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Have you met/spent time with Mika? AKA The Really Really Really Lucky Person's Thread


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  • dcdeb changed the title to Have you met/spent time with Mika? AKA The Really Really Really Lucky Person's Thread

Nice thread! :) I have, and it's far too much to sum up, as I've been following him since 2007... but there are several reviews also of meeting Mika, by me and others, in the concert reviews section. For example I've written about the last 2 times I met him, in Tarvisio and Monaco.

As a short summary of what meeting him is like:  :wub2: :mikalove: :swoon: :cloud: :biggrin2: :wootjump:

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This video summarizes my first real discussion with Mika, about the bundle loaded with 35 handmade gifts for his 35th birthday, at a recording release of The Voice. :wub2: I was so impressed! :blush:



And this second video is during the signing session in Paris on October 12, 2019! A waking dream... :lustslow: even if I could barely line up 3 words in a row!!!! lol :teehee:



Mika is so ADORABLE! :blush:


I wish from the bottom of my heart ❤️ to everyone to experience this at least once in their life.  :wootjump:

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6 hours ago, mellody said:

Nice thread! :) I have, and it's far too much to sum up, as I've been following him since 2007... but there are several reviews also of meeting Mika, by me and others, in the concert reviews section. For example I've written about the last 2 times I met him, in Tarvisio and Monaco.

As a short summary of what meeting him is like:  :wub2: :mikalove: :swoon: :cloud: :biggrin2: :wootjump:


Karin has summed up what meeting Mika is like, for sure - especially the first time you meet him. :fangurl:


I've been lucky enough to speak to him many times over the past 16+ years, but the first time I actually met him was back in June 2007, after the first time I saw him perform live, here in DC. There was a group of us who caught the attention of Mika's then-manager, who brought us up to the VIP area after the show so we could get autographs and photos. Mika was actually ill with a chest infection -- he told us that doctors had told him not to perform that night -- but still, after giving 1000% during the show, Mika spent time with every single one of us.  He had something positive to say about everything we gave him (of course we all had small gifts), whether it was a simple, "I love it," to something more detailed and specific about whatever it was. He smiled, joked, signed things, posed for photos and just generally seemed to be grateful to us for being there, as if he couldn't quite believe how much we loved him, how highly we thought of him. In short, he was just the same kind, funny, very warm and genuine person we'd been learning to admire through his interviews at the time. He seemed like "the real deal" to me then (as now) and his positivity and attitude were simply inspirational to me -- just what I needed at that time in my life.


Here are a few photos of that meeting:






So that was my first time.


And Bristol Sounds Festival back in June was the most recent time. You can find the video of our little meet & greet with Mika in the Concert Reviews section.


I hope others chime in -- there are lots here who have met him quite a few times and have probably had more interactions than me!


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Oh, I wanted to add one more little detail about meeting Mika -- but from a different time.


So I met him in June '07, and then again after a gig in Glasgow (yes, Scotland!) in November '07. Then I went to a show in NYC in February '08. Standing outside in the bitter cold after the show, waiting and waiting, and he finally comes out to say hello to everyone. He speaks to a few fans, then suddenly he's standing directly in front of me. In my head, I have planned everything that I want to say, introduce myself, who I am, talk about MFC, say how wonderful the show was, etc. etc. Before I can get a word out, he says, "We've met before." He pauses a second. "Glasgow." :blink: I am stunned. Everything I had meant to say, including my name, has flown out of my addled brain. I'm lucky I remember how to breathe. "Yes. And Washington DC," I somehow manage to stammer. After that, I don't know what I said, or what he said. I just know a few seconds later he was smiling, shaking my hand, and moving on to the next person. How could he possibly have remembered where he had met me before? So many fans, so many shows, so many miles in between? Anyway, my point is, that's one of the things about Mika. He always manages to surprise you. Always.

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Oh I love reading your stories and seeing your footage, I will try to chime in.


