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Contest Belgian's radio 14-18/12/09


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Hey I'm back with a rough translation of today's show. Here it is, quite long sorry!


Interviewer : You are an important person for us, you’re important for people who are listening, and I’m sure there are a lot of them. We’re gonna talk about you, we have some surprises for you, and then we’ll have questions from the Internet. You’re here to talk about TBWKTM, it was released in September, you did some shows in the US, in Asia, in Australia, what can you say about this “adventure” with the second album?

M : Actually today is my last day of work for 2009. After that, I’m done. I’ve got a TV show tonight and then I’m free for Christmas, I’m on holiday and…I’m tired, here is the truth! But it was totally incredible, honestly it scared me, this change with the second album, this second adolescence that I had to live during one year, my life in LA during 6 months recording the album, my life back in London, and all the tours. We did an acoustic tour and we travelled the world. I’m lucky to do what I’m doing in my life, it’s clear.

I: So you talk about your adolescence, the first album was more about childhood, is that why the lyrics are a bit darker now?

M: Yes there’s a bigger difference between the lyrics which are dark and the music which is happy.

I: That’s one of Mika’s paradoxes, we’ll talk about some others during the show.

M: It’s true that this album is about adolescence but also this feeling about writing a second album, after what happened with the first one, it was like another adolescence, it was a big change in my life.

I: Your music, as listeners know, sounds very pop, happy, that’s kind of the British culture to have serious things in your soul and not express them directly.

M : It’s one of The Beatles’s trick. They often talked about stuff they found in newspapers, in magazines and they were dark stories but they did it in a pop, open way. Maybe you’re right, but maybe it’s my Lebanese side, because I’m half Lebanese, my mother is Lebanese, I was born in Beirut, then I lived in Paris and then in London, but this Lebanese side, even when there was a disaster in life, there always were people going out, insisting on living their life. In a Lebanese home like mine, I have four brothers and sisters, someone can cry and 20 minutes later everybody’s laughing, that’s how it is, there are extremities.

I: And your French heritage is that you tell stories in your songs, your lyrics are really well thought, and that’s not always the case in international pop as we know it today.

M: It’s nice thank you. French music means stories. But it’s not all about writers, for example I was on this TV show, Sacrée Soirée, where I got a surprise and Aznavour came from LA to sing me a song. It was a crazy moment, I didn’t know what to say, I was totally ashamed, it was strange.

I: Ashamed? That’s a strange feeling as it was something positive for you.

M: It was very positive but I was wondering, …

I: “Who am I for him to come from LA for me?”

M: Exactly. I was thinking ‘it’s too early, why do you do this now?’’Do it in 10 years’

I: Imagine what they’ll do in 10 years! So the other paradox about you is that you can be shy, accessible and on stage you are exuberant. Which one is the real Mika? The shy one from real life or the exuberant one on stage?

M: It is both. It is completely both. When I’m alone I’m very reserved, when I write songs I shut myself in a studio or in my house and I keep a solitary life and then when I’m on stage, it’s as if I was fighting, as if I was on a boxing ring. And then I let go, because I know war strategies.

I: What are they?

M: I don’t know, I can dance, I can move my arms, I can say whatever I want, I can sing high or low, I can let go in every way, I can totally accept who I am, just like I used to do in my bedroom when I was 7, that I do now when I don’t have any more ideas. Exactly like in the WAG video. That’s why I made this video. Some people don’t understand this video, but people who came to my shows and know more about my universe understand exactly why I made this video. It’s not what we’re supposed to do for a music video, we’re supposed to wear expensive clothes, and have people dancing around us.

I: Maybe these pants were very expensive…

M: You know what? The truth is I made the video with Jonas Akerland, this guy has a lot of talent, he’s very famous, he made some of Madonna’s videos, but honestly, he’s so expensive, I was wondering where the money went, because this was my most expensive music video, me in my pants! And it didn’t even go to catering because they sent me to McDonald’s.

I: Mika we have some surprises for you, don’t worry Charles Aznavour is not coming, nor is Chantal Goya (Mika sings her song), but we have a little musical quizz.


(After Rain)

I: This song actually is sad.

M: Yes very sad. When I wrote it I was sad.

I: Really? But why don’t you keep the sad side of the song with the arrangements?

M: Because every time I heard this song in my head it was with a “boom boom” ^^ All of this was in my head when I was writing the song. That’s how it is, I write in a quite simple way, and then I can create the product and I hear all of these things in my head. When I make my demos I do it very simply so that I know if it’s a good song or not. If you use drums for demos you can’t really hear the song. We can’t know if it’s a song which is good enough to survive in a simple way, and it is important to me.

Musical quizz

1st song : Les Champs Elysées Joe Dassin : he sings along.

I: So it’s one of the first songs you learnt to play on the piano, is it true?

M : Yes when I was 5. You don’t need a lot of talent to be able to do “ting ting”

2nd song : La Javanaise Serge Gainsbourg

M : I have a recording of this song when he was older.

I: If you know French songs so well it’s because you spent your childhood in France and you were ‘nourished’ by this music, and your mum loves it too I think.

M: Yes of course, but it’s not only my mother actually, because I loved ‘extreme’ things. I loved French music, it was very interesting, but I also liked Shabba Ranks. And Nirvana. And Aznavour, and Nina Simone, and I was obsessed with France Gall.

I: Going in all directions then!

M: Yes, and actually, the France Gall songs I loved were the ones Gainsbourg wrote. Les sucettes à l’anis… Lollipop is exactly the same feeling as Les sucettes à l’anis. In a way it was totally inspired by this Gainsbourg song.

3rd song

M: If you play it for too long I’m gonna dance… I remember when I was 16 I had a row with all the friends I went to a nightclub with. I was 16 and I was in a London nightclub.. And I had a row with everybody and I started dancing on my own, on this song. And you never dance alone in a club.

I: It happens to me quite often.

M : And I loved it, I don’t know why I remember this moment.

I: It is a key song of your adolescence and it brings us back to this sadness/happiness thing.

M: Exactly. It brings you joy but the lyrics are so sad.

I: It’s a little bit like Rain.

M: Yes it’s a bit like Rain.

I: That’s why we played it in the quizz. This parallel seemed interesting. There’s an important thing, why did you argue with your mates?

Girl interviewer : Mind your own business ^^

I: What had you done?

M: Probably something horrible.

4th song

I hope you don’t mind I’m not translating this part because it is all about Grace Kelly. He just says that he’s gonna say the truth for once, that it was not in a record company but in the company that produces Idol, X Factor. (called 19) He was wearing white jeans, necklaces he had created with toys and feathers, he was 16..so they found him strange.


