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2016 - Anfiteatro Camerini in Piazzola Sul Brenta (PD) ITALY-- 12 July: Reports/Pics/Vids


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Setlist by allegra

  1. No Place in Heaven
  2. Big girl
  3. Talk about you
  4. Grace Kelly
  5. Blu eyes
  6. Billy Brown
  7. Good wife
  8. Rain
  9. Boum boum boum
  10. Good guys
  11. Relax
  12. Underwater
  13. Staring at the sun
  14. Lollipop
  15. Beautiful disaster
  16. Happy ending
  17. Elle me dit
  18. Stardust
  19. We are golden
  20. Last party
  21. Love today 










Tillymilo( aka Grazia ) by Lucrezia

Sabrina Charlie







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I really don’t know what to write. Oh yes: sorry for mistakes, English isn’t my mother tongue ;) I started writing yesterday night, but then I was too tired. Well, this was my first Mika Gig and I was soooo excited! And in the end I was totally satisfied :D It was a very big concert, full of energy. Amazing *-*
I was very surprised to hear old songs like Blue Eyes, Billy Brown. I literally gasped and hold my breath. Wow. Yes, a lot of “WOW”!
We had to wait a while because it started quite late (at 21.45). Xylaroo, the support band, was good. I wasn’t in the front but it doesn’t matter because it was magic anyway. I was more or less in the centre, so good view of the stage.
Magic moments were when we all sang quietly, all a big chorus. Or Underwater, the stars. Good Wife, Good guys. I loved the beginning of Rain. And so many other songs I can’t remember. It was a big party! I enjoyed every moment. I didn’t took a lot of photos or videos because I wanted to enjoy it without thoughts. I really enjoyed every little second.
Funny moments that have to be mentioned: Big BUG, you are beautiful! XD He came out singing No Place in Heaven. And everything started. Than a little prayer. And than… A bug! There was this horrible, green bug on his piano and he couldn’t play. He didn’t want to kill it so he took his time to remove it. And than he sang “Big Bug, You Are Beautiful”. Laughed so much.
Than Boum Boum Boum. Somebody made a bill on which there was written “boum boum boum”. Mika took it and like in old tv programmes, then they showed the bill “applause” so the public would applause, he showed the “boum boum boum” bill. Very funny! :D
And then, the other big star of the night: the pan. Yes, the pan. A pan arrived on the stage, Mika took it and we and Mika were all like “What? Really? A pan?”. But then he used it to tell us the story of Lollipop Girl. All the musicians around the piano with drum-sticks. And of course they beat on the pan (and on the piano too, but at the beginning only on the pan to make the sound of an arriving train). Oh, a funny story.
What else? The confettis at the end *-* a lovely surprise. In fact I tried not to read and not to see any report or video, in order to make the concert a surprise. And it was. Amazing, pure energy, joy and magic. Oh, we were in another world.

Edited by Ele.Magna
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I really don’t know what to write. Oh yes: sorry for mistakes, English isn’t my mother tongue ;) I started writing yesterday night, but then I was too tired. Well, this was my first Mika Gig and I was soooo excited! And in the end I was totally satisfied :D It was a very big concert, full of energy. Amazing *-*

I was very surprised to hear old songs like Blue Eyes, Billy Brown. I literally gasped and hold my breath. Wow. Yes, a lot of “WOW”!

We had to wait a while because it started quite late (at 21.45). Xylaroo, the support band, was good. I wasn’t in the front but it doesn’t matter because it was magic anyway. I was more or less in the centre, so good view of the stage.

Magic moments were when we all sang quietly, all a big chorus. Or Underwater, the stars. Good Wife, Good guys. I loved the beginning of Rain. And so many other songs I can’t remember. It was a big party! I enjoyed every moment. I didn’t took a lot of photos or videos because I wanted to enjoy it without thoughts. I really enjoyed every little second.

