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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. Do you mean like having different hosts or co-hosts? That could potentially work, more so if we exclusively use @mikafanclubtoo for the whole of Pride. I'd have to see if @dcdeb would be ok with that. I completely understand that not everyone is a performer (but honestly everyone is welcome!) so perhaps Mika fans can nominate their friends who they know would love to take part in something like this šŸ¤” At the moment I just want to make people aware that we will celebrating again this year, and I so want this Pride concert to go ahead!
  2. RAINBOW WARRIORS UNITE!!! (photo by @tiibet) It is coming up to that time of year again where MFC will be celebrating Pride! Last year I had such an amazing response to doing the Pride parade video, I couldn't believe the messages I got, everyone was wonderful! I hope fans are prepared for this year too! I've discussed a few ideas with @dcdeb and we would love to do a live Pride Concert! You heard me, LIVE! More information regarding how to take part and dates are TBA. For now I would like to gather enough interest to make sure that this idea can become a reality. We are looking for all kinds of performers to take part. Singers, dancers, musicians, drag queens! All performers are welcome in this safe space for the LGBT+ community! Ideally this will be done over on Instagram and if enough people want to take part then the Pride concert will be spread over a few days. There may even be a little something, a little "tip of the hat" shall we say, for a performer that that really shines! Would love to hear people's thoughts and feedback about this, if last year was anything to go by then I'm sure this will be a great success! There will also be a Pride photography competition! All fans are welcome to submit a photo that represents what Pride means to them. What brings you joy and happiness throughout Pride month? Share it in a photo! With photography you can be as creative as you want and really think outside the box. More information coming soon! And finally, another little idea I have to celebrate Pride month, and something just for fun, is a way to get to know our fans a little better. I would love LGBT+ fans to take part in answering some "Getting to Know You" questions. I already have 25 questions written down that fans can choose from (which I will share later), there are LGBT ones, Mika ones, general and personal. The idea is to answer a couple of questions either in a reel or tiktok video which will then be shared on MFC's other Instagram account @mikafanclubtoo so make sure to give a follow there too! I hope fans will find this a fun thing to do and a unique way of celebrating what makes us who we are! UPDATE: Now sharing the Getting to Know You Questions! Here they are: 1. Who was your first celebrity crush? 2. What advice would you give your younger self? 3. What is your favourite Mika album? 4. What is your favourite Mika song? 5. Did you find coming out difficult? 6. Do you have a favourite LGBT+ book? 7. Do you have a favourite LGBT+ film or TV series? 8. Have you seen Mika perform live? 9. What is one question you would ask Mika if you met him? 10. Have you ever been to a Pride event or parade? 11. Have you ever been to a drag queen performance? 12. Curly haired Mika or short haired Mika? 13. What would you cook for Mika if he was coming to your house? 14. If you could work for Mika, what would you want to do? 15. Give an unusual fact about yourself 16. When did you first feel differently about your sexuality? 17. What would your drag queen name be? 18. If Mika could grant you one wish what would it be? 19. What is a fun activity you do with your friends? 20. What is your ideal first date? 21. What is your dream travel destination? 22. What is an achievement or project that you're proud of? 23. What Mika song would you take off his setlist? 24. If you could go back in time to any Mika concert which would it be? 25. When did you become a Mika fan? Fans can get prepared now with which questions they'd like to answer. You don't have to do anything right now , video responses won't be shared until next month anyway! Questions 5 and 16 I understand are quite personal, it's perfectly fine if you don't feel comfortable answering those! I hope everyone likes the questions I've come up with though and it will be interesting to see your answers, either serious or funny ones! Let's make this year's events something to be proud of! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ
  3. I dreamt last night that I was at the Cheltenham gig and I had a front row seat! The concert had come to an end and everyone was leaving but I wanted to meet Mika so I sneaked up onto the stage and headed round the back of the venue. I saw Mika about to leave in a car so I rushed up to him to ask for a photo. He was so sweet and took a photo with me and gave me his autograph too! (He was wearing a brown leather pilot's jacket). But then a security guard came running after me shouting that I wasn't allowed in that area! I made a run for it up a large hill where another security guard was waiting for me, this one was shouting about how I'd left a car in the wrong place! I said it couldn't be me because I don't drive! I kept running away through the streets and didn't see Mika again after that.
  4. The concert looked absolutely wonderful and Mika packed so much into it. The duets with Nomfundo looked magical too, what a lovely surprise! Can't wait to see more from people!