I : Mika is very happy because he was telling us a few minutes ago that he’s going on holiday, so he’s relaxed and that’s good. So, you Radio Contact listeners can send questions through the chat (Mika sounds worried), no, they’re nice, you’ll see, really. So we’ve got a question from Camille (yay that’s me!! :blush-anim-cl: I jumped when I heard that) “Will you one day be “un Enfoiré”? (OK I need to explain each year a lot of French artists gather to do a show for an association for homeless people, it’s really famous, and over here for the last few days we heard Mika might be part of it this year, cause the organiser said somewhere it would be nice to have him / 2nd explanation “enfoiré” actually kind of means “bastard”, that’s what they call themselves, so that’s why people laugh at the question “will you one day be a bastard?” :naughty:) And now you ask yourself, what’s that? Do you know ‘les Restos du Coeur’, ‘les Enfoirés’?

M : No, what is it?

I : It is artists helping homeless people in France.

M: Really?

I : It was created by Coluche. (They describe Coluche to him, he died in 1986 so I don’t blame Mika for not knowing him although he is famous)

I : So you haven’t been contacted yet. He’s far from being “un Enfoiré”.

M : It’s to help homeless people?

I : Yes. It is a huge thing, really.

M: Is it a bit like Salvation Army?

I: Yes, except they sing and they’re funnier.

M : Ah right they’re funny!

I: We’ll give you the album so you can understand.

M: Cool, that’s great.

I: Another question, still from Camille apparently (second jump for me^^), “you’re going to have a wax statue what do you think about it?”

M: How does she know? (eheh I know everything… Thank you MFC :thumb_yello:/ God I love his voice when he says that…..:wub2:)

I: Everybody knows it! We’re the ones who made it.. It’s not terrible I admit it!

M: So, it was at the Grévin Museum, in Paris, I went one day ago (are you sure Mika one day ago you were in Amsterdam lol), I had to go and it took so much time! I had to sit on something which was turning, doing a pose smiling without moving any muscle while this laser machine was taking 3D pictures on a computer. They use it to create the model.

I: What pose did you take?

M: It’s crazy but I really had to think about it. Do I want to be smiling, do I want to shut my mouth a little bit?

I: Because if they miss it it’s gonna be there for some years!

M: And I told them if you make a mistake can you do it again? Yes for 100000€ or something like that because it takes 6 months to make this statue… So I took a pose where I looked a little bit nice but not too “chouchou” (don’t know how to translate, could mean teacher’s pet), and I also told them when I came into the room “you understand that normally I’m on tour and I have a little less of this on my side” (talking about lovehandles again!) They told me no problem 4 kg will be out of the window (on the computer I guess)

I: Last question, are you planning on doing a song in French? That’s from Angèle.

M: Yes. I’m going to do it. But it needs to be good and I’ll take the time to do something really…

I: Are you already working on it?

M: (strange sound that means yes!)


I like/I don’t like

M: I do it on the condition that you don’t give me names of artists. I’ve learnt my lesson, when I say that I don’t like something it’s a real drama..

I: No you’ll see it is really relaxed. First one: being compared to Freddie Mercury. Like or don’t like it?

M: See we’re talking about an artist! I like it of course. It’s a huge compliment. But I’m not Freddie Mercury because I’m too big a fan of his.

I: There are a lot of parallels between you two, even biographically (is that a word?!), he is also of an oriental origin, he lost his roots when he was young too, sensibility, voice…

Girl: You’re annoying him!

M: No it’s clear it’s a big compliment. But I am a fan so how can I?

I: It’s better to be compared to someone you love than someone you don’t like isn’t it?

M: It’s better than Miss Piggy! I’ve already had that.

I: You got compared to Miss Piggy?!

M: It was my grandmother. She heard a demo of Love Today and she said “Mika why why do you have to sing like this?” (I’m sure you all got that :D) And I told her, it’s very nice.. And also, my grandmother is very peculiar, we need to call her Mum (or Maman don’t know if he meant he spoke French with her), we don’t have the right to call her Odette, we don’t have the right to call her Grandma, because when we were young she was ashamed on the streets if we called her Grandma, she used to tell us in Paris “but stop it stop it what are you doing everybody is going to think I’m old!” And she told me if you record this song, Love Today, everybody will think you’re Miss Piggy I’m gonna die of shame.

I: Do you like snow or not?

M: Yes I like it! I like it because we don’t have any.

I: See how well we welcome you here!

M: It must have been very expensive! You’ve got a huge budget.

I: What about surfing on the Internet?

M: I like it. A lot.

I: Do you go a lot on the Internet?

M: All the time. I’ve got inspiration from videos for my shows.

I: Do you chat?

M: Do I chat? No, never.

I: We would think, he just does like us on the evening when he’s bored…

M: But I have my Twitter, and Mikasounds, and I also do things on MySpace and my site but I don’t do chats, it’s a bit dangerous for me. It happens all the time, people pretend to be me on MySpace and there was a moment when they spoke to all of my friends, even to my brother! He came to me one day and said “it’s a bit strange, why did you send me this email? On Facebook you sent me that stuff” I told him no it’s not me and you were talking to someone else…

I: Like/don’t like comic books?

M: I like it.

I: Are you a fan? Do you have a lot of them?

M: Yes I have everything, I have a lot, I have something like 4600 illustration and comic books and I’m collecting original ones.

I: It’s a good thing because we have prepared a surprise for you. Here is Isabelle Denis, she’s part of Dupuis editions and we’ve got plenty of presents.

M: Dupuis is for Spirou and all this?

I: Among the 4600 comic books you have I’m sure you don’t have this one, 100% sure.

Have you already visited the Comic book Museum in Brussels?

M: Yes I have (he’s opening his gift and then they describe it: unique edition of “le petit Spirou” with Mika’s name and photo on the cover thanks to a website. They also invite him to be the editor of “le journal de Spirou”)


After WAG and BIOTG

I: You’ll be in Antwerp for a show on March 12. Antwerp is good for shops.

M: Unfortunately I’ve already discovered this, I spent so much money in one hour it was a disaster. I’m preparing the tour, I’m very excited, I have to tell you. It’s gonna be really nice. I think it’s great because we have sold out, nearly sold out.

I: We’ll be back in a minute to wish Mika a happy… I was going to say happy birthday (they sing)

M: He sure needs a weekend!


I: Were you happy to see Belgian people? You don’t have to say yes.

M: Of course I love it. I love coming here it’s great.

I: You were telling us you really love Brussels.

