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Everything posted by mellody

  1. Some pre-show videos, posted by the venue in their stories: 84463D8568CA709A87658496064D2E83_video_dashinit.mp4 6F4D35678640B684789BD98F38CAE38D_video_dashinit.mp4 20401220D9890F33241EF8B492F70BBC_video_dashinit.mp4
  2. The first photo of the stage (pre-gig), found on IG: Edit: looks like the support act is a DJane: https://www.instagram.com/stories/laurahope__/3311439149087691222?igsh=Nzc4N3MzaHl3dXlw
  3. I also hope that people do post videos - it doesn't have to be all over the internet, I respect that some people prefer not to see spoilers. But that's what the reports threads are for, you can click on it and look if you want to see spoilers, and avoid it if you don't. On social media you don't have that option... Besides, I think Mika said it's ok to share moments, just not surprises. I will definitely be waiting for news.
  4. Yes, I also get confused which tickets get sold through which website, there are so many. Gigs & Tours belongs to Seetickets, so it's different from ticketmaster and eventim.
  5. I've deleted your personal data, not sure why you posted that here? I heard from someone that fansale is only available for German addresses, but I don't know, I've never used it.
  6. I think that's the point to me - to feel that strongly about someone, as Mika sings in this song, there has to be more for me than just physical attraction. You might make eye contact with someone in a bar, feel attracted to the way they look at you, or the way they shyly look away, AT LEAST something like that. But this game that Mika describes doesn't sound like getting in contact with any of these people, but just looking and judging by the looks of someone, could I fall in love with them? It might be a fine difference, but exactly this tension, this potential that you talk about is missing to me in the scenario that Mika describes. And when you make eye contact with someone and you feel that strongly about them as Mika sings, would you talk about it with your friend right in this moment? If there's this tension in the air, saying to your friend "oh that guy over there is gorgeous, I could fall in love with him!" and they look over, would probably destroy it all. I mean, there's nothing wrong about either - the situation in the bar and the situation in the song, but I just can't bring them together, something doesn't feel quite right about it. Maybe Mika just described the initial idea, and then he really made eye contact with someone where this tension happened, and wrote the song about THAT, but he didn't want to go as far as saying that in an interview. But you know, thinking about it... maybe I just haven't flirted with anyone for too long and that's the only reason why the reality of it isn't familiar to me anymore.
  7. no, it's all fine, thank you! I've added the link to your summary post in the first post ("summary 2") next to the interview link.
  8. Just watched this - it seems to be different to the written interview. I was wondering about what he said about accents - why is he getting so defensive about it, was the question asked in a way that judges accents? Or is the meaning of the word "accent" in French negative as such? Of course he's completely right, he says that it's fantastic if someone manages to speak in a different language, and he loves hearing it. I also love the way he speaks in different languages, I can't distinguish whether he would have some sort of accent, but he's mostly speaking very clearly in any language, it's always much easier for me to understand him than to understand native speakers. Anyway, from the way he replies, he seems to think they mean "accent" as something negative? Do they?
  9. I've added the Google translation of the text file to your post. thank you!
  10. Mika talks a bit about 30 secondes in a Swiss interview: I like his reply to the 2nd question, but I must admit I'm a bit disappointed to hear this story behind the song. I guess for Touche Touche that setting would be perfect, but with 30 Secondes being one of the most romantic Mika songs (imo), thinking of how he plays a game with a friend in a bar, judging people around them by their looks, because that's all you have in a bar ... of course that's what people (especially guys) do, but there's nothing about this idea of destiny, about romance, about a special person that you can't forget. Well... as Mika wrote the song in English a long time ago, maybe that's what the original idea was but it has evolved to what is now on the French album. Or maybe that's exactly what the song is about, but then I don't want to know, but prefer to keep my own interpretation of it being about a special person and not just some random good-looking stranger.
  11. So, this will be my first gig of the tour! Just wondering, is anyone still looking for a place to stay the night after the gig? I've booked a cheap hotel room near the venue... it's for 2 guests but I'm alone, so if anyone wants to share, let me know. It's only 25€ per person, plus city tax. I'm leaving for Strasbourg by train at about 8am.
  12. As a reminder, the winners will be announced tomorrow on their youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ifmca ... fingers crossed for Mika!
  13. I think it's intentional because she's wearing braces - so by looking at her he asks her to be herself (love likeJane Birkin), so she smiles, despite the braces, which I think is something that many teenagers who have to wear braces are afraid of, to get judged if they show their smile.
