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2011 - Benidorm Low Cost Festival, Spain - July 22 - REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS


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It was your turn to be entertained by Mika! :wub2:


Tell us all about it please! :fangurl: (yes, we want the details! :teehee:)


As usual, keep the chitchat to a minimum please!






basicamenteyo ( with some :fangurl: ) - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3525306&postcount=11

kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3526647&postcount=71

mikasister - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3526724&postcount=85

ArtemisArco - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3526805&postcount=96

vickylovesmika - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3527326&postcount=114

vickylovesmika - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3527376&postcount=132

liliana, part 1 - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3529067&postcount=145

liliana, part 2 - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3529070&postcount=146

liliana, part 3 - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3529075&postcount=147







basicamenteyo - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3525145&postcount=2

basicamenteyo - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3525483&postcount=37

basicamenteyo - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3525487&postcount=38

evelyne71 - http://s739.photobucket.com/albums/xx33/eveline71/

kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3527320&postcount=113

vickylovesmika - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2301920267022.141372.1219673482&l=49d4c42915&type=1

kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3529146&postcount=151

kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3529148&postcount=152




Special Thanks to:


Raul Soler's http://www.flickr.com/photos/labrujulainquieta/with/5965140185/

J. Alfaro García -

J. Alfaro - Mika - LowCost Festival

FredericRG - http://www.flickr.com/photos/my_spanish_eyes/

benidormclick.com -

Espacio CAMON - http://www.flickr.com/photos/tucamon/sets/72157627283568998/with/5975629433/

Nueve Olas Music - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nueveolasmusic/sets/72157627310520996/with/5988655384/







Basicamenteyo - Big Girl -

Basicamenteyo - Billy Brown -

Basicamenteyo - After the gig - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3525519&postcount=45

Liliana - Touches you -






Cursalarium - http://www.cursalarium.com/mika-un-huracan-a-todo-color/

ElMundo.es - http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2011/07/23/cultura/1311402017.html

ABC.es - http://www.abc.es/20110723/cultura-musica/abci-cost-201107230438.html

LaRazon.es - http://www.larazon.es/noticia/7132-mika-sale-por-la-puerta-grande-del-low-cost

Últimahoranoticias.es - http://www.ultimahoranoticias.es/mika-en-el-festival-low-cost

lasprovincias.es - http://www.lasprovincias.es/20110723/comunitatvalenciana/provincia_alicante/cost-ultimo-201107231827.html

laverdad.es - http://www.laverdad.es/murcia/v/20110724/cultura/vetusta-morla-mika-triunfan-20110724.html

rtvv.es - http://www.rtvv.es/va/comunidad-valenciana/musica-independent-sescolta-Benidorm_0_522547743.html

Alquimia Sonora - http://www.alquimiasonora.com/2011/07/low-cost-festival-2011-viernes-22-de.html

Low Cost Festival - LOW FESTIVAL 2011

Necrotika - http://www.flickr.com/photos/necrotika/sets/72157627293000582/with/6001112905/

Love Valencia - http://www.lovevalencia.com/el-low-cost-2011-se-consolida.html

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Rosa's pics:









Rosa's tweets:


''I needed a gig like this. Amazing. Mika laughing all the time... Amazing.''


''LOTS of eye contact with front rows. One of the best gigs Ive ever been to.''


''Ive recorded the meet and greets''

Edited by BiaIchihara
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LadyMeeks tweets:




''No mika napoleon i think.. wait... that means... SHIRTLESS!!!!''


''Where is the f***ing piano!!!!!??????''


''@Immamusic where is the mika stuff??? lost??''


@LadyMeeks @Mikasounds AMAZING GIG P***! GO TOREADOR!!!!!


mika was so happy. He speaked spanish ALL THE TIME. He did the torero and toro in BIOTG...




Posted by Neeeims:


@Neeeims Patricia

Benidorm, I love you!






Posted by iMMa:


@iMMamusic (iMMa)

Ben & @Cherisse2312 the quiet before the storm..





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LadyMeeks tweets:




''No mika napoleon i think.. wait... that means... SHIRTLESS!!!!''


''Where is the f***ing piano!!!!!??????''