M: Yes it’s so hard to find all the little corners, little cafés, brasseries, there’s a lot to discover.

I: What is Mika’s life in a few words? What are you doing this weekend?

M: I’m staying here tomorrow, tomorrow evening I leave for London and I don’t know. Unfortunately I have plenty of people to buy gifts to. I haven’t done anything.

I: Even for your mum?

M: I haven’t got anything. But I really had fun here, there’s a good atmosphere.

(Then they talk about his mother, his clothes, his sister who has big projects on her own this year and he’s proud.)


Now I wonder how many of you actually read all of it :roftl:

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back home,



thanks to dcdeb, i was here


Mika was so sweet,

he said he was tired and happy to be on holiday tonight.


he stays in bruxelles tonight et tomorrow and back to london tomorrow night.


:yay: I'm so glad you were able to go! Wish we could have gotten

Dala and Angele in, too. Hopefully next time! And you know that there

will be a next time -- Mika's career isn't over yet! :thumb_yello:


It was fantastic... We just sat there, like 1 meter away from him, watching him sing... Awesome :wub2: Thanks again :)


Awwww, that's what I said when I was watching on the webcam --

when he went over to the keyboard you all were practically in his lap!

Or he in yours! Amazing! Wish I could have been there... hope you can

tell us more later! :wub2:


I did! Thank you soooo much for the huge translation! And congrats for getting your questions read. :punk:


I read it, too! I was listening, but my French is lousy! Your translation

is great! Thanks! :flowers2:

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Hey I'm back with a rough translation of today's show. Here it is, quite long sorry!


Interviewer : You are an important person for us, you’re important for people who are listening, and I’m sure there are a lot of them. We’re gonna talk about you, we have some surprises for you, and then we’ll have questions from the Internet. You’re here to talk about TBWKTM, it was released in September, you did some shows in the US, in Asia, in Australia, what can you say about this “adventure” with the second album?

M : Actually today is my last day of work for 2009. After that, I’m done. I’ve got a TV show tonight and then I’m free for Christmas, I’m on holiday and…I’m tired, here is the truth! But it was totally incredible, honestly it scared me, this change with the second album, this second adolescence that I had to live during one year, my life in LA during 6 months recording the album, my life back in London, and all the tours. We did an acoustic tour and we travelled the world. I’m lucky to do what I’m doing in my life, it’s clear.

I: So you talk about your adolescence, the first album was more about childhood, is that why the lyrics are a bit darker now?

M: Yes there’s a bigger difference between the lyrics which are dark and the music which is happy.

I: That’s one of Mika’s paradoxes, we’ll talk about some others during the show.

M: It’s true that this album is about adolescence but also this feeling about writing a second album, after what happened with the first one, it was like another adolescence, it was a big change in my life.

I: Your music, as listeners know, sounds very pop, happy, that’s kind of the British culture to have serious things in your soul and not express them directly.

M : It’s one of The Beatles’s trick. They often talked about stuff they found in newspapers, in magazines and they were dark stories but they did it in a pop, open way. Maybe you’re right, but maybe it’s my Lebanese side, because I’m half Lebanese, my mother is Lebanese, I was born in Beirut, then I lived in Paris and then in London, but this Lebanese side, even when there was a disaster in life, there always were people going out, insisting on living their life. In a Lebanese home like mine, I have four brothers and sisters, someone can cry and 20 minutes later everybody’s laughing, that’s how it is, there are extremities.

I: And your French heritage is that you tell stories in your songs, your lyrics are really well thought, and that’s not always the case in international pop as we know it today.

M: It’s nice thank you. French music means stories. But it’s not all about writers, for example I was on this TV show, Sacrée Soirée, where I got a surprise and Aznavour came from LA to sing me a song. It was a crazy moment, I didn’t know what to say, I was totally ashamed, it was strange.

I: Ashamed? That’s a strange feeling as it was something positive for you.

M: It was very positive but I was wondering, …

I: “Who am I for him to come from LA for me?”

M: Exactly. I was thinking ‘it’s too early, why do you do this now?’’Do it in 10 years’

I: Imagine what they’ll do in 10 years! So the other paradox about you is that you can be shy, accessible and on stage you are exuberant. Which one is the real Mika? The shy one from real life or the exuberant one on stage?

M: It is both. It is completely both. When I’m alone I’m very reserved, when I write songs I shut myself in a studio or in my house and I keep a solitary life and then when I’m on stage, it’s as if I was fighting, as if I was on a boxing ring. And then I let go, because I know war strategies.

I: What are they?

M: I don’t know, I can dance, I can move my arms, I can say whatever I want, I can sing high or low, I can let go in every way, I can totally accept who I am, just like I used to do in my bedroom when I was 7, that I do now when I don’t have any more ideas. Exactly like in the WAG video. That’s why I made this video. Some people don’t understand this video, but people who came to my shows and know more about my universe understand exactly why I made this video. It’s not what we’re supposed to do for a music video, we’re supposed to wear expensive clothes, and have people dancing around us.

I: Maybe these pants were very expensive…

M: You know what? The truth is I made the video with Jonas Akerland, this guy has a lot of talent, he’s very famous, he made some of Madonna’s videos, but honestly, he’s so expensive, I was wondering where the money went, because this was my most expensive music video, me in my pants! And it didn’t even go to catering because they sent me to McDonald’s.

I: Mika we have some surprises for you, don’t worry Charles Aznavour is not coming, nor is Chantal Goya (Mika sings her song), but we have a little musical quizz.


(After Rain)

I: This song actually is sad.

M: Yes very sad. When I wrote it I was sad.

I: Really? But why don’t you keep the sad side of the song with the arrangements?

M: Because every time I heard this song in my head it was with a “boom boom” ^^ All of this was in my head when I was writing the song. That’s how it is, I write in a quite simple way, and then I can create the product and I hear all of these things in my head. When I make my demos I do it very simply so that I know if it’s a good song or not. If you use drums for demos you can’t really hear the song. We can’t know if it’s a song which is good enough to survive in a simple way, and it is important to me.

Musical quizz

1st song : Les Champs Elysées Joe Dassin : he sings along.

I: So it’s one of the first songs you learnt to play on the piano, is it true?

M : Yes when I was 5. You don’t need a lot of talent to be able to do “ting ting”

2nd song : La Javanaise Serge Gainsbourg

M : I have a recording of this song when he was older.

I: If you know French songs so well it’s because you spent your childhood in France and you were ‘nourished’ by this music, and your mum loves it too I think.

M: Yes of course, but it’s not only my mother actually, because I loved ‘extreme’ things. I loved French music, it was very interesting, but I also liked Shabba Ranks. And Nirvana. And Aznavour, and Nina Simone, and I was obsessed with France Gall.

