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Status Updates posted by willywonka

  1. Ah!


    Did you think i didn't know that???


    This is as addictive as a drug, dearest...


    See why i didn't feel the need of insisting much wit you, coño??? lol


    Welcome back, you were deeply missed, please stay, i'll be here for you...




    Thank you so much for the Willywonka Song my dear Queen of Captions lol

  3. Ahahahahahah:lmao: your new avie....

  4. ai carlota tou a ver isto muito parado ainda nao e hoje que o tipo da a cara (e o blog)

  5. ai tu keres ver que aquela ideia triste do meu marido de usar o mesmo envelope deu asneira???????????' arrrrrrgggggggggg vou torcer lhe o pipo!

    Ja volto...

  6. Ain't it sinister and wrong??? LOL

  7. Ain't it? :lmao:




  8. Ainda bem que estas a gostar!

    E apanhaste uma altura optima, cheia de novidades, andamos numa seca o inverno todo, sem noticias nem nada, so uns bloguezitos pra animar a coisa muito de vez emm quando...bjs

  9. Ainda nem sei, Lu, eu nem tenho cartao, tenho de esperar que o meu marido chegue amanha...

    Deixa ver os portes e a alfandega prai, se nao for muito caro eu mando, mas nao prometo nada ate ver preços ta??

  10. Ainda sao pequeninos, mas espero que a eduaçao que lhes damos os faça ser responsaveis e tentaremos sempre controla los sem que eles deem conta...


    A Lota é uma filha perfeita, organizada, inteligente, optima aluna, boazinha, carinhosa, generosa, nunca pensei ter uma filha assim...


    O Ba é um Cro magnon com coraçao de manteiga, fan da mae..lol


    A concha é uma Barbie loira que bate as pestanas quando depois de birras e gritos infindaveis lhe vamos dar uma palmada, porque ja sabe que como e charmosa nao temos coragem de lhe dar uns tapas...lol


    ja a dona mikona deve ter passado pelo mesmo que eu, ou ainda pior com este doido varrido que e lindo de morrer aahahahahaha


    Porrada neleeeeee! lolz

  11. All the recipes u posted seem like a Chef's ones to me ;)

    And thank you for the future intermittent posts ;)

    And Happy New Year, btw...

  12. All the time and phonecalls...

    As I work at home friends call me from their jobs...Hi, tell me quickly how do you say this and that...lol

  13. Always luuved the Beatles, my grannies fav band ever,, i grew up listening their albuns when she was nursering me ;)

  14. And here you go lol



  15. And i love yours, Droops!


    You're one of the few who keeps up with my crazyness, girl...lol

  16. And i tell you the same i did to her: Good!!!

  17. And i was sooo happy u got the MINI DOC (new 2009 trend name, vlog is soooo 2008 lol) in time for your bday!

    Ammaaaaaaaziiing ;)

  18. And it's time i go to bed, it's 1am and i have to get up at 7, i have 3 kids to take to the school, 20 kms away from where we live...


    Great to talk to you, see you tomorrow...:)

  19. And you don't know who did it???

    And u just came back for that???

    We all miss u B, come to the oldlings....pweeazeee

  20. And yours is very catchy too....:)

  21. Angel my saviour, i'm a computer doh, my hubby is the pc geek...lool


    He doesn't understand what's wrong with the links you're posting...


    He says i have a ACER1 netbook with Linux OS and the only program i have installed is Media master...


    What do i need to download or install in order to watch this stuff online'????


    Pardon my ignorance...:)

  22. Angel, what's wrong?

    I was reading Pick your drool thread and saw you had to call the police because of an ex???????


    Are you ok?

  23. Angel...PM! We gotta talk girl...like now...

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