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Everything posted by xlindee

  1. Hey, has anyone seen ''The Rebound''? Cause I'm gonna see that one in cinema this Saturday with my bf, but I'd like to know if it's good?
  2. Okay then. I must say I LOVE this album. I think it's way better than LICM, and I hope it will sell just as much copies or more of course. IMO Mika really has evolved as an artist, regarding both lyrics and music. It feels as if the music is less simple, and the lyrics are more complicated and less repetitive. Like someone else said, for me this album is also more relatable, because I'm a teen. That feels really good. My personal favourites are: One Foot Boy, Pick Up Off The Floor and Touches You. We Are Golden: I didn't really like this song at first, but now it's all overplayed I LOVE it.:aah:It's definitely good as a teenage anthem, well, for me it is. I love the mix of adult vocals with kids vocals, it's a great effect, and really powerful. Blame It On The Girls: First I liked it, then I thought it was too computerized, but now I love it too. I think the beginning is funny:naughty:, and the rest is just really good and upbeat and dancy. I love the piano in it. Rain: I've loved this song from the beginning, from when I got the mp3 file of Paris, and when I heard it in Amsterdam in 2008. I sorta had the feeling it would become an upbeat song though, because he said ''this is the acoustic version'', and I dunno, I just had the feeling he would turn it into a Relax-esque song, I've always said that to my mom, and now it became reality, HAH! Well, then we heard the snippets, and I was SO looking forward to it. Then I heard the album version, and to my big surprise I must say I LOVE it, but it's not my favourite.:blink:I do love the 80s dancey feeling though. But if I had to choose between Rain and Relax, I'd certainly go for Relax. Dr. John: I like this. It's sorta half bitter/half happy. I also like the illustrations for this a lot. And I agree with Mana, it really has a ''handwaving feel'' to it, and it will be a great sing along live! I also love the little bit of horns in it. I See You: Until a few weeks ago, I could really relate to this song. It's brilliant, and I think many people have experienced this. Just staring at someone and fantasizing, without telling them really. The music is just really soft and smooth, and everything really fits together. I also like the little instrumental bridge, and how he incorporated I'm Falling. When Mika talked about the subject of I See You, I couldn't help but thinking about I'm Falling. It really fits together perfectly. Blue Eyes: Yeah..Blue Eyes..one of the EP songs..what can I say? I liked it when I first heard it, and I still do, but it got kinda old now. I still love it at times, but..yeah..you know! Good Gone Girl: Yeah! I loved hearing this for the first time from the Roxy gig mp3, and I also enjoyed it a lot live. I was really looking forward to this one, but like Mana says, it's kinda weird, the end, the ''she's walking around..'' bit and the ''Oooooh good gone girl'' bit overlapping each other. I prefered that in the live version. And is it an accordeon in the second verse? It really sounds like one. Touches You: When I first heard the snippets, I didn't really like it. I thought it was weird, in a bad way. But now I must say it's one of my faves of the album. I really really like it. It's a great upbeat song. And it's more stalkerish than I See You:aah: I love the bridge with the falsetto. This song has his low voice, and some falsetto. That's how I like my Mikasongs. And of course, the George Michael comparison. It's not a bad thing, but like Mana says, it shouldn't overshadow the brilliance of the song. By The Time: Yeah. I don't know what it is, but this song makes me kinda sleepy. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I think this is one of my least favourite songs on this album. You really need to be in the mood to listen to it. It's really beautiful though, Mika's voice with Imogen's.. One Foot Boy: HELL YEAH! Another one of my favourites. This song has it all: A good beat, nice lyrics, good vocals, and it's simple. And that's all a good song needs IMO. It's kind of a freaky song, but I like that! I really love how the 2 melodies of the music, and also the 2 vocalthings are overlapping each other. It just fits. Pick Up Off The Floor: Another fav. I just love the whole jazzy feeling of this song. I had never expected Mika to do a song like this, but he's really able to pull it off! That's what a good artist is like to me: One that can pull off more than one genre. I love the half bitter/half hopeful feeling this song has, and the bit where the violins and cello's and crap kick in. And the bit where he goes: ''Pick your love LOVE LOOOOOOVE..oOOOOOO..'' This song just gives me ''that certain feeling in the back of my spine''. Lover Boy: Queen. Yes, it's REALLY REALLY REALLY inspired by Queen, and I love it. I love the horns, the melody, and his voice. I didn't expect him to ever use it for an album. Same goes for I'm Falling in I See You. Never expected it. But this shows what a great song you can make from a simple demo. That was it, I guess. Excuses for typo's. Blame it on tiredness.
  3. I prepared a whole comment, but now I think it's better not to post it. Interesting interview, nice to read he's in a relationship.:thumb_yello:Not that we didn't know that yet.
  4. I love cherries, grapes, melons, prumes, peaches and mandarines.
  5. Oh yeah. Me neither, I only listened to OMS if I went to sleep, or if I were alone and it was dark. Or when it came on when I played LICM of course.
  6. Me neither. TBH, I think that uncensored vid is too much:lmfao:
  7. I must be the only MFCer who doesn't like the video for WAG then:teehee:
  8. Really. It looks kinda stupid, since it doesn't have votes:aah: But seriously, I don't think WAG does really well here (not that I've checked the top40, but I just don't think it's high up there at the moment) Edit: Just checked the top40, WAG is #20 here. And I don't know half of the songs in the top40, and the rest is pretty much crap.
  9. Thanks for that, shame of all the noise in the background though.
  10. Same:wub2: But I don't like Rain that much anymore at the moment, I thought it would be my fav, but it started to kind of..bore me after I had heard the album version 5 times or so. I really do like Lover Boy too. Song I like the least is By The Time. Yeah. I was delivering folders last week, and I had my iPod on shuffle, and that version came on, and I only realized then how bad it actually was. It is:naughty: That's not even strange too! Fish.
  11. Lol. Love Today was released in the UK on the 16th of April 2007 or something, and here it got released somewhere at the end of August 2008. Needless to say, it didn't really end up high in the charts.
  12. Same here. I thought Rain would be my fav, but I never listen to it. It just kind of bores me now, but I'm sure I will like it again.
  13. My avie: Once I was bored, and wanted to change my avi. I couldn't find a good one, so just went with this. Siggy: Same story:naughty:
  14. ''Ride on?'' Do they mean with that what I think they do?
  15. Yeah me too. I never expected it to have strings in it, but when I heard the whole song I heard it, and I love it! It really suits together. I love how the song is so bitter, but still sort of..hopeful.
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