I: Going in all directions then!

M: Yes, and actually, the France Gall songs I loved were the ones Gainsbourg wrote. Les sucettes à l’anis… Lollipop is exactly the same feeling as Les sucettes à l’anis. In a way it was totally inspired by this Gainsbourg song.

3rd song

M: If you play it for too long I’m gonna dance… I remember when I was 16 I had a row with all the friends I went to a nightclub with. I was 16 and I was in a London nightclub.. And I had a row with everybody and I started dancing on my own, on this song. And you never dance alone in a club.

I: It happens to me quite often.

M : And I loved it, I don’t know why I remember this moment.

I: It is a key song of your adolescence and it brings us back to this sadness/happiness thing.

M: Exactly. It brings you joy but the lyrics are so sad.

I: It’s a little bit like Rain.

M: Yes it’s a bit like Rain.

I: That’s why we played it in the quizz. This parallel seemed interesting. There’s an important thing, why did you argue with your mates?

Girl interviewer : Mind your own business ^^

I: What had you done?

M: Probably something horrible.

4th song

I hope you don’t mind I’m not translating this part because it is all about Grace Kelly. He just says that he’s gonna say the truth for once, that it was not in a record company but in the company that produces Idol, X Factor. (called 19) He was wearing white jeans, necklaces he had created with toys and feathers, he was 16..so they found him strange.


I : Mika is very happy because he was telling us a few minutes ago that he’s going on holiday, so he’s relaxed and that’s good. So, you Radio Contact listeners can send questions through the chat (Mika sounds worried), no, they’re nice, you’ll see, really. So we’ve got a question from Camille (yay that’s me!! :blush-anim-cl: I jumped when I heard that) “Will you one day be “un Enfoiré”? (OK I need to explain each year a lot of French artists gather to do a show for an association for homeless people, it’s really famous, and over here for the last few days we heard Mika might be part of it this year, cause the organiser said somewhere it would be nice to have him / 2nd explanation “enfoiré” actually kind of means “bastard”, that’s what they call themselves, so that’s why people laugh at the question “will you one day be a bastard?” :naughty:) And now you ask yourself, what’s that? Do you know ‘les Restos du Coeur’, ‘les Enfoirés’?

M : No, what is it?

I : It is artists helping homeless people in France.

M: Really?

I : It was created by Coluche. (They describe Coluche to him, he died in 1986 so I don’t blame Mika for not knowing him although he is famous)

I : So you haven’t been contacted yet. He’s far from being “un Enfoiré”.

M : It’s to help homeless people?

I : Yes. It is a huge thing, really.

M: Is it a bit like Salvation Army?

I: Yes, except they sing and they’re funnier.

M : Ah right they’re funny!

I: We’ll give you the album so you can understand.

M: Cool, that’s great.

I: Another question, still from Camille apparently (second jump for me^^), “you’re going to have a wax statue what do you think about it?”

M: How does she know? (eheh I know everything… Thank you MFC :thumb_yello:/ God I love his voice when he says that…..:wub2:)

I: Everybody knows it! We’re the ones who made it.. It’s not terrible I admit it!

M: So, it was at the Grévin Museum, in Paris, I went one day ago (are you sure Mika one day ago you were in Amsterdam lol), I had to go and it took so much time! I had to sit on something which was turning, doing a pose smiling without moving any muscle while this laser machine was taking 3D pictures on a computer. They use it to create the model.

I: What pose did you take?

M: It’s crazy but I really had to think about it. Do I want to be smiling, do I want to shut my mouth a little bit?

I: Because if they miss it it’s gonna be there for some years!

M: And I told them if you make a mistake can you do it again? Yes for 100000€ or something like that because it takes 6 months to make this statue… So I took a pose where I looked a little bit nice but not too “chouchou” (don’t know how to translate, could mean teacher’s pet), and I also told them when I came into the room “you understand that normally I’m on tour and I have a little less of this on my side” (talking about lovehandles again!) They told me no problem 4 kg will be out of the window (on the computer I guess)

I: Last question, are you planning on doing a song in French? That’s from Angèle.

M: Yes. I’m going to do it. But it needs to be good and I’ll take the time to do something really…

I: Are you already working on it?

M: (strange sound that means yes!)


I like/I don’t like

M: I do it on the condition that you don’t give me names of artists. I’ve learnt my lesson, when I say that I don’t like something it’s a real drama..

I: No you’ll see it is really relaxed. First one: being compared to Freddie Mercury. Like or don’t like it?

M: See we’re talking about an artist! I like it of course. It’s a huge compliment. But I’m not Freddie Mercury because I’m too big a fan of his.

I: There are a lot of parallels between you two, even biographically (is that a word?!), he is also of an oriental origin, he lost his roots when he was young too, sensibility, voice…

Girl: You’re annoying him!

M: No it’s clear it’s a big compliment. But I am a fan so how can I?

I: It’s better to be compared to someone you love than someone you don’t like isn’t it?

M: It’s better than Miss Piggy! I’ve already had that.

I: You got compared to Miss Piggy?!

M: It was my grandmother. She heard a demo of Love Today and she said “Mika why why do you have to sing like this?” (I’m sure you all got that :D) And I told her, it’s very nice.. And also, my grandmother is very peculiar, we need to call her Mum (or Maman don’t know if he meant he spoke French with her), we don’t have the right to call her Odette, we don’t have the right to call her Grandma, because when we were young she was ashamed on the streets if we called her Grandma, she used to tell us in Paris “but stop it stop it what are you doing everybody is going to think I’m old!” And she told me if you record this song, Love Today, everybody will think you’re Miss Piggy I’m gonna die of shame.

I: Do you like snow or not?

M: Yes I like it! I like it because we don’t have any.

I: See how well we welcome you here!

M: It must have been very expensive! You’ve got a huge budget.

I: What about surfing on the Internet?

M: I like it. A lot.

I: Do you go a lot on the Internet?

M: All the time. I’ve got inspiration from videos for my shows.

I: Do you chat?

M: Do I chat? No, never.

I: We would think, he just does like us on the evening when he’s bored…

M: But I have my Twitter, and Mikasounds, and I also do things on MySpace and my site but I don’t do chats, it’s a bit dangerous for me. It happens all the time, people pretend to be me on MySpace and there was a moment when they spoke to all of my friends, even to my brother! He came to me one day and said “it’s a bit strange, why did you send me this email? On Facebook you sent me that stuff” I told him no it’s not me and you were talking to someone else…

I: Like/don’t like comic books?