Funny moments that have to be mentioned: Big BUG, you are beautiful! XD He came out singing No Place in Heaven. And everything started. Than a little prayer. And than… A bug! There was this horrible, green bug on his piano and he couldn’t play. He didn’t want to kill it so he took his time to remove it. And than he sang “Big Bug, You Are Beautiful”. Laughed so much.

Than Boum Boum Boum. Somebody made a bill on which there was written “boum boum boum”. Mika took it and like in old tv programmes, then they showed the bill “applause” so the public would applause, he showed the “boum boum boum” bill. Very funny! :D

And then, the other big star of the night: the pan. Yes, the pan. Somebody threw a pan on the stage, Mika took it and we and Mika were all like “What? Really? A pan?”. But then he used it to tell us the story of Lollipop Girl. All the musicians around the piano with drum-sticks. And of course they heated on the pan (and on the piano too, but at the beginning only on the pan to make the sound of an arriving train). Oh, a funny story.

What else? The confettis at the end *-* a lovely surprise. In fact I tried not to read and not to see any report or video, in order to make the concert a surprise. And it was. Amazing, pure energy, joy and magic. Oh, we were in another world.

Thanks for your very heartfelt report. Great to read. Glad you enjoyed your first gig with such a great/funny performance!

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Thanks for your report Ele.Magna!  :thumb_yello:  Just curios how on earth someone could get through the security with a pan??  :shocked:


I really don’t know XD But it wasn’t a big one, it could stay in a bag. It was threw by someone close to the stage so nobody got hurt and everything went (luckily) well.

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I really don’t know XD But it wasn’t a big one, it could stay in a bag. It was threw by someone close to the stage so nobody got hurt and everything went (luckily) well.


I know,I've seen the video on twitter,it was a funny moment  :naughty:

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And then, the other big star of the night: the pan. Yes, the pan. Somebody threw a pan on the stage, Mika took it and we and Mika were all like “What? Really? A pan?”. But then he used it to tell us the story of Lollipop Girl. All the musicians around the piano with drum-sticks. And of course they heated on the pan (and on the piano too, but at the beginning only on the pan to make the sound of an arriving train). Oh, a funny story.



Thanks a lot for your lovely report, the mystery of PAN is solved. :teehee:

I wondered what happened !


Twitter CLIP


MP4 : https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/753169664851767296/pu/vid/312x180/Hiwez4eCMa9rkQzN.mp4






Thanks a lot Vally !





Edited by Kumazzz
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Mika, le foto e il report del concerto di Piazzola Sul Brenta (PD) del 12 luglio 2016



Serata facile facile quella di ieri sera per l’istrionico Mika, che conquista Piazzola e l’anfiteatro Camerini grazie alle sue doti di cantante, conduttore e mattatore e anche alla presenza involontaria e non prevista di un insetto… ma andiamo con ordine.


Presentatosi sul palco in un impeccabile abito nero, camicia bianca e giacca con le code, fra un brano ed un siparietto, una gag e un momento di riflessione, il buon Mika tende i suoi coloratissimi arcobaleni fatti di colori, musica e tanto mestiere, nella ricerca di quel suo angolo di paradiso da condividere, per una sera, col pubblico caloroso e partecipe accorso a vederlo in quella che è stata una serata all’insegna del divertimento.


Le doti di improvvisatore si vedono fin dalle prime canzoni, quando un esserino verde si intrufola fra i tasti del suo pianoforte regalando all’artista un’imprevista quanto mal digerita presenza, che il cantante gestisce a suo favore sfruttandola per un siparietto da vero cabarettista in cui il piccolo insetto diventa protagonista di una “Big Bug” (cover di “Big Girl”) da urlo che lancia tutti eccitati e spediti a intonare a squarciagola il testo di una “Grace Kelly” che conquista tutti.


Intanto la bestiolina scende dal piano e viene graziata, dopo essere stata omaggiata musicalmente.


