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Everything posted by xlindee

  1. I dunno, I didn't really like it when Saranayde was too much in your face either. I was glad she was getting a bit less in your face, and now he's got Erika and it will start all over again. http://www.myspace.com/immarock
  2. It better be better than BIOTG:sneaky2:
  3. That's good. You know, I just went on Erika's Myspace, and she really seems to be some kind of rockchick, which is funny since Saranayde is more a dancey type. Her voice is also really different. If she won't continue being all in your face like on GMA, I think I may like her.
  4. Who is Erika? And who is that other girl? Gosh, I'm so behind:teehee:
  5. You know, the thought it could be about someone famous never occured to me. We're probably looking way too much into this, and is this just some song he wrote while sh*tting on the toilet in 5 minutes.
  6. Yeah true, that was also my first thought. It's quite comforting. Oh Lord:aah: This is such a weird interview indeed. He DOES have a goddaughter though, that's about the only true fact in this interview.
  7. I just bought black Minnetonka ankle boots. They were expensive, yes, but new stuff just makes me happy:biggrin2:
  8. Holy crap. PUOTF live is amaaahzing:wub2: But which babyvoice is doing backingvocals?
  9. Wow. Those comments on PH are all positive! People like it. I don't see how it's similar to the Feist video. That vid just had people in colourful outfits jumping around a room.
  10. I think acting in a music video is very different from acting in a film.
  11. Heh. I wasn't a fan yet when I first heard Grace Kelly, but I hated the vid and loved the song.
  12. When were you happiest? 2007, and at certain days.. What is your greatest fear? To die. What is your earliest memory? When I took a nap in my mom's bed together with my best friend Bally the ball, and I destroyed it and told my mom I killed my best friend. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Definitely lazyness:naughty: What is the trait you most deplore in others? I can't cope with people who are bossy to me. Oh, and arrogant people and people who judge you on looks. What was your most embarrassing moment? I've had too many embarrassing moments:teehee: Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? Probably my iPod, I dunno, I don't buy many expensive things. I'm pretty cheap. What is your most treasured possession? My iPod. What do you most dislike about your appearance? My nose. And my tummy. Damnit, I've got skinny arms and legs, but my tummy is so flabby. Who would play you in the film of your life? Matt Lucas. What is your guiltiest pleasure? Having fantasies about certain guys. What is your most unappealing habit? Hmm..I actually stopped picking the skin of my fingers ages ago. I dunno. Where would you like to live? Not here. What does love feel like? Like a big sun shining in your mind and heart. What was the best kiss of your life? One on his mouth. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? My friends, Mika, the guys from MGMT, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry..wow. That'd be one nice dinner party:naughty: What is the worst job you've done? Delivering folders in this huge area. Incredibly frustrating too. If you could edit your past, what would you change? I'd do better my best at school. How do you relax? Just sitting or laying down and listening to music. What is the closest you've come to death? Whenever my grandma is listening to schlager music What single thing would improve the quality of your life? Some money would be nice. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Getting a good grade for maths. Gimme da high5! What keeps you awake at night? When drunk people think it's necessary to wander through our street, or when a cat thinks it's necessary to make that annoying noise when they're horny. What song would you like played at your funeral? Right Said Fred-I'm too sexy What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Don't let other people get you down. Where would you most like to be right now? At a Mika gig. Tell us a secret. I've got a huge penis.
  13. Yeah, but I kinda think that goes for all of his singles/video's so far.
  14. Don't call a list ''worst songs'', if a song has been #1 for 5 weeks, then just call it ''songs we don't like''.
  15. I mean the way the video looked. It just looked cheap. Thank God I'm not the only one:naughty:
  16. I love that one:naughty: I say ''like'' way too much. And lol, and stuff like epic fail, roflmao, lmfao, lmao etc.
  17. This was not what I expected at all.:blink:I don't really like it, but I like the dancers and the piano. I hate the beginning, and how it looks like they just put some stuff in a building and decided to film something on spot (they actually just put stuff in a building, but hey, with other vids you can't see that:aah:) Funny how he did his signature jump at the end. Big girl is one of the cheepest looking video's I've ever seen. I still like it a lot though, because it looks like they had fun making it. I hate WAG. I liked Love Today and thought Relax,Lollipop and Happy Ending were quite nice. I hated Grace Kelly though.
  18. People just like to interpretet words in whatever way they want. But coming out doesn't mean you have to be like ''ZOMFG GUYS! GUESS WHAT! IM GHEEEEEEY!'' anymore. And btw, we kinda knew it anyway.
  19. A necklace with feathers on it, and eyeliner I believe.
  20. 1. Touches You 2. One Foot Boy 3. Pick up off the floor 4. Lover Boy 5. Rain 6. Blame it on the girls 7. Good Gone Girl 8. Dr. John 9. I See You 10. Toy Boy 11. We Are Golden 12. Blue Eyes 13. By the time Well, something like that anyway. But I love the first 3 equally, and By the time is definitely my least fav.
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