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Everything posted by mellody

  1. don't know if this gallery has been posted yet, couldn't find it with the search function so i guess not... http://www.davidtobinphotography.com/STAGEc/Pages/MIKA.html
  2. i can see it in the video that is on the front page here. it's when he jumps together with the crowd on "3"... the video is a bit blurry at that moment because the filmer is jumping as well, but looking closely, you can see that mika's face shows pain and he clutches his leg for a short moment, before turning his back to the crowd, jumping on one leg, and then trying to finish the song as quickly as possible!
  3. i don't remember whether it was during lollipop, but yup, at some points i also thought it looks like he wanted to finish the show asap. didn't notice when i was there, but on the stream i can see it... and yeah, he was really tired (i think you see it best when he forgets to introduce his band, the way he looks when he realizes it... it's also on one of my YT vids...), the crowd failed to give him the usual energy as well (if us in the front row hadn't been there, he probably would've fallen asleep on stage... ), he left out toy boy because he was so tired, so yeah, you're totally right with that observation.
  4. well, i chose cities that i'm not going to yet. newcastle, vienna or nice, and also wrote that actually i didn't care... whatever they wanted. i mean, if they pay for everything, what difference does it make, i'd go anywhere!
  5. it says that everyone who's 18 or older can take part (it doesn't say anything about country restrictions), except employees of orange or associated agencies. but it also says that if you enter wrong data they can exclude you, and that they have the final decision over everything and may use all your data for marketing purposes. winners are notified by mobile phone, so you have to enter your mobile phone number. closing date is nov30, and the winner will get concert tickets, meet+greet, soundcheck, travel, hotel. i just entered 3 cities to choose from in that text area, there's enough space so i hope it's ok. thanx for posting!
  6. agree. yeah that was about the 2 london gigs, but i was talking about the festivals in summer... i think for one of those cancelled festivals the official reason given (from the festival ppl) was that he had pneumonia. but a few days later he was on stage again, so we didn't believe it.
  7. the text "Fun for everyone in the room!" on the right appears quite ironic, knowing what we know. i think you can see more of what happened on the LT vid that is posted here on the 1st page, but t4p that link anyway.
  8. i love this part most of the interview, cause it so reminds me of myself: i always think too much about what others could think or what might go wrong, and therefor don't act and then of course hardly ever get any results. i should follow mika's example and start thinking that i don't give a f* and just do it!
  9. you noticed more than i did then. i saw him limping and first thought "oh no, he hurt his foot, how bad is it?!" but when he kept on smiling and running, i thought it wouldn't be that bad and started having fun again. i'm actually feeling a bit guilty now for enjoying the last 4 songs of the show. though i know i shouldn't, as it was his own choice not to let ppl see how bad he felt. agree, i worry too and hope he gets some rest. from what i heard from fanny (they asked him in baden-baden), it's a ligament rupture. though i think in oakland he said something about torn tendons... or is that the same? (my knowledge of english medical terms doesn't go that much into detail... ) well, whatever, i think it'll take a while to heal, especially since he keeps on running+jumping during the shows. that boot can be blown up with air (that's also something the radio presenter in baden-baden told us) to cushion the bumping, but he still needs painkillers, so that can't be good! i mean, it's fantastic of him that he doesn't want to cancel the shows, but why doesn't he just do acoustic shows at the piano (or at least mostly at the piano if he can't manage to sit still for an hour) instead?! about the cancelling i'm also wondering... did he have a different perspective on it in 2007 or did he feel even worse than he does now?! maybe he really had a pneumonia back then, i know there was this rumour but we didn't believe it as he kept on doing some of the shows and left out others. and hathor, no, he didn't meet fans after the gig in LA, but he did in oakland one day later. would be fab to get a detailled translation of that french interview (esp. the first question), would love to know what exactly he said.
  10. what i mean is, he could've left it out in LA as well, although of course it was the least problem for his foot of the 3 songs, as it was at the piano... but it made the show (and the pain) longer. or he could've stopped after WAG, would've been a high note as well. whatever... he did what he did, and from what i heard made it worse by it... as i posted in the baden-baden thread, the german radio presenter told us before the show that the worst part about his injury wasn't the jump itself, but that he kept on running around on that foot... seems like he told her about it in the interview she did with him before the baden-baden show. that interview is only on tv in january, so all i know is what she said about it, but if that's true, well then i hope he learned from his mistake. ok i'm off to bed now, it's almost 5 am here (damn!)...
  11. but then, he left out toy boy in baden-baden because he was tired... but he still played it in LA! well maybe he took some painkillers before coming out for the encore, so it didn't feel that bad anymore, or it was the adrenaline from the show that kept him going, whatever, i think it wasn't just the perfectionism.
  12. well, in oakland he had the brace and the painkillers, like at all the other shows since then. though i don't want to imagine what it feels like for him without the painkillers, the way he goes on about needing them for the shows. but i'm wondering what he wanted to prove by finishing the LA show, i think he didn't know about the lip synching discussion by then.
  13. well, i guess (hope!) no one would have expected him to go on if they'd known in what pain he was! but he just didn't show it in the first place, others would've just fallen down on the floor, clutching their foot, screaming, or anything like that. just think of the football (soccer) pro's how they behave when they get hurt during a match, it's almost funny to realize what wimps those athletic guys are compared to our mika! i don't think we have to feel guilty, though i know what you mean... but it was his own decision. though i'm wondering why he thought it was necessary to do this. because he doesn't want ppl to think he's a wimp? because of the critics? because he thinks his fans would be disappointed? because he's so happy that he can play in such big venues in the US that he fears he might spoil it by not finishing the show?
  14. yeah same here. if i'd known that, i'd personally have dragged him off stage in LA, i mean, WTF, he even did the encores, why does he think he has to behave like he's superman to please his fans?! since i read this, i'm feeling a strange mixture between anger, sadness, compassion and awe, and i feel kinda sick myself when i watch videos now of the last 3 songs. this is just horrible.
  15. don't think it'll be forbidden to invite other fans... maybe just because you like them and not because they gave you their points... and if it's really "just family", then i'd become a polygamic lesbian for that evening, lol! nah, just looked at the site again and it says "for you and a small group of friends".
  16. yeah i was one of those who wrote MIKA MIKA MIKA.
  17. so at least one who's still watching, i've given up. if you see mika, let us know, i'm recording it all from tv. if you don't see him, i can just delete it.
  18. i almost feared that would happen, after seeing the 2007 ema, there also the strangest people won of who you'd never have thought it! eminem, pfft, i really can't take this tv channel seriously (anymore).
  19. no idea, no one's seen him yet. i'm just waiting for his video to come up in the best male nominees, lol!
  20. U2 in front of the brandenburg gate... best part of the show so far imo. though i'm not particularly a fan of U2. but they're just a legend.
  21. i want one of those walls, that's cool!
  22. she's lovempls on here, fab costume in la+oakland!
  23. haha love it how on the chat everyone keeps discussing whether gaga is in berlin or london, and she says she's in NY!
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