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Everything posted by PommeNoir

  1. I totally agree. I truly respect him for being so sincere and for never forgetting where he came from.
  2. Loin de la mer, et pour toujours, vivons sur terre, rêvant au grand jour. Ne m'oublie pas, l'amour est là, pour toi et moi. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je t'aime, mais je suis prête à t'aimer quand même! Prince de la chance, la vie commence, pour toi et moi!
  3. he's Matthew Gray Gubler I like him very much:) And Damon:) But my current love is Andy Bernard!!
  4. Thanks for welcoming me:) You're really helpful!!

  5. J'essaye de faire de mon mieux:) Et je voudrais être heureuse si vous pouvez m'aider devenir parfaite en français.
  6. Oui, je suis hongroise:) j'ai appris l'anglais et encore le français en Hongrie. L'anglais, c'est plus facile pour moi! En ce moment, je veux écrire en anglais parce que toutes les expressions reviennent en anglais je suis désolée.
  7. Jobban belegondolva, nem is tudom, hogy mekkora lehet a "bubigyártó", szóval előfordulhat, hogy be sem engednék.
  8. Merci beaucoup. J'adore apprendre des langues variées, mais á mon avis français est une langue très difficile...
  9. majd én is megadom a számom:)
  10. huh, én is megveszem lassan:) pont ma volt egy családi összejövetel, és hallottam, hogy egyik ismerősöm akart venni egy ilyen buborékfújó delfint, ami lényegében egy pisztoly volt, és már-már ipari mennyiségű buborékot lehet vele fújni... azt hiszem, az Aldiban látta, nem vagyok biztos benne. Lehet, hogy majd megnézem...
  11. C'est une bonne idée!! Je voudrais m'inscrire, c'est possible? Moi, je suis Reni et j'ai 20 ans. Je suis hongroise et j'habite á Londres. Je parle un peut français, je l'apprendre depuis 4 ans...
  12. I adore the Southern English accent. If I met a guy who speaks with an accent like that, I'd probably tell him to continue speaking and to never ever shut up. And I also like Brian Molko's unique accent, it's a little bit mixed, it's the combination of English, Scottish and American. Of course Mika's accent is really lovely too!!
  13. I don't give a damn what other people think about me, I like Mika, my bf (if I have) might have other obsession.
  14. the scars of your love remind me of us the other one is...too dirty to post here.
  15. what happened? Once I was in love with a gay boy. It still hurts.
  16. I'm studying at university (Faculty of Special Education). One year ago I've made a decision to be a special education teacher and a scientist of learning disabilities. It's pretty exciting, but to be honest, I've always wanted to be a doctor. So, it seems I scr.wed up. Now, I'm leaving my country, I'm moving to London, and I'm trying to figure out what I should do with my life. All I know is that I'm not happy.
  17. Oh, I'm ageless... By the way, I'm in the 20-30 zone.
  18. I speak Hungarian, English, French, Franglais (), and a tiny bit of Russian (just speak, I cannot read).
  19. Oh, thank you!! You're very, very sweet :)))

  20. Against my family I support gay people. My family don't want to understand my reasons, I'm just the stupid girl who has no boyfriend, so I might be gay, and perhaps that's the reason why I take sides on homosexuals... That's a sh.t, although I find some women attractive, but I consider myself a heterosexual girl, I can only imagine my life with a man... I think so. Or anything can happen to me, I'm young. All in all, as I see these things, it's a human right to get married. Marriage is not a heterosexual privilege. Love is love. People should learn how to be tolerant!!
  21. If someone tries to control me and says how to live my life. Humiliation. Abusive and rude people.
  22. my ridiculous passport photo. I definitely look like Mr Bean:aah:
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