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Everything posted by dcdeb

  1. Quoting myself here... So I have checked and this is indeed a PHOTO BOOK, basically a behind-the-scenes look at putting the tour together. So it definitely sounds like something special. I know it's showing as sold-out already online, but I've asked about that... so don't despair if you missed out (like I did!), there may be hope yet!
  2. Mika will be headlining at Brighton & Hove Pride's Fabuloso on Sunday, 4th August, at Preston Park. Tickets are on sale now at: https://book.pride-tickets.org/ Don't forget to RSVP to let us know whether you're going here:
  3. Hey @Digital Love ♫ Julien! I know there are spare tickets floating around. Please visit the Extra Ticket thread that Anna has posted above!
  4. I think if it was an empty notebook they would have called it a notebook, like the blue notebook they released a few months ago. They call this one a "photo book", so I expect it to have photos, like the Imaginarium tour program, as Karin said. I'll see if I can find out for sure, or maybe someone will be able to check it out tomorrow in Bordeaux. I recall Mika mentioned this book and others by Angela Carter before, and I always meant to read it, but never got around to it. I guess I'll make the effort now!
  5. No, no mistake! Don't worry! And it was delayed... it was in my email inbox when I woke up this morning! I hope so, too! I'm checking on that. As I said earlier, I think there's some legal/licensing issue that is preventing them from selling certain items in certain areas. That made me realize the merch table photo isn't here, so... And I'm trying to find out whether this merch will only be available at the French shows, or if it will also travel to other countries.
  6. OK, I haven't gotten it, and I usually do get those emails. Maybe it's just delayed. Thanks!
  7. Wow! I just checked a little while ago and it wasn't there. Thanks, Celine! EDIT: @Happymika_by_celine How did you find this merch, Celine? The only way I can see it is if I use the long link you gave, which looks like it came from a mailing that I never received. Did you get it from a mailing? I'm just curious whether I've fallen off the email list.
  8. @vanessa-love-mika shared these pics of merch she bought.
  9. OK, it is useless to try to resist. I have Bougez from Fanny also. Also, the mother of the little boy who was onstage with Mika during one song has sent me her video of it. So cute.
  10. Thanks for the merch pics, Vanessa! Is there anything on the back of the t-shirt? Tour dates, maybe?
  11. I just saw a short clip of it. Here you go -- it's from @ margaux_freak on Instagram. She had a lot of nice clips, in fact, but they are all very much spoilerish so I haven't reposted them.
  12. I've been trying hard to honor Mika's request, but it's haaaaaaaaard! (Mika if you're reading, I'm sorry, but at my core, I am just a ) I want to see everything and share everything about last night! What I've seen so far is amazing. And for me, at least, knowing about it beforehand does not diminish the surprise or the effect at all. I mean, seeing some of these things up close and in person is going to be mind-blowing, I'm sure of that. Anyhow. Fanny sent me this one entire song. Putting it in the spoiler here. Watch if you want, skip over it if you don't!
  13. So you may have seen that Mika stopped for a few minutes after the show to say hi to fans who were waiting. He didn't get out of his car, and he didn't speak, just gestured. Here's the little video that Mara posted: VWKI1116[1].MP4 I spoke to Fanny afterward and she said that she asked Mika about posting videos from the show, and he indicated that he'd like it if we held off on that for a while, so I haven't been posting on social media, but I think here with spoilers as we've been doing is OK. So... having said that... I didn't see any clips of this song yet (from Fanny), unless I somehow skipped over them:
  14. Oh well, Mika will just have to write for some more films, that's all there is to it!
  15. We talked about this a bit during the Instagram Live today... I totally missed it, if there was supposed to be some sort of cross reference. But in watching the video again, I do see that he's lying on the ice resurfacer in the shape of a cross, too. So... Hmm... I think that definitely could be "Club Apocalypse". That has potential!
  16. You all know that I don't speak French, but I feel pretty sure that he doesn't care about being grammatically correct here. "I don't know how to do (or BE)..." PAUSE. "Me." It makes perfect sense to me when I read it that way, and even moreso when I look at the video at the same time. At that point in the video, when he says, "Me", he's the only thing on the screen, so that, combined with the long pause, makes it clear to me what the meaning is. Well, whether the fall was intentional or not, I'm sure it hurt. But either way I agree that it illustrates the point that it's necessary to push forward in spite of feeling awkard or insecure. "Love harder" absolutely makes sense. To me it means not just "love more," but to love more intensely, more purposefully, with more intention. Like "try harder" or "work harder", you're not just working more or trying more, but you're doing it with more focus and purpose. But I have absolutely no idea why he calls out "Blue Jeans" because as you say Karin it seems to only make sense in the context of this song. I mean, I get the idea of not being comfortable in your jeans. I never have been, even when I was many pounds lighter (I really was at one time!). I have always felt awkward and unattractive and uncomfortable not only in blue jeans but in my own skin. So maybe that's what blue jeans symbolize for him? I'm really not sure what that term represents, and why it would be included on that jacket, juxtaposed with the phrase "Love Harder."