''@Immamusic where is the mika stuff??? lost??''


@LadyMeeks @Mikasounds AMAZING GIG P***! GO TOREADOR!!!!!


mika was so happy. He speaked spanish ALL THE TIME. He did the torero and toro in BIOTG...




Posted by Neeeims:


@Neeeims Patricia

Benidorm, I love you!






Posted by iMMa:


@iMMamusic (iMMa)

Ben & @Cherisse2312 the quiet before the storm..





He does seem really happy recently doesn't he! I'm so glad! Waiting for the vids.

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Mika, un huracán a todo color


Un vendaval de energía positiva llegó anoche a las costas de Benidorm, con nubes multicolores procedentes de las islas británicas que provocaron chubascos de bailes y saltos. El huracán Mika aterrizó en el Low Cost Festival dispuesto a hacer vibrar a un público que lo esperaba como agua de mayo. No les defraudó. El artista libanés derrochó carisma sobre el escenario. Abrió la veda con la archirradiada "Relax, Take It Easy", que el público jaleó nada más sonar el primer acorde. Desde entonces, Mika no paró de moverse, bailar y gesticular con una fluidez hipnótica. El ritmo le salió del cuerpo c...




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Mika, un huracán a todo color

El artista libanés arrasó en el Low Cost Festival con un espectáculo cargado de alegría

MIGUEL MUÑOZ / benidorm

Día 23/07/2011 - 05.43h Álvaro García

Mika, pidiéndole coros a su público

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Toda la actualidad de Cultura


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Toda la actualidad de Cultura


Un vendaval de energía positiva llegó anoche a las costas de Benidorm, con nubes multicolores procedentes de las islas británicas que provocaron chubascos de bailes y saltos. El huracán Mika aterrizó en el Low Cost Festival dispuesto a hacer vibrar a un público que lo esperaba como agua de mayo. No les defraudó.


El artista libanés derrochó carisma sobre el escenario. Abrió la veda con la archirradiada “Relax, Take It Easy”, que el público jaleó nada más sonar el primer acorde. Desde entonces, Mika no paró de moverse, bailar y gesticular con una fluidez hipnótica. El ritmo le salió del cuerpo como si hubiese estado contenido mucho tiempo. Esas ganas que puso sobre las tablas, bañadas por todos los colores del arco iris, se unieron a la alegría contagiosa de canciones como “Grace Kelly”, “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)” o “We Are Golden”, lo que consiguió que la audiencia también se entregara al máximo.


Sin tener en cuenta que un público de festival de verano no suele ser muy taurino, el libanés incluso interpretó un número de toreo tras cantar “Love Today”, utilizando como capote una bandera de España que le regalaron desde la pista: dio unos pases a toda su banda y finalmente fingió pasarlos por el estoque y hacerlos caer muertos. Pero en el escenario grande del Low Cost Festival no murió nadie. Más bien la energía positiva de Mika es capaz de resucitar a un muerto.


Vetusta Morla, desde el trono del indie pop

Unas horas antes, rayando la medianoche, los gritos de quinceañeras en primera fila adelantaban la salida de los nuevos reyes del indie pop español: Vetusta Morla, que abrieron fuego con “En los días raros”, el primer tema de su nuevo disco. Un arranque de intensidad creciente y seguido verso a verso. “Copenhague”, el gran himno de la banda, no se hizo esperar mucho más. El público ya estaba al rojo vivo desde el principio y los madrileños solo tuvieron que darles lo que esperaban: un sonido con tintes de épica de estadio a lo Coldplay, ideal para el concurrido evento. Los músicos, ocultos tras los juegos de claroscuros y el intenso sonido, apenas tuvieron protagonismo. Parece que aún no se les haya subido a la cabeza el trono al que en tan poco tiempo se han visto encumbrados.


Y antes de caer el sol, hubo una de vaqueros. El potente combo Dos Bandas y un Destino, formado por Arizona Baby y Los Coronas, salió con el tema principal de “Hasta que llegó su hora” como carta de presentación. La mezcla del sonido surf rock de Los Coronas con el folk duro y polvoriento de Arizona Baby aportó grandes versiones de clásicos, como “Too Drunk to ****” o “Wish You Were Here”. Sombreros de cowboy, largas barbas y melenas y aroma de aguardiente que se ganaron al público que fue sumándose hasta el anochecer.