First time I met him was in Paris where I had won tickets for the first gig during the pandemic, September 2021. I was so starstruck, but also dumbfounded to see that he was actually a real person :lol3: that I hid behind @mellody’s back upon seeing him:



He also came out after many concerts last and this season and takes time to sign things and say hi, which is a very nice bonus after a show. But there are usually so many people, that sometimes it can get very pushy and some are even screaming. So to avoid taking part in that, I would print my artwork on my phone (portraits of Mika, I have drawn him embarrassingly often by now :sweatdrop:) and ask him to sign it. I promised myself I would do that until I would muster the courage to actually speak to him. 

Meanwhile, I don’t hide behind anyone’s back anymore, nor my phone :biggrin2: and have found the courage to say hi. He’s a very genuine, very kind and at the same time just a regular normal guy who is actually quite shy and probably just as awkward as his fans when he comes out. I appreciate him as an artist, but I also appreciate him as a person and I think it’s beautiful to see that he has remained consistent in both of these worlds. 

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For me it was in Verona September 2022 when he came out of a restaurant at around 1.30 in the morning. I was behind some other fans and I just said “Mika do you want another heart?” (during the concert I threw a highlighter yellow knitted heart on stage while he was singing TINY LOVE, he picked it up and smiled at it then put it inside of his jacket where his heart is and a little later he put it in his pocket………then jumped on his piano…….towards the end of the song he took the heart out of his pocket again and sang with it, again……..I was flabbergasted ),  Mika said yes he wanted the heart so I threw it at him, he caught it then asked me if I had made the little yellow one I said yes, then he goes on about my hearts looking a little bit like devil hearts, they have horns, I tried to tell him that I threw another heart on stage and he goes no I have the yellow one, and I say no another one but it went into the gap of that large blow up balloon heart you yourself  had on stage…………but my words didn’t come out of my mouth correctly, I wasn’t coherent, Mika was so funny and I was indeed a little drunk………………🙈🤣 If I had known this was going to happen to me at 1.30 in the morning I would never have had all of those “Aperol Spritz’s” after the concert. The video which is on my Instagram account is one of my favourites. He is such an amazing human being. I can say that I love this man with all my heart……………….. or hearts even………………….but only when I’m drunk.

Edited by Patricia Birden
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8 minutes ago, dcdeb said:

How could he possibly have remembered where he had met me before? So many fans, so many shows, so many miles in between? Anyway, my point is, that's one of the things about Mika. He always manages to surprise you. Always.

Oh yes, I agree! The first time I presented him a phone case with my artwork to sign, he signed it, looked me straight in the eye and said “thank you” with a smile. It was after the London Roundhouse and he was in a hurry, so he didn’t stay to chat and just quickly signed things and said hello here and there. 
To this day I do not know exactly what he thanked me for, but most likely my artwork which he must’ve recognized while signing. There are so many people drawing him, it was unlikely he would remember that specific drawing. But I think he did.

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8 minutes ago, dcdeb said:

Oh, I wanted to add one more little detail about meeting Mika -- but from a different time.


So I met him in June '07, and then again after a gig in Glasgow (yes, Scotland!) in November '07. Then I went to a show in NYC in February '08. Standing outside in the bitter cold after the show, waiting and waiting, and he finally comes out to say hello to everyone. He speaks to a few fans, then suddenly he's standing directly in front of me. In my head, I have planned everything that I want to say, introduce myself, who I am, talk about MFC, say how wonderful the show was, etc. etc. Before I can get a word out, he says, "We've met before." He pauses a second. "Glasgow." :blink: I am stunned. Everything I had meant to say, including my name, has flown out of my addled brain. I'm lucky I remember how to breathe. "Yes. And Washington DC," I somehow manage to stammer. After that, I don't know what I said, or what he said. I just know a few seconds later he was smiling, shaking my hand, and moving on to the next person. How could he possibly have remembered where he had met me before? So many fans, so many shows, so many miles in between? Anyway, my point is, that's one of the things about Mika. He always manages to surprise you. Always.

