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Blame It On The Girls Video


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I saw more of a monochrome, black and white, clear cut, snapped, sharp, precise.

Not nearly monochrome, out of sync, messy and lame!




And at the beginning where you get the hard beats and the breathing, I imagined quick, straight cuts of something stamping their foot, then a shot of something mouth breathing, then a hand clap, then a stamp again etcetc...


those beats could have been emphasised so much >_<

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I like it!:thumb_yello:


A lot!:wub2:


I don´t like it, but i don´t whine about it. The vid is what it is :mf_rosetinted:




I'm confuzzled, dunno if i like it or not...:dunno:


Guess it's because i have noticed anything yet but Mika...:naughty:


As long as there's Mika pretending he knows how to dance, or whatever he does i'm fine, he could be doing the hoolahoop i'd like the same away, he could be even shut up, or taking a poo in the loo...:biggrin2:


I couldn't care less, everything is worth watching if Mika's in there, even if the surroundings suck...:mf_rosetinted:

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We have been having so little of Mika in this deep**** country, anything would do, hun...:mf_rosetinted:


and still I bet its more then what we get back here- trust me...


but I do really settle and fall in love with anything he dos... I mean, how can I not- he's in it... and id settle anyday for a clip of him taking a wizz in the loo :mf_rosetinted::fisch:

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Uuufff... i've been really bust the last few days but finally watched it! And WOW! I love the beginning! Now I'm wondering if it's Mika's voice in the spoken intro of the song just doing American accent:teehee:

Love the pink braces and the bowler hat but first of all the girls' costumes - they're amazing! I hope he can incorporate them on his new tour:mf_lustslow:

Every time Mika does a video it's always a surprise! This is definitely my favourite one. It's just so artistic and dynamic! Really, really well done!!!!:thumb_yello:

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and still I bet its more then what we get back here- trust me...


but I do really settle and fall in love with anything he dos... I mean, how can I not- he's in it... and id settle anyday for a clip of him taking a wizz in the loo :mf_rosetinted::fisch:




I already said it and i quote myself, there should be a Mika in the Loo BB for MFCrs...:mf_rosetinted:


PS - Where do you come from? Even ****tier than here???:roftl:

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I already said it and i quote myself, there should be a Mika in the Loo BB for MFCrs...:mf_rosetinted:


PS - Where do you come from? Even ****tier than here???:roftl:


heck yeah there should! :aah:



Israel... here its all like- OMG he's lebanese! how can you listen to him?! or- He's so gay... (in the most bimbo-ish voice you can possibly imagine)


he does get played on the radio every once in a while, as there is this one girl connected there who loves him- there is a bit of justice in the world :blush-anim-cl:


but you wont see ANY vynils of his in shops... maybe one cd of his in the M in the pop section... we are an extrodinarily ****ty country :naughty:

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heck yeah there should! :aah:



Israel... here its all like- OMG he's lebanese! how can you listen to him?! or- He's so gay... (in the most bimbo-ish voice you can possibly imagine)


he does get played on the radio every once in a while, as there is this one girl connected there who loves him- there is a bit of justice in the world :blush-anim-cl:


but you wont see ANY vynils of his in shops... maybe one cd of his in the M in the pop section... we are an extrodinarily ****ty country :naughty:


Inbar, you-re describing MY country...:shocked:


Except here there were 20 CD-s on the M shelves...:wink2:

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I'm so with you on that one, Gata :naughty:





Ok, so I've watched the video again-A few times. And I still think that it looks bad. Of course Mika is gorgeous and so charming, etc, etc, so he can't looke "bad", but in my opinion he could look SO much better. And I don't mean his hairstyle or his outfit, I mean that the camera angles and the whole production of the video could put him in a far more flattering light.

I don't really mind the dancing (Mika's) that much at all, as it has some charm, but what REALLY bugs me is:

-At the very start, when he's in the little square with the panels, the way the camera rotates (which is in theory a great idea) is not good because you can see the studio lights above the square. To me, that should remain hidden in order to create the illusion that the "panel square" is all that there is to this reality plane. It looks sloppy that the camera angle is from so far that it allows you to break the illusion

-Now that Caz pointed out the cane slipping, I can't help but focus on it and I agree: they should have redone that.


-Later on, and throughout the whole video, the fact that when something is "happening" you can still see all the other things that are irrelevant in the background. Like when the girls are dancing in front of the panel and to the sides, you can still see a lot of what's behind them (those massive silver things, the stuff behind them, etc)


-The girs' dancing is SERIOUSLY off. They miss steps, others just get out of synch when they should be in synch, and that thing (sorry I forget the name) where they are meant to make the shape and we see it from above them is just poorly executed as they get the shape totally wrong.


-When they are doing long, sweeping shots of the area you can constantly see those white "studio" marks on the floor, which REALLY puts me off. They should have placed some sort of sheet on the floor in order to cover them, because it just makes the place look like a school gym and like they threw the whole thing all together at the last minute.


-The lighting. There is none, bar the general "neon-ey" type light. I think that they should have used softer lighting and changed the different tones, using some sepia maybe at times, etc...Something to mimic smokiness would have helped as well...Or make some of the shots "nighttime", etc.. Play with light, play with shadow. It's just white, clinical and bland-Oh, and totally not atmospheric.


All these things just make me get a vibe of "not really thought through" and it cheapens the video, making the whole production look cheap and unpolished. I don't believe that this is something that was seeked on purpose, and even in the unlikely case that it was, it just looks poor and sloppy (to me).

I think that the actual idea, the concept, was great, but somehow it just went terribly wrong and the end product is a disaster. Ok, so not a total disaster, but quite bad.

