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The artist-fan dynamic in the Twitter era


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but i guess he just wants to concentrate on the thing that's most fun for him, and most important in his career: his music.


If he was consistent in this I would not see a problem with it at all. I love Adele and Paolo Nutini too and neither one of them communicates much with their fans online. ALL of Paolo's online communication is done through his record company/management and while Adele writes the occasional personal blog, they are few and far between especially when she was on hiatus.


Adele and Paolo are all about the music and so are their fans. But this is not the case with Mika. You can't have it both ways. If Mika wants his fans to take an interest in his artwork and other projects, if he wants them to create a buzz online when he's launching an album, if he wants them to participate in his show on stage and behind the scenes, if he wants moral support by having fans at TV shows, etc. then he needs to be engaged to some degree pretty much all the time.


You can't just switch fans off for weeks or months at a time when you don't feel like dealing with them and just pick up on that kind of relationship again when it's convenient for you. It doesn't work like that. Not for me and not for many others. If Mika seriously wants us to just be interested in his music then he can say goodbye to the kind of community that has been built up in his name because a CD is old news after 2 months. We have stayed engaged with him and been supporting him for more reasons than the music.

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Oh please no :aah: Actually in 2008 we were worried that Mikasounds and MFC would be merged when MFC became official, but the other way around - with Mikasounds taking care of MFC. Which I'm sure we can all agree would be a complete disaster. :roftl:


Mikasounds is owned by Universal and I can't imagine they would ever fully hand the reins over to fans. As far as I'm concerned the only way for Mikasounds to ever see competent, hands-on maintenance would be if it was no longer under record label control and Mika managed to hire a competent third party web company to take care of it. Right now it's just not a priority. Mika's not doing anything, he's not the next big thing like he was in 2007, and they're all busy plugging Jessie J or whoever.


It drives me nuts that Mikasounds is always half broken, but I can bear it as long as they keep their hands off MFC. :aah:




I disagree - what has changed is that we are now getting nothing from him at all. His 2008 Wordpress holding page that was nothing but blogs and vlogs was the best incarnation of Mikasounds ever, IMHO. Why? Because it worked, and because it contained current content. That's all it takes - and that should be prioritized WAY above pretty graphical backgrounds and half-implemented functionality.


You say there was a long time between the LA studio vlog and the first new music vlog - but it was really less than four months. AND as you mentioned, we also got that White Christmas vlog in between (which notably has way more views than even some of the vlogs from when he was doing the festival tour - so clearly people are watching). What has Mika shared in the last four months? Just a few tweets, really. I don't count the XL Repubblica columns because they are not targeted at his broader fanbase; they are meant for the readers of that particular Italian publication. If not for MFC we wouldn't know those columns exist, nor would the English originals be available.


I remember people complaining about Mika blogging about random things rather than his music back in 2008, but I also remember a vocal opposition to the complainers who were just happy to hear something from him, to get a little bit of insight into what he was interested in and maybe get some exposure to some new things. Especially since in addition to the random blogs we also got things like those Q&As he did for five minutes, or the studio vlog from London when he was still just in the demo phase. Personally I find his delivery interesting which is why I'm happy to read his thoughts about online dating, random art or the state of healthcare. I would happily welcome that back.


As for Twitter and fan relations...


I think the biggest thing artists need to realize is that every music fan who is on Twitter with any regularity is a huge opportunity, and every fan who follows you becomes low hanging fruit. For example, I wouldn't be actively seeking out what Jewel or Pink are doing, but now that I'm following them, they can directly advertise their wares without spending a penny. I don't need to see a TV spot or a newspaper ad to know that Jewel has a new single out or is coming to my city; I check Twitter when I'm rolling out of bed and bam, the information is right there for the consuming.


So updates about what the artist is up to (read: what they have to sell) are important and necessary, but it's when artists use Twitter to build a connection that it really shines. I find that if an artist who was only peripherally on my radar proves to be entertaining, human, funny, or interesting that translates into real dollars-and-cents return in that I'm more eager to spend money on what they're creating. Again, Pink is a good example. I've always liked a few of her singles, but following her and realizing that she's actually quite intelligent, warm and witty has made me respect and admire her, and would make me far more likely to go suffer through a concert at the crappy Saddledome (our local arena venue, which I don't particularly enjoy) because I like her. Jewel has a particularly interesting approach: she has her own account through which her personality shines, and then her manager has an account which is used for fielding fan concerns, answering questions and holding contests.


