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Hello from Montréal!


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I'm speaking french normally so excuse me if I make mistake. I understand that english is easier here for everybody but for presentation I think I will do it in french, it will be easier.


Alors voilà je suis de Montréal et j'ai vraiment découvert Mika et son œuvre il y a 5 ans. J'ai entendu sa musique à la radio, ça m'a accroché, le rythme, sa voix, le son différent de ce que nous avons l'habitude d'entendre, j'ai été charmée quoi! Bref, j'ai demandé à mon chum c'était quoi, c'était qui et quelques jours plus tard il revenait à la maison avec un album de Mika.


Son album a joué en boucle par la suite parce que j'étais dans des moments difficiles de ma vie et le pétillant de sa musique me faisait du bien alors que ses textes me touchaient. Par la suite, Les choses se sont replacées et Mika est resté étant maintenant là pour me suivre dans certains des plus beaux moments de ma vie.


Depuis, j'ai acheté tous ses albums et ils jouent plus souvent qu'autrement au travail, en voiture, à la maison, mes enfants en sont donc aussi de grands amateurs (par obligation sans doute ????).


Cet hiver j'ai manqué le spectacle avec l'osm donc quand j'ai vu une prévente pour le festival de jazz j'ai tout fait pour avoir des billets et j'en ai eu! Donc samedi était ma première expérience d'un spectacle de Mika! Et wow! J'étais complètement sous le charme! Entre-temps j'ai vu passer le concours pour le show privé et pour une fois dans ma vie j'ai gagné! Je CA-POTAIS! De loin une de mes plus belles expériences à vie! C'était surréaliste!


En fouillant sur le net Facebook et autres j'ai découvert le fan club sur une photo alors me voici!


Alors voilà! Je suis parmi vous! Je suis loin d'avoir le parcours de certains ici avec des show un peu partout dans certaines parties du monde ou la chance d'assister à plus d'une représentations dans une même salle, mais je me considère tout de même une fan qui a une grande admiration pour l'artiste, mais aussi pour l'être humain.

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WELCOME!!!!! Bienvenue? I believe it is in French. Sorry I don't speak French but I bet everything you said was wonderful!


If you are more comfortable speaking french this is a good thread for you ---> http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/30329-french-speaking-thread-part-5/ there are LOTS of fellow fans from Quebec in that thread as well. You can also frequent the Canadian thread as well ---> http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/16924-the-canadian-thread-part-2/ ifyou feel like talking to a few more Canadians!


Have a great time and if you need any help I'm the Representative for Canada <3!

P.S. it would probably be nice to have a French speaking rep as well sorry >.< 

Edited by Salura22
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WELCOME!!!!! Bienvenue? I believe it is in French. Sorry I don't speak French but I bet everything you said was wonderful!


If you are more comfortable speaking french this is a good thread for you ---> http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/30329-french-speaking-thread-part-5/ there are LOTS of fellow fans from Quebec in that thread as well. You can also frequent the Canadian thread as well ---> http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/16924-the-canadian-thread-part-2/ ifyou feel like talking to a few more Canadians!


Have a great time and if you need any help I'm the Representative for Canada <3!

P.S. it would probably be nice to have a French speaking rep as well sorry >.<


Thanks for the bienvenue :)

I make a lot of mistakes when i write in english and it takes me more times to do it so thats why I was writing it in french ;)

I can try to do a short text so you can understand me ;)


I discover Mika 5 years ago on the radio, I didn't know him at all at that time. The music, the voice, the sound was different of what I was use to, so I fell in love if we can say that. My boyfriend knew it was Mika so he bought me a cd for me. I loved it from the start trought the end of the album. I had some difficult times at that time of my life so Mika's music was able to put a smile on my face at the same time the text of his songs was making sens for me... After that Mika's music stay with me for some most beautiful moment of my life so I think I can say his songs was there for me in bads and goods times.


Since, his music is always with me in the car, at work, at home, every where! I'm impressed by his talent to tell real things to touch me by his words and to be so smily at the same time... it depends the way we listen to him!