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El azúcar pop de Mika frente al anarquismo de Crystal Castles

El cantante Mika durante su actuación en el festival Low Cost. | Efe


José Fajardo | Benidorm

Actualizado sábado 23/07/2011 10:24 horasDisminuye el tamaño del texto Aumenta el tamaño del texto

La segunda jornada del festival Low Cost empezó con unas nubes alarmantes. Sin embargo, no fue suficiente como para eclipsar el concierto de Dos Bandas y Un Destino, ese invento surf-rockero que se han montado los vallisoletanos de Arizona Baby con Los Coronas. Música de película de Tarantino y público pertrechado de tatuajes, zapatillas Vans y camisetas de Chopper Monster.


La cosa prosiguió con OK GO, la banda con los mejores videoclips del momento y un directo bien soso. "No hay excusa. Mi español es terrible. Soy un estúpido americano que sólo sabe hablar inglés". Con esta presentación, el cantante del grupo trató de ganarse al público desde el principio. A continuación subió a cuatro chavales sin camiseta que bailaron sobre el escenario las coreografías de sus vídeos. Gran momento, que sin embargo quedó empañado por su rock sosete de guitarras. OK Go es un grupo de esos que intentan maquillar su manifiesta monotonía con performances en vivo (el 'frontman' cantando a pie de público, lluvias de confeti, perscusión a base de campanitas de cristal), pero que no consigue que los pies del respetable lleguen a moverse.


Más tarde llegó el turno de Vetusta Morla. Una formación a la que le pasa lo contrario que a OK GO. Aunque no sean especialmente excitantes ni asombrosos en directo, el público les adora. Por lo menos, una buena parte de la audiencia. Su pop amable es para algunos la panacea, para otros, más de lo mismo. Con ellos siempre se organiza uno de esos eternos debates que surgen cuando se habla de música y que nunca tendrán un final. Su sonido, desde luego, es muy pegadizo, quizá porque se escucha a todas horas y en todas partes (dirán algunos), quizá porque es único (dirá el resto). En cualquier caso, un 10, una vez más, si se mide en términos de respuesta de los asistentes.


Pero lo mejor estaba por llegar. En primer lugar, Mika. Esa estrella del pop tan extraña, icono gay delicado que levanta masas. En Benidorm ofreció -después de un aterrizaje con extremo retraso, que obligó a suspender las entrevistas que tenía pactadas y que a punto estuvo de cancelar su actuación- un show mucho más tranquilo que el que hizo en el FIB de Benicasim de 2008. La actitud anfetamínica de entonces tornó en calma reposada, con el cantante sentado al borde del escenario entonando baladas pegadizas.


Y mientras la gente se dejaba llevar por la música edulcorada de Mika, cerca se estaba gestando una revolución. Una revolución que no era pacífica ni racional. Una revolución violenta y anarquista; la de Crystal Castles. Da igual las veces que el dúo canadiense toque en España. Su directo siempre apabulla, inquieta, excita y desquicia a todo el que lo ve. Su música es, sin duda, la de una familia disfuncional, la de una parte de la sociedad que suele estar silenciada y, de repente, estalla con violencia. Crystal Castles son un hombre con capucha aporreando sintetizadores y una chica delgadísima con botas militares que se retuerce enfurecida. Su música es electrónica de un videojuego descacharrado atacado por un virus de napalm. Y la repuesta de la gente siempre es incondicional.


Todavía hubo tiempo para Cut Copy. Más allá de las tres de la mañana, los australianos dieron un concierto entregado al hedonismo. Frente al odio antisocial de Crystal Castles, ellos ofrecían una propuesta que impulsaba a besar a quien estuviera bailando al lado. Elegantes, con ritmo y talentosos, consiguieron que muchos se fueran con una sonrisa satisfecha a casa después del segundo día del festival. Un evento que hoy concluye con Mando Diao, Klaxons, Shout Out Louds, Steve Aoki y los españoles Love of Lesbian, Standstill y Dorian, entre otros

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Mika sale por la puerta grande del Low Cost


23 Julio 11 - Benidorm (Alicante) - Efe Y eso que media hora antes todo pintaba más oscuro. El cantante de origen libanés ha conseguido aterrizar en España "después de cinco vuelos" y con apenas 25 minutos de tiempo para subirse al escenario grande del festival, preparado para recibir a unas 10.000 personas. Eso sí, lo suyo ha sido llegar, ver y vencer o, siguiendo con el símil taurino, entrar a matar.


