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Mika as a guest of honour @ Italian X-Factor in Milan (Italy) on October, 7th 2009


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robertina http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2574469&postcount=328

Nezza http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2576036&postcount=471

Sarina http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2575334&postcount=430

biggirl69 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2576116&postcount=483

mari62 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2601311&postcount=624



clara85 http://s271.photobucket.com/albums/jj136/mauri957/X%20Factor%207%20ottobre%202009/

sarina http://s574.photobucket.com/albums/ss190/Sarinachan/

gracekelly85 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2575885&postcount=457

biggirl69 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2576116&postcount=483








mikabunny http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2576965&postcount=520

giulietta http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2577001&postcount=524 and following






Pics from the net:











1. wag + interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3HY4gvSFwA

download http://www.sendspace.com/file/hp3cfv


Francesco: In your song you say something amazing, that the value of a person isn’t judged on their wealth or popularity, but by something else. Seeing as you’ve done it, what advice would you give our contestants who want to do the same job as you?


Mika: You know, when I was younger I met Annie Lennox in the street, I must’ve been about 15 years old. She didn’t have hair (? What I can make out that he says sounds different, but that’s what the Italian says…), and I turned round and said, ‘Hiya, my name’s Mika, I really want to know, what can I do to make it? And she turned round and said to me ‘If you have the burning, then you don’t do anything else.’ And I just kind of sat there and thought, ‘That’s rubbish, what am I meant to do with that?’. But now I get it, it’s kind of like, there’s no choice, you don’t know what else to do. You make music cos it makes you feel good, or you do something else. And she was right, you have to have this constant burning.


F: Very well said, let’s hope our boys and girls heard that. I know you’re a big fan of Michael Jackson - I am too. They even gave you the shoes that Michael Jackson was meant to have worn at his last concerts.


M: There was a lot of talk about this. I have my shoes made by the same man (or does he say Louboutin’s name? Boh…), so there are similarities, but shoes are shoes, but my shoes are different.


F: Are you a fan of the moonwalk?


M: You know, I’ve always tried to do it, can you do it?


Francesco and Morgan do their moonwalk thing…


F: Let’s do something - If you want to, tonight we’ll organise a party at my house, you’ll do some moonwalking… Last week Tokio Hotel came here, they’re still at my house, they never left, hi Tokio Hotel who are watching us from home… I wanted to tell you something else important too, later you’ll be with us, you’ll be a judge -


M: That’s amazing.


F: … when we decide who the new contestant will be. Do you know how to judge?


M: Of course. It’ll be my first time, I’ve never been a judge before.


F: You’ll be a perfect judge.


M: Thank you. We match, our jackets match.


F: Do you want to swap?


Morgan: We’ve got the same ones, the right jackets for a judge!


F: Mika, do you want to do something with me? Don’t worry.


M: Sure. I’m a little bit scared!


F: No, no, no, don’t be scared! We need to close the phone voting… And then Francesco tells him to say ‘push the button’ (what button exactly?? Did something get lost in translation there?? ) to close the voting.


2. Mika playing the judge - Thanks bettasan! - download http://www.mediafire.com/file/vhbgsw743iyb5sf/judgemika_xfactoritaly_071009-1.mp4


3. filmed by biggirl69! with fans in it!


3. Rehearsals Thanks Sispan!


4. Mika coming out of the studio Thanks Sispan!


5. Mika backstage talking to X-Factors contestants and little bit of rehearsals at the beginning :wub2:



PRESS CONFERENCE: VIDEO + ARTICLE http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20351
















Siamo inoltre lieti di annunciarvi in anteprima che MIKA sarà di nuovo in Italia Mercoledì 7 Ottobre!
Per la precisione, l'artista sarà a Milano come ospite d'onore del programma X-Factor, che potrete seguire in diretta su Rai Due la sera stessa!
Per l'occasione, c'è un'altra bella notizia per voi: da domani, giorno dell'uscita dell'album, partirà un contest che darà la possibilità a 4 fortunati di incontrare di persona MIKA durante la sua giornata a Milano!

CLICCA QUI per partecipare!








Mika will be in Italy again on Wednesday 7th of October!


He will be guest of honour at the TV programme X-Factor, which you'll be able to watch live on RAI 2 that same evening!


There's also a competition, that gives 4 lucky winners the opportunity to meet Mika during his day in Milan!