Deb, that's a wonderful story! What an amazing memory. :wub2:


Hmm, have I met him? I've been lucky enough to see him perform live a few times over the last 2 years, so have been there when he comes out afterwards... but I never had anything to get signed and wasn't sure what I'd say, so tended to hang back and watch how sweetly he handled the madness. I've been close to him a few times:swoon: , but actually met, to say hi and have a chat? No not yet. Times not felt right. It'll come. 


The most I've done was in Cattolica. I had a present for him, but he'd just stepped past where I got to the fence, and I couldn't see him properly because of the girls standing on the ledge. Hoping for the best, I held the gift bag through the railings (probably knee height for him:lmfao:) and called "Mika!".  Started to look around for a better point in the line, when I realised a hand was on the bag. Yes, his. Time kind of stopped. I looked up and there were a pair of warm, kind, quizzical eyes looking at me. :wub2: I melted, and froze for what seemed an eternity (probably just a couple of seconds, but, you know...). Part of my brain screamed at me "say something!" Well, I'd been so focused on getting the present and getting it to him, I hadn't actually thought about what to say. Words tumbled around my head, but I was rooted to the ground and couldn't think straight under that gaze. :hypo: I heard another part of my brain shout "What? What do I say?" and then from somewhere (and to this day I have yet to track down the errant braincell) the reply "You're in Italy, speak Italian!". :blink: Um, I don't, except for a few basics. So I looked into those lovely eyes and stammered out a halting " p.. per te?.." He looked slightly confused, but nodded and said "grazie" in return. :wub2:

Time returned to normal, he went to the next fan and I stood back to let someone else in. All while feeling a very unusual mix of elation (I spoke to him! He spoke to me! I gave him a gift! YES!:boing:) and complete embarrassment (what just happened? We're both English, why did I try to speak to him in Italian? Is he going to remember that, if I speak English next time?! I'm going to have to explain aren't I? Oh god. :facepalm: )


Which was a long reply to say I've not really met him yet - but I have had some great moments. :lustslow: And yes, when he's focussed on you, nothing else matters. 


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11 minutes ago, Hero said:

We're both English, why did I try to speak to him in Italian? Is he going to remember that, if I speak English next time?! I'm going to have to explain aren't I? Oh go

Oh, Hero, you made me snort out loud! I can so relate! About looking back and not understanding your own self, because, well, moment of total brain shut down overwhelm going to another planet!!


These posts have been so wonderful.  I am so very excited when I get notified about another one being posted. They are each like opening a package. 

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31 minutes ago, Hero said:

"You're in Italy, speak Italian!". :blink: Um, I don't, except for a few basics. So I looked into those lovely eyes and stammered out a halting " p.. per te?.." He looked slightly confused, but nodded and said "grazie" in return. :wub2:


31 minutes ago, Hero said:

We're both English, why did I try to speak to him in Italian?

I’m wheezing, this is hilarious!!  :floor: It’s so out of character that it’s absolutely adorable!! 

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5 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

I’m wheezing, this is hilarious!!  :floor: It’s so out of character that it’s absolutely adorable!! 

Trust me, I do stupid quite often. Particularly where he's involved. :lmfao:

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1 hour ago, Hero said:

Deb, that's a wonderful story! What an amazing memory. :wub2:


Hmm, have I met him? I've been lucky enough to see him perform live a few times over the last 2 years, so have been there when he comes out afterwards... but I never had anything to get signed and wasn't sure what I'd say, so tended to hang back and watch how sweetly he handled the madness. I've been close to him a few times:swoon: , but actually met, to say hi and have a chat? No not yet. Times not felt right. It'll come. 