Su concierto aquí constituía su única cita grande en España, unos días después de una fugaz actuación en una discoteca ibicenca y poco tiempo antes de meterse al estudio para cerrar su tercer disco, "The Origin of Love", del que esta noche en los bises ha adelantado el tema en francés "Elle ma dit".


El concierto, con un fondo cubierto con tantas flores como el manto de la Virgen de los Desamparados, ha empezado fuerte con "Relax" y, a partir de ahí, apenas ha habido tiempo para el decaimiento, gracias a éxitos bailables como "Love Today", "Blame it on the girls", "We are Golden" y "Grace Kelly".


Mika -un figurín espigado todo vestido de blanco, con una especie de zurrón y una casaca militar de la que pronto se ha liberado- lo ha dado todo sobre las tablas, sin perder fuelle ni voz en sus agudos, presentándose como un torero con una bandera de España por capote, proponiendo juegos al público y esforzándose por hablar en español.


No han faltado otras buenas faenas en el cartel, pero el estreno del tercer escenario ha devenido en una aglomeración de la oferta y un apretadísimo horario que han obligado en muchos casos a elegir actuaciones, por lo que más que una feria taurina, esto ha parecido una quiniela.


De ser así, Vetusta Morla se habría llevado la victoria en su competencia, a la misma hora, con los también nacionales CatPeople, y eso que la de esta noche ha sido una actuación menos lucida que la de hace un mes en Madrid.


Les ha faltado la frescura de aquella ocasión, igual porque entonces jugaban en casa, igual porque son muchos los partidos que tienen que jugar este verano, en el que parecen el perejil de todo festival que se precie.


Han empezado fríos, pero poco a poco le han tomado la temperatura al concierto y han dejado dos cosas claras: que constituyen un reclamo de primer nivel para este tipo de eventos y que las nuevas canciones no tienen el imán de las viejas.


Otra liga se jugaba en los primeros compases de esta jornada. Sidonie, por ejemplo, luchaba contra el hecho de abrir el cartel. También tempraneros han sido OK Go, los protagonistas de ese famoso vídeoclip en el que sus componentes saltan y bailan intercambiándose los puestos entre cintas de correr, aunque lo suyo pinta mejor en el papel que en el directo.


De una banda que se llama Ok Go, que toca rock y que produce vídeos tan divertidos, cabe esperarse un desfase, pero eso, al menos hoy, no se ha producido.


No será por intentos. Su ingenio se ha dejado sentir en su vestuario (cada uno ataviado como una ficha del parchís), en la instrumentación (con maquinita de ruidos galácticos y una mesa con mil campanas), en las imágenes de las pantallas y hasta en los cañones de confeti. Por hacer, su cantante incluso se ha adentrado en la marea humana del público para tocar un tema.


Otros, con ese aparataje, habrían sido las estrellas del día. Ellos, ni frío ni calor.


A la misma hora y a unos metros de allí, los barceloneses Delafé y Las Flores Azules sí han conseguido menear a su público echando mano del mismo espíritu lúdico y superando problemas de acoplamiento sonoro y el catarro de su cantante, con canciones como "Espíritu Santo", que navegan entre un hip hop ligero y un pop costumbrista.


El pleno al quince de esta quiniela le ha correspondido ponerlo a dos bandas bien distintas, los australianos Cut Copy y su actualización del electropop y los canadienses Crystal Castles, cuya música de atmósferas ensoñadoras bien cuadra en las horas más golfas.

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Well, I´m still shocked... I´m not gonna say this was the best gig ever (though I feel that now) cause I´m still hyper...