Mika was really good at that for the first year he was on Twitter. I was reading his 2009 tweets and they really conveyed a lot of his personality. If Mika had maintained that and nurtured it he would have far more followers than he does - again, followers who could translate into easy targets who don't have to be reached by airplay or conventional advertising when he's got a new album and tour to sell. Mika is naturally interesting and terribly charismatic, so he wouldn't even really need to try all that hard.


Dear Mana, I meant the same thing as you

I love our MFC where we can freely express ourselves and share so much together :wub2:

I rarely visit MS and it almost never works anyway.

I also have a feeling the idea was to "trap" fans into the new MS and of course I'm glad it didn't work.

Mika fans home is MFC

"Merging" was probably not the correct word to use, what I meant is that if MFCers were in charge of MS, MS would be a much better site , that MFCers should " invade" MS and make sure the people who are in charge of it don't do things like posting the same happy new year wishes from Mika twice in a row or change the rules of a contest at the last minute.

MFC is so much well taken care of than MS.

I wish MS team was changed for the better and of course for more real Mika news, blogs and Vlogs :wub2:

I miss those so much and I hope Mika will get involved in MS himself again

Sorry if what I said was not clear :blush-anim-cl: I can be clumsy at times and it seems I wrote the opposite of what I thought :doh:

I wouldn't trade my MFC home for any other place :group_hug:

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If he was consistent in this I would not see a problem with it at all. I love Adele and Paolo Nutini too and neither one of them communicates much with their fans online. ALL of Paolo's online communication is done through his record company/management and while Adele writes the occasional personal blog, they are few and far between especially when she was on hiatus.


Adele and Paolo are all about the music and so are their fans. But this is not the case with Mika. You can't have it both ways. If Mika wants his fans to take an interest in his artwork and other projects, if he wants them to create a buzz online when he's launching an album, if he wants them to participate in his show on stage and behind the scenes, if he wants moral support by having fans at TV shows, etc. then he needs to be engaged to some degree pretty much all the time.


You can't just switch fans off for weeks or months at a time when you don't feel like dealing with them and just pick up on that kind of relationship again when it's convenient for you. It doesn't work like that. Not for me and not for many others. If Mika seriously wants us to just be interested in his music then he can say goodbye to the kind of community that has been built up in his name because a CD is old news after 2 months. We have stayed engaged with him and been supporting him for more reasons than the music.


i don't see the problem, but i guess we just have different opinions there. i'm perfectly happy if during his album release and touring time, he connects with his fans, and when he's in the studio he doesn't do much. though i love to hear from him, and if it's just random uninteresting stuff. i also wouldn't want him to be just about the music, i'd miss the meet+greets, the tv show tickets, and all the other things he does for us while he's on tour. but i don't have to feel that connected to him all the time. a few months ago i probably would've said something different :teehee:, but since the end of the tour, i don't have the feeling i miss him. after all, he is NOT a boyfriend (because that comparison appeared somewhere in this thread), but basically a stranger, who has his own life. but this doesn't mean that i like him any less, i'm still looking forward to see him again on the next tour. :original:

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fact is, he doesn't like twitter. he's said that more than once, not for the first time with his "twitter bitter" tweet.


Yeah he was moaning that he "hates Twitter" after the Milan acoustic gig, remember? :roftl: The difference is that despite this, he kept tweeting with regularity for months after that. :fisch:


i guess he just wants to concentrate on the thing that's most fun for him


I think that's right on the mark for a lot of Mika's initiatives. :teehee: He does things while they're fun, but when something else attracts his attention he moves on. Look at how excited he was about the new website, how it was going to have all this great content, etc. I believe that at the time he was sincere, but then other things caught his attention and it was forgotten.