It's a shame, really, as it could have been really atmoshperic and "magical" using the era that Mika has in mind and the general "vibe" that he is going for, but it didn't work out IMO.


:shocked: Sara! That's an essay and a really good one! I've just watched the video twice and I'm still over the moon about the very concept and Mika aswe haven't seen him before and the girls' outfits but now I'll take a closer look taking into consideration all you've pointed out. TBH I knew coming to the forum tonight that the new video discussion will already have about 500 posts:naughty: but that's obvious - we're fans, we see all those minute details nobody else does etc. etc. I think 'normal' viewers will look at it differently and they'll notice more positive sides.:blink:

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Inbar, you-re describing MY country...:shocked:


Except here there were 20 CD-s on the M shelves...:wink2:




I was so surprised when I walked in to the most popular music store and get a "yes- they just arrived this morning" when I asked the sales man if the new Mika album has arrived about 3-4 days after it was realesed world wide... I started jumping and screeching WAG and other random lines, and he joined me screaming Mika! Mika! in a girly voice... :aah:


so I simply told him- you self contiunsly desire him, and you know it... he gave me a weird look and asked if he was Lebanese, and I said Yes, why? and then gave him pretty much his life biography... yeah Im a bored person- but it was worth it... :naughty:

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I was thinking more of the dancing than purely the videos :naughty:.


I do recall a lot of discussion over the Happy Ending video. I had a few issues with that, but compared to this latest video it looks like a cinematic masterpiece.


I hated Happy Ending the first time around. Vid I mean, of course. I didn't like that they cut the song and I didn't like a lot of the stuff they did in it. I don't really know what I was expecting....something a little less childlike and positive (even though, after watching for a bit it's not) and more slow and sad.


But at the same time (now this is weird) I felt the intensity and it made me cry, like a baby!


Of course I love it now, after figuring up (IMO) what it's exactly about the video makes a lot more sense and I adore it.


But I have this little rule with myself:

I know I love Mika and I'm pretty sure nothing can ever change that, therefore I will respect every artistic thing he does and every decision he makes and, whether I like it or not, I'll never hate it in the end.


What I like about the Mika dancing, is that yes, he's not the best dancer, but he doesn't care. I like it :original:


EXACTLY! :biggrin2:

Mika is Mika :wub2:

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I was so surprised when I walked in to the most popular music store and get a "yes- they just arrived this morning" when I asked the sales man if the new Mika album has arrived about 3-4 days after it was realesed world wide... I started jumping and screeching WAG and other random lines, and he joined me screaming Mika! Mika! in a girly voice... :aah:


so I simply told him- you self contiunsly desire him, and you know it... he gave me a weird look and asked if he was Lebanese, and I said Yes, why? and then gave him pretty much his life biography... yeah Im a bored person- but it was worth it... :naughty:


You didn't?!? :lmfao:

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I didnt what? :blink:





so I simply told him- you self contiunsly desire him, and you know it... he gave me a weird look and asked if he was Lebanese, and I said Yes, why? and then gave him pretty much his life biography... yeah Im a bored person- but it was worth it... :naughty:







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so I simply told him- you self contiunsly desire him, and you know it... he gave me a weird look and asked if he was Lebanese, and I said Yes, why? and then gave him pretty much his life biography... yeah Im a bored person- but it was worth it... :naughty:








dont question me woman- heck yeah I did... I figured I dont go to that mall much so I would probably never see him again... :naughty: so I wasnt my usual shy self... and its Mika we're talking about here! :mf_rosetinted:

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dont question me woman- heck yeah I did... I figured I dont go to that mall much so I would probably never see him again... :naughty: so I wasnt my usual shy self... and its Mika we're talking about here! :mf_rosetinted:


I get his albums to the front of the shelves in any shop i go, nevermind...:naughty:

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Why is gushing about how fabulous Mika is considered okay, but as soon as people don't love a particular aspect of his work, people start saying "oh, what's up with all the moaning"? Can we not discuss the good and the bad where His Royal Mikaness is concerned? :roftl:


I get that some people think the dancing was deliberately amateur-ish to convey a certain message... but personally, I just can't buy that explanation.


I just can't imagine someone standing in a studio saying "okay if we were doing this dance in any other setting each girl would go down with very meticulous timing... but in this case, let's have all but two girls get it right. You two right there, I want you to go down together and make it look like you effed up. Oh, and Mika? Do your routine at the beginning like you're nervous about doing a choreographed dance. Make it look like you're not quite sure what to do with your legs, and move them with hesitancy. Oh, and also Mika - for an added bonus, we're going to include the bit where you lip-sync the wrong lyrics. That looks extra rough and cool." :teehee:


Instead, it looks to me like they were on a tight timeline, and as a result the dancers didn't have enough time to perfect their routine. The team editing the video were probably under a tight deadline as well - hence the lyric mess up.


And none of this would surprise me; we have a vague idea of Mika's schedule lately just in terms of gig rehearsals and promo appearances, and we'd be totally unaware of other meetings and such. So it's no secret he's been a busy boy lately, and it's not a stretch to think this video was tossed together in something of a hurried fashion.


My opinion is that if these screw-ups were intentional - and I still don't believe they were - it hasn't been conveyed properly because it doesn't give a behind-the-scenes vibe. The screw ups are too subtle to be a deliberate choice in creative interpretation. Instead it simply looks like something that tries to be polished and falls just short of the mark. IMHO, of course.


That said - I still give it a 6.5 out of 10. The imagery is great, and I adore Mika's clothes. :wub2:


PS: Caz, I also totally noticed the girl who moves her foot just a little when they're holding the ribbons and the camera is panning in on Mika at the piano. :freak:

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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