It´s not Mika´s first time in Spain, but it´s the first time he speaks Spanish that much. He started "apologizing" (the gig started a bit late) cause he just arrived 25 minutes before (seriously? :aah:) and that only after 5 flights (:aah:sorry, but while we were queueing like at 6pm or so, we were told that Mika just arrived in Alicante and he took a taxi,I don´t know what to believe but press said he really arrived late and needed to cancel all the interviews).


He was all the time smiling... wait... did I say "smiling" nah.... he was LAUGHING!!!!! He really enjoyed this gig. I really needed something like this, cause I felt really disappointed in Porto.


Body guards were like a pain in our arses. And also in Mika´s arse. Mika realised they were avoiding us to record the gig :sneaky2: (I could record a couple of songs tho tongue.gif) and when a girl jumped into her boyfriend shoulders to wave Mika (and the b-guards ran to tell her to go down) Mika laughed,pointed to the girl and encouraged her to do it again :aah: (bad Mika). Of course the girl did it again and b-guards were all :hair: while Mika was still laughing his ass off...


I don´t remember which song was the last, when he suddenly said "Buenas noches Benidorm!! (Good night Benidorm)" and left... Many people was like :blink:, though we were sure he was about to come back since he still hadn´t sung EMD or Lollipop (oh the wonders fo being a hardcore...). Of course he came back, and presented EMD as "this is a weird song, made in error, and it´s number one in France. And it´s in French!!"


Oh,I forgot. He divided the crowd in two, as always, and he played what he thinks is funny (about bull, and bullfighter) and people "hates" a bit... We enjoy Mika, we know him, and we are sure that he doesn´t mean he likes our stupid tradition, but as happened in Vigo, people was a bit "distrustful" cause young people ARE against this tradition... anyway, he played the "toro and toreador" game (no matter how many times we say it´s not "toreador" but "torero", he always says the same) and killed his band as if there were bulls. BTW, Marcus was a bit reluctant to play, and Mika needed to tell him twice to leave the piano.


iMMa was absolutely fantastic as always. Ben is IN MY OPINION too bore to be in Mika´s band. Sorry, but after seeing Jimmy many times, it´s how I feel. Mika tried to play with him, but he was... how to say... embarrassed? I don´t know,I´m not judging his skills as a bassist, I know he´s good, it´s just about his way of acting on stage...


I think it was the same setlist that in Porto, plus Touches You.


I know this report may sound "unestructured" but I´ve just slept 5 hours and I´m way too happy!!


This time I took pics and vids. Now I´m uploading the vid of the meet and greets. He was :swoon:



Ok,done. Bye!!

Edited by basicamenteyo
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Well, I´m still shocked... I´m not gonna say this was the best gig ever (though I feel that now) cause I´m still hyper...


It´s not Mika´s first time in Spain, but it´s the first time he speaks Spanish that much. He started "apologizing" (the gig started a bit late) cause he just arrived 25 minutes before (seriously? :aah:) and that only after 5 flights (:aah:sorry, but while we were queueing like at 6pm or so, we were told that Mika just arrived in Alicante and he took a taxi,I don´t know what to believe but press said he really arrived late and needed to cancel all the interviews).


He was all the time smiling... wait... did I say "smiling" nah.... he was LAUGHING!!!!! He really enjoyed this gig. I really needed something like this, cause I felt really disappointed in Porto.


Body guards were like a pain in our arses. And also in Mika´s arse. Mika realised they were avoiding us to record the gig :sneaky2: (I could record a couple of songs tho tongue.gif) and when a girl jumped into her boyfriend shoulders to wave Mika (and the b-guards ran to tell her to go down) Mika laughed,pointed to the girl and encouraged her to do it again :aah: (bad Mika). Of course the girl did it again and b-guards were all :hair: while Mika was still laughing his ass off...


I don´t remember which song was the last, when he suddenly said "Buenas noches Benidorm!! (Good night Benidorm)" and left... Many people was like :blink:, though we were sure he was about to come back since he still hadn´t sung EMD or Lollipop (oh the wonders fo being a hardcore...). Of course he came back, and presented EMD as "this is a weird song, made in error, and it´s number one in France. And it´s in French!!"