You can't just switch fans off for weeks or months at a time when you don't feel like dealing with them and just pick up on that kind of relationship again when it's convenient for you. It doesn't work like that. Not for me and not for many others. If Mika seriously wants us to just be interested in his music then he can say goodbye to the kind of community that has been built up in his name because a CD is old news after 2 months. We have stayed engaged with him and been supporting him for more reasons than the music.


I agree. Mika has referenced how "amazing" the community is, but the community isn't based on the brilliance of the chord progressions in Dr. John or whatever. The community is built on appreciation for the aspects of Mika as a person that fans have been exposed to in varying ways. How many people have said they heard a Mika song, then watched a couple interviews on YouTube and got hooked?


The frustrating thing is always that it wouldn't take a ton of effort on Mika's part to maintain some connection with fans during the times when he's not touring or doing promo. Last time around we got blogs or vlogs at least once a month. That's all it takes, really.


Dear Mana, I meant the same thing as you

I love our MFC where we can freely express ourselves and share so much together :wub2:

I rarely visit MS and it almost never works anyway.

I also have a feeling the idea was to "trap" fans into the new MS and of course I'm glad it didn't work.

Mika fans home is MFC

"Merging" was probably not the correct word to use, what I meant is that if MFCers were in charge of MS, MS would be a much better site , that MFCers should " invade" MS and make sure the people who are in charge of it don't do things like posting the same happy new year wishes from Mika twice in a row or change the rules of a contest at the last minute.

MFC is so much well taken care of than MS.

I wish MS team was changed for the better and of course for more real Mika news, blogs and Vlogs :wub2:

I miss those so much and I hope Mika will get involved in MS himself again

Sorry if what I said was not clear :blush-anim-cl: I can be clumsy at times and it seems I wrote the opposite of what I thought :doh:

I wouldn't trade my MFC home for any other place :group_hug:


Oh I totally understand. :huglove:


The whole Magic Numbers thing was a marketing tactic to try and attract multiple hits and repeated visits to Mikasounds. I wouldn't even mind that if it was more effective and the whole thing wasn't confusing and half broken from day one.


The problem with this version of Mikasounds is that they overpromised and underdelivered. Not only did a lot of the promised content never appear, but they haven't even maintained functionality. The fact that all those old 2008 blogs have disappeared because of some stupid database error is such a shame. A lot of the links lead to vague "internal server errors." Broken links and spam are not going to lead to the visitor engagement that is the whole purpose of an artist website.


I know Mika was romanced by the bells and whistles of an aesthetically beautiful site teeming with all sorts of games, community and other content, but I wish he (and everyone else with a website) would realize that those things are not the be all and end all. Start with functionality then add current and engaging content with reasonable frequency and that's all it takes. :dunno:

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Yeah he was moaning that he "hates Twitter" after the Milan acoustic gig, remember? :roftl: The difference is that despite this, he kept tweeting with regularity for months after that. :fisch:


but that was when his EP and, shortly after, we are golden was released. the last time he told me that he hated twitter was in august in arbon... but at least he still kept tweeting occasionally since then. :naughty:



I think that's right on the mark for a lot of Mika's initiatives. :teehee: He does things while they're fun, but when something else attracts his attention he moves on. Look at how excited he was about the new website, how it was going to have all this great content, etc. I believe that at the time he was sincere, but then other things caught his attention and it was forgotten.


see, there he shows his personality, isn't that what we want? :naughty: let's just hope he'll never lose his interest in music! :aah:



I agree. Mika has referenced how "amazing" the community is, but the community isn't based on the brilliance of the chord progressions in Dr. John or whatever. The community is built on appreciation for the aspects of Mika as a person that fans have been exposed to in varying ways. How many people have said they heard a Mika song, then watched a couple interviews on YouTube and got hooked?



totally agree with what you say about the MS website, but if you talk about the community, i don't think it needs constant input by mika to work. MS isn't a real community, they messed that up. i don't really see twitter as a community in that sense either, most people probably just follow mika to get updates if there are any and not to hear about what he likes and what not etc. ... that's "just" us mfcers - and we have our community here. :wub2:

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Oh please no :aah: Actually in 2008 we were worried that Mikasounds and MFC would be merged when MFC became official, but the other way around - with Mikasounds taking care of MFC. Which I'm sure we can all agree would be a complete disaster. :roftl:




