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Everything posted by ladyolivier

  1. AH! THIS IS THE THREAD FOR ME. I can show off one of my favorite things I've made! My Mika bracelet! There's actually a story here: I started this when I wasn't a huge fan - I simply liked Happy Ending and Grace Kelly, and loved the colors on the bracelet. I thought, I like those 2 Mika songs, and this pattern's pretty, so why not. So I started it, worked on it on and off for while, and then abandoned it about halfway through. Fast forward 6 months or so: the Mika love hits me HARD. And then I go "WAIT! I have that bracelet I didn't finish!" and I finished the second half in like a week I wear it almost every day (if any brave souls want to make their own, here's the pattern http://www.braceletbook.com/pattern_alpha/9512.html- but I warn, it was a pain to make XD the style of bracelet is really difficult at first - though it does get much easier with practice)
  2. I DID NOT KNOW VIVE LE VENT EXISTED I live for Christmas music. I live for Mika. I live for songs sung in french. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE
  3. My local mall plays SATS on their regular playlist
  4. He's the person I first heard use the phrase "bless your sainted soul" :-)
  5. Kumazzz, in the words of Tom Hiddleston, bless your sainted soul THANK YOU SO MUCH.
  6. Only number 23. Got all the others. The sendspace link took me to number 32, that's the only problem. It worked just fine, it's just the wrong number LOL
  7. That link takes me to 32 instead of 23 :-( That site is great, and where I got the others from, but for just this one, all 6 or 7 links for 23 are broken.
  8. Has anybody got daily 23 kicking around on their hard drive somewhere? I've got ALL THE OTHERS. But this one I couldn't find :-/ I've been all over the internet. I remember a while back I had a link to a Chinese (?) website where someone had uploaded I think ALL the dailys from seasons 6 & 7 but I have somehow managed to lose it . Hoping to find someone else who hoards things on their hard drive like I do
  9. This one's a long shot, but I'll ask anyway: X factor season 7 daily 23. I've got ALL THE OTHERS. But this one I couldn't find :-/ Has anybody got this one kicking around on their hard drive somewhere? I combed the XF 2013 thread but no luck there. I've been all over the internet. I remember a while back I had a link to a Chinese (?) website where someone had uploaded I think ALL the dailys from seasons 6 & 7 but I have somehow managed to lose it. (posting this in the XF thread as well) Edit: Problem solved by Kumazzz the magical.
  10. Ah! I figured it had something to do with his tea-ocd. Octea? Merci for the translation!
  11. Would a kind, Italian speaking soul please translate/explain what happened with the coffee/tea? Mika looked mildly horrified at it but I'm not quite sure why LOL
  12. Don't know how much help this is (as I don't know enough about playing Piano to know LOL) but he plays a bit of BBB on an old piano at 6:20 here (ajD6Exr_hBM), and you can see his hands quite well, so you might be able to pull what notes he's playing off of that.
  13. I was about to post this one! This one of my all time favorite photos of him. Love that you can see the eye freckle. (if anyone knows the technical term for the spot in his eye, by all means tell me! I love that spot so much. So unique & unusual.)
  14. Your sympathy is much appreciated LOL. If/when I ever get the chance to go to one I'll be SURE to wear it! Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
  15. Hello! I'm a...lurker. Had an account for a while now (4 or 5 months I think) but I tend to just tiptoe around, leaving no footprints as I walk through the settled dust of old threads, catching up on 8 years of Mika news which I was not present to catch. Been a fan for something like 6 or 7 months now? Even I don't know LOL. (I think my brain got up and walked away from my skull earlier today, forgive me. ) I spend most of my time here scrolling through the various photo threads and voraciously absorbing as many subtitled foreign interviews as I can. I speak no French or Italian (really want to learn French). I'm a mythical creature - an AMERICAN Mika fan! I tend to call him Meeks in conversation. Meeks has been known to reduce me into a shambling pile of flailing fangirl, because how is it possible for a human being to actually be that CUTE He's sincerely the most adorable thing I've ever seen. His face just makes me happy. I have an Instagram at snuggleswithlokiandthephantom , where I talk about Mika a lot...maybe more than the people who follow me for other fandoms (Tom Hiddleston, Phantom of The Opera) want me to , and that page also functions as...a...um...fanpage for his ankles. I kind of love his ankles. Also, I think I'm almost as much of a fan of Melachi and Amira as I am of their owner at this point. Hmmm...what else about me? I really want a Mika hug one day. I made & wear a rainbow friendship bracelet which says Mika on it. Never gotten a single comment on it Anyway, Hi! Nice to meet you all! I might not post/comment often, but keep an eye out for my footprints...and maybe you'll see me peeking around a corner ever now and then
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