Oh,I forgot. He divided the crowd in two, as always, and he played what he thinks is funny (about bull, and bullfighter) and people "hates" a bit... We enjoy Mika, we know him, and we are sure that he doesn´t mean he likes our stupid tradition, but as happened in Vigo, people was a bit "distrustful" cause young people ARE against this tradition... anyway, he played the "toro and toreador" game (no matter how many times we say it´s not "toreador" but "torero", he always say the same) and killed his band as if there were bulls. BTW, Marcus was a bit reluctant to play, and Mika needed to tell him twice to leave the piano.


iMMa was absolutely fantastic as always. Ben is IN MY OPINION too bore to be in Mika´s band. Sorry, but after seeing Jimmy many times, it´s how I feel. Mika tried to play with him, but he was... how to say... embarrassed? I don´t know,I´m not judging his skills as a bassist, I know he´s good, it´s just about his way of acting on stage...


I think it was the same setlist that in Porto, plus Touches You.


I know this report may sound "unestructured" but I´ve just slept 5 hours and I´m way too happy!!


This time I took pics and vids. Now I´m uploading the vid of the meet and greets. He was :swoon:



Ok,done. Bye!!


aw i'm so happy for you Rosa :huglove:

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aw i'm so happy for you Rosa :huglove:


Thanks :huglove:






BTW,don´t think I was skipping anyone´s tweets yesterday. You need to understand that it´s hard to type on a cell, and even more if people around you are jumping like monkeys :aah::aah:


I read all your tweets, but I didn´t want to reply to random tweets "ignoring" the rest, that´s why I didn´t reply anyone.

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Thanks :huglove:






BTW,don´t think I was skipping anyone´s tweets yesterday. You need to understand that it´s hard to type on a cell, and even more if people around you are jumping like monkeys :aah::aah:


I read all your tweets, but I didn´t want to reply to random tweets "ignoring" the rest, that´s why I didn´t reply anyone.



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Well, I´m still shocked... I´m not gonna say this was the best gig ever (though I feel that now) cause I´m still hyper...


It´s not Mika´s first time in Spain, but it´s the first time he speaks Spanish that much. He started "apologizing" (the gig started a bit late) cause he just arrived 25 minutes before (seriously? :aah:) and that only after 5 flights (:aah:sorry, but while we were queueing like at 6pm or so, we were told that Mika just arrived in Alicante and he took a taxi,I don´t know what to believe but press said he really arrived late and needed to cancel all the interviews).


He was all the time smiling... wait... did I say "smiling" nah.... he was LAUGHING!!!!! He really enjoyed this gig. I really needed something like this, cause I felt really disappointed in Porto.


Body guards were like a pain in our arses. And also in Mika´s arse. Mika realised they were avoiding us to record the gig :sneaky2: (I could record a couple of songs tho tongue.gif) and when a girl jumped into her boyfriend shoulders to wave Mika (and the b-guards ran to tell her to go down) Mika laughed,pointed to the girl and encouraged her to do it again :aah: (bad Mika). Of course the girl did it again and b-guards were all :hair: while Mika was still laughing his ass off...


I don´t remember which song was the last, when he suddenly said "Buenas noches Benidorm!! (Good night Benidorm)" and left... Many people was like :blink:, though we were sure he was about to come back since he still hadn´t sung EMD or Lollipop (oh the wonders fo being a hardcore...). Of course he came back, and presented EMD as "this is a weird song, made in error, and it´s number one in France. And it´s in French!!"


Oh,I forgot. He divided the crowd in two, as always, and he played what he thinks is funny (about bull, and bullfighter) and people "hates" a bit... We enjoy Mika, we know him, and we are sure that he doesn´t mean he likes our stupid tradition, but as happened in Vigo, people was a bit "distrustful" cause young people ARE against this tradition... anyway, he played the "toro and toreador" game (no matter how many times we say it´s not "toreador" but "torero", he always say the same) and killed his band as if there were bulls. BTW, Marcus was a bit reluctant to play, and Mika needed to tell him twice to leave the piano.


iMMa was absolutely fantastic as always. Ben is IN MY OPINION too bore to be in Mika´s band. Sorry, but after seeing Jimmy many times, it´s how I feel. Mika tried to play with him, but he was... how to say... embarrassed? I don´t know,I´m not judging his skills as a bassist, I know he´s good, it´s just about his way of acting on stage...