M: I like it.

I: Are you a fan? Do you have a lot of them?

M: Yes I have everything, I have a lot, I have something like 4600 illustration and comic books and I’m collecting original ones.

I: It’s a good thing because we have prepared a surprise for you. Here is Isabelle Denis, she’s part of Dupuis editions and we’ve got plenty of presents.

M: Dupuis is for Spirou and all this?

I: Among the 4600 comic books you have I’m sure you don’t have this one, 100% sure.

Have you already visited the Comic book Museum in Brussels?

M: Yes I have (he’s opening his gift and then they describe it: unique edition of “le petit Spirou” with Mika’s name and photo on the cover thanks to a website. They also invite him to be the editor of “le journal de Spirou”)


After WAG and BIOTG

I: You’ll be in Antwerp for a show on March 12. Antwerp is good for shops.

M: Unfortunately I’ve already discovered this, I spent so much money in one hour it was a disaster. I’m preparing the tour, I’m very excited, I have to tell you. It’s gonna be really nice. I think it’s great because we have sold out, nearly sold out.

I: We’ll be back in a minute to wish Mika a happy… I was going to say happy birthday (they sing)

M: He sure needs a weekend!


I: Were you happy to see Belgian people? You don’t have to say yes.

M: Of course I love it. I love coming here it’s great.

I: You were telling us you really love Brussels.

M: Yes it’s so hard to find all the little corners, little cafés, brasseries, there’s a lot to discover.

I: What is Mika’s life in a few words? What are you doing this weekend?

M: I’m staying here tomorrow, tomorrow evening I leave for London and I don’t know. Unfortunately I have plenty of people to buy gifts to. I haven’t done anything.

I: Even for your mum?

M: I haven’t got anything. But I really had fun here, there’s a good atmosphere.

(Then they talk about his mother, his clothes, his sister who has big projects on her own this year and he’s proud.)


Now I wonder how many of you actually read all of it :roftl:


thank you thank you thank you sooo so much :flowers2:

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Just copying Droopsy's post here -- she wrote about this show in the thread for the Peter Live show:


It was AWESOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (excuse my usage of capital letters:mf_rosetinted:)


So where to start really... I'm just gonna tell my day.


So it started with radio contact... As some of you know, there were 4 tickets by team Mika for this event, and luckily I was one of them. I'll let the others tell you their story..This was amazing. It was a small studio, and there were these... like a tribune, you know? Well you can see it in the pics obviously :roftl: And I sat on his right side, with martin on the right from me :teehee: It felt like a livingroom gig (okay, just 3 songs but it was enough :wub2:)... with an extra bonus interview, I was happy I understood 90% of it since it was in French. :naughty: Loved it during commercials and songs that he was soundchecking just in front of us.. And he didn't intend to do BIOTG but was gonna try it anyways. So during the testing he started clapping, and of course we started clapping as well, but the rest of the audience was a bit wrong with the rhythm, and he was looking down the row, and then he looked at me, saw I did it correctly and smiled at me :wub2: I also asked him if we could sing along during the performance (we had no idea), but he didn't know either... So we kept quiet...


Then the m&g, I brought him a whole bag of belgian chocolates, unfortunately there was this mug with chocolate in it and it got broken :( So I was like apologizing, saying sorry sorry, but he didn't care, he seemed very happy with it. Immediately took the bag, started looking at it and in it :aah: Said it was really really nice of me, thanked me and then he gives you this look, some of you know what I mean, this happy thank you look :wub2:


I asked him to sign my piano book, I'm happy I finally had the chance to let him sign it. I never wanted to take it with me to gigs since it's so big... Anyways, so he asked my name, and I had the same thing happening to me what always happens... I spell my name... And I spell the 'i' like the flemish i... what is actually the 'e' in english... this has happened before, it was a total deja vu moment, so now I've got my name written the same way like before, oh well it's tradition :roftl:



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M: I don’t know, I can dance, I can move my arms, I can say whatever I want, I can sing high or low, I can let go in every way, I can totally accept who I am, just like I used to do in my bedroom when I was 7, that I do now when I don’t have any more ideas. Exactly like in the WAG video. That’s why I made this video. Some people don’t understand this video, but people who came to my shows and know more about my universe understand exactly why I made this video. It’s not what we’re supposed to do for a music video, we’re supposed to wear expensive clothes, and have people dancing around us.



Now I wonder how many of you actually read all of it :roftl:


i did! :biggrin2: loved that bit that i quoted! :wub2:

but now, did they ask him my snowball question or not? :fisch: you didn't mention it, maybe i just heard it wrong. :blush-anim-cl:

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DL links:


Interview + songs : http://www.sendspace.com/file/a9fpsm

just songs: http://www.sendspace.com/file/th6xpl


sorry i didn't cut ads, other music, news, i'll do it tomorrow if i have time

a few seconds are missing in the middle, coz i lost the connection a couple of times


thank you so much marina :flowers2:


and thanks camille for the long translation. it was great to find out what they talked about before actually listening to the interview :flowers2:

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i did! :biggrin2: loved that bit that i quoted! :wub2:

but now, did they ask him my snowball question or not? :fisch: you didn't mention it, maybe i just heard it wrong. :blush-anim-cl:


Well, I have translated everything except for the parts where I summarised it, about GK etc. I think you might have heard the thing about like/don't like snow.. But they only read the 3 questions I mentioned; and I can't believe they chose 2 from me. Love the fact that he's working on a French song btw :wub2:

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Well, I have translated everything except for the parts where I summarised it, about GK etc. I think you might have heard the thing about like/don't like snow.. But they only read the 3 questions I mentioned; and I can't believe they chose 2 from me. Love the fact that he's working on a French song btw :wub2:


Thank you for translating! :wub2:

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Hey I'm back with a rough translation of today's show. Here it is, quite long sorry!


Interviewer : You are an important person for us, you’re important for people who are listening, and I’m sure there are a lot of them. We’re gonna talk about you, we have some surprises for you, and then we’ll have questions from the Internet. You’re here to talk about TBWKTM, it was released in September, you did some shows in the US, in Asia, in Australia, what can you say about this “adventure” with the second album?

M : Actually today is my last day of work for 2009. After that, I’m done. I’ve got a TV show tonight and then I’m free for Christmas, I’m on holiday and…I’m tired, here is the truth! But it was totally incredible, honestly it scared me, this change with the second album, this second adolescence that I had to live during one year, my life in LA during 6 months recording the album, my life back in London, and all the tours. We did an acoustic tour and we travelled the world. I’m lucky to do what I’m doing in my life, it’s clear.