The most I've done was in Cattolica. I had a present for him, but he'd just stepped past where I got to the fence, and I couldn't see him properly because of the girls standing on the ledge. Hoping for the best, I held the gift bag through the railings (probably knee height for him:lmfao:) and called "Mika!".  Started to look around for a better point in the line, when I realised a hand was on the bag. Yes, his. Time kind of stopped. I looked up and there were a pair of warm, kind, quizzical eyes looking at me. :wub2: I melted, and froze for what seemed an eternity (probably just a couple of seconds, but, you know...). Part of my brain screamed at me "say something!" Well, I'd been so focused on getting the present and getting it to him, I hadn't actually thought about what to say. Words tumbled around my head, but I was rooted to the ground and couldn't think straight under that gaze. :hypo: I heard another part of my brain shout "What? What do I say?" and then from somewhere (and to this day I have yet to track down the errant braincell) the reply "You're in Italy, speak Italian!". :blink: Um, I don't, except for a few basics. So I looked into those lovely eyes and stammered out a halting " p.. per te?.." He looked slightly confused, but nodded and said "grazie" in return. :wub2:

Time returned to normal, he went to the next fan and I stood back to let someone else in. All while feeling a very unusual mix of elation (I spoke to him! He spoke to me! I gave him a gift! YES!:boing:) and complete embarrassment (what just happened? We're both English, why did I try to speak to him in Italian? Is he going to remember that, if I speak English next time?! I'm going to have to explain aren't I? Oh god. :facepalm: )


Which was a long reply to say I've not really met him yet - but I have had some great moments. :lustslow: And yes, when he's focussed on you, nothing else matters. 


Lovely story - and that would be so me I guess - except that you were still two words better than I would be... in any language! :lmfao: 

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17 hours ago, mellody said:

The chaotic report of my first meeting with Mika :lol3:



I remember this! And also the time you saw him at the airport in Ibiza - that was a memorable report, too! :)

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2 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:

I LOVED reading this report! ❤️


Back in the old days, when we used to write a little more on the forums than we do now,  there were some amazingly detailed and fun reports to read. It's a shame we don't all still do it now, but I guess Twitter and Instagram take up too much of our time and attention these days.

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16 minutes ago, dcdeb said:


Back in the old days, when we used to write a little more on the forums than we do now,  there were some amazingly detailed and fun reports to read. It's a shame we don't all still do it now, but I guess Twitter and Instagram take up too much of our time and attention these days.


It's the time on one hand, but also the motivation... with a video on IG, Twitter or Tiktok you just get more attention, maybe even a like or repost from Mika. In the early days there was only myspace, so we spent most of our online time on the forum, sometimes adding 15 pages per hour to a thread. 😅 And we had to split long reports into several posts, as the length was limited.


However, I recently tried to start writing reports again, it's just a nice memory for myself to keep a record of the gigs I went to - and although not many people might see them here, it's so nice to have a thread for every Mika gig, full of fans' memories and footage. So just randomly and a bit OT, a huge thank you to everyone who shares their concert experiences & videos here on MFC! :flowers2:

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I love to read stories as well from people who are meeting him now at this more mature stage of many of our lives!

Also, some of us (ahem) are old and have no other break up crying GIFSocial Media involvement….


(despite using that gif I am not sad about that fact at all. I wish we would all end the social media focus that has replaced real conversation, in many cases real relationships and go back to how we related in the last century….but that is another conversation for another place. 

Edited by QueenBigFat
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I agree, I love reading the reports as they are obviously more subjective and convey the emotions that the person felt at the gig. While I love seeing all the videos of Mika on Insta, they don't add anything "new" after a while. And I like when the videos get posted in the gig threads here so I can find and watch them again later. Cause on insta they disappear or if they're posted as reels, I would still never find them again!

I must admit it took me a while to get used to the whole forum format but I do like it now for those reasons and the fact that it's entirely our own place.  I guess I wish it wouldn't seem as foreign and complicated to us younger fans (I can't even explain WHY it felt like that) 😅



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12 hours ago, QueenBigFat said:

PS can somebody tell my why the gifs I post are so huge and shouting??!

My gif turned out huge as well. Not sure you can change the size of a picture you upload?!

As for the placing you have to make sure that the cursor is where you want the gif to be before you click on "insert". Bit hard to explain, sorry!

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Yeah, I also tried to upload a picture of my rescue dog as my official photo (he is ever so much prettier than I am!!) but the app refused it as being too big a file, and I have no idea how to shrink it.

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