When he comes this winter for his show with OSM, I missed it and I was so sad to missed that concert so when I saw later this spring that he was coming for Festival de Jazz I did everything to have tickets! And I did! So last saturday it was the first time I saw him for real and WOW! What a show! What an artist, what a man! I was impressed! It was like to perfect to be true!

At the same time I heard about the secret concert on monday so I participate to have a chance to go see him and I pray if we can say so :) At the last minute I received the mail to say I had my chance to go and 2 days later I wished it was not finished! It was so perfect!


I found the MFC on a picture I saw on the internet so thats why I'm here now! :)

I don't have the chance to saw him in every single show like most of the people here, but I have a lot of admiration for Mika the artist and the man!


Thats the way I can make my presentation in english. I hope you can understand what I wrote (and you don't look for my mistakes in spelling or in sentences)

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Thanks for the bienvenue :)

I make a lot of mistakes when i write in english and it takes me more times to do it so thats why I was writing it in french ;)

I can try to do a short text so you can understand me ;)


I discover Mika 5 years ago on the radio, I didn't know him at all at that time. The music, the voice, the sound was different of what I was use to, so I fell in love if we can say that. My boyfriend knew it was Mika so he bought me a cd for me. I loved it from the start trought the end of the album. I had some difficult times at that time of my life so Mika's music was able to put a smile on my face at the same time the text of his songs was making sens for me... After that Mika's music stay with me for some most beautiful moment of my life so I think I can say his songs was there for me in bads and goods times.


Since, his music is always with me in the car, at work, at home, every where! I'm impressed by his talent to tell real things to touch me by his words and to be so smily at the same time... it depends the way we listen to him!


When he comes this winter for his show with OSM, I missed it and I was so sad to missed that concert so when I saw later this spring that he was coming for Festival de Jazz I did everything to have tickets! And I did! So last saturday it was the first time I saw him for real and WOW! What a show! What an artist, what a man! I was impressed! It was like to perfect to be true!

At the same time I heard about the secret concert on monday so I participate to have a chance to go see him and I pray if we can say so :) At the last minute I received the mail to say I had my chance to go and 2 days later I wished it was not finished! It was so perfect!


I found the MFC on a picture I saw on the internet so thats why I'm here now! :)

I don't have the chance to saw him in every single show like most of the people here, but I have a lot of admiration for Mika the artist and the man!


Thats the way I can make my presentation in english. I hope you can understand what I wrote (and you don't look for my mistakes in spelling or in sentences)


Lmaooo I'm not here to correct anyone, my native tongue is English and I still have horrible grammar, unless you would like me to correct you lol! Yeah a lot of  people here came to Mika in a hard time. He is quite the wonder. I'm glad you got to the Jazz festival, I had wanted to go so bad but couldn't get the time off work. I went to my first Mika concert in February, took the train and stayed in Montreal for a few days. I REALLY enjoyed it, I found everyone super friendly and polite I mean there were a few people not so friendly but you get that anywhere lmaoo! Honestly there are a lot of people on the MFC who have only been to a concert or two and even a few that have not been to any so don't worry about that part. 


P.S. Your English is actually really good. 

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Lmaooo I'm not here to correct anyone, my native tongue is English and I still have horrible grammar, unless you would like me to correct you lol! Yeah a lot of  people here came to Mika in a hard time. He is quite the wonder. I'm glad you got to the Jazz festival, I had wanted to go so bad but couldn't get the time off work. I went to my first Mika concert in February, took the train and stayed in Montreal for a few days. I REALLY enjoyed it, I found everyone super friendly and polite I mean there were a few people not so friendly but you get that anywhere lmaoo! Honestly there are a lot of people on the MFC who have only been to a concert or two and even a few that have not been to any so don't worry about that part. 


P.S. Your English is actually really good.


Thank you for that


I found Mika before i was having a rough time in my life. At first It was juste a way ton start the day with a smile and be bubblely (maybe is a new word from me!) but months later i began to have some problem in my life, so It was at that specific time where Mika began to be so important!

Now, everything is ok but Mika stay with me all the time! my son yesterday evening wanted to watch my 3 videos from monday private show before going to sleep. And this morning he was siing the best he can the songs in the car. My daughter had every single cd from to! I think it' sur because of me

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Thank you for that


I found Mika before i was having a rough time in my life. At first It was juste a way ton start the day with a smile and be bubblely (maybe is a new word from me!) but months later i began to have some problem in my life, so It was at that specific time where Mika began to be so important!

