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2007 - Mika review and pictures on www.m6.fr


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Hey thanks!!

I was surprised, I understood the article! :shocked:

Maybe I really did learn something in my French lessons in the past!

I should read more French...


Nice to know the pics were taken yesterday!

And the next gig is the one where Im in..! ^_^

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I like the most the ones, where he is in monkey suit xD I have a reflection: He starts as a bird (?), then he takes his jacket off, his braces down... Then he appears as a monkey... Great idea! xD Maybe this image he owes to the visit in London ZOO? :P

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I'm sorry I didn't translate the review... here it goes...


(and by the way... don't you LUV those red braces ?! :mf_lustslow: )

French version:


Mika, phénomène musical !


05/04/07 : Mika, phénomène musical !

Mika était en concert mercredi soir à Paris. Anglo-libanais de 23 ans seulement, allures de mannequin, ovni musical, autodidacte, voix hors-norme, il est le phénomène musical de ce début d'année. Pour sa première scène parisienne, il a fait un tabac ! Mika, ce sont des opéras pop en technicolor, de la musique arc en ciel, élégante et colorée. Et dire qu'il a dû se battre pendant deux et demi contre des producteurs qui voulaient le formater, le faire ressembler à d'autres. Lui a tenu bon et l'industrie du disque a bien dû l'admettre. Mika, c'est un style unique !

Dans trois mois, il sera à l'Olympia mais le concert est déjà complet. Pour vous consoler, vous pourrez toujours vous écouter son album.. Il est numéro un des ventes actuellement


English translation:


Mika's was giving a concert wednesday night in Paris. A half american and lebansese who is only 23 years old, looks of a model, musical UFO, self-taught, out of this world voice, he is the musical phenomenon of the beginning of the year. For his first gig in Paris, it was a tremendous success ! Mika is technicolor pop opera, rainbow music, elegant and colorful. And thinking he had to fight for two and a half years against producers that wanted to mold him, to make him ressemble other artists. He stood his ground and the music industry had to admit it. Mika is a unique style !

In three months, he will be at the Olympia but the show's already sold out. To comfort you, you can always listen to his album... it is presently number one in sales.

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