family of Mika fans who might come from completely different walks of life, but are yet linked through this crazy world of musical and creative brilliance.


I can’t wait for the next chapter in the Mika story. We’re in for something awesome, guys. I can just feel it.

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Part 4 - Meet and Greet


He has this way of just connecting with people that a lot of people just don’t have. I think a lot of it is his body language – Mika is a master at commanding attention while fostering an appropriate vibe for the interaction. With his fans, it’s almost always a very open, very warm vibe. He’s very touchy, and that adds to the warmth of his interactions. When he was talking with Charlotte and Sara, Charlotte mentioned she liked his necklace. He told us it was actually perfume, then unscrewed the top and dabbed some on Charlotte and Sara’s wrists. It was very soft and slightly floral, almost like baby powder. That was just one example of the very non-stressed, casual nature of the meet and greet. It was way better for Mika, and better for the MFCers there, too.


Aaah the perfume moment :wub2: that was so sweet. By the time I'd realised what was going on, he'd smeared a lot of the stuff on my hand :roftl:



Part 5 - Meet and Greet continued


To put it simply, your fellow MFCers feel the magic.


And that’s one of the reasons why so many of us feel that post-gig hole. Apart from the harshness of coming back to earth after the highs of these shows, it’s also tough to say “until next time” to friends you’ve made who are on the same level of understanding about something so great. So to all my MFCers in LA, thank you for everything. It really, truly wouldn’t have been the same without you all. And to everyone who sat at their computers around the world waiting for all the details, thank you. Thank you for contributing to the sense that all across the world, we’re a family of Mika fans who might come from completely different walks of life, but are yet linked through this crazy world of musical and creative brilliance.


I can’t wait for the next chapter in the Mika story. We’re in for something awesome, guys. I can just feel it.


And, even though I didn't want to quote your whole message as it's so long, I just had to quote this bit. It's so true, and I am SO happy and grateful of the marvelous times that I had with fellow fans who are now friends. I love you :wub2:

Anyway, I was going to say that these reports are absolutely THE BEST and that I subscribe to every word you typed.

They are just incredible, so thanks for putting it all into words so beautifully :thumb_yello:

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I don't remember him being that close to me before the group/individual shots. You would think I would remember that? :naughty: Thank God for pictures.


Yeah, that was strange for Mika to pick up my necklace...very unexpected...but nice. :wub2: I could feel his fingers on my tummy...I almost giggled but kept my cool. :mf_rosetinted:


I have Erika. He has both. I love Elvis...he has an attitude but he's not as shiny or girly.




Yeah, he just reached right down to your chest and picked up your necklace didn't he?? :naughty:


Have to ask... Erika & Elvis?


Actually... I think that was when I had handed my camera over for the group pics (I'm in the picture) but we hadn't really started posing yet.

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Yes, he did quite smear us with the perfume. Kinda needed it after queing all day. Loved smelling my wrist all night. I was like, "Damn, Mika put this on me." LOL It was a very sweet moment...it seems like he was in front of us forever. :wub2:


Aaah the perfume moment :wub2: that was so sweet. By the time I'd realised what was going on, he'd smeared a lot of the stuff on my hand :roftl:



Awe, I love you guys so much. It's funny to think that I have seen you now in two different countries and I've only been to 4 shows. :naughty:



And, even though I didn't want to quote your whole message as it's so long, I just had to quote this bit. It's so true, and I am SO happy and grateful of the marvelous times that I had with fellow fans who are now friends. I love you :wub2:

Anyway, I was going to say that these reports are absolutely THE BEST and that I subscribe to every word you typed.

They are just incredible, so thanks for putting it all into words so beautifully :thumb_yello:

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I have Erika. He has both. I love Elvis...he has an attitude but he's not as shiny or girly.


I don't get it... what do you mean he has Erika & Elvis... what is that referring to? (Was that what your necklace was?)

Edited by zoots14
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Yay, Mana you finished! :wub2:

Thanks for summing up the way I'm sure all of us feels/felt. :)



I just found confetti in my purse!! :roftl::roftl:


Me too! I had to change bags 'cause I realized I had a bunch of confetti in mine :roftl:


Thanks for your pictures too :wink2:

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Again, updated list of vids up to now



Ok, what the heck, here the new ones. I hope that they will be safe




















coming soon


SARA!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you! wonderful videos, as usual! :flowers2:

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OK, FINALLY the complete list. Here they are, in case someone wants to update the front page:








Grace Kelly:




Big Girl:




Billy Brown:




Stuck In The Middle:




Love Today:








Grace Kelly2:









Ok, what the heck, here the new ones. I hope that they will be safe

























Seriously .... thank you so much for your vids .... they're amazing :wub2::huglove:

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*sappiness warning*


Often our friends and family in “real life” don’t quite get what all the fuss is about. Your fellow MFCers, however, totally understand. They know what it’s like to see a new video blog with 15-second snippets of new songs, and to have it make your week. They know what it’s like to stand outside a venue before a show, and to have that feeling of excited energy knowing you’re about to see something amazing. They know what it’s like to see Mika somehow manage to show off that million-kilowatt smile while singing at the same time, his eyes literally sparkling when a crowd full of people sings his lyrics back at him. And they know why all this matters so much. They know why you hang on to little details of his career, why the music touches you, why it resonates so deeply.


To put it simply, your fellow MFCers feel the magic.


And that’s one of the reasons why so many of us feel that post-gig hole. Apart from the harshness of coming back to earth after the highs of these shows, it’s also tough to say “until next time” to friends you’ve made who are on the same level of understanding about something so great. So to all my MFCers in LA, thank you for everything. It really, truly wouldn’t have been the same without you all. And to everyone who sat at their computers around the world waiting for all the details, thank you. Thank you for contributing to the sense that all across the world, we’re a family of Mika fans who might come from completely different walks of life, but are yet linked through this crazy world of musical and creative brilliance.


I can’t wait for the next chapter in the Mika story. We’re in for something awesome, guys. I can just feel it.


:tears: It amazes me how sappy MFC and Mika can make me ...... then I read something like that and off I go again ..... I find it hard putting how I feel into words ..... but It's great that you can and do .... :huglove:

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Mmmm :tears: :tears:

I'm not physically crying.. but inside I am...

Best day ever... Oh man.

I miss you all!



I cried earlier today 'cause my sister and I were having a pretty deep conversation and she was like "I hope your Mika obsession fades" and I just burst out crying. She can see what it's doing/done to me :naughty:



I miss you all so much too :tears:


You guys are the best :wub2:

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I cried earlier today 'cause my sister and I were having a pretty deep conversation and she was like "I hope your Mika obsession fades" and I just burst out crying. She can see what it's doing/done to me



I miss you all so much too :


You guys are the best :wub2

Ohhh :tears::flowers2:

I don't think I'll ever meet a more devoted fan than you :wub2: Mika is really lucky. :naughty:



I agree. You guys are all so amazing... :wub2:

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OK, FINALLY the complete list. Here they are, in case someone wants to update the front page:








Grace Kelly:




Big Girl:




Billy Brown:




Stuck In The Middle:




Love Today:








Grace Kelly2:









Ok, what the heck, here the new ones. I hope that they will be safe

























Great videos!! THANKS A LOT!!! It seems like we all were there.....

THANKS EVERYBODY for the reports and videos!!!


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Ohhh :tears :flowers2

I don't think I'll ever meet a more devoted fan than you :wub2: Mika is really lucky. :naughty:



I agree. You guys are all so amazing... :wub2:


Really? I always thought all MFCers were on the same level of devotion :naughty:



-sigh- :emot-sad:

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