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Everything posted by Presci1108

  1. Ah, ah, I understand ! It's been 13 years( half of my life ! ) but since I can't travel so much and alone, I only saw him 6 times But each time there's a new tour where I can go to a show, each time he post something excitig (like this thing bout the show), each time there's something to wait, I'm so happy I'm melting from happiness. And the happiness is so strong it annihiles all the rest ! We're probably all the same ! Just for saying, it's difficult for me to express my emotions, but it seems I'm strangely open and expressive when it comes to Mika.. He's also the man who made me discover we could cry of happiness... I'm happy to feel something so strong. Anyway, Florine, I'm so happy for you ! And I find your message so nice ! People used to tell me that when I was 14 and was sad to be unable to go even at one show. And they were right ! And now I can't wait the release ! He really had us by surprise !
  2. Aw... with a little more time, I would have tried, but I need some time of organisation for traveling and it's impossible for me to making it in one day. So this time, I will pass; Anyway, it's a nice attention he had for us and I appreciate it.
  3. So, if I understand well. Not only Mika will be there, but he also has written the music for the firework show... Wow ! Can't wait to see that ! It's the first time of my life I say that for Now Year's Eve I usually hate...
  4. What an interesting topic ! There's so much beautiful traditions I don't know about ! I will read that. I'm from the same region than carafon, so it's basically the same thing, excepted our own family's traditions. For us, Christmas is very important; and since they always had children, my parents made it very well since i'm born. It's beginning since the first of december and the beginning of our home's decoration. One week, it's the outside, one other, the tree and other interior's decorations. We reduced, but still have a lot of things. It was even more ten years ago. We were the most "visited" house of our village and used to see cars stop, so we didn't really have the choice. It was only in white lights. Now, it's wood stuffs we're making ourselves, mom and me. Then, we're making "braedele" in family, with my grand-mother. And then, we have the 24th december party, we reunite, normally, and Santa Claus' coming for the children of the family. This party, I love it when it's the Santa's moment, but it's also the most difficult time for me (I will write something in the autism's topic, on our relation with parties...) I really prefer the days when we're alone and calm. Then, we have also other family's members who come and, some years, our little Chrismas' walk we're making when it's not too rainy (with a little picnic in the cold...). And pratically each year, a day in the mountain for the snow... In fact, we're making Christmas from the 1st to the 31 december. This year, there will not have a 24th party, since covid is still there so we will only see each other little by little, but Santa Claus will not forget to visit anyway. And we decorated it like always. I will make pictures of our "Santa's house"
  5. Hello everybody ! Hope you're all well ! It's finally December ! Where I am, this 1st day of winter is also the first snowy day. Good week to eveyone ! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Presci1108


      I understand you. Snow is a lot more prettier to my opinion. Where I live, the mountain isn't away. So there's snow every year, even if it's only just a little. I'm used to it and I love it. 


      In fact, now, it's raining there and the snow is melting. But still, I am happy to have already seen snow this year. 

    3. Paoletta


      @Presci1108 Hello my friend... already snow...! here in Italy it is cloudy and there is light rain but also here for Friday snow is expected cabin fever cat GIF yes December he'se here... good week you too!! kiss ans stay safe...:penguin:Face Mask GIF by Kochstrasse™


