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Everything posted by ladyolivier

  1. This performance made me so incredibly happy! It was absolutely amazing. I really adore Vincent
  2. This is so true. He's one of those people that naturally stands out from a crowd and draws your eye even if you've never seen him before. It's not only because of his beauty, it's a little more than that - he's one of those people with that indescribable thing people talk about, elegance and grace without trying. It's not just his appearance, it's the way he carries himself. Gaaaah I love him so much
  3. All these pictures are beautiful but this one especially is seriously messing with my heart
  4. I have to admit I find this picture hilarious Every person is looking at different cameras and only the guy in the middle is looking at the person actually taking the picture
  5. I don't know he he feels about them (I presume he must not mind them, since he would certainly be able to get them fixed and hasn't), but I love his slightly crooked front teeth so much. They're so unique and adorable It's all the little imperfections that make his face so special.
  6. Instagram expert, checking in. Messages on instagram work kind of like twitter DMs, but slightly differently. If you receive a message from someone who you've never messaged before (or perhaps who you're not following? I'm not EXACTLY sure what the rule is) it comes in as a "message request", and when you open it you see the message and options at the bottom that say "accept" or "deny". Insta has this feature because their DMs have a "seen" feature, and they want to insure no one puts themselves in a position to receive abuse for "seeing" a message but not responding, so unless you choose to accept the request the person who sent it doesn't see that you have opened it. Basically, the person can open your message without you knowing they have opened it unless they choose to let you know this. If you comment on something, and start that comment by "@" tagging someone, Insta sometimes (it seems kinda arbitrary, to be honest) sends it as a message unless you click a way-too-tiny "x" symbol, and then it posts as a comment. You can tell if it's going to send it as a message or not because if it is, there's a thing above the comment field that says "sending as a message". the little "x" is on the right hand side of that bar. If you touch it the bar will go away, and this is how you can tell it's posting as a comment. Additionally, the "send" button is green for messages and blue for comments. /end instagram mechanics rant I am 100% sure he gets tons and tons of insta messages and snapchats. I would bet anything that he doesn't even check his messages often and when he does, the sheer volume probably makes it difficult to even pick them out from each other. In short, I would bet he never saw your message, and if he did he didn't think twice about it. I don't think you have anything to worry about, really! Besides - we all know he loves us, I don't think he's waiting to stand in judgement over the 100s or maybe 1000s of people who've sent him messages LOL. Really, I think you're fine
  7. I have 27 and 33! I will send you some google drive links for them so they can be uploaded to VK and added here :-D
  8. Has anyone got the interview this moment is from? Apparently it was a conversation about yoga, which does look like what's going on LOL. I found what I think used to be a youtube link, but the account has been terminated, and I really need this in my life
  9. I'm already sad this round of shows is over. I have a very long (1.5 hour) drive to and from college (3 - 4 hour round trip) 2 days a week, and my Wednesdays are usually nearing the 10-hours-awake point by the time I start my hour and a half drive home. I'm always so tired and usually a bit annoyed at this point, and each of these episodes I've downloaded onto my phone and listened to on these Wednesday afternoon drives. it turns out three weeks was exactly enough time to get used to this tradition His radio voice is so lovely and soothing and such a nice way to put a calm, pleasant end to my long tired day. I'm already dreading having to drive home without Mika to keep me company next week LOL. I may just have to download the whole Art of Song catalog and start listening again from the beginning!
  10. Omg, when the book finally comes out he should record an audiobook. I can't imagine anything better than listening to him reading his own writing.
  11. For some reason the absolutely wonderful BTS video for this music video has disappeared from youtube. I'm pretty sure it was mikasounds that had it up to begin with, so I have a lot of questions as to why it's been taken down. Either way, does any wonderful soul happen to have hoarded it on their computers and happen to be willing to re-upload it to youtube or vimeo or similar?
  12. I've always assumed that "gauuwldun" (lol) was an intentional affectation for the song. I rather like it actually, makes it even more fun to sing along with His accent definitely seems to waver a bit and sounds different depending on the day. But I'm american as well so I am not a native expert
  13. omg, I came here for exactly this! My friends and I have been trying to figure this out. I adore this suit. I'm very tempted to make a "beauty is a birthright" shirt.
  14. I came looking for this to ask if anyone had info about the numbered cardstock prints, and here I find people talking about them at the end of this thread! I just snagged one on Ebay for $6! It's really beautiful in person, and I have it on a wall in my room that has a color changing light pointed at it, which looks super super cool.
  15. this picture made me so happy! So precious <3 (and the Mel's cute too )
  16. This might be a big ask, but would it be possible for the Afterparty ep to be made available as a download as well? Sorry if that's impossible/very difficult.
  17. I've got a mildly embarrassing one: do we know what cologne/perfume he wears? I feel like maybe this has been discussed but I'm not sure what conclusion was reached. I have seen couple people say Bleu De Chanel, and they seemed certain, so perhaps he's mentioned that at some point, but I'm not sure where. I...might have acquired a tester of that at a mall today XD It's very nice and definitely seems like him, but I was wondering if we did have anything definite. Or maybe someone who's smelled him in real life has an opinion? XD
  18. Watch out guys: I'm going on a ramble. I am so sad this show is over. It was so incredible. I went into this the first week simply expecting some good tv, some cuteness, something to laugh at. But, in he end, this show has ended up meaning so much more to me than that. The last few months of my life have been rough. As my friends in the random thread know, my home was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew and it's been an exhausting process trying to recover while simultaneously trying to not get behind in my first semester of college. I can truly identify watching the first episode of this show as a turning point in my recent life. I can honestly say that sitting on my grandmother's sofa, watching Mika and Paola dance Testa-Spalla-Baby-1-2-3, was the first time in a while that I felt true joy. And that seems to have been a true point: everything has only gotten better since then. It's partly coincidence - the show happened to come out at the same time as other things in my life finally improved. But all that took a long while. Finally feeling like I could feel again, feel things other than tiredness again, helped me get through. I've talked about this before to my friends on the random board, but I felt like posting it here. I find that I don't have words to accurately express what this show has ended up meaning to me. It was a gift wrapped box of joy dropped on my doorstep. I'm so sad that it's over, but I am going to carry this in my heart for the rest of my life. Thank you Mika. With all my heart and soul. Because of you, and your infectious exuberance, and your smile and your kindness and your terrible dancing, I came out the other side of a terrible period both stronger and happier. I will never forget any of this, and I know when I am older this is a story I will be telling my children and my future partner and forcing everyone in my family to listen to.
  19. That outfit would be inexcusable on anyone other than him , but he looks so cute in it
  20. Thank you guys <3 We have finally found a place to live and will be moving soon, so things are looking up, finally! I have to find a huge Christmas tree now, my new house has super high ceilings and my old Christmas trees are too short!
  21. I saw them too. Not to dwell on negativity, but I was honestly kind of amazed at how horrible they were. Not just objective critique from people who simply don't like his voice (hey, they're allowed to be wrong LOL) but some absolutely disgusting and honestly upsetting things. I will never understand what motivates people to be so venomous. OK I'M GOING TO STOP DWELLING ON THE NEGATIVE NOW These shows make my ears so happy and the more of them he does the better <3
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