Indeed. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The very thought :shocked:


i agree in a way, but not 100%. it's right what you say, that mika should use his twitter more, show his personality, interact with fans... but fact is, he doesn't like twitter.




we've come a long way since 2007, where we didn't even hear about gigs being cancelled until the last minute. i don't know mika either, but his very own way of communicating, that might not always be the best rational option, is probably part of his personality.


so although i find his current tweets not very interesting, i'm just happy to hear from him at all. :thumb_yello:


I agree. As was said in the Twitter thread, people were happy enough to embrace the fact that Mika was different, that he didn't tow the line, that he wouldn't conform just to try and please.....


But now that some of those 'differences' are manifesting themselves in ways that some people don't like it seems that they would prefer it if he was more like a conventional pop star.


The problem with this version of Mikasounds is that they overpromised and underdelivered. Not only did a lot of the promised content never appear, but they haven't even maintained functionality. The fact that all those old 2008 blogs have disappeared because of some stupid database error is such a shame. A lot of the links lead to vague "internal server errors." Broken links and spam are not going to lead to the visitor engagement that is the whole purpose of an artist website.



Exactly. Personally I have a much bigger problem with MS than I do with Mika.


But then I don't have a problem with Mika at all.


He is what he is and I am happy with that. Accept people for what they are is the way I go about things. If you aren't happy with the way that Mika interacts with fans/or doesn't/ or does sometimes then doesn't, well move on.

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i thought about this boyfriend analogy again this morning, and thought, if mika is the boyfriend who is doing just enough to keep us hooked, then we are the nagging girlfriend who is trying to change him. :teehee: just because we love him, because we want him to be the best he can be. but guys don't see it that way, they just feel critizised. :naughty: it's that kind of relationship where we can't really live with each other, but can't live without each other either. luckily it's not an exclusive relationship, everyone involved can come and go as they please, and just has to hope that the other one is still there when they return. imagine if mika wrote an angry tweet to each of his fans who joined the fanclub of another singer! :roftl:

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Oh what an amazing thread!!! :yay:



Come on girls!! Stop moaning about Mika´s drought!! It´s way more interesting when he´s not around!!! :aah: I do prefer we all having such an amazing chat like this one,than commenting about clown pics :aah:


And what I mean,it´s not that I prefer Mika not tweeting at all,of course I´d love to read a blog each month (well,we have the column....) or to see a vlog every now and then... but as you have already said,Mika is what he is... he gets tired of everything after a while,and moves on. We accept it. We accept it since we are still here commenting this. So,even if it´s true that it´s maybe not fair,and it wouldn´t be a big deal to keep us entertained and stuff... it wouldn´t be Mika. Mika is what we see now. A drunk tweet every now and then,a column... and that is! in the other hand,he works a lot when he´s on tour,tweets us where his hotel is,goes to sign stuff after almost every gig... Maybe he needs to do this kind of dissociaton... "now I´m working and since I owe everything to my fans,I´m gonna give it all" and "now I´m not touring,so I need to keep myself away of any public sight"...

Could he be different?? yes... but he´s not... And I love to see all your opinions cause I agree with all of you,since each of your post are very well-reasoned and I can understand every one feelings. This is a great community,plenty of people (most of mfcers) who have a solid head on their shoulders. Mika is special,and also are his fans. I´m very proud of being a part of MFC.


And let´s see what Mika does... shall he tweet?? shall he post a vlog?? Who knows?? He´s just.... Mika!!

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I agree. As was said in the Twitter thread, people were happy enough to embrace the fact that Mika was different, that he didn't tow the line, that he wouldn't conform just to try and please.....


But now that some of those 'differences' are manifesting themselves in ways that some people don't like it seems that they would prefer it if he was more like a conventional pop star.


Actually Kath, I'm sure you'll recall that fans have been demanding responses from Mika from very early on. In 2007 he was cancelling shows left right and centre, causing all sorts of logistical problems and disappointment for many people. In those days he and his people were not communicating with anyone ever - unless they happened to see him outside a venue. There were no blogs, no vlogs, no tweets, no press releases to explain why he was cancelling.