    4. Presci1108
  6. Just happy right now 

  7. Honestly, I don't even know what breed he is. I don't think he is pure breed (My first rabbit was a Netherland, but I think Coco's ears are a little too long and he is a little too big). It's true it changed a lot for rabbits these last years. Mine is totally free in the house like a dog or a cat, but they still told they must to have a hutch and make some walks when I was a child, and I didn't think they could live in the house like that. I always regretted to not knowing that for my first rabbit...
  8. i didn't introduce my dwarf rabbit Coco. He's 6 years old and is still pretty much mischievous and lively, but also affectionnate. He's contantly with me like a little dog, excepted when he's sleeping and generally loves to be on my bed, like you see. I always had animals since I'm 4. I had a cat, a dog who die at 16 years old last year, another rabbit, and now, Coco is the last one who's still alive. I think I can't live without them.
  9. It's really too bad. I hope there will be a DVD or at least the possibility to watch it legally in all the countries soon... This show deserves it and plus, it would be more money for Beirut...
  10. And there it is ! I don't know if it will work in another country, but for the french at least, we will have it for an entire month ! https://www.france.tv/france-2/unis-pour-le-liban/2000953-mika-i-love-beirut.html It's good to be french ! And we see it's entirely a part of the "Unis pour le Liban" evening.
  11. Me too, I want my next (and first) car to be electric if it's possible. (I live at the countryside, it's still difficult to drive in an electric car here but I hope it will change soon... when I will dare to drive without being so terrified of course😶). Well, I would love to see that in France too. The more I see Mika, the more I am happy ESPECIALLY since the song is "Tomorrow"
  12. Thank you all ! You were so quick ! How could I not see that ! It's so interesting ! 😃 P.S : It was just after Strasbourg's show. Ok, I know why I missed.
  13. @TinyLove_CJI felt the same thing. Even if I knew it would be amazing, I never thought I would have a feeling as strong... I'm even a little depressed, like after a real concert is finished ! After 13 years of being Mika's fan, I'm still surprised, still experiencing things I never knew about before... I never imagined how a virtual event could be so moving and alive ! Mika was definitely right hen he said the theater wasn't empty. We were obviously with him and Beyrouth, and he was with us and Beyrouth as well.
  14. He's just perfect for this ! If there's one artist on this earth who can be an artistic director, it's him.
  15. It was so great ! So moving and beautiful at the same time. I had goosebumps more than one time. All those interviews with Lebanese people ... Any Other World killed me... And this Promiseland... It was really a beautiful show. I was so pleased to see him live, even in a livestream, even in those circunstances. A wonderful event for a wonderful goal... The only problem is that I miss him so much now... It was so great. I'm so proud...
  16. Even if it's apparently more Danna's song, I really love this collaboration. The electronic chorus is the only thing I don't like that much, but I love Mika's lower voice, and their voices really fits together. It's the song who grew the more after the first listening. I really like the song itself, and I'm in love with the lyrics. Of course it's not the real sens of its, but as an autistic person, I can totally relate and these lyrics totally speaks to, and even FOR me. It's really something I often feel... I find this whole song comforting.
  17. I knew it. Make something with Mika AND animals AND animation... Sincerely, it's too much for my poor little heart. Plus the animation is really beautiful. How I miss this kind of graphism... I'm totally in love with that. Yes, it's sad, but it totally suits him. Joyful song with sad story... It's 100% Mika. It would be strange if he would only be this cute little squirel (though I find it so cute )
  18. My feelings are always stange when it's this kind of songs. Basically, I like the song. It's catchy, full of joy, nice. But it's not the kind of things I prefer from Mika. I had the same feeling with Elle me dit (well... I think I prefer when he sings slower songs in french). It may be nice, but it's not really Mika. I know he can make a lot more better, like he made with MNIMH. What bother me is that with that kind of songs, people doesn't see him for what he can really make. Well, that is up to him, after all, it's his decision, and I complain about his single's choices since the 2nd album But it bother me anyway. But I don't dislike this song. I like it, for itself. It's a good song for this year we're living, it's very good for dancing, the message is nice too... it's enjoyable enough. It's nice, even if it's not like all these songs I don't have enough. It's all that matters for a single, and all I expected for a collaboration, with Soprano especially. It's good to hear him, though, I like it enough for being happy. P.S : I already know I will love the clip. If there's an animated clip with animals in it, I will fall immediately. I'm pretty weak when it comes to animation AND animals.
  19. I keep hoping it would be posponed, in autumn for exemple... Since it's a Foire aux Vins, it would be possible, for the wine season, no ? 😅 But yes, keep safe, it's a lot more important ! If it's too dangerous, I would prefer it to be cancelled... I would be so bad if it happens something at my family because of me...
  20. Yeah, I keep hoping, but in the same time it will be difficult, and I think it will be the case for all this summer's festival as well... But in the same time, the most important thing is everybody is well and safe... It would be a non sense if we're all sick after it...
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