I: So you talk about your adolescence, the first album was more about childhood, is that why the lyrics are a bit darker now?

M: Yes there’s a bigger difference between the lyrics which are dark and the music which is happy.

I: That’s one of Mika’s paradoxes, we’ll talk about some others during the show.

M: It’s true that this album is about adolescence but also this feeling about writing a second album, after what happened with the first one, it was like another adolescence, it was a big change in my life.

I: Your music, as listeners know, sounds very pop, happy, that’s kind of the British culture to have serious things in your soul and not express them directly.

M : It’s one of The Beatles’s trick. They often talked about stuff they found in newspapers, in magazines and they were dark stories but they did it in a pop, open way. Maybe you’re right, but maybe it’s my Lebanese side, because I’m half Lebanese, my mother is Lebanese, I was born in Beirut, then I lived in Paris and then in London, but this Lebanese side, even when there was a disaster in life, there always were people going out, insisting on living their life. In a Lebanese home like mine, I have four brothers and sisters, someone can cry and 20 minutes later everybody’s laughing, that’s how it is, there are extremities.

I: And your French heritage is that you tell stories in your songs, your lyrics are really well thought, and that’s not always the case in international pop as we know it today.

M: It’s nice thank you. French music means stories. But it’s not all about writers, for example I was on this TV show, Sacrée Soirée, where I got a surprise and Aznavour came from LA to sing me a song. It was a crazy moment, I didn’t know what to say, I was totally ashamed, it was strange.

I: Ashamed? That’s a strange feeling as it was something positive for you.

M: It was very positive but I was wondering, …

I: “Who am I for him to come from LA for me?”

M: Exactly. I was thinking ‘it’s too early, why do you do this now?’’Do it in 10 years’

I: Imagine what they’ll do in 10 years! So the other paradox about you is that you can be shy, accessible and on stage you are exuberant. Which one is the real Mika? The shy one from real life or the exuberant one on stage?

M: It is both. It is completely both. When I’m alone I’m very reserved, when I write songs I shut myself in a studio or in my house and I keep a solitary life and then when I’m on stage, it’s as if I was fighting, as if I was on a boxing ring. And then I let go, because I know war strategies.

I: What are they?

M: I don’t know, I can dance, I can move my arms, I can say whatever I want, I can sing high or low, I can let go in every way, I can totally accept who I am, just like I used to do in my bedroom when I was 7, that I do now when I don’t have any more ideas. Exactly like in the WAG video. That’s why I made this video. Some people don’t understand this video, but people who came to my shows and know more about my universe understand exactly why I made this video. It’s not what we’re supposed to do for a music video, we’re supposed to wear expensive clothes, and have people dancing around us.

I: Maybe these pants were very expensive…

M: You know what? The truth is I made the video with Jonas Akerland, this guy has a lot of talent, he’s very famous, he made some of Madonna’s videos, but honestly, he’s so expensive, I was wondering where the money went, because this was my most expensive music video, me in my pants! And it didn’t even go to catering because they sent me to McDonald’s.

I: Mika we have some surprises for you, don’t worry Charles Aznavour is not coming, nor is Chantal Goya (Mika sings her song), but we have a little musical quizz.


(After Rain)

I: This song actually is sad.

M: Yes very sad. When I wrote it I was sad.

I: Really? But why don’t you keep the sad side of the song with the arrangements?

M: Because every time I heard this song in my head it was with a “boom boom” ^^ All of this was in my head when I was writing the song. That’s how it is, I write in a quite simple way, and then I can create the product and I hear all of these things in my head. When I make my demos I do it very simply so that I know if it’s a good song or not. If you use drums for demos you can’t really hear the song. We can’t know if it’s a song which is good enough to survive in a simple way, and it is important to me.

Musical quizz

1st song : Les Champs Elysées Joe Dassin : he sings along.

I: So it’s one of the first songs you learnt to play on the piano, is it true?

M : Yes when I was 5. You don’t need a lot of talent to be able to do “ting ting”

2nd song : La Javanaise Serge Gainsbourg

M : I have a recording of this song when he was older.

I: If you know French songs so well it’s because you spent your childhood in France and you were ‘nourished’ by this music, and your mum loves it too I think.

M: Yes of course, but it’s not only my mother actually, because I loved ‘extreme’ things. I loved French music, it was very interesting, but I also liked Shabba Ranks. And Nirvana. And Aznavour, and Nina Simone, and I was obsessed with France Gall.

I: Going in all directions then!

M: Yes, and actually, the France Gall songs I loved were the ones Gainsbourg wrote. Les sucettes à l’anis… Lollipop is exactly the same feeling as Les sucettes à l’anis. In a way it was totally inspired by this Gainsbourg song.

3rd song

M: If you play it for too long I’m gonna dance… I remember when I was 16 I had a row with all the friends I went to a nightclub with. I was 16 and I was in a London nightclub.. And I had a row with everybody and I started dancing on my own, on this song. And you never dance alone in a club.

I: It happens to me quite often.

M : And I loved it, I don’t know why I remember this moment.

I: It is a key song of your adolescence and it brings us back to this sadness/happiness thing.

M: Exactly. It brings you joy but the lyrics are so sad.

I: It’s a little bit like Rain.

M: Yes it’s a bit like Rain.

I: That’s why we played it in the quizz. This parallel seemed interesting. There’s an important thing, why did you argue with your mates?

Girl interviewer : Mind your own business ^^

I: What had you done?

M: Probably something horrible.

4th song

I hope you don’t mind I’m not translating this part because it is all about Grace Kelly. He just says that he’s gonna say the truth for once, that it was not in a record company but in the company that produces Idol, X Factor. (called 19) He was wearing white jeans, necklaces he had created with toys and feathers, he was 16..so they found him strange.


I : Mika is very happy because he was telling us a few minutes ago that he’s going on holiday, so he’s relaxed and that’s good. So, you Radio Contact listeners can send questions through the chat (Mika sounds worried), no, they’re nice, you’ll see, really. So we’ve got a question from Camille (yay that’s me!! :blush-anim-cl: I jumped when I heard that) “Will you one day be “un Enfoiré”? (OK I need to explain each year a lot of French artists gather to do a show for an association for homeless people, it’s really famous, and over here for the last few days we heard Mika might be part of it this year, cause the organiser said somewhere it would be nice to have him / 2nd explanation “enfoiré” actually kind of means “bastard”, that’s what they call themselves, so that’s why people laugh at the question “will you one day be a bastard?” :naughty:) And now you ask yourself, what’s that? Do you know ‘les Restos du Coeur’, ‘les Enfoirés’?