I don't remember everyone accepting this and saying...oh well that's just Mika being a non conventional pop star. It's cute. If you don't like it, bugger off.


I remember people ranting on MFC that Mika was not available to accept his birthday gift and the next thing we knew he was blogging to say that he loved his gift and he wanted everyone to know that it did not go unnoticed, etc.


I remember people getting together and writing to his management about the lack of communication regarding the cancellations and the next time Mika cancelled a gig, not only was there an official explanation posted on MySpace, but Mika called us personally to explain.


When people say that Mika does so much for us already and we shouldn't moan, etc. I think they are taking it for granted that other fans have laid the groundwork here and our access to Mika has not just materialized out of thin air.


Do people really want us to just leave Mika to do whatever he wants and never ask anything of him and his people? Really? Then I guess you won't be bothered when there are no more presales. I guess you won't be bothered when the ticket fairy doesn't "magically" appear when you want tickets. I guess you won't be bothered when you've got questions and concerns about gigs or contests or whatever and no one to answer them. I guess you won't be bothered when the queuing situation goes awry and no one sorts it out.


I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point...

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Actually Kath, I'm sure you'll recall that fans have been demanding responses from Mika from very early on. In 2007 he was cancelling shows left right and centre, causing all sorts of logistical problems and disappointment for many people. In those days he and his people were not communicating with anyone ever - unless they happened to see him outside a venue. There were no blogs, no vlogs, no tweets, no press releases to explain why he was cancelling.


I don't remember everyone accepting this and saying...oh well that's just Mika being a non conventional pop star. It's cute. If you don't like it, bugger off.


I remember people ranting on MFC that Mika was not available to accept his birthday gift and the next thing we knew he was blogging to say that he loved his gift and he wanted everyone to know that it did not go unnoticed, etc.


I remember people getting together and writing to his management about the lack of communication regarding the cancellations and the next time Mika cancelled a gig, not only was there an official explanation posted on MySpace, but Mika called us personally to explain.


When people say that Mika does so much for us already and we shouldn't moan, etc. I think they are taking it for granted that other fans have laid the groundwork here and our access to Mika has not just materialized out of thin air.


Do people really want us to just leave Mika to do whatever he wants and never ask anything of him and his people? Really? Then I guess you won't be bothered when there are no more presales. I guess you won't be bothered when the ticket fairy doesn't "magically" appear when you want tickets. I guess you won't be bothered when you've got questions and concerns about gigs or contests or whatever and no one to answer them. I guess you won't be bothered when the queuing situation goes awry and no one sorts it out.


I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point...



Thanks to everyone for being involved and especially the mods and admins : I didn't know Mika had cancelled shows without explanations :( and that giving him his birthday gifts and getting a thank you had been so hard back then :sneaky2:

Thanks for making the relashionship between MFCers and Mika what it is now and I hope it can stay that way :wink2:

It takes time and patience to build relashionships and also strong will in that particular case!

Thank you for everything you do to make it long lasting and stronger :huglove:

"Mika called you guys personally" :blush-anim-cl:

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Thanks to everyone for being involved and especially the mods and admins : I didn't know Mika had cancelled shows without explanations :( and that giving him his birthday gifts and getting a thank you had been so hard back then :sneaky2:

Thanks for making the relashionship between MFCers and Mika what it is now and I hope it can stay that way :wink2:

It takes time and patience to build relashionships and also strong will in that particular case!

Thank you for everything you do to make it long lasting and stronger :huglove:

"Mika called you guys personally" :blush-anim-cl:


I wasn't really referring to MFC mods specifically. Back in 2007 MFC was not owned by Mika and the moderators didn't have any consistent contact with his team. There have been many fans who have gone to Mika and his team on behalf of other fans including French fans who don't spend as much time on MFC and I'm sure other local groups of fans as well. It happens all the time, especially when Mika is touring.


The problem getting Mika the birthday gift was because of the cancellations (since he was ill and couldn't shake it for many months).

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Actually Kath, I'm sure you'll recall that fans have been demanding responses from Mika from very early on. In 2007 he was cancelling shows left right and centre, causing all sorts of logistical problems and disappointment for many people. In those days he and his people were not communicating with anyone ever - unless they happened to see him outside a venue. There were no blogs, no vlogs, no tweets, no press releases to explain why he was cancelling.