  14. Well, as you say, it does make sense in the context of the song. We discussed this in the song thread, that blue jeans were typical for Jane Birkin ... so "love harder", probably like he thinks Jane would have (the way you describe it makes more sense to me, thanks!) would be the way to achieve feeling ok in your blue jeans, maybe?
  15. The text on his jacket says "Blue Jeans" on one side and "Love harder" on the other. I wonder if it'll be one of his tour outfits? Probably... and I suppose for this song, because only in this context the "Blue Jeans" makes sense. Not sure though what he means by "love harder" ... something like love (yourself) more? I saw the word "love" at first and then was surprised about the "harder" - does it make sense to English speakers in the context of the song? I suppose it's hard to express the feeling of love in this song in just 2 words, so maybe that's what comes closest and something like "love more" could be misinterpreted as "make love more often", which I'm sure he doesn't mean ... oh dear, even if I think I know English well, such details in certain expressions still confuse me. 😅🙈
  16. And/Or the "moi" belongs to the chorus, to emphasize the "J'suis pas l'aise dans mes blue jeans"... Mika replied to some comments on his IG: So that scene where he falls didn't seem to be meant as I had interpreted it, "even if you fall while trying to be yourself, keep smiling and continue", but it just happened and it really hurt the way it looked. 🙈 Although they might have kept it in the video for that reason, because it emphasizes the meaning of the song. Anyway, ouch. I will never understand how he can keep smiling when something is so hurtful - but I saw him smiling despite tearing a tendon in his foot, so it shouldn't surprise me anymore. edit: And then the, maybe a litte philosophical, question is: When you fall and hurt yourself when trying to be yourself, but you keep smiling, is that continuing trying to be yourself, or is that trying to keep up the appearance to hide your true emotions?
  17. Yes, I agree. It might be "Mika-French" instead of correct grammar, but double meanings aren't always obvious when you just look at the "correct" way of expressing something.
  18. If they're as good at checking as they are at creating a proper list of countries (which should either include ALL countries, or only France if they want to limit it to that), we might have a chance.
  19. I watched the livestream at 7 while preparing dinner, but hadn't seen the subtitles... dunno if they weren't in the livestream or if I just didn't notice them... indeed interesting to get an "official" translation - it's not "Free, I don't know how to do that", as I had thought, but "I don't know how to be me" ... and the "tant pis" in the 2nd verse also wasn't 100% clear in the beginning - although from something he had said somewhere recently (maybe it was an interview, not sure...), it had become clearer already. Love the aesthetics in this video! And the message - it's not really a story, as I thought it would be - but still it perfecly brings across this emotion of feeling awkward but then daring to express yourself, even if you fall. You just laugh and try again. With the dancers carrying Mika it reminds me a bit of the Good Guys video, just that it's not as confusing, it's much more clear and direct. When watching for the first time, I wondered why in the group shot Mika is looking at that girl behind him - but when I rewatched, it became clear, I think with that look he "asks" her to smile, despite her braces. And him dancing on the ice car in his green suit, awesome! It reminds me a bit of the Ice Cream video. Definitely agree with that.
  20. The best place for this question would be the Clermont-Ferrand gig thread, but as you also might be looking for a ticket, I'm leaving your post here. Maybe @FannySpina14 knows more about the venue?
  21. Btw, I listened to this interview as well but didn't summarize it, as I only understand half of it - it's so chaotic and they keep talking over each other's voices, with Mika's mic at a lower volume (or maybe he was just speaking more quietly than the presenters) that it was too much for my little French skills. 😅 The bits I understood were nothing really new. Something about faithfulness being important in a relationship (I think the interviewer interpreted his lyrics in a different way ), and from what I understood Mika had to recognize some celebrity by asking them questions (I think it was a former candidate of The Voice, but not sure).
  22. I've moved most of the posts about the Jane Birkin video to an extra thread, so we can continue discussing there. Copying this here from my original post, as it's related to that particular story: This is always so satisfying to watch how the surface of the ice becomes smooth again bit by bit... brings back childhood memories of excitedly watching the "ice cars". But also memories of impatience, having to wait for what felt like ages as a child for them to get finished and the ice to dry, so you can get back ice skating! Luckily the machines today are a lot faster than the ones 35 years ago. 😅
  23. He has one of those little plastic animals that children use to hold on when they're ice skating for the first time, that's so cute! It's an ice bear I think? Much looking forward to the video.
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