La scaletta offre quanto di meglio il cantante Libanese abbia nel suo repertorio e anche se i suoni sono, diciamola, anche un po’ esagerati e sparati nella prima parte, il suo farsetto esce tutto sommato con la lode per la prova proposta. Certo si ha l’impressione che le reazioni del pubblico e la sua complicità siano frutto non solo delle doti del musicista quanto più di quelle dell’intrattenitore: a tal proposito è palpabile la presa e il riscontro ottenuto con una fetta del pubblico venuta a cercare più il personaggio televisivo che quello musicale. Ma questo fa parte del gioco se hai a che fare con una artista così poliedrico, che in una carriera tutto sommato breve si è già concesso molto a livello mediatico, specie nel nostro paese tanto da poter presentare durante lo show anche un nuovo progetto televisivo che lo vedrà protagonista in autunno sulla rete nazionale, realizzando con la folla in delirio anche uno sketch promozionale che rende tutti un po’ protagonisti.


Notevoli le scene e i giochi di luce che con colori e un bel po’ di freschezza portano tutti in una sorta di regressione fanciullesca, in una dimensione giocosa e allegra che ben si sposa con la proposta musicale e la valorizza anche quando i temi si fanno più seriosi perché si sa che per quanto scanzonato, Mika è uno che sa trattare con estrema decisione anche tematiche scottanti come quelle del bullismo e dell’emarginazione, ma sempre per far spuntare un sorriso dettato da un incurabile ottimismo. E questo sicuramente è il valore aggiunto di una serata come quella di ieri.




















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Corriere del Veneto



Mika, un’esplosione di pop   Le coinvolgenti vibrazioni dell’artista libanese hanno fatto ballare l’anfiteatro Camerini


PIAZZOLA SUL BRENTA Nella serata del 12 luglio Mika è stato protagonista di un suggestivo concerto all’anfiteatro Camerini di Piazzola sul Brenta (Padova), quarta data del tour estivo italiano dell’artista. Il tour in otto date, annunciato a dicembre scorso dopo l’uscita del suo ultimo album “No place in heaven”, l’ha visto protagonista anche di eventi culturali attesissimi dell’estate italiana, come il Pistoia Blues festival e l’Umbria Jazz di Perugia. Proseguirà il 17 luglio con il Collisioni, a Barolo, per finire poi con tre dare a Trieste, Chieti e Roma. Sul palco della villa campeggia la scritta «Heaven», pronta ad illuminarsi a ritmo della performance dell’artista 32enne e della sua band, che di certo non perde occasione per intrattenere il pubblico e farlo divertire.


L’istrionico intrattenitore libanese, cresciuto in Inghilterra, ha incantato per due ore con i suoi successi vecchi e nuovi: da Grace Kelly a Good Guys, passando per Beautiful disaster, originariamente un duetto con Fedez, Rain e Relax – riletti in chiave dance -, Stardust e We are Golden. Oscillando tra il centro del palco e il piano suonato con maestria, Mika ha saputo commuovere sulle note di Under Water e Happy ending, performance in cui, abbandonato il microfono, ha regalato con la sua voce magistrale un piccolo stacco a cappella ai fan. Con la sua personalità frizzante e simpatica, il cantante non ha risparmiato battute e sorprese, uscendo anche dagli schemi, come durante l’esecuzione del suo successo Lollipop, in cui al posto della consueta batteria ha fatto suonare alla band una padella regalatagli da un fan.


Tutto questo condito da un’estensione vocale tra le più interessanti del panorama musicale internazionale e da una carica ininterrotta di energia, che ha visto il pubblico in delirio durante la performance del suo successo in francese Boum Boum Boum e Love today. D’altronde i fan italiani Mika li aveva conquistati già da anni con il suo charme e la sua simpatia nella sua veste di giudice di X Factor Italia nelle più recenti edizioni targate Sky. Ma il cantante non mancherà per molto tempo dai nostri teleschermi, perché ha già annunciato uno show tutto suo, in onda da settembre sui Rai2, in cui racconterà il paese che lo adottato. E con il suo mix di bravura, energia, profondità e personalità esplosiva, sicuramente non deluderà i fan nemmeno in questa nuova avventura.

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Thanks a lot for your lovely report, the mystery of PAN is solved.