I think it was the same setlist that in Porto, plus Touches You.


I know this report may sound "unestructured" but I´ve just slept 5 hours and I´m way too happy!!


This time I took pics and vids. Now I´m uploading the vid of the meet and greets. He was :swoon:



Ok,done. Bye!!


Awww, glad to hear you had a great time!?:fangurl::huglove:

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Thanks :huglove:






BTW,don´t think I was skipping anyone´s tweets yesterday. You need to understand that it´s hard to type on a cell, and even more if people around you are jumping like monkeys :aah::aah:


I read all your tweets, but I didn´t want to reply to random tweets "ignoring" the rest, that´s why I didn´t reply anyone.


Oh:mf_rosetinted: i think you ignored everybody!:roftl:

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Lovey report Rosa. I can feel your excitement and joy reading it. :thumb_yello:




It´s a bit "bitter".... cause my best memories of meeting people are both in Portugal, first time in Lisbon, and second time in Porto. And only few people came to Benidorm, in fact, apart from Spanish friends, only Liliana and Kath were there (and I met Vicky :aah:), so if this gig would had been in Porto, I could say it was the best gig of my life.




Oh, my stepdaughter came with me (she´s 12) and he absolutely loved Mika.

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Well, I´m still shocked... I´m not gonna say this was the best gig ever (though I feel that now) cause I´m still hyper...


It´s not Mika´s first time in Spain, but it´s the first time he speaks Spanish that much. He started "apologizing" (the gig started a bit late) cause he just arrived 25 minutes before (seriously? :aah:) and that only after 5 flights (:aah:sorry, but while we were queueing like at 6pm or so, we were told that Mika just arrived in Alicante and he took a taxi,I don´t know what to believe but press said he really arrived late and needed to cancel all the interviews).


He was all the time smiling... wait... did I say "smiling" nah.... he was LAUGHING!!!!! He really enjoyed this gig. I really needed something like this, cause I felt really disappointed in Porto.


Body guards were like a pain in our arses. And also in Mika´s arse. Mika realised they were avoiding us to record the gig :sneaky2: (I could record a couple of songs tho tongue.gif) and when a girl jumped into her boyfriend shoulders to wave Mika (and the b-guards ran to tell her to go down) Mika laughed,pointed to the girl and encouraged her to do it again :aah: (bad Mika). Of course the girl did it again and b-guards were all :hair: while Mika was still laughing his ass off...


I don´t remember which song was the last, when he suddenly said "Buenas noches Benidorm!! (Good night Benidorm)" and left... Many people was like :blink:, though we were sure he was about to come back since he still hadn´t sung EMD or Lollipop (oh the wonders fo being a hardcore...). Of course he came back, and presented EMD as "this is a weird song, made in error, and it´s number one in France. And it´s in French!!"


Oh,I forgot. He divided the crowd in two, as always, and he played what he thinks is funny (about bull, and bullfighter) and people "hates" a bit... We enjoy Mika, we know him, and we are sure that he doesn´t mean he likes our stupid tradition, but as happened in Vigo, people was a bit "distrustful" cause young people ARE against this tradition... anyway, he played the "toro and toreador" game (no matter how many times we say it´s not "toreador" but "torero", he always says the same) and killed his band as if there were bulls. BTW, Marcus was a bit reluctant to play, and Mika needed to tell him twice to leave the piano.


iMMa was absolutely fantastic as always. Ben is IN MY OPINION too bore to be in Mika´s band. Sorry, but after seeing Jimmy many times, it´s how I feel. Mika tried to play with him, but he was... how to say... embarrassed? I don´t know,I´m not judging his skills as a bassist, I know he´s good, it´s just about his way of acting on stage...


I think it was the same setlist that in Porto, plus Touches You.


I know this report may sound "unestructured" but I´ve just slept 5 hours and I´m way too happy!!


This time I took pics and vids. Now I´m uploading the vid of the meet and greets. He was :swoon:



Ok,done. Bye!!


Thanks for your report :wink2: Happy for you :cheerful_h4h:


I think he used the flowers stage because today he is in Switzerland (in a french part) for the Paleo gig.


