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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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Tis story time lovelies... are you ready? lol within the hour... the next installment of the love story of Amelie and Mika...*sigh


Can't wait! Take you time, I won't be here 'til after SYTYCD :wink2:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you forget smth BonjourMika? I know you're busy but I thought the next part was almost done...


lol I know so so sorry guys... I'm starting to feel a bit ridiculous sadly... writing make believe stuff... but it's what I do I guess... it's a little bit self conscious knowing that i'm putting my stuff out there... I feel a bit vulnerable...


But, how about this... I'll write tomorrow... and if there's a good response than I'll know that the show must go on... expect a post... well, maybe noonish for me...chicago time


I love this thread so much because of its individuality and I can't believe how long it has been up and running...


I think more people should write stories though... that way it just keeps going and going... they're so much fun to read

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Ok, so I started that thread a while ago... about being stranded on a desert island with mika... well, it kinda died alittle lol


So tomorrow, if you're one of my readers, I'm gonna write some more... I think some more people should contribute stories though...even if you've never written before... They're so much fun to read...everyone is so nice and supportive too:blush-anim-cl:


So how about it, any takers?


Just start... "Once upon a time..." lol


Here's the link to the thread when you're ready to share your imagination with everyone!


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lol I know so so sorry guys... I'm starting to feel a bit ridiculous sadly... writing make believe stuff... but it's what I do I guess... it's a little bit self conscious knowing that i'm putting my stuff out there... I feel a bit vulnerable...


But, how about this... I'll write tomorrow... and if there's a good response than I'll know that the show must go on... expect a post... well, maybe noonish for me...chicago time


I love this thread so much because of its individuality and I can't believe how long it has been up and running...


I think more people should write stories though... that way it just keeps going and going... they're so much fun to read


YAY! We both like pink, eh!

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Ok, so I started that thread a while ago... about being stranded on a desert island with mika... well, it kinda died alittle lol


So tomorrow, if you're one of my readers, I'm gonna write some more... I think some more people should contribute stories though...even if you've never written before... They're so much fun to read...everyone is so nice and supportive too:blush-anim-cl:


So how about it, any takers?


Just start... "Once upon a time..." lol


Here's the link to the thread when you're ready to share your imagination with everyone!




JUST A BUMP lol:wink2:

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Just wanted you to know I combined the new thread with the old one...


Trying to keep things neat and tidy around here, by keeping duplicat threads to a minimum! :)



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I've been tossing up whether to write a story or not... I think I will... I've been writing some fan fiction... but I've got so many things happening it might take a little while...



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Ok guys... some things have come up... so I'll post my next installment in a few hours...


I'm just way too excited to concentrate right now lol... I'm gonna be a VIP at GMA!


how exciting at both!!! i'm really excited about the next installment and you get to go to GMA lucky... :bleh:

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Ok guys... some things have come up... so I'll post my next installment in a few hours...


I'm just way too excited to concentrate right now lol... I'm gonna be a VIP at GMA!


you lucky dog!

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Drum roll please... PART 8

They woke to the sound of the falling water...just like every morning. The air was scented with wild flowers and the sand beneath them was nourishing to their bodies. There would be no alarm nor any sound to wake them roughly...only each other's breathing and the calm gentle breeze that mimicked their exhales.

It had been 3 months since the fatal crash and every day became easier than the last for their tired bodies. Their sad spirits were masked by their present circumstances: They had each other and that, for them, was enough.

Amelie held her growing belly as she submerged herself in the warm salty waters...a morning ritual that she grew to love...what she described as her alone time with her baby. She pondered the waves for a while, running her fingers through the gauzy material of her white dress. She gazed out into the endless blue abyss and wondered...just wondered. If she would ever make it home. If her baby would come into the world safely. If she and Mika would stay together forever.


A familiar squishing sound came up from behind her... the unmistakable noise of Mika's wet converse sneakers hitting the sand. He exhaled fully with a sigh and collapsed next to her with his head on her shoulder.


"How you feeling?"

"Pretty good today...not as bad as yesterday."

"That's good."


"So, how far along do we estimate?"

"I think ... I'm 5 months."

Mika examined her tummy...

"Hmmm...yeah I would say so."

They looked at eachother with wide eyes and a sort of expression that read, "Oh God... we're in for it."

They caught one another's faces and both laughed instinctivly.


The day ended as it always did, with Amelie lying in Mika's lap next to a crackling fire... He carried her back to their shelter and slept as they always slept, close to one another.


The darkness began to glow now... Lightning was lighting up the sky as sprinkles of water hit Mika's face. He left a sleeping Amelie and walked outside to examine the skies... He felt a chill come over him... something was not right. Then came the thunder...waking Amelie abrubtly.

"Mika? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just a little bit of rain... go back to sleep."

Noting the hint of worry in his voice, Amelie defied his orders as she always did and went to him.

" It's gonna storm..."

" It's ok, the cave will keep us dry."

" Let's hope so."

They waited for the storm to pass both trying to sleep but neither one of them actually sleeping. They subconsciously stayed awake for one another. The roar of the thunder only grew louder and the lighting became more bright. This would go on for hours until... until the unexpected happened. The cliff overhead collapsed straight onto their shelter sending stone flying and hearts racing. Instantly, Mika got up and ran with Amelie's hand in his.


They searched together for another shelter... but the searching was to no avail... They ran to protect themselves from the lightning... though Amelie was weak and unable to run faster than what her body would allow. Mika noticed her discomfort and tried to assure her that everything would be ok. Suddenly, she stopped...something was terribly wrong... She couldn't move anymore...she just couldn't. Mika grew even more worried...

"Amelie, what's wrong?" He looked at her intently, concentrating on her eyes..." Tell me what's wrong..."

She couldn't speak, she stood their shocked holding her stomach. The pain was unbearable and she released her self little by little to the ground beneath her. The storm was roaring louder now and they were both soaking wet. But still, Mika kept his focus on a shaking Amelie... He knelt down beside her holding her stomach. He took her face in his hands...

"Please, Amelie... tell me what's wrong." He was afraid now...

She touched the sand beneath her and lifted her hand to her eyes...

Blood flowed from in between her fingers.

There were no words left to say.

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