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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. That's a shame...thanks for the update Alba
  2. For some reason nothing is never simple in Mikaland Writing to Lattes was an excellent thing to do , thank you Isa I'm sure the whole subs team would gladly help Mika finish his book (and even in several languages) and be faster than Doriand Kris It does say the book was written by a "collectif" meaning several people (but not MFCers ) One thing is sure, always expect the unexpected with Mika I really hope for a new cover too
  3. I love this shirt on Mika Thanks for sharing all those pics guys
  4. It looks serious indeed and there are more details this time Thanks a lot for sharing Deborah
  5. caps of last night https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157450668463125.534503124&type=3
  6. Thanks a lot Eriko and Pupaclaudia I agree with you
  7. The last link works , you can preorder now https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sinfonia-Pop-DVD-Mika/dp/B01C4OVDUU?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Not the other ones though
  8. He said saying yes to it was a big risk and leaving is another one, but that he wouldn't do next FX . (I'll let Italian girls do a proper translation but basically that's what he said)
  9. You can open the petition and share it on MFC in the "vote for me thread": http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/29024-the-vote-for-me-thread/page-6 also on twitter and you could even make a facebook event and invite all your friends , I'll help you share the link once you open the petition Also ask Australian people you know to susbcribe to Mika twitter and facebook page , statistics were showing that he had lots of fans in South America and he just started going back there, so that might help too
  10. Oui , vite une pétition pour les cures de Mika remboursées par la Sécu sachant qu'une cure dure trois semaines et doit être renouvelée tous les ans
  11. Melyssa, j'aime ton compte rendu à la folie Merci de nous avoir fait partager tout ça
  12. Thank you Eriko I love this , it's so funny and I'm glad Mika "took his revenge "
  13. Yes It's a pain that it is a FNAC exclusive item I hope you get it before May
  14. By the way The Voice is on mikawebsite.com as well
  15. I took caps too https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157432333998125&type=3&pnref=story
  16. Aww thanks so much everyone for your reports, videos, pics and links that you took time to share Mika love here I have overused my "likes" I'll come back tomorrow to add them Your shares are wonderful and I love you all fantastic MFCers
  17. I'm so glad you could attend the gig and see Mika, Great news Deborah
  18. Daeni might I'll ask her but right now she is in Bourges
  19. I had preordered mine as well (I meant to preorder on FNAC but I had on amazon) and after they sent me a message that it was out of stock I cancelled my order and drove to the FNAC to get one as I finished work earlier than usual on Friday Glad you got yours Lena I hope yours gets to your house very soon Lunari
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