Mika lies like his concealer, he is number 12 of the sells with the song "Elle me dit" and number 8 on te french iTune store :naughty:

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Well, I´m still shocked... I´m not gonna say this was the best gig ever (though I feel that now) cause I´m still hyper...


It´s not Mika´s first time in Spain, but it´s the first time he speaks Spanish that much. He started "apologizing" (the gig started a bit late) cause he just arrived 25 minutes before (seriously? :aah:) and that only after 5 flights (:aah:sorry, but while we were queueing like at 6pm or so, we were told that Mika just arrived in Alicante and he took a taxi,I don´t know what to believe but press said he really arrived late and needed to cancel all the interviews).


He was all the time smiling... wait... did I say "smiling" nah.... he was LAUGHING!!!!! He really enjoyed this gig. I really needed something like this, cause I felt really disappointed in Porto.


Body guards were like a pain in our arses. And also in Mika´s arse. Mika realised they were avoiding us to record the gig :sneaky2: (I could record a couple of songs tho tongue.gif) and when a girl jumped into her boyfriend shoulders to wave Mika (and the b-guards ran to tell her to go down) Mika laughed,pointed to the girl and encouraged her to do it again :aah: (bad Mika). Of course the girl did it again and b-guards were all :hair: while Mika was still laughing his ass off...


I don´t remember which song was the last, when he suddenly said "Buenas noches Benidorm!! (Good night Benidorm)" and left... Many people was like :blink:, though we were sure he was about to come back since he still hadn´t sung EMD or Lollipop (oh the wonders fo being a hardcore...). Of course he came back, and presented EMD as "this is a weird song, made in error, and it´s number one in France. And it´s in French!!"


Oh,I forgot. He divided the crowd in two, as always, and he played what he thinks is funny (about bull, and bullfighter) and people "hates" a bit... We enjoy Mika, we know him, and we are sure that he doesn´t mean he likes our stupid tradition, but as happened in Vigo, people was a bit "distrustful" cause young people ARE against this tradition... anyway, he played the "toro and toreador" game (no matter how many times we say it´s not "toreador" but "torero", he always says the same) and killed his band as if there were bulls. BTW, Marcus was a bit reluctant to play, and Mika needed to tell him twice to leave the piano.


iMMa was absolutely fantastic as always. Ben is IN MY OPINION too bore to be in Mika´s band. Sorry, but after seeing Jimmy many times, it´s how I feel. Mika tried to play with him, but he was... how to say... embarrassed? I don´t know,I´m not judging his skills as a bassist, I know he´s good, it´s just about his way of acting on stage...


I think it was the same setlist that in Porto, plus Touches You.


I know this report may sound "unestructured" but I´ve just slept 5 hours and I´m way too happy!!


This time I took pics and vids. Now I´m uploading the vid of the meet and greets. He was :swoon:



Ok,done. Bye!!


can't wait to see you video:wub2:


Glad you had a great time:biggrin2:

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I knew I should have gone there! Loved your report Rosa! You deserved it after Porto!


It had been perfect if all the people from Porto would had been there....


Thanks for your report :wink2: Happy for you :cheerful_h4h:


I think he used the flowers stage because today he is in Switzerland (in a french part) for the Paleo gig.


Mika lies like his concealer, he is number 12 of the sells with the song "Elle me dit" and number 8 on te french iTune store :naughty:


You mean Mika lied??? :shocked: Our Mika?? :shocked: :shocked:


























can't wait to see you video:wub2:


Glad you had a great time:biggrin2:


Ask Mr. Youtube... he is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

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It had been perfect if all the people from Porto would had been there....




You mean Mika lied??? :shocked: Our Mika?? :shocked: :shocked:




























Ask Mr. Youtube... he is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow


he doesn't lie, he's telling HIS truth:roftl:

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he doesn't lie, he's telling HIS truth:roftl:


Yeah, the same as when he messed up lyrics again (don´t remember which song I think it was Kick Ass but I´m not sure) people were like "oh, he is wrong" us: "Mika wrong?? :shocked: NO WAY!! The lyrics ARE wrong,not Mika :shun:"

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