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Everything posted by nas

  1. :floor: I can't do phone calls but u girls are brilliant!! The one with the pic is funny cos it's true
  2. That was fun!! Thanks for the hard work as usual guys I think she sounded ok at the end XD
  3. I only had 3 1/2 hrs sleep but I'm up! And the 3 others MFCers I'm staying with are ip too.. We will have an interesting rest o day But yes last night was amazing!! Typing on a phone is difficult so just a few points He didn't do heroes or overrated tho they were on the set list.. I wish he would ditch BB by now The 'polka dot choir' was really good.. I'm glad they tried this experiment He left off the hat for a few songs and then someone threw a very nice sequined, glittery hat onto stage and he loved it and wore it for the rest of the song... Being front row so close was AMAZING my iPhone actually took pics this time, tho I didn't take many.. My only disappointment was that stardust was acoustic it sounded great but would've sounded even better as studio version I wasn't the only person who thought that cos I saw ppl attempt to head bang to the chorus The little signing afterwards was sweet, short and small.. So nice! Afterwards a group of us went to eat which was another awesome experience!! Oh we also saw the band crossing the street and got to tell them how awesome they were! When he said he was going to be on CNN we were all like but apparently he's on starting point within the next hr so we're watching on TV now
  4. aaahh good to know i'm not the only non-fan of dita's i don't even care abt her stropping or her 'fakeness', she just strikes me as ridiculously boring..even in spite of being married to marilyn (who i find very interesting btw) i can't find her the least bit exciting... this interview left me hanging a bit too..it wasn't bad, but it promised discussions of fetishisms and sexuality and the few vague comments left me unsatisfied.. i blame the journalist for the scandalous by line
  5. aaaah finally a recent print interview that I actually enjoyed! i'm heartened to see him basically admit the reason he didn't correct the bisexual label til now is that he wasn't ready to say he was gay publicly... and finally some truth about the bf!! that took many interviews indeed
  6. T4P!! this was a great backsatge look:thumb_yello: gotta say the irony and subversiveness of singing TOOL with a gospel choir hit me full force while watching this...I wonder if they objected to the lyrics..
  7. yup. i'm glad the reviewer liked the album overall, but seriously?! it's as if he felt he had to check all the usual boxes of who mika has been compared to - scissor sisters, freddie, robbie...wtf....it's incredibly annoying and doesn't say much for the reviewer or the credit he gives to his readers
  8. o maan he's speaking spanish i can try to understand i guess,,, did the ant just come on to him?
  9. T4P!! well at least i know what to get MammaP... his last experience with guiness was significantly nicer than mine..i haven't touched the stuff in 8 years!!
  10. luke ur a star!! excellent job video-ing this!:naughty: also i liked the tribal drum thing..
  11. awww just another reason i wish i was Irish pics look beautiful and OMG that photoshoot!!:mikalove: the lucky lass who got called on stage..in a pub..!!!
  12. OMG I was reading this review and from the get go i had this exact expression on my face No literally. She contradicts herself with every sentence and goes on too long with words that say nothing much I don't read music reviews but this one struck me as quite boring
  13. i think everyone means a collab with PSY - the korean singer of the original version i'm pretty sure it is...sounds so, unless someone ripped off PSY
  14. Sorry for the disappointment ladies but i hope you at least giggled :aah: OMG that mitt romney clip is HAH trust u to choose that scene
  15. I found this link on fb (thanks Sarina!) and couldn't stop laughing Please feel free to close or move if it's posted somewhere else (i searched but couldn't find it)
  16. yes! there in a sec!! :boing::aah:

  17. T4P!! he likes mad men...why am i not surprised...gosh mika couldn't you have picked something that surprised me?!
  18. he's been stripe-ified aww poor mika so that's what that look looks like....
  19. i agree!!! srsly i had a wtf moment with this whole ensemble...esp after he was talking in an interview recently about not looking back at yourself in 5 years and feeling like a fashion victim i'm being harsh, i know....
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