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Digital Love ♫

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About Digital Love ♫

  • Birthday 09/20/1994


  • Bio
    L'amour c'est con comme la lune

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  1. J'ai 1 billet en fosse pour Marseille Offering 1 standing ticket for Marseille. Let me know if you're interested !
  2. Hello MFC fam! looking for/je recherche: - 1 billet fosse /standing PARIS (accorarena) selling/ je vends: - 1 billet fosse / standing MARSEILLE let me know 😀 merci
  3. Ah yes, sorry I didn’t notice the other thread! Will ask there. Merci @dcdeb @Anna Ko Kolkowska
  4. Hello MFC fam! Looking for a single fosse/standing ticket. Let me know thanks
  5. As a consolation prize, I've been listening to the entire Live at Brooklyn Steel album from the comfort of my bed here in NYC. 🤗 Really bummed about not being able to be with you all tonight... I am headed to Montreal this Thursday and was looking forward to the Bell Center show as well, but I won't be able to attend the new date since I'll be heading back to Paris this Sunday. Sending love to you all 💕 Stay High MFC fam!
  6. I'll be travelling back to Paris April 10th, sadly... I'll be there in spirit.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb-uap_vnvk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Postponed... 😢
  8. Hello! Thanks for thinking of me, just caught up with the entire thread. I would have loved to be there, but I already have family plans that evening.... I will be there in spirit and cannot wait to see you all so soon!!!
  9. Hello all, is there an update on departure time for the boat? Thank you so much for organizing this!
  10. 25 euros sent! Looking forward to seeing everybody so soon
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1bi60D7RS/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Mika & Metallica Harmony stacking mashup I found that rather intense, yet amusing. Are there any Jukebox the Ghost listeners? What are some of your favourite songs? I actually discovered them back in 2010 when I was listening to "MIKA" radio station on Pandora They are a really fun trio and Ben is an INCREDIBLE piano player. They are also touring North America this fall for anybody interested
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