I don't remember everyone accepting this and saying...oh well that's just Mika being a non conventional pop star. It's cute. If you don't like it, bugger off.


I remember people ranting on MFC that Mika was not available to accept his birthday gift and the next thing we knew he was blogging to say that he loved his gift and he wanted everyone to know that it did not go unnoticed, etc.


I remember people getting together and writing to his management about the lack of communication regarding the cancellations and the next time Mika cancelled a gig, not only was there an official explanation posted on MySpace, but Mika called us personally to explain.


When people say that Mika does so much for us already and we shouldn't moan, etc. I think they are taking it for granted that other fans have laid the groundwork here and our access to Mika has not just materialized out of thin air.


Do people really want us to just leave Mika to do whatever he wants and never ask anything of him and his people? Really? Then I guess you won't be bothered when there are no more presales. I guess you won't be bothered when the ticket fairy doesn't "magically" appear when you want tickets. I guess you won't be bothered when you've got questions and concerns about gigs or contests or whatever and no one to answer them. I guess you won't be bothered when the queuing situation goes awry and no one sorts it out.


I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point...


you are right here. but it´s hard to see where´s the line when we are "allowed" to demand something,and Mika is "obliged" to please us. Sure if we ask fans we´ll get an answer and Mika would say something very different... So,IMO the is right in the middle... we can ask what we want and Mika would do what he thinks he´s obliged to do... I´m sure that we will think it´s not enought,and Mika will think it´s too much... But I think (and please,correct me if I´m wrong) that things go right when he´s on tour (I mean,about presales,queues and stuff) and it just goes wrong when he´s not touring... maybe,yes,he needs a bit of pressure as fans did in the past to get a response... but... which is the way to do it?? we are moaning here a lot and it seems no one notices...

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You're amazing at conveying your ideas, and I agree. I really like that you comapared him to a boyfriend that's lost intrest. It does seem like that, but at the same time there's a part of my mind thats like, "He's working. That's why he's not tweeting. He'll tweet tomorrow," and I think the build-up is essential to his tweeting style. He's got quite a bit on his plate at the moment so I don't blame him.


I've almost lost interest in checking his twitter, I'm actually thinking of unfollowing him and maybe even shutting down my twitter. He was the whole reason I was there in the first place. But I've made some friends there, so I won't, but it's not like I haven't thought about it.


I've also lost interest in listening to his music, even though I love it. I'm so burnt out on the stuff of his I have, I need something new. So, I've been having an affair with Amos Lee. He's much more fufilling, even if everything he has online is run by his team. He even has 4 cd's I can listen to on rotation and not get tired of. XD


I don't have any less respect for Mika. All I'm asking for is to not get burnt out and maybe a tweet evey now and again. I can't wait for his new stuff and if he ever comes near here for a concert, I'll be there. But, I'm seeking new people.



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i thought about this boyfriend analogy again this morning, and thought, if mika is the boyfriend who is doing just enough to keep us hooked, then we are the nagging girlfriend who is trying to change him. :teehee: just because we love him, because we want him to be the best he can be. but guys don't see it that way, they just feel critizised. :naughty: it's that kind of relationship where we can't really live with each other, but can't live without each other either. luckily it's not an exclusive relationship, everyone involved can come and go as they please, and just has to hope that the other one is still there when they return. imagine if mika wrote an angry tweet to each of his fans who joined the fanclub of another singer! :roftl:




Ah, I've truly loved this post.



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Actually Kath, I'm sure you'll recall that fans have been demanding responses from Mika from very early on. In 2007 he was cancelling shows left right and centre, causing all sorts of logistical problems and disappointment for many people. In those days he and his people were not communicating with anyone ever - unless they happened to see him outside a venue. There were no blogs, no vlogs, no tweets, no press releases to explain why he was cancelling.


I don't remember everyone accepting this and saying...oh well that's just Mika being a non conventional pop star. It's cute. If you don't like it, bugger off.