  17. Mika accepting the Purecharts.fr award for "Album Francophone de l'annee": 2024-02-pure-charts-award.mp4
  18. Hi @alexrovers93 Saw someone on Twitter with two standing Manchester tickets a few days ago. Not sure if she still has them.
  19. Well, since the rules are all in French, I couldn't even read them. Seriously, for some reason I'm not able to even copy the text out of the PDF to try to translate. Ah well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
  20. I love your "skatey banana" Myriam! If I could make that an emoji, I would. I do really love the video -- and I love that they included English subtitles. Thank you, Mika!
  21. OK, wasn't sure where to post this, but I think here makes sense. Those of us on the email list should have also gotten an email about the new video AND there's a competition included. If you guess the first five songs of the new show you can win a prize pack! JEU CONCOURS "Devine la setlist du concert" L'Apocalypse Calypso Tour démarre le 26 février à Clermont-Ferrand ! Pour fêter ça, devinez les 5 premières chansons du show et tentez de gagner un pack avec des produits audio & merch ! TENTER MA CHANCE https://digital.umusic.com/setlist-mika
  22. That's exactly what I thought, too, when I saw it. Like, really? That's the most scandalous thing you can dig up on him? I guess, like Karin said, you gotta get clicks somehow...
  23. I'm putting this here instead of in The Voice thread, as it deals with another, more unusual topic: https://www.melty.fr/people/mika-accro-a-la-chirurgie-esthetique-nikos-aliagas-est-categorique-2121459.html Is Mika addicted to cosmetic surgery???!!! Mika accro à la chirurgie esthétique ? Nikos Aliagas est catégorique ! Mika, de retour dans The Voice 2024, aurait-il abusé de la chirurgie esthétique ? Nikos a répondu à sa place, et le présentateur est catégorique. Ce samedi 10 février, la nouvelle saison de The Voice a démarré sur les chapeaux de roue ! Si Vianney, Zazie ainsi que Big Flo et Oli ont rempilé pour cette édition 2024, elle signe également le grand retour d’un coach emblématique : Mika. Pour rappel, le chanteur avait été le seul à s’être retourné sur la voix de Kendji Girac, devenu maintenant l’une des plus grosses stars du programme. Alors, que nous réserve-t-il pour cette saison ? Une chose est sûre, sa première soirée était plus que fructueuse ! Mika rafle tout aux auditions à l’aveugle ! De fait, à peine la saison commencée, Mika s’est déjà imposé en tant que coach redoutable face à ses camarades. Si Big Flo et Oli ont eu droit à un début d’auditions à l’aveugle timide avec seulement un talent, de son côté, Mika n’a pas chômé. Pour cette première soirée, il repart avec trois talents très disputés : Manuela, Lance Priester et Gabriel Lobao. Mais attention, car Zazie n’est pas en reste non plus puisque trois talents ont également choisi de la rejoindre. A savoir Stolt, Alphonse et Hamid, une équipe 100% masculine. Côté Vianney, départ timide avec seulement deux talents, Aprile et Maeva. Une chose est sûre, Mika risque encore une fois, de nous surprendre ! Mika, accro à la chirurgie ? Et son succès aux auditions à l’aveugle de The Voice n’est pas la seule chose pour laquelle Mika fait parler de lui. Âgé de 40 ans, il semblerait que le chanteur… n’ait pas vieilli d’un poil depuis la dernière saison à laquelle il a participé. Et les internautes l’ont bien remarqué ! Certains s’interrogent même sur son recours à la chirurgie esthétique. Le coach en aurait-il abusé ? Une internaute a d’ailleurs écrit sur X : « Sinon Mika toujours aussi cute hein il vieillit pas. Chirurgie ? Y’a débat chez moi. En tout cas c’est bien fait si oui ». Si le principal concerné n’a pas réagi, il peut compter sur le présentateur historique de The Voice, Nikos Aliagas. De fait, il s’est fait un plaisir de répondre à sa place : « Pour le voir de près depuis quelques années, je confirme que tout est naturel chez lui ». Voilà qui est clair ! Selon lui, Mika n’a donc jamais eu recours à la chirurgie esthétique. Les secrets de beauté du coach de The Voice Le coach emblématique de The Voice avait d’ailleurs livré à plusieurs reprises ses petits secrets beauté. Sur Europe 1, Mika avait expliqué qu’il devait sa jeunesse à une machine achetée après avoir vu un documentaire consacré à Céline Dion. « Je fume pas de clopes, mais je bois une bière. J’ai vu un documentaire avec Céline Dion, avec cette machine qu’elle mettait sur la bouche. Je suis allé chercher la machine, seulement parce que je voulais la machine de Céline Dion […] Ça met de la vapeur de sel, on respire ça et je dois dire, Céline, ça marche ! ». Un allié beauté dont Mika est très fier. Est-ce réellement le secret de sa jeunesse éternelle ? TRANSLATION
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