Hello :bye:


The mistery of the pan is not solved...

Why a person in his right mind should bring a frying pan to a concert? :lmfao:

And he/she was in the middle of the crowd! Not in first row where usually people give to popstars any kind of object!


At the next concert we will see lampshades, sewing machines, screwdrivers or colanders?  :fisch:

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:bow: Could anyone post the SETLIST ?


No Place in Heaven
Big girl
Talk about you
Grace Kelly
Blu eyes
Billy Brown
Good wife
Boum boum boum
Good guys
Staring at the sun
Beautiful disaster
Happy ending
Elle me dit
We are golden
Last party
Love today
Edited by allegra
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The mistery of the pan is not solved...

Why a person in his right mind should bring a frying pan to a concert? :lmfao:

And he/she was in the middle of the crowd! Not in first row where usually people give to popstars any kind of object!


At the next concert we will see lampshades, sewing machines, screwdrivers or colanders?  :fisch:


I see people already asked her about that :teehee:   https://twitter.com/beabaraldi/with_replies

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No Place in Heaven
Big girl
Talk about you
Grace Kelly
Blu eyes
Billy Brown
Good wife
Boum boum boum
Good guys
Staring at the sun
Beautiful disaster
Happy ending
Elle me dit
We are golden
Last party
Love today



Nice setlist, but... where is RELAX? :shocked:

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My best Mika gig so far, I find he sang really well. And I think that "gig" isn't the right term, it was a show, and what a show !!! 

Mika is growing professionally and artistically imo, and is becoming a terrific entertainer.

He was very generous with us and could turn every small thing (like a bug on the piano :naughty:) into a new element of his performance.  :cheerful_h4h:

Oh, and I spent half of the time like this  :jawdrop:  (it's becoming a habit, I suppose)

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I really don’t know what to write. Oh yes: sorry for mistakes, English isn’t my mother tongue ;) I started writing yesterday night, but then I was too tired. Well, this was my first Mika Gig and I was soooo excited! And in the end I was totally satisfied :D It was a very big concert, full of energy. Amazing *-*

I was very surprised to hear old songs like Blue Eyes, Billy Brown. I literally gasped and hold my breath. Wow. Yes, a lot of “WOW”!

We had to wait a while because it started quite late (at 21.45). Xylaroo, the support band, was good. I wasn’t in the front but it doesn’t matter because it was magic anyway. I was more or less in the centre, so good view of the stage.

Magic moments were when we all sang quietly, all a big chorus. Or Underwater, the stars. Good Wife, Good guys. I loved the beginning of Rain. And so many other songs I can’t remember. It was a big party! I enjoyed every moment. I didn’t took a lot of photos or videos because I wanted to enjoy it without thoughts. I really enjoyed every little second.

Funny moments that have to be mentioned: Big BUG, you are beautiful! XD He came out singing No Place in Heaven. And everything started. Than a little prayer. And than… A bug! There was this horrible, green bug on his piano and he couldn’t play. He didn’t want to kill it so he took his time to remove it. And than he sang “Big Bug, You Are Beautiful”. Laughed so much.

Than Boum Boum Boum. Somebody made a bill on which there was written “boum boum boum”. Mika took it and like in old tv programmes, then they showed the bill “applause” so the public would applause, he showed the “boum boum boum” bill. Very funny! :D

And then, the other big star of the night: the pan. Yes, the pan. Somebody threw a pan on the stage, Mika took it and we and Mika were all like “What? Really? A pan?”. But then he used it to tell us the story of Lollipop Girl. All the musicians around the piano with drum-sticks. And of course they beat on the pan (and on the piano too, but at the beginning only on the pan to make the sound of an arriving train). Oh, a funny story.

What else? The confettis at the end *-* a lovely surprise. In fact I tried not to read and not to see any report or video, in order to make the concert a surprise. And it was. Amazing, pure energy, joy and magic. Oh, we were in another world.


Great report - so happy you enjoyed the gig :thumb_yello:


I love the confetti, glad he has started using it again :naughty:

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