I remember people ranting on MFC that Mika was not available to accept his birthday gift and the next thing we knew he was blogging to say that he loved his gift and he wanted everyone to know that it did not go unnoticed, etc.


I remember people getting together and writing to his management about the lack of communication regarding the cancellations and the next time Mika cancelled a gig, not only was there an official explanation posted on MySpace, but Mika called us personally to explain.


When people say that Mika does so much for us already and we shouldn't moan, etc. I think they are taking it for granted that other fans have laid the groundwork here and our access to Mika has not just materialized out of thin air.


Do people really want us to just leave Mika to do whatever he wants and never ask anything of him and his people? Really? Then I guess you won't be bothered when there are no more presales. I guess you won't be bothered when the ticket fairy doesn't "magically" appear when you want tickets. I guess you won't be bothered when you've got questions and concerns about gigs or contests or whatever and no one to answer them. I guess you won't be bothered when the queuing situation goes awry and no one sorts it out.


I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point...


I know the lack of consistancy in communication with Mika's team (over the years) has been a huge cause of frustration. I know that in the early days there was very little communication at all...except for as you say, at the gigs.


I am, and always have been, very appreciative of all the hard work that is put into MFC and for the benefits that this now brings. I am just a little lost as to what all this has to do with the way that Mika communicates, or doesn't, with fans via Twitter or whatever. I feel we are talking about two different subjects here. I wouldn't argue for one minute that increased communication with TM would be a great advantage. We all have to play guessing games trying to speculate when things are going to happen.


But in my opinion all of that is not really related to Mika's Tweets. They are management issues. Yes, it would be great if he tweeted about his plans but he never really has and I don't suppose he ever really will. My point really was....this is Mika.....like it or lump it. (NOT this is Team Mika). There are a lot of people who have obviously 'lumped it' and have gone elsewhere but there are also quite a lot of people still here. So one would assume they like it.

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you are right here. but it´s hard to see where´s the line when we are "allowed" to demand something,and Mika is "obliged" to please us.


Mika is not obliged to do anything at all. It's his career. They're his choices. But if you don't ask you don't get. Mika is not psychic. If he doesn't get feedback from fans he won't know what they want - whether it's something he's willing to accommodate or not.


What I find ironic about these recent discussions where people are defending Mika's right to not take 15 seconds to tweet or 5 minutes to write a Christmas message is that they don't seem to refuse perks that are far more complicated, involve far more effort for everyone concerned and benefit the least amount of Mika's fanbase.


All anyone is saying here is that Mika will benefit from taking a moment every once in awhile to communicate with hundreds of thousands of people to keep them interested in his future. Is that such a ridiculous expectation?


I've been checking Twitter the past few days because people are talking about Mika being in LA and I can't believe how many tweets I come across from people who ask "whatever happened to Mika?" Is that what he wants? To reinvent the wheel every time he releases an album instead of just taking a few minutes to let the world know he's still there and still making music? Maybe he does. :dunno:


maybe,yes,he needs a bit of pressure as fans did in the past to get a response... but... which is the way to do it?? we are moaning here a lot and it seems no one notices...


You would be surprised at what's noticed and what happens as a consequence.

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But in my opinion all of that is not really related to Mika's Tweets. They are management issues. Yes, it would be great if he tweeted about his plans but he never really has and I don't suppose he ever really will. My point really was....this is Mika.....like it or lump it.


I guess my perception of things is different from yours then because I remember Mika being engaged with fans for months at a time before he released his album. Blogging, making videos and tweeting. Maybe I'm just looking at the past through :mf_rosetinted:



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I guess my perception of things is different from yours then because I remember Mika being engaged with fans for months at a time before he released his album. Blogging, making videos and tweeting. Maybe I'm just looking at the past through :mf_rosetinted:




Maybe in all honesty you just have a better memory than me...seriously. :roftl: I also don't think that Mika is anywhere near the exciting bit of the making of the next album yet...maybe the involvement level will increase later in the year.

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I wasn't really referring to MFC mods specifically. Back in 2007 MFC was not owned by Mika and the moderators didn't have any consistent contact with his team. There have been many fans who have gone to Mika and his team on behalf of other fans including French fans who don't spend as much time on MFC and I'm sure other local groups of fans as well. It happens all the time, especially when Mika is touring.