Link to watch the show online (thanks Allegra): http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/diretta.html?cid=ContentSet-0c69467b-4d39-43ec-a308-40ae4c37efa6&channel=RaiDue+Diretta









Mercoledì 7 Ottobre MIKA sarà ospite d'onore della popolare trasmissione di RaiDue "X Factor".


Il sito ufficiale italiano MIKAmusic.it in collaborazione con 105.net è lieto di poter mettere a disposizione dei fan di MIKA 7 coppie di ingressi per far parte del pubblico della trasmissione.


Come fare per vincere?

E' molto semplice!


Fotografa la tua copia del nuovo album di MIKA, "The Boy That Knew Too Much" nel modo piu' creativo, buffo, originale che ti viene in mente - sia come luogo, che come posizione del cd..tutto cio' che la tua fantasia ti suggerisce!


Compila i campi sottostanti ed invia l'immagine - entro e non oltre le ore 14.00 di martedì 6 Ottobre 2009. Entro il tardo pomeriggio dello stesso giorno i migliori 7 scatti (scelti ad insindacabile giudizio dello staff di MIKAmusic.it) verranno premiati con una coppia di inviti e l'autore verra' contattato per i dettagli!


Cosa aspetti? Scatena la tua fantasia e partecipa!


Dimensione massima della foto: 2MB. Se la foto è particolarmente pesante, possono essere necessari diversi secondi per riuscire a caricarla: attendi senza inviare di nuovo i dati.

La partecipazione all'iniziativa implica l'iscrizione alla newsletter italiana di MIKA con l'indirizzo e-mail indicato. Clicca qui per leggere l'Informativa del Trattamento dei Dati Universal.



- non verranno prese in considerazione foto in qualche modo volgari o offensive o comunque ritenute a discrezione dello staff di mikamusic.it non adatte ad essere utilizzate per questa iniziativa.

- non verranno prese in considerazione foto che non rispettano il requisito principale: ritrarre il cd originale di "The Boy That Knew Too Much".

- inviandoci la foto ci autorizzi ad utilizzarla per motivi promozionali all'interno del nostro sito.

- la partecipazione è riservata ai soli residenti in Italia

- la trasmissione è in diretta dagli studi RAI di Milano il mercoledì sera


Edited by mari62
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it's a wonderful and long awaited news!!!! :groupwave:




i wish to be in the right place at the right moment for once in my life... :huh:


anyway, i could go... and i would like to so bad!!! :aah::teehee:


yeah, it's only me who would of course!!!:roftl:

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We have not tickets, we are trying to find them but it is difficult.

Anyway, here some informations by people who attended this tv programme once last year.

The info are about that night, we dont know if they are a rule for all the nights:


-the show was in RAI tv studios in Via Mecenate, Milano (near Linate airport)

-places were numbered

-the doors opened nearby 19.00, 19.30

-the special guest was an important italian singer.

The performance by him was recorded firstly and immediatly after the entrance of the public and so before the start of the show on tv.

Then the show started on air.

In the middle of the show there was, for the pubblic in tv studio, an interval.

During this interval they transmitted on tv the show of the guest pre-recorded



That all!

Enjoy the show on the web, if you can not obtain tickets


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We have not tickets, we are trying to find them but it is difficult.

Anyway, here some informations by people who attended this tv programme once last year.

The info are about that night, we dont know if they are a rule for all the nights:


-the show was in RAI tv studios in Via Mecenate, Milano (near Linate airport)

-places were numbered

-the doors opened nearby 19.00, 19.30

-the special guest was an important italian singer.

The performance by him was recorded firstly and immediatly after the entrance of the public and so before the start of the show on tv.

Then the show started on air.

In the middle of the show there was, for the pubblic in tv studio, an interval.

During this interval they transmitted on tv the show of the guest pre-recorded



That all!

Enjoy the show on the web, if you can not obtain tickets





this means that, if we are allowed to be in the audience, we are likely to see mika's performance immediately...and then we have to watch ALL the show?

sounds like a nightmare to me :boxed:


lucrezia..if we are in the audience we CANNOT go away after mika's recording!:naughty:

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this means that, if we are allowed to be in the audience, we are likely to see mika's performance immediately...and then we have to watch ALL the show?

sounds like a nightmare to me :boxed:


lucrezia..if we are in the audience we CANNOT go away after mika's recording!:naughty:




Then the only plausible solution is to wait outside

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