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Everything posted by vixenbbw

  1. I can't wait to be part of your birthday celebrations!
  2. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Let the hotel booking commence!
  3. So true. I really freaked out when I first heard TBWKTM and thought it was rubbish....now, on balance, I think it's a better album that LICM. I'm not a fan of the electronic sound but the love of Mika's voice/turn of phrase will keep me listening, buying, watching and wanting more. I just feel all nervous in my stomach that I won't like it once I've heard it all on repeat....but I'm hoping that I do. BTW...I am officially gutted about Overrated but with you mentioning an acoustic version am still living in hope!!!
  4. Hmmm....so many mixed reactions.....I guess I just need to bite the bullet and listen to it when I get home.
  5. Why???!!! It has always been (and so far, always will be) my fave song of his. Why could he not just leave it as a love song on a love song album? I have to say, it seemed to good to be true when I read that tweet saying it was on the album. I hope it's not like I See You and I end up fast forwarding it as it make me sad that it changed so mush from I'm Falling.
  6. Grrrr!! It's my fave all time Mika song and have been giddy at he thought of it finally coming out of the closet, so to speak and us being able to talk about it openly. My bf loves I See You because it's so big and over produced but I really don't like it becasue in my head I still hear I'm Falling. With this being an album of Love Songs could he not have just left it alone??!? Or had it as a B-sdie or bonus track? Double Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
  7. Do you think the non UK/US dates are so much earlier so that the record company has time to change the album title/artwork/running order/line-up/etc when he decides on a whim to do so during a promo interview!
  8. That was why my heart sank a little as the "coming out" got more definite. It was the thought that he was 'just' gay rather than the person I thought he was from his own description. Nothing wrong with him being gay....I just got excited that he was something more unusual than that.
  9. Wow, that's a fab, close up vid! Watching him perform there reminds me of the early days when he used to look to Martin (and a little to the others) when he was feeling nervous when doing new songs, arrangements, etc. Like he's a) singing to the band and b) enticing them to join in so that he's not performing alone to the scary audience! Sweet!
  10. I found it hard to say the same when that's the response you get. I always felt that the reason I was so drawn to him was that I felt the he was 'my kind of person'. I always said that I would be really disappointed if he was just gay and hiding it rather than the person he made out he was (i.e. 'too complex to be labelled") I think everyone is bi and then they have their preferences. You know, blonde-brunette, tall-short, fat-thin, long hair-short hair, extrovert-introvert, funny-serious, strong-gentle. I usually recount a story that made me aware of my own (and I believe, everyone's) bi-sexuality. When I was younger (late teens/early 20's) I was walking down a busy high street checking out people that I fancied (as you do!!) and I saw this guy walking in front of me...just my type, creative, arty, musical, skinny, long haired, gentle, shy, pale, interesting, misunderstood, melancholy.....all of this was my perception of him of course! Anyway, as I walked behind him and sighed wishing he'd be looking for a girl like me...he turned around...and I realised he was a girl!! It really shocked me that I'd made such a mistake but it was that very moment that made me realise that what I look for in a partner doesn't include their gender. That's why I know I'm bi-sexual...not because I've been promiscuous or experimental or that I'm a closet lesbian just that I know what things attract me to another person and that I find those traits in both men and women. Same here in that I'm in a relationship with a man so people would say I'm straight but I could just as easily be in a relationship with a woman (other than they're too emotional to live with sometimes!!) and if that happened then people would say that I was a lesbian and maybe that I'd been in denial being with my boyfriend, that I wasn't strong enough to accept my gayness. Rather than understand that I really don't care what gender the object of my lust is!!
  11. Hello, you mentioned Kids but I can't see anything else about it or a video of it....can you tell us more?? Thanks!
  12. My boyfriend's a musician and thinks he's brilliant! He's always going on about the production and the compression and the harmonies and the this and the that!! Unfortunately, none of my friends believe that he's not just saying it to 'make me happy' (see what I did there!) but he is a genuine fan and loves him in an all round way (i.e. thinks he's really handsome, stylish, funny, intelligent, etc) and is as annoyed as me that he's not on chat shows and the like to show all this off! (Although Newsnight, lastnight, was great!). I think, like others have said, it's two things: 1) the fear most straight men have of admitting to liking anything remotely 'gay' and; 2) that they tend not to be posters or bloggers on the interweb
  13. He did say a few days ago that the album was 2 weeks away from being finished and he just needed to reduce 16 songs to 12. Maybe the ones they worked on have already been taken off the final playlist?? Maybe not?!!!
  14. Rach, everyone is quoting everyone else over this but yours is the one I wanted to quote! Hits the nail for me!
  15. Wow!! Look how much her hair has grown....makes you realise just how long we've all been without Mika!
  16. Did anyone notice the ebay add description which referred to it being drawn on his personalised paper? That being the case did you notice that the initials were MPH and not MHP?? Just a thought....
  17. So....anybody going to mention his sticky-out ears then??! That haircut makes them look glued on!!!!
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