The problem getting Mika the birthday gift was because of the cancellations (since he was ill and couldn't shake it for many months).


Thanks for explaining, there's so much I didn't know...

Is MFC really owned by Mika? :teehee:

I understand why Mika had to cancel gigs back then now, I'd read something about his hearing problems , but I feel sorry that he had to cancel gigs and was ill for several months ...considering he went on touring even when he hurt his ankle , that means he was really in bad condition :aah:

Well , then thanks to all the fans who went to Mika and his team :thumb_yello: whatever their nationality :wub2::group_hug:

And for now, I keep hoping for a glimpse of new songs :wub2: and a twit or better a blog for Japanese fans as well ...when I looked at his former blog, I realised how spoilt we were then and how little we get now...but in the future hopefully we'll get more :wink2:

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Mika is not obliged to do anything at all. It's his career. They're his choices. But if you don't ask you don't get. Mika is not psychic. If he doesn't get feedback from fans he won't know what they want - whether it's something he's willing to accommodate or not.


What I find ironic about these recent discussions where people are defending Mika's right to not take 15 seconds to tweet or 5 minutes to write a Christmas message is that they don't seem to refuse perks that are far more complicated, involve far more effort for everyone concerned and benefit the least amount of Mika's fanbase.


All anyone is saying here is that Mika will benefit from taking a moment every once in awhile to communicate with hundreds of thousands of people to keep them interested in his future. Is that such a ridiculous expectation?


I've been checking Twitter the past few days because people are talking about Mika being in LA and I can't believe how many tweets I come across from people who ask "whatever happened to Mika?" Is that what he wants? To reinvent the wheel every time he releases an album instead of just taking a few minutes to let the world know he's still there and still making music? Maybe he does. :dunno:




You would be surprised at what's noticed and what happens as a consequence.


Like when we complained about the so quiet audience at Baden Baden gig and mentioned how a Mika show with only fans in the audience would be fantastic and the Jam session for fans came along :wub2: I will always regret not being able to come as I couldn't get my day off work:tears: and giving my ticks to Sariflor who was also unable to come due to her husband's health at that time :(

and I hope something similar will happen again :wink2: and I can be there :blush-anim-cl:

And also when we complained about having to wait so long for Mika's La Republica 's blog in English and yesterday it was posted in MS :naughty:

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Mika is not obliged to do anything at all. It's his career. They're his choices. But if you don't ask you don't get. Mika is not psychic. If he doesn't get feedback from fans he won't know what they want - whether it's something he's willing to accommodate or not.


What I find ironic about these recent discussions where people are defending Mika's right to not take 15 seconds to tweet or 5 minutes to write a Christmas message is that they don't seem to refuse perks that are far more complicated, involve far more effort for everyone concerned and benefit the least amount of Mika's fanbase.


All anyone is saying here is that Mika will benefit from taking a moment every once in awhile to communicate with hundreds of thousands of people to keep them interested in his future. Is that such a ridiculous expectation?


I've been checking Twitter the past few days because people are talking about Mika being in LA and I can't believe how many tweets I come across from people who ask "whatever happened to Mika?" Is that what he wants? To reinvent the wheel every time he releases an album instead of just taking a few minutes to let the world know he's still there and still making music? Maybe he does. :dunno:



You would be surprised at what's noticed and what happens as a consequence.


at the first,of course I know he´s not obliged,I meant "what are we allowed and untill where is he obliged" in a polite way... I mean... he of course can choose delete all his accounts and stuff... but of course he is a bit "obliged" to please us,come on,we buy his albums and tickets for gigs... I think he feels himself a bit "obliged" with us... what I was trying to figure out was... what would be..."polite" to ask for??


and about the second bolded part... REALLY??? I mean... wow... Then,since many people here are demanding a bit of "comunication" from Mika to his fans here,so,you think we can expect a response? It would be great... I´ve read in these threads that Mika did many things as a consequence of people here demanding things... but I wasn´t sure that Mika was still being informed about what happens here... in the other hand... yes,since MS doesn´t work,and the real "place" where Mika fans meet is MFC,yes,he should be informed of everything...

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