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Everything posted by xlindee

  1. What happened on stage yesterday, if I may ask? I haven't really been here that much this week, so I missed a lot, and also the sound on my pc isn't working, so I haven't seen any interviews since 2 weeks ago.
  2. In the Dutch Album top 100, he's gone from #8 to #9. In the single top 100 WAG has gone from #17 to #71 (!) Rain isn't in there.
  3. Good point Cazzie. Are you sure that's a good idea? Exactly. C'mon man, even Erase is better. Btw, I didn't hear it either. No one on here did, we're just guessing.
  4. I'm so happy for the people that can go there! So great he'll finally be doing a few gigs there. It's not much, but hey, it's something!
  5. They always make it sound like the only people in the audience were little kids:lmfao:
  6. That's EXACTLY what it sounds like. It really does. Why couldn't he just sing GOOOOOOLDEN instead of GAAAAAWWWWWWWWLDEEEN?
  7. The lyrics of WAG you typed are wrong.
  8. Heeey, that reminds me of something. MGMT fans know what.
  9. OHMYGOD. The sound on my pc still isn't working, so I watched it without sound. Omg. So far I haven't really been a big fan of Mika's video's, but I LOVE this. It's amazing. I love the whole concept, and I've got a thing for spooky forrests, weird outfits and fireworks, so this works:naughty: I love it. What cracked me up was the beginning, where he's laying on the floor, with such a dramatical face, and then those bunny teeth:aah:
  10. He's got a necklace with a penis? Genuis. My brother, switching a bit through my boyfriend's iPod: Hey. You got Mika on there! My boyfriend: *looks at me and smiles* Well of course he's on there! He's pretty good. And he didn't only have like, one song. He had LICM, TBWKTM and even the EP.
  11. Nothing, because the sound of my pc isn't working:crybaby:
  12. And then I'll come in waaay too late and extend it with another 2 weeks. YUCK. That's even worse than GB I think. Or at least just as bad:teehee:
  13. T4P Nothing we didn't know yet, but worth reading anyway.
  14. He needs to hurry up with the vid. I hear Rain a lot on the radio, but without a video...
  15. Those are stupid reasons. Wow. I'll never get why American radio is like that.
  16. My little sister went with me and both of my parents (aargh) to a Mika gig 2 years ago. Back then she was 11, and she was fine. She's a tough girl, and knew a lot more stuff then you should know at the age of 11:teehee: My parents also thought it was fine. Like everyone else said, the occasional swearing is hardly understandable, and IF he will do the animal sex thing again (which I highly doubt), then it only lasts less than a minute, and she won't understand it anyway. And the atmosphere is quite fluffy. Not many scary machomen:teehee: If you're going, have fun!
  17. I know:lmfao: Same here. I don't think he's that pretty.
  18. Don't take me off the list yet! My mom will think about it. My dad will probably say no, but she'll say yes I think. Oh, and then I'll NEED to get a ticket If my mom says yes, I indeed will pay for myself. It kinda sucked because our seats sucked, and we couldn't really see Mika, and again I missed the meet and greet. Haha. Yeah. Good that no one attacks me:naughty:
  19. Yay. Take my name off the list, I'm not going. My mom promised we would go, but we can't, cause my dad will hear this week if he will keep his job or not, and if he won't, we wouldn't go anyways. If he will, we can't go either, cause the friggin tickets are sold out. Thank you God. Thank you for ruining everything because everything fun costs money. Don't say I shouldn't whine because I've seen him twice and some haven't seen him at all. Last time sucked anyway, and a Mika gig is like, one of the only good things in the year, since we never go on a vacation either. Stupid money.
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