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About AmeliaJPond97

  • Birthday 09/08/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location -
    Bremen, Germany
  • Occupation
    University Student
  • Interests
    Mika, David Tennant, Michael Jackson, Space flight

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  1. Just heard the spot on uk radio. On Kiss. Not near as good as seeing it in tv, but still made my day
  2. On Twitter the spot is mentioned or retweeted by Peugeot France, Spain, Greece, Portugal and UK. More I didn't find for the moment, but that seems already quite international... Unfortunatly Peugeot Germany and also Peugeot Italy tweeted nothing about it so far. But I'm not sure if it would work very well in Germany anyway, however, I really hope they'll use the campaign also there
  3. Hi, I'm looking for something thats not about Mika directly, but is still connected in some kind. So what exactly is Creepy neighbour? A band with Max and Curtis? I tried to find out a bit more about them, because I like the singing of max quite a lot and would like to follow his activity a bit more as well, but the instagram, facebook and twitter pages are not that informative as I hoped... so can anyone help? Or is there maybe already a topic about this existing which I havent found?
  4. My friend drew me this gorgeous picture of Mika for Christmas and inspite of the fact that she isn't quite a Mika fan, I think it is absolutely great and must be shared with the MFC, so I hope I am at the right place here for this http://27greenstrawberries.deviantart.com/art/Mika-653668507
  5. Hi, I am already a member since February and try to be more active here now. However, I just recognised that I never introduced myself and so, finally, here is my introduction: I am 19 years old and from north Germany, but I live (until July 2017) near London and work as an aupair. The first time I heard music by Mika was probably around 2007. It was the time as "Relax take it easy" were everywhere and I remember that we heard it sometimes in the bus on our way to school. But I never knew who sang it and, for my defence, I was in elementary school and hadn't any interest in music at that point. Therefore it's quite unusual for me to remember a specific song, yet for any reason it sticked in my mind. Than I came across him in the internet in autumn 2014, as I googled...somebody else with the same name... I saw some concert and music videos, some interviews, did a lot of research et cetera et cetera, because I liked him and his music. That's how my obsession started and now I am really addicted to his music. By the way: I read about the planning for the 10th anniversary, I mean the poll, but the thread was already closed as I spotted it and I can't find a new one. Is there a new one? If there is something in London, I' d really like to try to join it, even though I am just a member since February. AmeliaJPond97
  6. Perhaps it's obvious or there was already a discussion about this. Yet I couldn't find anything, so I need to ask: Inspite of the fact that I understand almost no word, I watch the second episode now and wondered who George is. On his numberplate are the words "Hi George" and now I'm very curious about that Does anyone know who's meant with that?
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