M : No, what is it?

I : It is artists helping homeless people in France.

M: Really?

I : It was created by Coluche. (They describe Coluche to him, he died in 1986 so I don’t blame Mika for not knowing him although he is famous)

I : So you haven’t been contacted yet. He’s far from being “un Enfoiré”.

M : It’s to help homeless people?

I : Yes. It is a huge thing, really.

M: Is it a bit like Salvation Army?

I: Yes, except they sing and they’re funnier.

M : Ah right they’re funny!

I: We’ll give you the album so you can understand.

M: Cool, that’s great.

I: Another question, still from Camille apparently (second jump for me^^), “you’re going to have a wax statue what do you think about it?”

M: How does she know? (eheh I know everything… Thank you MFC :thumb_yello:/ God I love his voice when he says that…..:wub2:)

I: Everybody knows it! We’re the ones who made it.. It’s not terrible I admit it!

M: So, it was at the Grévin Museum, in Paris, I went one day ago (are you sure Mika one day ago you were in Amsterdam lol), I had to go and it took so much time! I had to sit on something which was turning, doing a pose smiling without moving any muscle while this laser machine was taking 3D pictures on a computer. They use it to create the model.

I: What pose did you take?

M: It’s crazy but I really had to think about it. Do I want to be smiling, do I want to shut my mouth a little bit?

I: Because if they miss it it’s gonna be there for some years!

M: And I told them if you make a mistake can you do it again? Yes for 100000€ or something like that because it takes 6 months to make this statue… So I took a pose where I looked a little bit nice but not too “chouchou” (don’t know how to translate, could mean teacher’s pet), and I also told them when I came into the room “you understand that normally I’m on tour and I have a little less of this on my side” (talking about lovehandles again!) They told me no problem 4 kg will be out of the window (on the computer I guess)

I: Last question, are you planning on doing a song in French? That’s from Angèle.

M: Yes. I’m going to do it. But it needs to be good and I’ll take the time to do something really…

I: Are you already working on it?

M: (strange sound that means yes!)


I like/I don’t like

M: I do it on the condition that you don’t give me names of artists. I’ve learnt my lesson, when I say that I don’t like something it’s a real drama..

I: No you’ll see it is really relaxed. First one: being compared to Freddie Mercury. Like or don’t like it?

M: See we’re talking about an artist! I like it of course. It’s a huge compliment. But I’m not Freddie Mercury because I’m too big a fan of his.

I: There are a lot of parallels between you two, even biographically (is that a word?!), he is also of an oriental origin, he lost his roots when he was young too, sensibility, voice…

Girl: You’re annoying him!

M: No it’s clear it’s a big compliment. But I am a fan so how can I?

I: It’s better to be compared to someone you love than someone you don’t like isn’t it?

M: It’s better than Miss Piggy! I’ve already had that.

I: You got compared to Miss Piggy?!

M: It was my grandmother. She heard a demo of Love Today and she said “Mika why why do you have to sing like this?” (I’m sure you all got that :D) And I told her, it’s very nice.. And also, my grandmother is very peculiar, we need to call her Mum (or Maman don’t know if he meant he spoke French with her), we don’t have the right to call her Odette, we don’t have the right to call her Grandma, because when we were young she was ashamed on the streets if we called her Grandma, she used to tell us in Paris “but stop it stop it what are you doing everybody is going to think I’m old!” And she told me if you record this song, Love Today, everybody will think you’re Miss Piggy I’m gonna die of shame.

I: Do you like snow or not?

M: Yes I like it! I like it because we don’t have any.

I: See how well we welcome you here!

M: It must have been very expensive! You’ve got a huge budget.

I: What about surfing on the Internet?

M: I like it. A lot.

I: Do you go a lot on the Internet?

M: All the time. I’ve got inspiration from videos for my shows.

I: Do you chat?

M: Do I chat? No, never.

I: We would think, he just does like us on the evening when he’s bored…

M: But I have my Twitter, and Mikasounds, and I also do things on MySpace and my site but I don’t do chats, it’s a bit dangerous for me. It happens all the time, people pretend to be me on MySpace and there was a moment when they spoke to all of my friends, even to my brother! He came to me one day and said “it’s a bit strange, why did you send me this email? On Facebook you sent me that stuff” I told him no it’s not me and you were talking to someone else…

I: Like/don’t like comic books?

M: I like it.

I: Are you a fan? Do you have a lot of them?

M: Yes I have everything, I have a lot, I have something like 4600 illustration and comic books and I’m collecting original ones.

I: It’s a good thing because we have prepared a surprise for you. Here is Isabelle Denis, she’s part of Dupuis editions and we’ve got plenty of presents.

M: Dupuis is for Spirou and all this?

I: Among the 4600 comic books you have I’m sure you don’t have this one, 100% sure.

Have you already visited the Comic book Museum in Brussels?

M: Yes I have (he’s opening his gift and then they describe it: unique edition of “le petit Spirou” with Mika’s name and photo on the cover thanks to a website. They also invite him to be the editor of “le journal de Spirou”)


After WAG and BIOTG

I: You’ll be in Antwerp for a show on March 12. Antwerp is good for shops.

M: Unfortunately I’ve already discovered this, I spent so much money in one hour it was a disaster. I’m preparing the tour, I’m very excited, I have to tell you. It’s gonna be really nice. I think it’s great because we have sold out, nearly sold out.

I: We’ll be back in a minute to wish Mika a happy… I was going to say happy birthday (they sing)

M: He sure needs a weekend!


I: Were you happy to see Belgian people? You don’t have to say yes.

M: Of course I love it. I love coming here it’s great.

I: You were telling us you really love Brussels.

M: Yes it’s so hard to find all the little corners, little cafés, brasseries, there’s a lot to discover.

I: What is Mika’s life in a few words? What are you doing this weekend?

M: I’m staying here tomorrow, tomorrow evening I leave for London and I don’t know. Unfortunately I have plenty of people to buy gifts to. I haven’t done anything.

I: Even for your mum?

M: I haven’t got anything. But I really had fun here, there’s a good atmosphere.

(Then they talk about his mother, his clothes, his sister who has big projects on her own this year and he’s proud.)


Now I wonder how many of you actually read all of it :roftl:[/I]


me! :biggrin2:....thank you, Camille! :flowers2:

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M: I don’t know, I can dance, I can move my arms, I can say whatever I want, I can sing high or low, I can let go in every way, I can totally accept who I am, just like I used to do in my bedroom when I was 7, that I do now when I don’t have any more ideas. Exactly like in the WAG video. That’s why I made this video. Some people don’t understand this video, but people who came to my shows and know more about my universe understand exactly why I made this video. It’s not what we’re supposed to do for a music video, we’re supposed to wear expensive clothes, and have people dancing around us.