  5. Loved Sailor Moon as a child! Haven't watched it in full for years though. Sailor Mercury was my favourite character!
  6. Welcome (again!) Leo! I'm CJ from the UK, and I'm sure you'll discover a whole lot of Mika goodness here from the MFC! Have fun here šŸ˜
  7. I've been going through some old children's books I have (deciding what to keep and what to give away) and I came across this rather beautiful illustration in one of them! šŸ˜ This is one of the few pages that is actually in good condition, the rest of the book... well not so much! šŸ˜… But it was a gift from my Nanna when I was about 5 years old, so I'm keeping it!
  8. While in Chester I bought a rare (-ish?) copy of Kipling's 'Just So Stories', one of the stories is "How the Camel got its Hump", it has prints of Kipling's illustrations and here is the camel getting it's hump!
  9. Finally found time to go through my photos of my trip to Chester Zoo! And here we have Mika's camels!!! And there's not one, not two... but three!!! A couple of close ups! Mystery 3rd camel, who are you? šŸ¤” This one is Becky! She has a sore hump that won't heal properly but she is fine! And the adopters sign! While watching the camels the weather was fine but as soon as I left them to go see the lions it started raining so bad! Mainly stuck to the indoor enclosures while I was there, but I wanted to pass the camel enclosure again before heading out but they'd all gone inside by then Really surprised as well that the gift shop had no camel merch whatsoever! Little bit gutted about that. But I did buy this at a charity shop! šŸ˜ I had a good time there (despite the weather), it's well worth the visit!
  10. West Yorkshire. But slightly more north westerly I guess šŸ˜… And there's plenty of festivals, arenas and theatres up here! *MANIFESTING INTENSIFIES* Yeah, even I'm not sure I'd be willing to travel like that for a concert. Sorry Mika!
  11. Really not keen on buses/coaches (don't ask...), no matter how cheap they are... I will continue manifesting for Mika to come further north!
  12. My trip to Chester in a nutshell: It rained. A LOT. My hotel room was barely big enough for a hobbit, and I'm 5"7 šŸ™ƒ Saw so many good dogs! Camels were also seen... šŸ‘€ šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« I enjoyed my time there šŸ˜Š Return journey in two words: Blood + Panic
  13. I'm glad Mika is doing more in the UK, but I'm still hoping for something closer to me! From my tiny town to Bristol I'm looking at 5+ hours of travel, out of curiosity I did look at train prices too, at the moment for a return ticket I'd be looking at Ā£230! And that's before looking at accommodation! I hope people going enjoy themselves though, hopefully the sun will be shining on the first day of Summer for Mika! šŸ™‚
  14. Now finished watching series 1 of Casa Mika with my Mum! Mum wasn't too keen on ep.3, a little bit too rude... (Oh boy... just wait 'till series 2 ) Ep.4 was her favourite mainly because of Kylie, and most of the other songs were in English too. We both agree that we would love to get in a car with Mika, just as long as he's not driving!!! Had to laugh at the flat tire scene though, especially when Mika said "I can hear the pshhhh of the tire." šŸ˜‚ Well to paraphrase Mika, if you ain't got the pshhhh.... you ain't gonna drive very far!
  15. His house is beautiful! šŸ˜ I want to be there so bad! His style of decor is similar to how I would love my own house to be, if only my Mum would let me šŸ˜… I love the organised randomness of it all!
  16. Maybe not flowers but there's this line from Celebrate "Where the trees I planted grow" šŸŒ³ šŸ˜Š
  17. Just over 7 months since my last post here about spider Tiny Tim and I finally saw him again today! (I always assume it's the same spider even if it might not be šŸ˜…) I can now confirm that he his definitely male! Male jumping spiders tend to be darker along the back whereas females are lighter all over. Glad to see he's still around. He doesn't bother me and I don't bother him. But I'd prefer it if he stayed away from my clothes! Might have to start charging him rent if he stays any longer...
  18. Just thought I'd try this and have discovered I can only do this on my left hand, not my right! šŸ˜…
  19. Hi Sarina There's so much more to discover about Mika here and I'm sure you'll soon find your way around the forum and meet more Mika fans! Enjoy it! šŸ™‚
  20. YES! I'll find it! Tempted to also ask a keeper if they've seen a mystery curly haired man just standing by the camel enclosure, quietly singing to them maybe... šŸ˜
  21. There will be so many pictures! I will give this a go! šŸ˜
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