Now, everything is ok but Mika stay with me all the time! my son yesterday evening wanted to watch my 3 videos from monday private show before going to sleep. And this morning he was siing the best he can the songs in the car. My daughter had every single cd from to! I think it' sur because of me


they're gonna have great taste when they get older lmaooo!!!! I've been trying to get my neices and nephews into him aswell lmaoOo!!! No luck so far though lmaoo!!! Cept for my Youngest nieces! 

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Allo Isabelle!


Ton histoire ressemble à la mienne... Sauf que j'ai trouvé le MFC peu après Mika.


On s'est croisées ce weekend: j'étais au show de dimanche, et je n'ai pas pu me libérer pour lundi :(


Au plaisir de se croiser très bientôt :huglove:

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they're gonna have great taste when they get older lmaooo!!!! I've been trying to get my neices and nephews into him aswell lmaoOo!!! No luck so far though lmaoo!!! Cept for my Youngest nieces!


Yes they have great music taste! My boyfriend and I, more my boyfriend than me, are listening to many kind of music, so they have a lot of choices when it's time to choose something, but they can't resist for Mika (and that's a great thing )

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Allo Isabelle!

Ton histoire ressemble à la mienne... Sauf que j'ai trouvé le MFC peu après Mika.

On s'est croisées ce weekend: j'étais au show de dimanche, et je n'ai pas pu me libérer pour lundi :(

Au plaisir de se croiser très bientôt :huglove:

J'étais à celui de samedi.... Mais on aura sans doute l'occasion de se croiser au prochain car c'est décidé je ne veux plus le manquer!

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Thank you to everyone! I feel welcome


I don't have enough time to come often, but it's always a pleasure to read people talking about Mika


Hoping he will come back soon in my part of the world!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bonjour. Izabeil  :original:  


Je viens de lire votre agreable presentation.  Merci. :)   Profitez et amusez vous bien ici. Bonne journee!

Bisous :wub:





I'm speaking french normally so excuse me if I make mistake. I understand that english is easier here for everybody but for presentation I think I will do it in french, it will be easier.

Alors voilà je suis de Montréal et j'ai vraiment découvert Mika et son œuvre il y a 5 ans. J'ai entendu sa musique à la radio, ça m'a accroché, le rythme, sa voix, le son différent de ce que nous avons l'habitude d'entendre, j'ai été charmée quoi! Bref, j'ai demandé à mon chum c'était quoi, c'était qui et quelques jours plus tard il revenait à la maison avec un album de Mika.

Son album a joué en boucle par la suite parce que j'étais dans des moments difficiles de ma vie et le pétillant de sa musique me faisait du bien alors que ses textes me touchaient. Par la suite, Les choses se sont replacées et Mika est resté étant maintenant là pour me suivre dans certains des plus beaux moments de ma vie.

Depuis, j'ai acheté tous ses albums et ils jouent plus souvent qu'autrement au travail, en voiture, à la maison, mes enfants en sont donc aussi de grands amateurs (par obligation sans doute ).

Cet hiver j'ai manqué le spectacle avec l'osm donc quand j'ai vu une prévente pour le festival de jazz j'ai tout fait pour avoir des billets et j'en ai eu! Donc samedi était ma première expérience d'un spectacle de Mika! Et wow! J'étais complètement sous le charme! Entre-temps j'ai vu passer le concours pour le show privé et pour une fois dans ma vie j'ai gagné! Je CA-POTAIS! De loin une de mes plus belles expériences à vie! C'était surréaliste!

En fouillant sur le net Facebook et autres j'ai découvert le fan club sur une photo alors me voici!

Alors voilà! Je suis parmi vous! Je suis loin d'avoir le parcours de certains ici avec des show un peu partout dans certaines parties du monde ou la chance d'assister à plus d'une représentations dans une même salle, mais je me considère tout de même une fan qui a une grande admiration pour l'artiste, mais aussi pour l'être humain

Edited by MyEtoileMk
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