I: Maybe these pants were very expensive…

M: You know what? The truth is I made the video with Jonas Akerland, this guy has a lot of talent, he’s very famous, he made some of Madonna’s videos, but honestly, he’s so expensive, I was wondering where the money went, because this was my most expensive music video, me in my pants! And it didn’t even go to catering because they sent me to McDonald’s.

ding dong ring the bells

nmn_024.gifpricey doesn't go along with best u fool :aah:

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:yay: I'm so glad you were able to go! Wish we could have gotten

Dala and Angele in, too. Hopefully next time! And you know that there

will be a next time -- Mika's career isn't over yet! :thumb_yello:

Yes absolutely :):):)


Originally Posted by Droopsy


I asked him to sign my piano book, I'm happy I finally had the chance to let him sign it. I never wanted to take it with me to gigs since it's so big... Anyways, so he asked my name, and I had the same thing happening to me what always happens... I spell my name... And I spell the 'i' like the flemish i... what is actually the 'e' in english... this has happened before, it was a total deja vu moment, so now I've got my name written the same way like before, oh well it's tradition

Your name has a big story now ^^
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First of all: IT WAS AMAZING :woot_jump:


Thanks Deb and Droopsy for making this possible! :huglove:


Here's my report:

Droopsy, Marleen, Jolien and me were at the RTL building at 14:30. First we waited in the cold for like 30 minutes. Then we met Fanny. She helped us out the get in. Jolien hadn't tickets yet at that point. We waited in the hallway with about 50 other people. About 16:30 John, Cherise and Martin arrived. Cherise said "hi" to us and we asked John if he could get Jolien in. He told us he will try his best. A bit later they let us in the studio. We took play right behind the piano and next to Martin. Jolien wasn't in yet, but we asked someone of Mika's team and a bit later Jolien could join us :boing:

Then Mika came out. He did a little sound check and said "hi" to us all. Then the interview started. They gave him a present: a personalized cartoon album. He looked so happy.

I didn't understand everything, but I was so happy that he was so close to us. He sang three songs (WAG, BIOTG and Rain). During BIOTG he asked us to clap along and made a lot of eye contact with us. It was like "girls, back me up with this". He looked so happy :wub2: In between of the interview we talked a bit with Martin.


After the program he took time for a his fans. First he signed Marleen here wristband. Then he came to me. I said "hi" and gave him my Christmas present. It were chocolates and a comic book. He said looked very surprised and said it was amazing. He ask me how I knew that he liked that artist so much and that he was looking for him on the internet. He was looking in the comic already when he was standing with us. He asked me a couple of times how I could have know it. I was like "I didn't, my husband said you would like it". :blush-anim-cl: He was so enthusiast and gave me "the look". I melted when he looked smiled at me :wub2: Then he sign my DVD with a little heart, the big heart with the wings, his name and my name (first he spelled it wrong, but he corrected it). Then he went over to Droopsy. She gave him chocolates. He was so happy. Then Jolien asked him what chocolates he likes the best, apparently milk chocolate with fresh creme inside.

He was so relax and friendly today. He really took his time. It was a shame for Marleen, Droopsy and Jolien that he didn't talk pictures with them.


Then we had to go outside. Their we met John again. We thanked him and asked him if it was possible to get us in to Peter Live (a TV-show in Belgian) later on. He asked for a name and number and told us that he will do his best. 15 minutes later he contacted us and told us we could go. We were so happy :woot_jump: That part I will explain in the other thread.


@ Camille: thank you so much for the translation!!!


Here are some pictures:











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@ Camille,

I read all your translation and I love it. Thank you very very much!!!


:thumb_yello:ME TOO!and i love it!...wow!lucky girl!he answered you 2 times?!:mf_lustslow:

:wink2:i can't wait to see his wax statue!...:wub2:french songs?!it sounds very interesting!


:thumb_yello:thank you once again,Camille!

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:thumb_yello:thank you once again,Camille!



Camille, thank you so much!!!! :wub2: I read it :biggrin2:


You're very welcome. Happy to see so many of you read my long post. Actually, you should know I like translating between French and English so if you ever want to know what Mika says/writes in French you know you can ask me :wink2:

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Here's my report:

Droopsy, Marleen, Jolien and me were at the RTL building at 14:30. First we waited in the cold for like 30 minutes. Then we met Fanny. She helped us out the get in. Jolien hadn't tickets yet at that point. We waited in the hallway with about 50 other people. About 16:30 John, Cherise and Martin arrived. Cherise said "hi" to us and we asked John if he could get Jolien in. He told us he will try his best. A bit later they let us in the studio. We took play right behind the piano and next to Martin. Jolien wasn't in yet, but we asked someone of Mika's team and a bit later Jolien could join us :boing:

Then Mika came out. He did a little sound check and said "hi" to us all. Then the interview started. They gave him a present: a personalized cartoon album. He looked so happy.

I didn't understand everything, but I was so happy that he was so close to us. He sang three songs (WAG, BIOTG and Rain). During BIOTG he asked us to clap along and made a lot of eye contact with us. It was like "girls, back me up with this". He looked so happy :wub2: In between of the interview we talked a bit with Martin.


After the program he took time for a his fans. First he signed Marleen here wristband. Then he came to me. I said "hi" and gave him my Christmas present. It were chocolates and a comic book. He said looked very surprised and said it was amazing. He ask me how I knew that he liked that artist so much and that he was looking for him on the internet. He was looking in the comic already when he was standing with us. He asked me a couple of times how I could have know it. I was like "I didn't, my husband said you would like it". :blush-anim-cl: He was so enthusiast and gave me "the look". I melted when he looked smiled at me :wub2: Then he sign my DVD with a little heart, the big heart with the wings, his name and my name (first he spelled it wrong, but he corrected it). Then he went over to Droopsy. She gave him chocolates. He was so happy. Then Jolien asked him what chocolates he likes the best, apparently milk chocolate with fresh creme inside.

He was so relax and friendly today. He really took his time. It was a shame for Marleen, Droopsy and Jolien that he didn't talk pictures with them.


Then we had to go outside. Their we met John again. We thanked him and asked him if it was possible to get us in to Peter Live (a TV-show in Belgian) later on. He asked for a name and number and told us that he will do his best. 15 minutes later he contacted us and told us we could go. We were so happy :woot_jump: That part I will explain in the other thread.


@ Camille: thank you so much for the translation!!!


Here are some pictures:













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